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Inside a Znter lithium 9V battery.
Post Date: 2020-06-29 18:48:48 by Esso
Poster Comment:Clive is from the Isle of Man. Been following him for years. Knows his electronics.

Making Mead with Anatoli - Cooking with Boris
Post Date: 2020-06-29 12:48:48 by Esso
Poster Comment:Maybe I should move to Russia. Those dudes look like fun and I've already got the ushanka. I'll bet BLM and ANTIFA aren't burning shit down there either. Might even be able to find a gal that's not "woke" and stupid as a stump.

Moscow Doesn’t Get US Space ‘Hysteria’ as Musk Taunts Russia
Post Date: 2020-06-27 12:22:30 by BTP Holdings
Moscow Doesn’t Get US Space ‘Hysteria’ as Musk Taunts Russia Russia is amazed at the excitement of the United States people. They just cannot understand the reason why millions of people have cheered over the feat of sending people back into space. For years, America has been on the sidelines of space exploration because of the trouble with the space shuttles. Since the shutdown of the program private citizens have taken up the challenge to reinvent the technology of space travel. What marvels about the Russian people is the ingenuity of the American people and the drive of the American spirit. Russian space officials were baffled by the challenge that President Trump and ...

Seattle's "Summer Of Love" Quickly Turned Into The "Summer Of Lawsuits"
Post Date: 2020-06-26 23:26:37 by Esso

China Makes “Technological Breakthrough” In Hypersonic Scramjet Ground-Test
Post Date: 2020-06-13 10:08:26 by BTP Holdings
China Makes “Technological Breakthrough” In Hypersonic Scramjet Ground-Test June 13, 2020 10:21 am As tensions rise between China and the US, and the race for hypersonic weapons heats up, the Chinese Communist Party’s daily tabloid newspaper Global Times is reporting “record-breaking progress” has been made in scramjet technology to power its hypersonic weapons. Researchers at the Institute of Mechanics under the Chinese Academy of Science developed and tested new scramjet technology that resulted in a ground test that lasted 600 seconds (considered a “technological breakthrough”). Now, this far outpaced the world record of 210 seconds set by ...

This One Vitamin Could Save You From the Coronavirus
Post Date: 2020-06-08 08:16:19 by Horse
As you fortify yourself against the coronavirus—wearing a mask, social distancing and keeping your immune system strong—there may be one vitamin you're forgetting that might hold the key in keeping you safe from COVID-19: Vitamin K. New findings may show "a link between deficiency and the worst coronavirus outcomes," according to the Guardian. Poster Comment:Vitamin K2 works with Vitamin D. Other studies of patients in an ICU Vs others in better shape revealed that deficiencies in Vitamins C and D-3 made the patient sicker. Also Selenium, a mineral and co-factor for Vitamin E, also seemed to help patient response.

Professor claims only 10% of coronavirus patients develop antibodies meaning it may never be possible to measure true scale of pandemic
Post Date: 2020-06-08 07:56:26 by Horse
Only 10 per cent of people who are infected with the coronavirus develop antibodies, a professor claims. Professor Karol Sikora, an advisor to the World Health Organisation, said the majority would have a negative result on an antibody test, even though they have had the coronavirus

25 Things You Might Not Know About the Birds in Your Backyard
Post Date: 2020-06-04 09:53:45 by Horse
Humans are very preoccupied with flight. We've spent decades and billions of dollars refining air travel; we often dream about flying without the aid of technology. It's little wonder many of us find ourselves fascinated with birds, who make the act seem so effortless. In honor of National Bird Day January 5, we thought we'd take a closer look at some facts behind our avian friends. 1. They Have a Curious Desire to Cover Themselves in Ants While we know a lot about birds, we don’t always understand their motivations. One example: “anting,” or the practice of covering themselves in living or dead ants. Cardinals are prone to the practice, allowing ants to crawl ...

Unexplained Light and Energy in Earth's Skies a 3200 Year Cycle
Post Date: 2020-06-01 09:38:40 by Horse

Magnetic North Has Been Acting Strange and We May Know Why
Post Date: 2020-05-27 20:41:49 by Horse
Poster Comment:He has reassured me about our long term survival.

Whistleblower Dr. Judy Mikovits - 11 Minutes That BLEW ME AWAY
Post Date: 2020-05-27 20:27:02 by Horse
Poster Comment:Starts at 1:55. This is the best interview ever with her. And the shortest. Explains how contaminated blood and vaccines are contaminated with XMRV, a mouse retrovirus. She says 25 million Americans have this retrovirus. It correlated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Every vaccine damages you though the cancer might not show up for 20 years.

One in three European women has Neanderthal gene that increases their chances of giving birth to healthy children
Post Date: 2020-05-27 17:15:50 by Horse
The Neanderthal receptor for progesterone is linked to fewer pregnancy issues. Women who report fewer miscarriages were more likely to have this receptor Authors looked at data from 450,000 European women and their fertility history

“Trust Is Being Undermined” – Harvard Medical School Prof Questions Fauci’s “Shading” Vaccine Results
Post Date: 2020-05-24 20:06:55 by BTP Holdings
“Trust Is Being Undermined” – Harvard Medical School Prof Questions Fauci’s “Shading” Vaccine Results May 21, 2020 At a moment in time when narrative-following “scientists” are lauded like unquestionably omniscient supreme beings enabling dumb-as-a- rock-partisan-politicians to play omnipotent overlords without fear of blowback, the world needs more people like William Haseltine. The last two weeks have seen markets and politicians jump exuberantly at the hope of every press release from a biotech firm that proclaims one of their pet rabbits didn’t die when they fed it their latest DNA-reshaping test material (oh that is except if anyone dares ...

Four Reasons You Shouldn’t Exist
Post Date: 2020-05-23 07:28:25 by Ada
Physics says you’re an impurity in an otherwise beautiful universe. Slate Amid perfect cosmic symmetry, there’s us. Photo by Illustration Alex Eben Meyer. You’re almost unfathomably lucky to exist, in almost every conceivable way. Don’t take it the wrong way. You, me, and even the most calming manatee are nothing but impurities in an otherwise beautifully simple universe. We’re lucky life began on Earth at all, of course, and that something as complex as humans evolved. It was improbable that your parents met each other and conceived you at just the right instant, and their parents and their parents and so on back to time immemorial. This is science’s way ...

Austrian Study Finds ‘Sign Of Human Intervention’ In Coronavirus
Post Date: 2020-05-18 08:43:26 by Ada
Virus was cultured to attack human cells, according to research. A scientific study in Austria has found that SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that has led to a pandemic, was likely created in a lab, barring some “remarkable coincidence” that led to the virus naturally evolving to be optimised to attack human cells. The study was led by Nikolai Petrovsky, a vaccine researcher at Flinders University. The scientists in his team discovered that the coronavirus is optimized for penetration into human cells, rather than animal cells, which means that the theory that it emerged from an animal market and jumped to humans naturally is unlikely. Lifesite News reports that the scientists ...

The real Lord of the Flies: what happened when six boys were shipwrecked for 15 months
Post Date: 2020-05-09 14:24:43 by Ada
When a group of schoolboys were marooned on an island in 1965, it turned out very differently from William Golding’s bestseller, writes Rutger Bregman Interview: ‘Our secret superpower is our ability to cooperate’ For centuries western culture has been permeated by the idea that humans are selfish creatures. That cynical image of humanity has been proclaimed in films and novels, history books and scientific research. But in the last 20 years, something extraordinary has happened. Scientists from all over the world have switched to a more hopeful view of mankind. This development is still so young that researchers in different fields often don’t even know about each ...

Chasing the Shadow Virus: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and XMRV (Mikovitz)
Post Date: 2020-05-08 23:38:37 by Anthem
In one of the most bruising science debacles of the decade, researchers hoped to track down the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome — but ended up studying an artifact created in the lab. On the uncharacteristically cool morning of July 22, 2009, 24 scientists gathered at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. The topic: a troubling new retrovirus called XMRV. A paper in the journal Science was about to implicate the virus as the cause of a devastating disease with a dismissive name: chronic fatigue syndrome, or CFS. Doctors have compared the worst cases of CFS to end-stage AIDS. CFS patients have cancer rates that are significantly elevated and immune systems that are ...

Bizarre iron-shelled snail that lives in underwater volcanoes and can endure searingly high temperatures and pressures draws in minerals from the environment to reinforce its scaly 'armour', genetic analysis reveals
Post Date: 2020-05-07 12:19:13 by Ada
The scaly-foot snail is the only creature known to incorporate iron in its skeleton It survives high temperatures and high pressures of underwater volcanic vents Decoding its genome for the first time could revel secrets of life's early evolution Their resilient iron-coated shells may also develop stronger protective armour The mystery of the volcano-dwelling snail and its iron shell has been unravelled by scientists after its genome was decoded for the first time. The scaly-foot snail (Chrysomallon squamiferum) survives in what researchers have called the 'impossible living conditions' of underwater volcanic vents. Enduring searing temperatures, high pressure, strong ...

Scientists say a now-dominant strain of the coronavirus appears to be more contagious than original
Post Date: 2020-05-05 11:40:32 by Ada
Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory. The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote. In addition to spreading faster, it may make people vulnerable to a second infection after a first bout with the disease, the report warned. The 33-page report was posted Thursday on BioRxiv, a website that researchers use ...

Is Imperial College Still Open for Business?
Post Date: 2020-05-05 09:11:17 by Ada
Back in the 1960s, the British academic establishment was rather excited about the work of Karl Popper, the philosopher who developed the concept of empirical falsification. Popper was keen to define the demarcation between the scientific and that which only mimics empiricism and scientism. A theory, according to Popper, can be considered scientific if, and only if, it is potentially falsifiable by experiments or its predictions. Popper attempted to create criteria that would deny psychoanalysis, Marxism and astrology any scientific status based on the fact that these theories are not falsifiable. One may wonder what Popper would have to say about the ‘science’ of Neil ...

Why eco-leftists are suddenly turning on Michael Moore
Post Date: 2020-05-03 11:41:39 by Ada
Director Michael Moore's "Planet of the Humans" has his comrades up in arms as he dismantles the "green energy" myth -- showing how the fantasy of wind turbines and solar power is propped up by burning fossil fuels. Director Michael Moore's "Planet of the Humans" has his comrades up in arms as he dismantles the "green energy" myth -- showing how the fantasy of wind turbines and solar power is propped up by burning fossil fuels. I pay as little attention to Michael Moore as humanly possible. But when his latest documentary opened on Earth Day to attacks from fellow leftists, including calls for censorship, it got my attention. After all, one ...

Oregon County Says "No Whites Allowed"
Post Date: 2020-05-03 10:02:30 by Ada
Authored by Simon Black via, Are you ready for this week’s absurdity? Here’s our Friday roll-up of the most ridiculous stories from around the world that are threats to your liberty, your finances, and your prosperity… and on occasion, poetic justice. “No whites allowed” safe space for employees of Oregon county Do you know what’s been missing from the government’s response to coronavirus? You might think– ‘more testing kits’, or ‘honest information’. Nope. According to at least one county in the US state of Oregon, the biggest issue right now is establishing “safe spaces” where no white people are ...

RED ALERT: President Trump “pivots to mandatory vaccinations,” jumps in with Big Pharma’s diabolical “warp speed” mass medical experiment on the American people
Post Date: 2020-05-02 10:28:36 by Ada
Over the last two months, we have watched in horror as Big Pharma and its “death science” puppets like Dr. Fauci appear to have taken over the White House and the Trump administration’s response to the coronavirus pandemic. Now, we have yet more confirmation that Big Pharma has completed its coup against the United States of America, capturing President Trump who is now apparently pivoting to mandatory vaccines as part of the so-called “warp speed” project being run by Big Pharma (and pushed by Dr. Fauci). This comes on the heels of the news that Dr. Fauci is now tied to funneling money to communist China’s Wuhan virology lab that developed the coronavirus ...

Ultraviolet Salvation
Post Date: 2020-04-29 11:42:36 by Ada
The novel coronavirus panel known as Covid-19 has decimated the American and much of the worldwide economy. The media is covering it nearly non-stop. CNN is covering it non-stop including the running death tabulator for the United States and the rest of the world and this is creepy, morbid and misleading. On average 8,000+ people die in the U.S. everyday. Death from non-Covid causes gets no attention, disturbing. This is written in April 2020. Our salvation is imminent and we do not have to wait for the largesse of a Federal giveaway. The sun which we can depend on is delivering it during daylight. Solar radiation, specifically the ultraviolet spectrum, will do the job. We must go thru a ...

Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?
Post Date: 2020-04-29 08:51:45 by Ada
High-profile physicists and philosophers gathered to debate whether we are real or virtual—and what it means either way. If you, me and every person and thing in the cosmos were actually characters in some giant computer game, we would not necessarily know it. The idea that the universe is a simulation sounds more like the plot of “The Matrix,” but it is also a legitimate scientific hypothesis. In 2016, researchers pondered the controversial notion at the annual Isaac Asimov Memorial Debate here at the American Museum of Natural History. Moderator Neil deGrasse Tyson, director of the museum’s Hayden Planetarium, put the odds at 50-50 that our entire existence is a ...

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