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EV Battery Breakthrough: Twice The Range, Five Minutes To Charge
Post Date: 2020-03-07 17:49:30 by Anthem
"Korean scientists claim to have found a new anode material that can substantially increase a battery's range while massively improve charging time" The amount of research being done into better batteries for electric cars is perhaps the clearest indication of how high the stakes are in the car world. Breakthrough after breakthrough comes from labs around the world, and the latest is among the most impressive a new anode material that can increase a battery’s range twofold while greatly accelerating charging times. The news comes from the Center for Energy Storage Research at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology. A team of scientists from the center succeeded ...

NASA: "Wouldja believe the Mars-Rover snapped this super-detailed 1.8 Billion-Pixel panorama video of Martian landscape??"
Post Date: 2020-03-07 09:49:26 by Liberator
NASA's Curiosity rover has captured its highest-resolution panorama yet of the Martian surface. Composed of more than 1,000 images taken during the 2019 Thanksgiving holiday and carefully assembled over the ensuing months, the composite contains 1.8 billion pixels of Martian landscape. The rover's Mast Camera, or Mastcam, used its telephoto lens to produce the panorama; meanwhile, it relied on its medium-angle lens to produce a lower-resolution, nearly 650-million-pixel panorama that includes the rover's deck and robotic arm. (snip) Curiosity Mars Rover’s 1.8 Billion-Pixel Pano (360 View): NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover produced this 360-degree panorama of "Glen ...

Kratom drama in the NH Senate [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2020-03-07 00:34:29 by NeoconsNailed
Kratom Ban Bill Opposed by Standing-Room-Only Crowd at NH State House – Full Video A standing-room-only crowd showed up to the NH state house on Tuesday to testify against a bill that would ban Kratom, SM758, only to discover that at the senator who submitted the bill changed it at the last minute into a bill that would instead regulate Kratom. It was a sneaky move on the senator’s part, as it flipped the energy in the room. Most of the average folks who’d taken time off to come out and speak against the potential prohibition of Kratom were then relieved that it was now a regulatory bill, without understanding that regulations are also bad for freedom and will hurt the ...

Coronavirus vs. the Mass Surveillance State: Which Poses the Greater Threat?
Post Date: 2020-03-05 09:54:29 by Ada
“If, as it seems, we are in the process of becoming a totalitarian society in which the state apparatus is all-powerful, the ethics most important for the survival of the true, free, human individual would be: cheat, lie, evade, fake it, be elsewhere, forge documents, build improved electronic gadgets in your garage that’ll outwit the gadgets used by the authorities.”—Philip K. Dick Emboldened by the citizenry’s inattention and willingness to tolerate its abuses, the government has weaponized one national crisis after another in order to expands its powers. The war on terror, the war on drugs, the war on illegal immigration, asset forfeiture schemes, road safety ...

Scientists Uncover California’s Hidden Earthquakes
Post Date: 2020-03-01 17:34:34 by Horse
Nearly two million tiny tremors could help explain the inner workings of key faults Every 174 seconds the ground in Southern California trembles as Earth’s tectonic plates shudder past one another. That amounts to 495 earthquakes every day, according to a new analysis of seismic data that isolated the very weakest measurable tremors in a region famous for its seismic jitters. The new study, published this week in Science, adds nearly two million earthquakes to the catalogue of total seismic events in Southern California over the past decade. Although the newly known quakes were imperceptible to humans, the findings help fill gaps in the earthquake record, shedding light on the ...

Top Civil Servant next to go?
Post Date: 2020-02-29 12:30:43 by Ada
Corona is the field around high voltage electricity. Click for Full Text!

Did Nikola Tesla Leave Us a Key to Free Energy?
Post Date: 2020-02-28 20:31:19 by BTP Holdings
Did Nikola Tesla Leave Us a Key to Free Energy? Gaia Staff October 21, 2019 6 min read Could We Still Implement Some of Tesla’s Moonshot Technologies Today? We have many reasons to thank Nikola Tesla when it comes to modern technology, but had capitalistic greed not stood in his way, Tesla’s contributions to society could have gone significantly further. Despite his mental breakdowns later in life, likely caused by detractors and capitalists who refuted his utopian visions for society, Tesla created a plethora of inventions, with the goal of transmitting energy to the world at little to no cost. While Tesla is known for his advancements in AC power, radio transmission, ...

Not magic, science! Researchers develop system to produce electricity out of thin air
Post Date: 2020-02-28 20:02:20 by Horse
Researchers have achieved the seemingly impossible by producing electricity out of thin air. The remarkable system uses an incredibly thin film of protein nano-wires and a little bit of air, and voila, voltage! Decades ago, scientists discovered an unusual microbe, G. sulfurreducens, which can not only produce magnetite without oxygen, but it can also make bacterial nano-wires that conduct electricity. After years of research and development, the Air-gen was born. "We are literally making electricity out of thin air," says electrical engineer Jun Yao from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. "The Air-gen generates clean energy 24/7." The system is quite ...

Eureka! Physicists accidentally stumble upon mind-blowing new material that could upend physics as we know it
Post Date: 2020-02-28 20:00:05 by Horse
American physicists believe that they have discovered a strange state of matter entirely new to science – and they did it all completely by accident. Famously, many of the greatest scientific discoveries have been accidental. Alexander Fleming let bread go moldy and discovered penicillin. Archimedes splashing about in the bath stumbled upon how to measure the volume of a solid. 1 READ MORE: Not magic, science! Researchers develop system to produce electricity out of thin air It’s perhaps an indictment of the modern world’s overly-regimented and bureaucratic scientific community that such unintentional breakthroughs never seem to happen anymore. Western ...

Coronavirus far more likely than Sars to bond to human cells due to HIV-like mutation, scientists say
Post Date: 2020-02-27 21:02:04 by Ada
Research by team from Nankai University shows new virus has mutated gene similar to those found in HIV and Ebola Finding may help scientists understand how the infection spreads and where it came from Coronavirus ‘up to 20 times more likely than Sars to bind to human cells’ Secretive South Korean sect held meetings in China’s epidemic epicentre 26 Feb 2020 The Shincheonji church in Daegu has been linked to a cluster of infections. Photo: Yonhap via AP News Coronavirus: South Korea records almost 300 new cases 26 Feb 2020 A disinfection operation at a research institute in South Korea, where coronavirus cases have surpassed the 1,000 mark. Photo: Xinhua News Number ...

Scientists Discover HIV-Like “Mutation” Which Makes Coronavirus Extremely Infectious
Post Date: 2020-02-27 09:11:00 by Ada
“This virus may use the packing mechanisms of other viruses such as HIV.” While mainstream scientists continue to perform mental gymnastics to insist that the new coronavirus wasn’t man-made, new research from scientists in China and Europe reveal that the disease happens to have an ‘HIV-like mutation’. This allows it to bind with human cells up to 1,000 times stronger than the Sars virus, according to SCMP. Recall that at the end of January, a team of Indian scientists wrote in a now-retracted, scandalous paper claiming that the coronavirus may have been genetically engineered to incorporate parts of the HIV genome. They wrote “This uncanny similarity of ...

An Antarctica heat wave melted 20% of an island's snow in 9 days
Post Date: 2020-02-25 10:31:48 by BTP Holdings
An Antarctica heat wave melted 20% of an island's snow in 9 days By Scottie Andrew, CNN 12 hrs ago A nine-day heat wave scorched Antarctica's northern tip earlier this month. New NASA images reveal that nearly a quarter of an Antarctic island's snow cover melted in that time -- an increasingly common symptom of the climate crisis. © NASA The images show Eagle Island on the northeastern peninsula of the icy continent at the start and end of this month's Antarctic heat wave. By the end of the nine-day heat event, much of the land beneath the island's ice cap was exposed, and pools of meltwater opened up on its surface. Antarctica experienced its hottest day on ...

WARNING: RED-PILL AHEAD! "Real Eyes Realize Real Lies" (2018 Documentary)
Post Date: 2020-02-23 13:48:11 by Liberator
The spinning "Globe" Earth is the actual "conspiracy". The actual truth: The Earth is a stationary plane. Careful now. This awesome documentary is 25 minutes worth of concentrated Red-Pill truth. Or...ignore it. Don't watch. OR...don't bother watching the first few minutes, give up only to go ahead and swallow the Blue-Pill once again. "They" prefer this be the case. There is no Purple-Pill compromise.

Worms Frozen for 42,000 Years in Siberian Permafrost Wriggle to Life
Post Date: 2020-02-22 15:26:58 by Horse
Did you ever wake up from a long nap feeling a little disoriented, not quite knowing where you were? Now, imagine getting a wake-up call after being "asleep" for 42,000 years. In Siberia, melting permafrost is releasing nematodes — microscopic worms that live in soil — that have been suspended in a deep freeze since the Pleistocene. Despite being frozen for tens of thousands of years, two species of these worms were successfully revived, scientists recently reported in a new study.

No Dark Matter – Again the EU is Ahead of the Curve
Post Date: 2020-02-22 15:22:14 by Horse

The Young Russian Math Genius Behind the #2 Cryptocurrency, Ethereum, and His Plans for a 'Democratizing World Computer' [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2020-02-21 08:52:09 by Ada
Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology were meant to liberate the oppressed, bank the unbanked and democratize countries with opaque authoritarian governments. Whether or not the crypto sector has actually achieved these goals remains a topic of debate, but it is fair to say that a surprising number of crypto startups, initial coin offerings and blockchain companies have either missed the mark or proven to be outright scams. But Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has been unassailable in his mission to build the “World Computer.” Since piecing together a revolutionary white paper in 2013, the soft-spoken genius behind the Ethereum project and Ether cryptocurrency has been ...

The ‘Internet of Things’ Is Sending Us Back to the Middle Ages
Post Date: 2020-02-21 07:23:38 by Ada
Who owns all these devices we buy? Who controls them? Who do they control? Internet-enabled devices are so common, and so vulnerable, that hackers broke into a casino through its fish tank. The tank had internet-connected sensors measuring its temperature and cleanliness. The hackers got into the fish tank’s sensors and then to the computer used to control them, and from there to other parts of the casino’s network. The intruders were able to copy 10 gigabytes of data to somewhere in Finland. By gazing into this fish tank, we can see the problem with “internet of things” devices: We don’t really control them. And it’s not always clear who does – though ...

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Children’s Health Defense Submitted Historic Case Against U.S. Government for Children Injured by Wireless Technology Radiation
Post Date: 2020-02-18 09:48:51 by Horse
CHD Chairman, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., will lead the legal team with seasoned telecommunications and administrative law attorney Scott McCollough. Children’s Health Defense (CHD) is leading a historic legal action against the Federal Communication Commission (FCC) for its refusal to review their 25 year old guidelines, and to promulgate scientific, human evidence-based radio frequency emissions (“RF”) rules that adequately protect public health from wireless technology radiation. The Petition contends the agency’s actions are capricious and not evidence-based. The Petition was filed on 2/2/2020 in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. The Petitioners include ...

Genetically Modified Seeds: Conceived as a Weapon
Post Date: 2020-02-18 08:52:46 by Ada
Read Part I and Part II. GM seeds and GM food carry great risks for all nations, so much so that for many reasons it is probably imperative these foods be banned outright. This subject is too large to be discussed here, but one aspect requires brief notice. If we were to ask about the origin of GM seeds, how the idea was conceived and developed, who did the research and who provided the funding, how would we reply? We might reasonably suggest that perhaps the concept originated in the Biology or Agricultural Department of some university, or that a government lab doing research on food supplies might have conceived and pursued the idea. Or, we might suggest a private company in the ...

New Way to Generate Electricity From Rain Can Power 100 LED Bulbs Per Drop
Post Date: 2020-02-17 17:27:11 by Horse
Tapping into the water cycle and generating electricity from rainy days could be one way to grow our renewable energy use. Until now, scientists have been unable to get water droplets to produce a significant amount of power - but we may finally have a breakthrough. While we're still a long way from umbrellas that double up as generators, the latest approach shows there might be a way to get power from rain showers at a level of efficiency that makes these systems practical. New research has found a method that could generate enough power from a single droplet of rain to light up 100 LED bulbs. That's a big jump forward in efficiency, in the region of several thousand times. ...

Inside the Pentagon's Secret UFO Program
Post Date: 2020-02-15 16:31:05 by Ada
The government can’t keep its story straight about its involvement with UFO research. After a yearlong investigation, we bust open the files, break through the noise, and reveal the definitive, staggering truth. As I sit in a small cafe in the shadow of the ancient Roman gates in Trier, Germany, talking to a person whose credibility seems beyond reproach, but who will only agree to talk to me if provide absolute assurances of anonymity, I can’t help but feel like I’m trapped in a Dan Brown novel. The Da Vinci Code, however, never dealt with unidentified flying objects. “Was it about UFOs? Of course,” this person whispers with a grin of melodrama. After almost a ...

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words (PT 14 & 15)
Post Date: 2020-02-13 11:45:56 by Liberator
Part 14: Part 15: Memes are effective and popular in that don't require much time and patience, yet....they provide instant, extensive information from which to process. These memes (Part 14 & 15) are the last in a series that thus far. They focus on Realm-Truths, reinforcing real-world observations, exposing and challenging life-long mental imprinting & programming, the scriptural reinforcement of our realm & reality, and...Common Sense. The 'ThePottersClay' YouTube website is a very worthy source of truth -- whether from a Christian viewpoint or secular viewpoint. ...

A Reader Thinks Finding Alien Life in Space is Very Unlikely
Post Date: 2020-02-10 08:08:57 by Ada
The following is a reader’s comment on yesterday’s piece about the likelihood of finding alien life in the galaxy. I’m a proponent of the rare earth hypothesis myself. I would be surprised if there were more than 10 carbon copies of Earth in the Milky way, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we were the only Earth in the galaxy. I think normies, and even a lot of higher IQ people are way, way, way too optimistic about the odds of intelligent alien life. Allow me to enumerate all the intricacies that make Earth so special: Firstly, an Earthlike planet has to have a long lasting molten core. Earth is the only rocky planet in the solar system, including all known dwarf ...

Trump touts Space Force, moon and Mars plans in State of the Union address
Post Date: 2020-02-07 07:35:14 by Bill D Berger
Space exploration got a couple of shout-outs in President Donald Trump's State of the Union address Tuesday night (Feb. 4).During the nearly 80-minute speech, Trump touted the recent establishment of the Space Force — the first new U.S. military branch to be stood up since the Air Force in 1947 — as one of his administration's key accomplishments thus far. And one of the president's special guests for the State of the Union, which is held every year in the House of Representatives chamber of the U.S. Capitol building, was a kid with Space Force dreams.Related: Presidential Visions for Space: From Ike to TrumpPresident Donald Trump speaks during his State ...

Water Seems to Have Not One, But Two Distinct Structures in Its Liquid State
Post Date: 2020-02-06 14:12:20 by Horse
Life as we know it wouldn't exist without it, but compared to other liquids, water is just a freaking weirdo. And, as it now turns out, it's even weirder than we thought. Scientists in Japan have demonstrated that water has not one, but two different molecular structures when in its liquid state - one tetrahedral and one non-tetrahedral. That discovery, they say, could have implications for our understanding of living systems, which rely on liquid water. Water is pretty commonplace on Earth. We have a very soggy planet compared to the rest of the Solar System. We bathe in it; we drink it; we muck about in it in the summer. All life on Earth depends on it. Yet water itself - good ...

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