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Causes of the Ice Age and Nova, the Greatest Secret of the United States
Post Date: 2019-03-09 19:57:48 by BTP Holdings
Video series 4, Part 1, covers the most important information for anyone on this planet because I will fully explain what causes the ice ages and why they happen immediately after a geomagnetic reversal (Pole shift, polar reversal). The las time it happened was about 12,000 years age and it is estimated that only about 30 fertile females survived and all of us are related to one of them. To ask Questions send them to: To make contributions to the Diehold Foundation go to Diehold Foundation is a 501(c) (3) non-profit public science foundation. I will cover the cause of the Ice Ages at the time of Geomagnetic Reversals. The earth does ...

Series 4, Part 4D The Last Ice Age and Changing C-14 Dating.
Post Date: 2019-03-09 18:54:42 by BTP Holdings
Video Series 4, Part 4, Proves why a meteor or asteroid did not cause the last ice age or mass extinctions. You will find out why this theory was purposed and who did it. It is an example of another attempt by government to deceive the public from the truth. The video reveals an attempt by the European government to change the accuracy of Carbon-14 dating so the public and scientists could connect the ice ages with the 12,068 year cycles. The video shows that the glass beads and microtektites examining worldwide came from the Sun. This video covers the scientific proof our Sun novas and shows the particles it ejects at the time of the reversal and what lands on the Earth. This ...

Dr. Happer will set them free
Post Date: 2019-03-08 21:01:09 by Ada
It was easy enough to predict that Trump would appoint Dr. William Happer to set up a Presidential Committee on Climate Science. Two years have passed and have been lost. The first years of the Trump administration were hobbled by poor Cabinet picks, a proportion of whom conspired against him and others who were just hopeless. Scott Pruitt at the EPA should have got on with Dr Happer's appointment straight away but instead spent $3.5 million on his own security detail. In the meantime, the climate juggernaut rolled on, producing 1,500 pages of alarmist nonsense in an official government report. You can tell how important Dr Happer is by the forces that have been marshaled against ...

Global Cooling Forecast 2020-2030 Global Famine | Mini Ice Age 2015-2035 (121)
Post Date: 2019-03-05 20:23:23 by BTP Holdings
This video entails all of the orbital diagrams and overlapping cycles in Landscheidt Cycles, AMO, PDO, Gleissberg Cycles and why the organized chaos planet wide is in preparation for global food shortages by 2022. Major cooling will begin in 2019 with global crop losses 2021-2022. Governments of the world will try to control the collapse, through limiting your movements and currency availability.

SpaceX capsule docks with space station in test mission
Post Date: 2019-03-05 19:18:07 by BTP Holdings
SpaceX capsule docks with space station in test mission Samantha Masunaga, Los Angeles Times on Mar 3, 2019 SpaceX's Crew Dragon capsule docked with the International Space Station early Sunday morning after maneuvering itself in another major milestone of its test mission. The capsule did not have humans aboard. Instead, it carried 400 pounds of supplies for the space station and a mannequin passenger, outfitted with multiple sensors to measure its ride to space. This was the first time a SpaceX capsule had attempted to attach itself to the station. During the company's previous 16 resupply missions, its Dragon cargo capsule hovered below the station until it was grabbed by ...

John Casey Discussing the Grand Solar Minimum, Earthquakes & More GSM EXCLUSIVE
Post Date: 2019-03-04 20:49:04 by BTP Holdings
#GSMUPDATE #grandsolarminimum Interview with John Casey and Grand Solar Minimum Jake & Mari Interview John Casey. Interviewed on Jul 17, 2017 This is the last interview John Casey had before his stroke. We are keeping him in our prayers! Veritence Publishing, Inc at This important new science book, "Upheaval!" is now available through Veritence Publishing, Inc., Trafford Publishing and and other retail outlets, in both paperback and eBook formats. This profound science work by some of the world's leading climate science and seismology experts, shows why the United States has just entered one of its most dangerous periods ever. ...

Cold Sun Warning! 350-Year Ice Age Starting in Months
Post Date: 2019-03-04 20:33:21 by BTP Holdings
Cold Sun Warning! 350-Year Ice Age Starting in Months Today's TruNews may be one of the most important in the ministry's history. Host Rick Wiles offers stunning evidence that the earth will soon enter into a drastic cooling cycle, contrary to the current religion of world-wide climate change. Featured is Professor Valentina Zkarkova, whose latest models have been updated from a decades-long cold snap, to one lasting centuries. Do world leaders know (and are they secretly preparing) for the weather change, and what will those in the Body of Christ do to respond? Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 11/19/18

He's Creating a New Fuel Out of Thin Air — for 85 Cents per Gallon
Post Date: 2019-03-03 05:07:48 by Tatarewicz
OZY... Roger Gordon’s plans for ammonia could be a central component of a carbon-free future. The Daily DoseFEB 27 2019 Advocates of America’s Green New Deal or other radical efforts to decarbonize the world economy in the face of a looming climate crisis may well have one of their greatest champions in a rumpled 65-year-old who lives in the Toronto suburbs. Roger Gordon wears a navy wool coat that extends well past the bottom of his green knit sweater on a chilly day in February. He talks with a quintessentially Canadian politeness as he rails against what he sees as a massive conspiracy to suppress his life’s work — which could amount to a fuel revolution. Ammonia ...

Scientists Turn Carbon Dioxide Back Into Coal
Post Date: 2019-03-03 03:48:39 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Scientists have harnessed liquid metals to turn carbon dioxide back into solid coal, in research that offers an alternative pathway for safely and permanently removing the greenhouse gas from our atmosphere. The new technique can convert carbon dioxide back into carbon at room temperature, a process that's efficient and scalable. A side benefit is that the carbon can hold electrical charge, becoming a supercapacitor, so it could potentially be used as a component in future vehicles. Researchers have used liquid metals to turn carbon dioxide back into solid coal, in a world-first breakthrough that could transform our approach to carbon capture and storage. The research ...

The Truth about Hydrogen
Post Date: 2019-03-02 16:06:17 by BTP Holdings
Get 2 months of Skillshare for FREE using this link: Errors: I made an off hand comment about adding efficiencies in the video without thinking. This is obviously incorrect, but the final calculation does in fact multiply the efficiencies.

Iran starts mass production of combat UAV Kaman-12
Post Date: 2019-03-02 01:38:19 by Tatarewicz
The Iranian Air Force (IAF) has officially unveiled the production line of a domestically-manufactured unmanned combat aerial vehicle named Kaman-12. The production line was unveiled in a Thursday ceremony attended by Vice-President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari and Air Force Commander Brigadier General Aziz Nasirzadeh in Tehran. The aircraft can fly at 200 kilometers per hour for 10 straight hours. It can use an airstrip as short as 400 meters and covers a 1,000-kilometer combat radius. The UAV weighs 450 kilograms and can carry a payload as heavy as 100 kilograms. The combat drone was first unveiled on January 30 during Eqtedar 40 Exhibition at Imam Khomeini Grand ...

Young people really are getting more stupid, scientists discover
Post Date: 2019-02-27 03:03:24 by Tatarewicz
China Daily Young people's IQ scores have started to deteriorate after climbing steadily since World War Two, a new study has found. 一项新研究发现,二战以后,年轻人的智力水平曾经历过一个稳步上升的阶段,此后,年轻人的智力水平开始不断下降。 The fall, which equates to about seven points per generation, is believed to have begun with those born in 1975, according to the ...

An entire class of agricultural pesticides found to damage the brains of children… IQ scores falling nationwide
Post Date: 2019-02-24 15:17:55 by Horse
If you’ve ever suspected that people are getting dumber by the day, new research has just proven humans really aren’t as smart as they used to be. Studies show that the average IQ score has been falling with every generation born after 1975 — and now, scientists believe that at least one pesticide may be to blame for the sudden drop in intellect — if not more. Countless studies have linked pesticide exposure to an array of health problems in humans, but scientists are now beginning to identify organophosphates, a class of pesticides, as a particularly malicious threat. Among the myriad of ill effects caused by exposure to organophosphates, evidence shows these ...

C2C Shows upcoming
Post Date: 2019-02-24 03:45:21 by Tatarewicz
Power of Intention / Stealth Technology Sunday - February 24, First Half: According to scientist and author, Dean Radin, magic is a natural aspect of reality, and each of us can tap into this power. He joins George Knapp to discuss how, after spending the last forty years conducting controlled experiments, he has demonstrated that thoughts are things, we can sense others' emotions and intentions from a distance, and intuition is more powerful than we thought. Second Half: The F-117 Nighthawk stealth attack jet is still a flying machine like none ever created. The sinister-looking aircraft that was born in top secrecy still has many stories to tell even a decade after its official ...

Scientists fear end to Mankind not 'decades away' but ‘much sooner’
Post Date: 2019-02-23 13:36:44 by Ada
OUR CIVILISATION is doing pretty well – but how long do we have left? The Roman Empire lasted around 500 years from the ascension of Julius Caesar to the deposition of teenage ruler Romulus Augustulus. By this timeline the United Kingdom in its current form is middle-aged, with Ireland joining England, Wales, and Scotland in 1801. So how long do we have left? A study part-sponsored by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center was not optimistic. PROMOTED STORY Led by mathematician Safa Motesharrei, it questioned the sustainability of modern civilisation. RELATED ARTICLES Scientists discover NEW species of spiky–spined DINOSAUR in prehistoric breakthrough Mysterious ...

Iran Penetrates into US Command Center, Picks Up Drones Control
Post Date: 2019-02-22 23:56:06 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh disclosed on Thursday that several US aircraft that were constantly flying over Syria and Iraq were under IRGC's control and their first-hand intelligence was being monitored and retrieved by his forces after penetrating into the US command center. [+VIDEO] "Seven to eight drones that had constant flights over Syria and Iraq were brought under our control and their intel was monitored by us and we could gain their first-hand intel," General Hajizadeh said in the Western Iranian city of Hamedan on Thursday. The footage below shows IRGC's penetration into US ...

Neuroscientists Say They've Found an Entirely New Form of Neural Communication
Post Date: 2019-02-22 04:21:15 by Tatarewicz
SciAlert... Scientists think they've identified a previously unknown form of neural communication that self-propagates across brain tissue, and can leap wirelessly from neurons in one section of brain tissue to another – even if they've been surgically severed. The discovery offers some radical new insights about the way neurons might be talking to one another, via a mysterious process unrelated to conventionally understood mechanisms, such as synaptic transmission, axonal transport, and gap junction connections. "We don't know yet the 'So what?' part of this discovery entirely," says neural and biomedical engineer Dominique Durand from Case Western ...

14-Year-Old Boy Builds Working Nuclear Fusion Reactor in His Home
Post Date: 2019-02-20 08:59:00 by Ada
This young teenager built a working nuclear fusion reactor in a blatant display of his white man privilege. Meanwhile, black kids in the hood are smoking crack. If that isn’t enough reason to up diversity quotas and redistribute wealth to blacks, I don’t know what is. Fox News: Some kids spend their time on social media, other kids spend their time playing video games. When it comes to 14-year-old Jackson Oswalt, his time is spent in a laboratory working on a nuclear fusion reactor. The Memphis teen finished his reactor and achieved fusion at the age of 13. He’s regarded by experts as the youngest in America – maybe even the world – to accomplish it. Jackson ...

Hawaii Storm Might Have Set the State's All-Time Record Low; Snow Fell on Maui, Too
Post Date: 2019-02-17 18:53:25 by BTP Holdings
Hawaii Storm Might Have Set the State's All-Time Record Low; Snow Fell on Maui, Too By Jonathan Erdman 4 days ago At a Glance A powerful storm raked Hawaii with damaging winds this past weekend. Temperatures atop Mauna Kea may have surpassed the state's all-time record low. A wind gust just shy of 200 mph was also clocked on Mauna Kea. Snow fell near Maui's Haleakala volcano. This is just the latest example of weird weather in Hawaii since spring 2018. An unusually intense Hawaii storm might have broken a couple of all-time records for cold and snow in our 50th state. (NEWS: Latest Damage, Impacts) Just after midnight on Monday, a number of sensors atop ...

World's Fastest stock motor F-150 runs 9's! [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2019-02-16 03:36:53 by X-15
Watch this new truck move out like a boss!! "Stock motor and transmission, Whipple (supercharger) 2018 F-150 running 9.99 first pass off the trailer. Second pass it ran a 9.94 making it the first 2018 F-150 in the 9's as well as the first F-150 in the 9's with a stock motor and transmission."

Uncovering the Evolution of the Brain
Post Date: 2019-02-15 01:43:03 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- What makes us human, and where does this mysterious property of 'humanness' come from? Humans are genetically similar to chimpanzees and bonobos, yet there exist obvious behavioral and cognitive differences. Now, researchers have developed a strategy to more easily study the early development of human neurons compared with the neurons of nonhuman primates. What makes us human, and where does this mysterious property of "humanness" come from? Humans are genetically similar to chimpanzees and bonobos, yet there exist obvious behavioral and cognitive differences. Now, researchers from the Salk Institute, in collaboration with researchers from the anthropology ...

The Cautious Case for Climate Optimism
Post Date: 2019-02-09 14:22:46 by BTP Holdings
The Cautious Case for Climate Optimism Believing in a comfortable future for our planet probably means some giant carbon-sucking machines. By David Wallace-Wells Photo illustration by Joe Darrow Feb. 4, 2019 Photo-Illustration: Joe Darrow/Sven Schabbach/Getty Images Adapted from The Uninhabitable Earth, by David Wallace-Wells, to be published on February 19 by Tim Duggan Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC. Copyright © 2019 by David Wallace-Wells. It’s not too late. In fact, it never will be. Whatever you may have read over the past year — as extreme weather brought a global heat wave and unprecedented wildfires burned through 1.6 million California acres and ...

Did Aborigines Create Global Warming In Australia? Hello, Coming Ice Age?
Post Date: 2019-02-09 10:58:31 by Ada
By cross-referencing tree-ring data and coral core samples, a team of researchers have revealed that Australia suffered the worst drought in history before the whites settled there from Britain. There was virtually no rainfall and rivers simply ran dry. Much of the wildlife died and massive bushfires ravaged the landscape, as we see in California these days. The total devastation lasted for one cycle of a 23-year mega-drought that crippled Australia between 1500 and 1522. Since the global warming crowd insists that everything that takes place on the planet is caused by human activity, the only possible explanation means we have to blame the aborigines. When we correlate that into our ...

Talking About the Weather
Post Date: 2019-02-06 09:16:52 by Ada
It is cold in the Midwest, so cold that Rachel Maddow already ascribed it to evil Putin (“Russia will freeze you and your family to death.”) It is extremely cold in England, too. I’d think this frost spell should put paid to the silly notion of Global Warming. But no, the adepts of Al Gore sect are not so easily dissuaded. Like the Flat Earth Society, they are impervious to arguments. These enlightened people keep struggling against global warming. They decided to overturn Mark Twain’s adage Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it – and do something. There is a new popular hero, a pleasantly old-fashioned-looking 16-year old Swedish ...

The facts about EMP and Faraday Cages
Post Date: 2019-02-04 21:44:48 by BTP Holdings
A fact filled slide show on EMP's and what they really are and what many are doing wrong and why.

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