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Sound Waves Levitate Multiple Objects
Post Date: 2018-12-26 21:51:56 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- In the perhaps not so distant future, surgeons could perform a range of medical procedures all without touching the patient, thanks to advancements in 'acoustic tweezers'. Surgeons won't be shrunk and sent into the body like in the 1960s Sci-Fi, Fantastic Voyage, but could program a specialised array of mini-speakers to create an intricate sound field that 'traps' and manipulates selected objects in 'acoustic tweezers' for manipulation within tissue. Advancements in acoustic tweezers from Professor Bruce Drinkwater in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bristol, and his colleague Dr Asier Marzo, from Universidad Publica De ...

Krakatoa Alert: Another Eruption Could Potentially Kill Millions And Significantly Lower Global Temperatures For 5 Years
Post Date: 2018-12-24 14:38:11 by BTP Holdings
Krakatoa Alert: Another Eruption Could Potentially Kill Millions And Significantly Lower Global Temperatures For 5 Years The shell of our planet has been cracked Michael Snyder | End Of The American Dream - December 24, 2018 Image Credits: leahhelinski | Flickr. Because most Americans are so focused on preparations for Christmas, not a lot of attention is being paid to the massive disaster that just took place in Indonesia, and that is a huge mistake. Anak Krakatoa has sprung to life, and there is a reason why it is known as one of the most dangerous volcanoes on the entire planet. When Krakatoa erupted on August 27th, 1883 the explosion was so loud that it was literally heard 3,000 ...

Ancient Antarctic ice sheet collapse could happen again, triggering a new global flood
Post Date: 2018-12-24 02:01:43 by Tatarewicz
Phys.Org... It's happened before, and it could happen again. Tens of thousands of years ago, a giant ice sheet in Antarctic melted, raising sea levels by up to 30 feet around the world. This inundated huge swaths of what had been dry land. Scientists think it could happen again as the world heats up because of man-made global warming, new research suggests. Such a collapse would again cause seas to rise dramatically, which would lead to a global flood. Researchers led by geologist Anders Carlson of Oregon State University said the ice sheet disappeared about 125,000 years ago under climate conditions that were similar to today's. If future research confirms this finding, ...

50 Years Ago, NASA's 'Earthrise' Photo Became a Gift to Humanity
Post Date: 2018-12-23 16:33:46 by BTP Holdings
50 Years Ago, NASA's 'Earthrise' Photo Became a Gift to Humanity By Ron Brackett 7 hours ago 50 Years Ago Man First Visited the Moon On Christmas Eve 1968 the crew of Apollo 8 captured one of the most memorable photos ever taken. Later that day the crew wished everyone on Earth a merry Christmas by reading from the Bible. At a Glance > Apollo 8 entered lunar orbit on Dec. 24, 1968. > While photographing the moon's surface, Bill Anders saw the Earth rising over the lunar horizon. > Later that evening, the crew read from the book of Genesis in a live TV broadcast. Poster Comment:Video at source.

The Unhappiness Explosion
Post Date: 2018-12-20 11:21:10 by Ada
The prestige of the intersectional is pushing respectable opinion in anti-science directions, as seen in the resurgent prestige of astrology and witchcraft. Granted, perhaps it doesn’t matter all that much what lowbrows who like horoscopes and spells are into, but it probably does matter that actual sciences such as genetics, which had been the glamour field of the new century, are starting to be castigated by the prestige press as deplorable “race science.” Until recently, the digital age had, on the whole, been a downer for enthusiasts of the paranormal. Equipping everybody at all times with pocket cameraphones has not resulted in an abundance of credible photos of UFOs ...

Not All NASA Advancements Make for Bold Headlines… But Some Could Positively Affect Our Lives
Post Date: 2018-12-19 19:15:50 by BTP Holdings
Not All NASA Advancements Make for Bold Headlines… But Some Could Positively Affect Our Lives Newsletter | 1 Comment Many of us who have been around a while remember some of the most historic moments in NASA history. Such as the first flyby of the moon by Pioneer 4 in 1959. And the first piloted Mercury spacecraft with Alan Shepard aboard Freedom 7 in 1961. We also recall John Glenn. He became the first American to circle the Earth aboard Friendship 7 in 1962. Plus Edward White performing the first American spacewalk in 1965. And perhaps the single greatest accomplishment in American space history. Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin walking on the moon in 1969. ...

The Day the Mesozoic Died: The Asteroid That Killed the Dinosaurs — HHMI BioInteractive Video
Post Date: 2018-12-17 21:41:53 by BTP Holdings
Ever wonder why the dinosaurs disappeared? HHMI BioInteractive investigates the cause of the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous period—and the clues come from paleontology, chemistry, physics, and biology. This three-act film tells the story of the extraordinary detective work that solved one of the greatest scientific mysteries of all time. Explore the fossil evidence of these prehistoric animals, and other organisms that went extinct, through this lively educational video. See more HHMI BioInteractive short films and classroom resources Free teacher resources supporting this short film can be found at ...

Big Tongues and Extra Vertebrae: The Unintended Consequences of Animal Gene Editing
Post Date: 2018-12-15 15:37:45 by Ada
Unintended consequences have included enlarged rabbit tongues and extra pig vertebrae, as bioethicists warn of hubris An experiment in China to change the colors of Merino sheep gave some spotted fleeces akin to a panda. The purported birth last month of the world’s first gene-edited human babies, claimed by a Chinese scientist, spurred a wave of global outrage. Scientists denounced the (as yet unconfirmed) experiment as irresponsible, and the development reinforced fears that the redesigning of DNA is moving ahead too fast and without necessary oversight. The proliferation of similar experiments on farm animals in recent years supports those concerns. Though rapid strides have ...

Large-scale eruption of Italy's supervolcano could impact global climate
Post Date: 2018-12-14 08:09:46 by Ada
The volcanic area west of Naples, Italy, known as Phlegrean Fields, is stirring with early signs of a new caldera cycle for one of the world's most menacing supervolcanoes, according to new research. Scientists are concerned a "potential reawakening" of the volcano is in store, according to a new study published in Science Advances. The largest known eruption of Phelgrean Fields, also called Campi Flegrei, occurred 200,000 years ago, darkening skies across Europe with volcanic ash. The eruption of Campi Flegrei, which means "Burning Fields" in Italian, led to significant changes in the global climate. According to a 2010 study published in Current Anthropology, ...

Treasure Trove of Planets Hiding in Dust
Post Date: 2018-12-09 02:53:47 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- The first unbiased survey of protoplanetary disks surrounding young stars in the Taurus star-forming region turned up a higher-than-expected number of disks with features suggesting nascent planets, according to a new study. "Super-Earths" and Neptune-sized planets could be forming around young stars in much greater numbers than scientists thought, new research by an international team of astronomers suggests. Observing a sampling of young stars in a star-forming region in the constellation Taurus, researchers found many of them to be surrounded by structures that can best be explained as traces created by invisible, young planets in the making. The research, ...

Tucker Says Trump is Not Capable of Fixing the Country
Post Date: 2018-12-08 19:34:16 by Ada
Tucker Carlson gave a fascinating interview to Swiss media, which should really be read in its entirety. I will just pull a few bits here. Die Weltwoche: In your book you speak a lot about people who attack Trump, but you actually don’t say very much about Trump’s record. That’s true. Do you think he has kept his promises? Has he achieved his goals? No. He hasn’t? No. His chief promises were that he would build the wall, de-fund planned parenthood, and repeal Obamacare, and he hasn’t done any of those things. There are a lot of reasons for that, but since I finished writing the book, I’ve come to believe that Trump’s role is not as a ...

Life Has a New Ingredient
Post Date: 2018-12-06 00:48:22 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Our prehistoric Earth, bombarded with asteroids and lightening, rife with bubbling geothermal pools, may not seem hospitable today. But somewhere in the chemical chaos of our early planet, life did form. How? For decades, scientists have created miniature replicas of infant Earth in the lab in order to hunt for life's essential ingredients. Now, one of those replicas points to a possible new ingredient in the world's first RNA. Our prehistoric Earth, bombarded with asteroids and lightening, rife with bubbling geothermal pools, may not seem hospitable today. But somewhere in the chemical chaos of our early planet, life did form. How? For decades, scientists have ...

Global Thought Police Struggle to Explain French Yellow Vest Revolt
Post Date: 2018-12-05 18:29:29 by Ada
The ruling Jewish elite has struggled to attempt to make global warming into a popular issue, but it has obviously remained something that only an elite minority believes in, cares about or even thinks about. So when they cause a massive inconvenience to normal people’s lives in the name of this hoax, and the people revolt, the only actual solution is to lecture the people. At which point people are forced to ask what the point of a government is if it exists simply to lecture the population. No one is really all that interested in getting lectured, and people generally elect a government to promote the general interests of the population. And if the government is serving the ...

Brilliant Iron Molecule for Cheap Solar Energy
Post Date: 2018-12-02 20:46:33 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- For the first time, researchers have succeeded in creating an iron molecule that can function both as a photocatalyst to produce fuel and in solar cells to produce electricity. The results indicate that the iron molecule could replace the more expensive and rarer metals used today. For the first time, researchers have succeeded in creating an iron molecule that can function both as a photocatalyst to produce fuel and in solar cells to produce electricity. The results indicate that the iron molecule could replace the more expensive and rarer metals used today. Some photocatalysts and solar cells are based on a technology that involves molecules containing metals, known as ...

Report: Trump Plans to Push Forward With Space Force
Post Date: 2018-12-01 10:48:31 by BTP Holdings
Report: Trump Plans to Push Forward With Space Force (Jerilee Bennett/AP) By Cathy Burke | Thursday, 29 November 2018 05:31 PM President Donald Trump plans to go ahead with asking Congress to establish a Space Force as an independent branch of the military — committing to the biggest restructuring of the U.S. military in seven decades, Politico reported Thursday. Citing a draft presidential directive, Politico reported the first details about the new military service indicate Trump, who has championed the standalone Space Force, is still interested in pursuing an entirely new branch, despite criticism on Capitol Hill and even initially, the Pentagon. According to Politico, the ...

There's a Huge Problem With the Core of the Human Genome Project "The model needs to change.”
Post Date: 2018-11-27 17:49:47 by Tatarewicz
The Human Genome Project, which began in the 1990s, was Homo sapiens’ successful attempt to map out the entirety of our species’ DNA. It produced the human reference genome, a finely polished collection of human DNA that’s crucial for genetics research and genetics testing services around the world. Integral as it has been to the science community, two researchers at Johns Hopkins University have discovered that the reference genome is missing a piece or two — well, 296,485,284 base pairs of DNA, to be exact. The reference genome is an essential map of human genetic material that is used as a basis for comparison. When we sequence our own DNA for insight into health, ...

Jumping the Global Warming Shark
Post Date: 2018-11-26 09:58:35 by Ada
There’s a moment near the end of Ayn Rand’s mostly brilliant Atlas Shrugged where she details the unveiling of various government-funded boondoggles whose development we track as the story unfolds. All of them end in tragedy and mass death. From trains asphyxiating their passengers to sonic weapons killing spectators, the hubris and ineptitude of the rentier class which took over the U.S. government was on display in all its glory. So, every time I see some hare-brained idea in service of a politically-motivated lie I just look at my wife, shake my head and say, “Act III, Atlas Shrugged, hon.” The latest is the patently insane idea of dimming the sun by dispersing ...

Free WiFi - Is It A Trap?
Post Date: 2018-11-25 23:52:47 by Tatarewicz
PMF... Your new neighbor has an unencrypted WiFi signal with no log-in showing on your drop down list of local internet WiFi providers. Did she forget to turn on encryption or is she just technically retarded to figure it out? She could be ignorant of how to turn on encryption, but it may be something else. 1 Is this open WiFi signal a "honey pot" to grab credit card data? 2. Maybe it is a police sting to catch data theft? 3. Is it a counter-intelligence operation to monitor internet activity of a suspected intel agent? 4. Are you under official observation and WiFi is bait to get something on you? The tactics used in foreign countries to monitor suspected ...

The Dangerous Junk Science of Vocal Risk Assessment
Post Date: 2018-11-25 09:29:03 by Ada
Is it possible to tell whether someone is a criminal just from looking at their face or listening to the sound of their voice? The idea may seem ludicrous, like something out of science fiction — Big Brother in “1984” detects any unconscious look “that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality” — and yet, some companies have recently begun to answer this question in the affirmative. AC Global Risk, a startup founded in 2016, claims to be able to determine your level of “risk” as an employee or an asylum-seeker based not on what you say, but how you say it. The California-based company offers an automated screening system known as a Remote Risk ...

All humans are descended from just TWO people and a catastrophic event almost wiped out ALL species 100,000 years ago, scientists claim
Post Date: 2018-11-24 18:08:46 by Ada
Genetic 'bar codes' of five million animals from different species were surveyed The research deduced that humans and animals sprang from single pair This happened after a catastrophic event a long time after the last ice age All modern humans descended from a solitary pair who lived 100,000 to 200,000 years ago, scientists say. Scientists surveyed the genetic 'bar codes' of five million animals - including humans - from 100,000 different species and deduced that we sprang from a single pair of adults after a catastrophic event almost wiped out the human race. These bar codes, or snippets of DNA that reside outside the nuclei of living cells, suggest that it's ...

Russia space agency chief: We’ll verify US moon landings
Post Date: 2018-11-24 10:03:25 by Ada
MOSCOW (AP) — The head of Russia’s Roscosmos space agency has said that a proposed Russian mission to the moon will be tasked with verifying that the American moon landings were real. “We have set this objective to fly and verify whether they’ve been there or not,” said Dmitry Rogozin in a video posted Saturday on Twitter. Rogozin was responding to a question about whether or not NASA actually landed on the moon nearly 50 years ago. He appeared to be joking, as he smirked and shrugged while answering. But conspiracies surrounding NASA’s moon missions are common in Russia. The Soviet Union abandoned its lunar program in the mid-1970s after four experimental ...

Making Complex Brain-Like Functions in Vitro
Post Date: 2018-11-22 23:16:23 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Researchers have designed neural circuits reproducing dynamic reconfiguration behaviors of the brain. One of the most important and surprising traits of the brain is its ability to reconfigure dynamically the connections to process and respond properly to stimuli. Researchers from Tohoku University (Sendai, Japan) and the University of Barcelona, using neuroengineering tools, have created in vitro neural circuits that reproduce the capacity of segregation and integration of brain circuits and which allow researchers to understand the keys of dynamic reconfiguration. The study has been published in Science Advances. Dynamic reconfiguration is understood as the strengthening ...

Secrets of the Creative Brain
Post Date: 2018-11-21 08:16:31 by Tatarewicz
The Atlantic A leading neuroscientist who has spent decades studying creativity shares her research on where genius comes from, whether it is dependent on high IQ—and why it is so often accompanied by mental illness. Photo by: Eddie Opara As a psychiatrist and neuroscientist who studies creativity, I’ve had the pleasure of working with many gifted and high-profile subjects over the years, but Kurt Vonnegut—dear, funny, eccentric, lovable, tormented Kurt Vonnegut—will always be one of my favorites. Kurt was a faculty member at the Iowa Writers’ Workshop in the 1960s, and participated in the first big study I did as a member of the university’s psychiatry ...

Navigating Our Thoughts: Fundamental Principles of Thinking
Post Date: 2018-11-15 23:59:09 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Humans think using their brain's navigation system: Researchers combine individual threads of evidence to form a theory of human thinking. It is one of the most fundamental questions in neuroscience: How do humans think? Until recently, we seemed far from a conclusive answer. However, scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (MPI CBS) in Leipzig, Germany, and the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience in Trondheim, Norway, among them Nobel prize laureate Edvard I. Moser, offer a new proposal in the current issue of the journal Science-- Humans think using their brain's navigation system. When we navigate our environment, two ...

Technocracy & NWO
Post Date: 2018-11-15 07:39:18 by Tatarewicz
C2C... The dark horse of the New World Order is not communism, socialism or fascism, it is technocracy, according to economist and financial analyst Patrick Wood. (Actually it's Zionism but MSM not allowed to say that) He joined guest host Jimmy Church (email) to discuss how prominent early 20th century scientists and engineers proposed a utopian energy-based economic system called "technocracy" that would be run by those same scientists and engineers instead of elected politicians. Wood described the movement as "the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to distribute goods and services to the entire population" that proponents hoped would replace ...

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