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Hubble Spots Thousands of Objects Traveling Faster Than Light | NASA's Unexplained Files
Post Date: 2018-06-24 19:42:07 by BTP Holdings

A Big Drilling Company Was Ready to Set up a Mine in This Arizona Town. Then an Endangered Owl Showed Up.
Post Date: 2018-06-23 10:07:04 by BTP Holdings
A Big Drilling Company Was Ready to Set up a Mine in This Arizona Town. Then an Endangered Owl Showed Up. The Mexican Spotted Owl is making wildlife managers think twice. Elizabeth Miller Jun. 23, 2018 6:00 AM Eric Brekke/BLM This story was originally published by High Country News and appears here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration. Last October, two field researchers were surveying waterways in southern Arizona’s Patagonia Mountains, when one of them glanced into a tree and said, “Uh-oh.” They saw a Mexican spotted owl, a federally threatened species, near the property where Arizona Mining Inc. has had as many as 15 drilling rigs running since 2007, ...

Norway's first electric aircraft takes to the skies
Post Date: 2018-06-22 07:55:51 by Tatarewicz
OSLO, June 18 (Xinhua) -- Norway's first electric aircraft took to the skies on Monday as the Nordic country that is known for electric cars vowed to electrify its aviation as well. The two-seat electric aircraft, an Alpha Electro G2 produced in Slovenia, took a flight at Oslo Airport Monday afternoon with Norwegian airport operator Avinor's CEO Dag Falk-Petersen as the pilot and Minister of Transport and Communications Ketil Solvik-Olsen as the only passenger. "The Norwegian government has tasked Avinor with developing a program that paves the way for the introduction of electric aircraft in commercial aviation," Solvik-Olsen was quoted as saying in Avinor's press ...

This ancient Chinese tomb held a royal, her extinct ape — and a warning
Post Date: 2018-06-22 07:01:04 by BTP Holdings
This ancient Chinese tomb held a royal, her extinct ape — and a warning Ben Guarino 7 hrs ago © Provided by WP Company LLC d/b/a The Washington Post A long-forgotten species of ape has been found buried in a 2,300-year-old tomb. It's a type of gibbon, which scientists named Junzi imperialis. Gibbons are the smallest apes, chatty and as lanky-limbed as Kermit the Frog. They're also more closely related to humans than they are to any monkey. And humans, the scientists say, are the likely agents of these gibbons' extinction. Archaeologists excavated the burial site, in the ancient Chinese capital city of Chang’an, now part of modern Xi'an, in 2004. ...

Controlling Robots with Brainwaves and Hand Gestures
Post Date: 2018-06-22 03:35:21 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Getting robots to do things isn't easy: usually scientists have to either explicitly program them or get them to understand how humans communicate via language. But what if we could control robots more intuitively, using just hand gestures and brainwaves? A new system spearheaded by researchers from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) aims to do exactly that, allowing users to instantly correct robot mistakes with nothing more than brain signals and the flick of a finger. Building off the team's past work focused on simple binary-choice activities, the new work expands the scope to multiple-choice tasks, opening up new ...

Is it possible to control gravitation using an electromagnetic field?
Post Date: 2018-06-21 09:31:53 by Tatarewicz
American interest in 'gravity control propulsion research' intensified during the early 1950s. Literature from that period used the terms anti-gravity, anti-gravitation, barycentric, counterbary, electrogravitics (eGrav), G-projects, gravitics, gravity control, and gravity propulsion. Their publicized goals were to develop and discover technologies and theories for the manipulation of gravity or gravity-like fields for propulsion. Although general relativity theory appeared to prohibit anti-gravity propulsion, several programs were funded to develop it through gravitation research from 1955 to 1974. The names of many contributors to general relativity and those of the golden age of ...

Why Lava Flowing From Kilauea Volcano Is Now Hotter, More Fluid
Post Date: 2018-06-20 05:06:20 by BTP Holdings
Why Lava Flowing From Kilauea Volcano Is Now Hotter, More Fluid By Pam Wright 22 hours ago weather.com 00:40 Lava from the Kilauea Volcano is Now Hotter and Moving Faster Things can change over the course of a volcanic eruption. At a Glance Scientists say the lava flowing from fissure 8 in the lower east rift zone is about as hot as it gets. The hottest lava, which can reach temperatures of more than 2,100 degrees Fahrenheit, is yellow. The upside of the hot, fluid lava flowing from Kilauea now is the natural levees that form, which helps make the flow more predictable. It's been more than a month since Hawaii's Kilauea volcano began spewing out thick, heavy lava from ...

The US Doesn’t Need a ‘Space Force’
Post Date: 2018-06-19 06:59:07 by Ada
Trump announced that he is ordering the creation of a “Space Force” as a new branch of the military. Among other problems with this proposal is that creating a new branch is entirely unnecessary: But the idea has faced resistance from senior Pentagon officials. Last fall, Rogers and Coopers’ proposal was scrapped after Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein said it would lead to unnecessary costs and bureaucracy. “I oppose the creation of a new military service and additional organizational layers at a time when we are focused on reducing overhead and integrating joint warfighting ...

Tripling Energy Storage of Lithium-Ion Batteries
Post Date: 2018-06-17 07:55:30 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Scientists synthesized a new cathode material from iron fluoride that surpasses the capacity limits of traditional lithium-ion batteries. As the demand for smartphones, electric vehicles, and renewable energy continues to rise, scientists are searching for ways to improve lithium-ion batteries -- the most common type of battery found in home electronics and a promising solution for grid-scale energy storage. Increasing the energy density of lithium-ion batteries could facilitate the development of advanced technologies with long-lasting batteries, as well as the widespread use of wind and solar energy. Now, researchers have made significant progress toward achieving that ...

Scientists warn gene editing tool may raise cancer risk in cells
Post Date: 2018-06-13 03:27:02 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... Scientists warn that a powerful gene editing tool with the potential to revolutionize medicine may also increase the risk of cancer. A gene-editing technology that is being explored by scientists worldwide as a way of removing and replacing gene defects might inadvertently increase cancer risk in cells, scientists warn. Researchers from the Britain’s Cambridge University and Sweden’s Karolinska Institute said more research needs to be done to assess whether using CRISPR-Cas9 – a type of molecular “scissors” that make gene editing a possibility – might lead to the development of treatments that have added cancer risk. The team, led by Jussi Taipale ...

Dumb and dumber: why we’re getting less intelligent
Post Date: 2018-06-12 16:22:26 by Ada
The IQ scores of young people have begun to fall after rising steadily since the Second World War, according to the first authoritative study of the phenomenon. The decline, which is equivalent to at least seven points per generation, is thought to have started with the cohort born in 1975, who reached adulthood in the early Nineties. … The turning point marks the end of a well-known but poorly understood trend known as the Flynn effect, in which average IQs have risen by about three points a decade for the past 60 or 70 years. “This is the most convincing evidence yet of a reversal of the Flynn effect,” Stuart Ritchie, a psychologist at the University of Edinburgh who ...

Massive Genetic Study Reveals 90 Percent Of Earth’s Animals Appeared At The Same Time
Post Date: 2018-06-10 16:07:09 by Ada
The latest research is debunking current knowledge about evolution. After studying 5 million genetic barcodes, scientists found 90 percent of species on Earth may have emerged around the same time as humans. Landmark new research that involves analyzing millions of DNA barcodes has debunked much about what we know today about the evolution of species. In a massive genetic study, senior research associate at the Program for the Human Environment at Rockefeller University Mark Stoeckle and University of Basel geneticist David Thaler discovered that virtually 90 percent of all animals on Earth appeared at right around the same time. More specifically, they found out that 9 out of 10 animal ...

Hawaii Volcanic Eruption
Post Date: 2018-06-10 14:36:20 by BTP Holdings
The island of Hawaii is built from five separate shield volcanoes that erupted somewhat sequentially, one overlapping the other. These volcanoes are: K+lauea, Mauna Loa, Huallai, Mauna Kea and Kohala. K+lauea is a currently active shield volcano in the Hawaiian Islands, and the most active of the five volcanoes. It has been erupting nearly continuously since 1983 and has caused considerable property damage, including the destruction of the town of Kalapana in 1990. The 2018 lower Puna eruption, which began May 3, over several weeks opened two dozen lava vents downrift from the summit in Puna. The eruption was accompanied by a strong earthquake on May 4 of Mw 6.9, and nearly 2,000 ...

Cell Phone Companies Warning Shareholders – Not Customers – About Health Risks and Potential Lawsuits Based on Harm Caused by Cell Phone and WiFi Radiation Exposure
Post Date: 2018-06-09 15:02:42 by NeoconsNailed
Many of us and our loved ones have multiple personal digital and electronic devices that emit cell phone and wireless WiFi radiation as well as other sources of Electrical Pollution (Electrosmog). Decades of research has proven exposure to this can cause harm as well as worsen pre-existing conditions. How harmful depends on who paid for the research. Safety guidelines and warnings are required to be included with the sale of personal devices – however – these guidelines and warnings are sometimes difficult to locate and understand. Regardless, guidelines are 20+ years old and don’t apply to how most people today use these devices and are exposed to them. Many assume that ...

Breakthrough in Controlling DNA-Based Robots
Post Date: 2018-06-06 07:43:40 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Researchers devised a magnetic control system to make tiny DNA-based robots move on demand -- and much faster than recently possible. In the journal Nature Communications, Carlos Castro and Ratnasingham Sooryakumar and their colleagues from The Ohio State University report that the control system reduced the response time of prototype nano-robot components from several minutes to less than a second. Not only does the discovery represent a significant improvement in speed, this work and one other recent study herald the first direct, real-time control of DNA-based molecular machines. The discovery could one day enable nano-robots to manufacture objects -- such as ...

Wireless System Can Power Devices Inside Body
Post Date: 2018-06-05 08:24:51 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Researchers have developed a new way to power and communicate with devices implanted deep within the human body. Such devices could be used to deliver drugs, monitor conditions inside the body, or treat disease by stimulating the brain with electricity or light. MIT researchers, working with scientists from Brigham and Women's Hospital, have developed a new way to power and communicate with devices implanted deep within the human body. Such devices could be used to deliver drugs, monitor conditions inside the body, or treat disease by stimulating the brain with electricity or light. The implants are powered by radio frequency waves, which can safely pass through human ...

Jordan Peterson shows you a video of DNA fixing itself
Post Date: 2018-06-02 04:30:03 by Horse
Poster Comment:Love to see an atheist explain how this is an accident.

Free Electricity Generator
Post Date: 2018-05-31 22:03:35 by BTP Holdings
Free Electricity Generator Let’s start with a question and a definition: what is a free electricity generator? There are many complicated scientific definitions and many technical terms to use. However, if we were to find the simplest and the shortest definition possible, the answer would sound something like this: a 100% free energy generating device! More and more people choose to build such a generator in order to produce electric power at zero costs and it seems to be working very well for them. The story of the free power generators starts at the beginning of the 20th century with the amazing innovation of the Serbian-American scientist Nikola Tesla, in the field of what we now ...

Scientist predicts our future will be ‘worse than extinction’
Post Date: 2018-05-30 21:54:03 by Ada
A Russian theoretical physicist has predicted a grim future for our civilization that “is even worse than extinction.” Alexander Berezin, a highly-cited scientist from Russia’s National University of Electronic Technology Research, outlined his bleak prediction in an article entitled 'First to enter, last to leave: a solution to Fermi's paradox'. Fermi’s paradox is the contradiction that’s been maddening scientists for years. The idea that if the universe is so vast, practically guaranteeing the existence of extraterrestrial life, then why hasn’t humanity ever detected a trace of it? Berezin theorizes that alien civilizations may have not ...

New Evidence Reveals a 17,000-Year-Old Coastal Route Into North America
Post Date: 2018-05-30 21:33:00 by Ada
The first people to cross into North America from Eurasia did so by traveling through the Bering Strait, or so the theory goes. A new theory has emerged proposing a coastal route into the continent, but evidence has been lacking. A recent analysis of boulders, bedrock, and fossils in Alaska is now providing a clearer picture, pointing to the emergence of a coastal route some 17,000 years ago. New research published today in Science Advances is offering some of the first geological evidence of an Alaskan coastal migration route that would have made it possible for humans to cross over from Eurasia into North America when the Ice Age was still going strong. Importantly, the paper also ...

Deep ocean could hold key to global warming
Post Date: 2018-05-28 18:16:14 by BTP Holdings
Deep ocean could hold key to global warming Published on 02/12/2013, 12:03pm Understanding what happens on the deep ocean floor should help scientists construct more accurate climate models (Pic: Leonardolo) By Tim Radford US and British researchers may have identified the fingerprint of global warming in one of the darkest, coldest, most mysterious places on the planet. Four thousand metres below the sea surface, at the bottom of the north-east Pacific abyss, they have found changes in the food supply to some of the planet’s least known creatures. And these changes track changes to temperatures at the surface. Kenneth Smith of the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute and ...

Electrical Phenomenon Fills UK Skies | Grand Solar Minimum
Post Date: 2018-05-28 06:50:54 by Horse
Poster Comment:Electrical Universe theory explains why we are entering a period with exponentially more lightning. Also more hail storms with larger hail stones.

Study Suggests Octopuses Have Alien Origin
Post Date: 2018-05-28 02:33:27 by Tatarewicz
C2C... An intriguing new scientific paper proposes that octopuses, as we know them, may have developed their unique characteristics due to an alien intervention. The rather sensational supposition was backed by a whopping 33 scientists who contributed to the study which was published in the journal Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology. Specifically, they looked at what is known as the 'Cambrian explosion,' a time in the distant past when organisms on Earth suddenly and inexplicably went from single cell species to complex creatures. The researchers postulate that this transformation was fueled by an inadvertent alien intervention through viruses deposited via comets ...

Hybrid human chicken embryos: HALF HUMAN – HALF CHICKEN abomination created in US lab
Post Date: 2018-05-25 00:15:00 by Horse
A TEAM of stem cell researchers have done the seemingly impossible and successfully combined artificial human cells with the embryo of a chicken in a shock new experiment aimed at trying to better understand developing life. Until now, scientists have been unable to answer how certain cells in a developing embryo decide to become muscles or limbs, while others become bones and nerves. But now researchers led by Dr Ali Brivanlou, from Rockefeller University in New York, have achieved the unimaginable in a shock experiment. By grafting petri dish-grown human cells onto the embryo of a chicken the scientists were for the first time ever able to observe how cells organise themselves. The ...

Earth’s Temp Has Dropped Since Trump Elected
Post Date: 2018-05-24 18:23:56 by BTP Holdings
Earth’s Temp Has Dropped Since Trump Elected By Randy DeSoto May 22, 2018 at 4:35pm (Correction: An earlier version of this article failed to identify the source of this article as commentary, and a correction to that then misstated the amount of cooling represented in the NASA data set referenced below. Those errors have been corrected, and we apologize both for our mistakes and any confusion they have caused. — Ed. note) According to one analysis, following Donald Trump’s election in Nov. 2016, the earth has reportedly experienced its fastest 20 month cooling period since 1916. Commentator Rowan Dean stated on Australia’s Sky News that there has been a 0.454 ...

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