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The sun is blank, NASA data shows it to be dimming
Post Date: 2017-12-18 08:44:36 by Ada
As the sun gets successively more blank with each day, due to lack of sunspots, it is also dimming. According to data from NASA’s Spaceweather, so far in 2017, 96 days (27%) of the days observing the sun have been without sunspots. Here is the view today from the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory satellite: Solar Dynamics Observatory HMI Continuum image more at WUWT’s solar reference page: https://wattsupwiththat.com/reference-pages/solar/ Today at Cape Canaveral, SpaceX launched a new sensor to the International Space Station named TSIS-1. Its mission: to measure the dimming of the sun’s irradiance. It will replace the aging SORCE spacecraft. NASA SDO reports that as the ...

2 Navy Airmen and an Object That ‘Accelerated Like Nothing I’ve Ever Seen’
Post Date: 2017-12-17 09:10:20 by Ada
David Fravor, at his home in Windham, N.H., is a former Navy pilot who says he was “pretty weirded out” by an unexplained episode over the Pacific. His story has captured the attention of a Pentagon program investigating U.F.O.s. Credit M. Scott Brauer for The New York Times The following recounts an incident in 2004 that advocates of research into U.F.O.s have said is the kind of event worthy of more investigation, and that was studied by a Pentagon program that investigated U.F.O.s. Experts caution that earthly explanations often exist for such incidents, and that not knowing the explanation does not mean that the event has interstellar origins. Cmdr. David Fravor and Lt. ...

Glowing Auras and ‘Black Money’: The Pentagon’s Mysterious U.F.O. Program
Post Date: 2017-12-17 07:35:21 by Ada
WASHINGTON — In the $600 billion annual Defense Department budgets, the $22 million spent on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program was almost impossible to find. Which was how the Pentagon wanted it. For years, the program investigated reports of unidentified flying objects, according to Defense Department officials, interviews with program participants and records obtained by The New York Times. It was run by a military intelligence official, Luis Elizondo, on the fifth floor of the Pentagon’s C Ring, deep within the building’s maze. The Defense Department has never before acknowledged the existence of the program, which it says it shut down in 2012. But ...

‘A different dimension of loss’: inside the great insect die-off
Post Date: 2017-12-16 07:06:14 by Tatarewicz
Scientists have identified 2 million species of living things. No one knows how many more are out there, and tens of thousands may be vanishing before we have even had a chance to encounter them. The Earth is ridiculously, burstingly full of life. Four billion years after the appearance of the first microbes, 400m years after the emergence of the first life on land, 200,000 years after humans arrived on this planet, 5,000 years (give or take) after God bid Noah to gather to himself two of every creeping thing, and 200 years after we started to systematically categorise all the world’s living things, still, new species are being discovered by the hundreds and thousands. In the world ...

Deer leap to their deaths, stunning motorists
Post Date: 2017-12-15 05:23:17 by BTP Holdings
Deer leap to their deaths, stunning motorists USA TODAY Aaron Young 1 day ago © Courtesy of Catherine Veerhusen A herd of deer jumped the 80th Street SW bridge over Highway 30 in Cedar Rapids on Sunday, Dec. 10, 2017. DES MOINES — Catherine Veerhusen and her husband were driving northbound along the 80th Street SW bridge over U.S. Highway 30 in Cedar Rapids on Sunday when they spotted a herd of deer in front of them. They had hoped the herd would somehow stay away from oncoming traffic while also not jumping over the bridge's west side. But then the Atkins couple witnessed the lone buck sprint across to the opposite side of the bridge and vault over the bridge's ...

Leading Astronomers: Oumuamua Is ‘Alien Probe With Broken Engines,’ Could Have Hostile Intentions
Post Date: 2017-12-14 08:56:48 by Ada
A leading astronomer studying the origins of the space object known as Oumuamua has come out declaring it’s an alien probe with broken engines. Dr. Jason Wright claims that Oumuamua’s movement is that of a craft that has lost power to its engines. Right now, leading scientists are studying the odd “cigar-shaped” object which originated outside of our solar system. Teams lead by renowned physicist, Stephen Hawking, are attempting to discover whether or not Oumuamua is alien or natural. If a radio signal is detected later today, scientists will “proceed with caution.” Professor Avi Loeb, Professor of Astronomy at Harvard University, sais: “My ...

Adding 150,000 Videos, and Forestalling YouTube Censorship
Post Date: 2017-12-12 18:59:18 by Ada
As mentioned, I’ve been absorbed during most of 2017 in building several new software systems that I’m now trying to release by the end of the year. Last week, I presented for initial testing my new Print Archives, containing the published works of over 400,000 authors and the complete archives of some 200 prominent periodicals stretching back to the early 1800s, representing a vast quantity of otherwise unavailable material. This system should be of greatest use to academic scholars, but there exist many fascinating historical truths buried in these millions of pages that I’m hoping to use as the basis for future articles of my own once my current software development ...

Trump signs new space policy directive to send Americans back to Moon, Mars
Post Date: 2017-12-11 19:59:07 by BTP Holdings
Trump signs new space policy directive to send Americans back to Moon, Mars CBS News Emily Tillett 4 hrs ago © Pool / Getty Images U.S President Donald Trump signs an Executive Order on space exploration - DC President Trump signed a new directive at the White House on Monday, aimed at furthering the administration's efforts in advancing space exploration for future missions to the Moon and Mars. The order now directs the NASA Administrator to lead an innovative space exploration program to send American astronauts back to the Moon, and eventually Mars. During Monday's order signing, Mr. Trump said the action will "refocus America's space program on human ...

AI is now so complex its creators can’t trust why it makes decisions
Post Date: 2017-12-11 07:10:12 by Ada
AI has to determine which images from space are interesting, but how does it choose? Artificial intelligence is seeping into every nook and cranny of modern life. AI might tag your friends in photos on Facebook or choose what you see on Instagram, but materials scientists and NASA researchers are also beginning to use the technology for scientific discovery and space exploration. But there’s a core problem with this technology, whether it’s being used in social media or for the Mars rover: The programmers that built it don’t know why AI makes one decision over another. Modern artificial intelligence is still new. Big tech companies have only ramped up investment and ...

Scientists capture mysterious hum from deep inside the Earth - but no one knows what it is
Post Date: 2017-12-09 07:34:12 by Ada
The new study could help to shed on the source of the vibrations Scientists have captured a mysterious hum coming from deep inside the Earth, but they are still no closer to working out what it is. It has long been known that the Earth constantly generates a low-frequency vibrational signal. The first attempt to detect this hum was made in 1959, but it wasn't until 1998 that scientists finally proved its existence. Since then, there have been hundreds of attempts to record the Earth's hum, but they have all been made using seismometers on land. Click for Full Text!

Hell Hole on Earth Discovered at Fukushima
Post Date: 2017-12-08 08:31:21 by Ada
http://www.zerohedge.com/sites/default/files/images/user5/imageroot/2012/12-2/Fukushima-meltdown-prevailing-winds1.jpg Most people think they have to die to go to hell but that is not true anymore. Today, in the mainstream press, they announced the existence of a hell hole in Japan at the destroyed nuclear power station at Fukushima. We have a hot spot on our planet that has never been imagined before and in the face of it human technology is helpless. At the levels of radiation now being found a Fukushima, a robot would be able to operate for less than two hours before it was destroyed. And Japan’s National Institute of Radiological Sciences said medical professionals had never ...

9 Technology Mega Trends That Will Change The World In 2018
Post Date: 2017-12-07 06:44:38 by Tatarewicz
Forbes... Some tech trends fizzle out and die a quiet death, while others are so significant that they transform our world and how we live in it. Here are the top nine tech mega-trends that I believe will define 2018 and beyond. 9 Technology Mega Trends That Will Change The World In 2018 AdobeStock By kromkrathog AdobeStock Trend 1: The increasing datafication of our lives From chatting to friends in a messaging app or buying a coffee, to tapping in and out with an Oyster card or streaming music, today almost everything we do leaves a trail of data breadcrumbs. And this increasing datafication of our world has led to an unprecedented explosion in data. Just in the average minute, ...

Zookeepers were in shock after a crocodile did this to his friend during lunchtime
Post Date: 2017-12-04 07:30:54 by BTP Holdings
Zookeepers were in shock after a crocodile did this to his friend during lunchtime Melissa Angle, May 1, 2016 4:09 pm Some people enjoy feeding time at the zoo, planning their visits so they can see what the animals are having for lunch. Imagine their surprise when this happened: when a zookeeper tossed a fish into a crocodile enclosure. Three crocodiles jerk their heads towards the food, but one croc decided he didn’t want to have a fish for lunch. It seems he wanted a taste of his own kind instead. He then took a massive bite out of another crocodile’s leg, ripped it off by quickly rolling in the dirt, then ate the leg whole. You can hear the shocked visitors screaming in ...

When permafrost melts, what happens to all that stored carbon?
Post Date: 2017-12-02 14:53:14 by BTP Holdings
When permafrost melts, what happens to all that stored carbon? December 5, 2016 by Stacy Morford When frozen land thaws, the loss of ice in the soil creates landscapes that can be easily eroded. “This study suggests that similar processes occurred during past warming events with important implications for the land-to-ocean permafrost …more The Arctic's frozen ground contains large stores of organic carbon that have been locked in the permafrost for thousands of years. As global temperatures rise, that permafrost is starting to melt, raising concerns about the impact on the climate as organic carbon becomes exposed. A new study is shedding light on what that could mean for ...

Technology will make today’s government obsolete…
Post Date: 2017-12-01 06:54:15 by Tatarewicz
GOV'T SLAVES / A0 Artificial intelligence is the hot topic of the moment. The most valuable firms in the world, including Amazon, Microsoft and Google, are in a race to hire leading AI researchers to advance their efforts on autonomous vehicles, medical diagnostics and a range of other ventures. At the same time, governments are rushing to support the technology that might drive the next economic paradigm shift with funding and incentives. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke to the promise of AI at a conference recently, where he focused on the opportunity for Canada to attract investment and create jobs in the burgeoning field. But are governments inadvertently laying the ...

Dogs are smarter than cats, study finds
Post Date: 2017-12-01 06:31:50 by Tatarewicz
Yahoo...owners now have scientific data to back them in the eternal debate over whether dogs really are smarter than cats. A study led by a Vanderbilt University professor counted for the first time the number of cortical neurons in the brains of cats and dogs and found that dogs possess nearly double the amount of neurons compared to cats. PHOTO: A puppy and a kitten sit closely to one another, patiently waiting for instruction in this undated photo. (iStockphoto/Getty Images) MoreWoman throws full-blown 1st birthday party for her beloved dog FDA warns pet owners against giving dogs bone treats Researchers at Vanderbilt University found that dogs have 530 million neurons in their ...

Biotech stocks - Brown Newsletter
Post Date: 2017-11-29 03:29:20 by Tatarewicz
StockGumShoe...on recommended biotech stocks... Here’s how he describes the “god key:” “They don’t just catalog the viruses… “They create the ‘perfect soldier’ to seek out and destroy them. “In short, whereas most genes create ordinary proteins… “These ‘viral fingerprints’ create RNA… and special proteins instead… “In lay terms, it’s like they form a ‘genetic warrior’ that can identify foreign invaders… remove their DNA… and render them harmless.” The big “coming soon” rationale here seems to be that we’ll be seeing news soon from the first Chinese trials ...

Japanese scientists make battery breakthrough
Post Date: 2017-11-29 03:22:42 by Tatarewicz
PressTV ... Japanese scientists have developed a new type of chemical that is considered a breakthrough in battery making by facilitating greater power storage. A team from the University of Tokyo developed a new type of flame-extinguishing chemical that can stop lithium/sodium batteries from overheating and catching fire, according to an article published in the journal Nature Energy on Tuesday. The revolutionary innovation can result in the development of more powerful batteries than are currently available. According to the researchers, lithium ion batteries — generally used in cellphones and electric vehicles — and rechargeable sodium-ion batteries used organic ...

Swiss researcher challenges existence of dark matter, dark energy
Post Date: 2017-11-26 00:48:09 by Tatarewicz
GENEVA, Nov. 25 (Xinhua) -- A Swiss researcher has challenged the existence of dark matter and dark energy at all, which runs counter to a century of scientific consensus, according to a press release by University of Geneva (UNIGE) on Saturday. For close on a century, researchers have hypothesized that the universe contains more matter than can be directly observed, known as "dark matter." They have also posited the existence of a "dark energy" that is more powerful than gravitational attraction discovered by Newton. The two hypotheses have long been used to account for the movement of stars in galaxies and for the accelerating expansion of the universe respectively. ...

Zinc Battery Breakthrough Could Mean Safer, Lighter Cars and Smartphones
Post Date: 2017-11-25 20:34:41 by BTP Holdings
Zinc Battery Breakthrough Could Mean Safer, Lighter Cars and Smartphones By Charles Q. Choi Posted 27 Apr 2017 | 20:04 GMT Image: U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Not only could rechargeable zinc-based batteries possibly store as much energy as lithium-ion batteries, they could also be safer, cheaper, smaller and lighter, new research finds. The results suggest zinc batteries could find use in mild hybrids (microhybrids), electric vehicles, electric bicycles, and eventually, perhaps smartphones and power grid storage. The researchers are now aggressively testing these batteries and exploring scaling up this technology. “We feel we can have a battery ready for ...

Lighting our way to darkness: Scientists warn of too much ‘artificial light’ on Earth
Post Date: 2017-11-23 07:34:46 by Tatarewicz
RT... A new study conducted using satellite data shows that artificial lighting is growing brighter. The data suggest this is disrupting the order of ecological and human life, which previously depended on natural light sources such as the moon. The international study led by Christopher Kyba of the GFZ German Research Centre for Geoscience tracks what researchers are calling a negative trend that has implications for the health of human beings and the environment. The light pollution that humans are creating can affect living things, because they have evolved in accordance with the normal day-night cycle, according to the study. This is due to the fact that major sources of light during ...

Explosive volcanic eruptions triggered by cosmic rays: Volcano as a bubble chamber
Post Date: 2017-11-22 23:22:59 by Horse
Volcanoes with silica-rich and highly viscous magma tend to produce violent explosive eruptions that result in disasters in local communities and that strongly affect the global environment. We examined the timing of 11 eruptive events that produced silica-rich magma from four volcanoes in Japan (Mt. Fuji, Mt. Usu, Myojin-sho, and Satsuma-Iwo- jima) over the past 306 years (from AD 1700 to AD 2005). Nine of the 11 events occurred during inactive phases of solar magnetic activity (solar minimum), which is well indexed by the group sunspot number. This strong association between eruption timing and the solar minimum is statistically significant to a confidence level of 96.7%. This ...

‘By the people, for the people’: Kim Dotcom to launch alternative internet
Post Date: 2017-11-22 10:15:20 by Ada
Kim Dotcom, wanted in the US for alleged widespread illegal file sharing, has vowed to build an alternative internet to combat privacy and freedom problems online. The knowledge that government agencies have used the internet to spy on citizens, along with high-profile hacking scandals, has brought online privacy to the forefront of people’s minds. Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom says he will help facilitate an unobstructed internet, free from prying eyes, through MegaNet, which will operate without IP addresses. The German entrepreneur is currently resisting extradition to the US from New Zealand over alleged copyright infringement. Kim Dotcom ✔ @KimDotcom I have been ...

Twitter hate speech police ready to punish users for sites they visit on the web
Post Date: 2017-11-22 08:32:35 by Ada
Twitter begins monitoring user behavior from “off platform”. Hit with a serious case of “Trump Derangement Syndrome” coupled with a dose of “Russian Meddling Disease”, Twitter executives are ramping up their hate-speech surveillance to include not only the Twitter platform, but also monitoring sites visited by users outside the Twitter eco-system. Think twice before accepting Twitter’s cookie policy…you will be tracked and punished for sites you visit by the Twitter hate speech police. According to Zerohedge, in what amounts to a major shift in Twitter policy, Mashable’s Kerry Flynn reports that the company announced on Friday that it will ...

Game Over for Humans?
Post Date: 2017-11-22 08:02:03 by Ada
An algorithm that learns, tabula rasa, superhuman proficiency in challenging domains. AlphaGo Zero after 36 hours It is usual to distinguish between biological and machine intelligence, and for good reason: organisms have interacted with the world for millennia and survived, machines are a recent human construction, and until recently there was no reason to consider them capable of intelligent behaviour. Computers changed the picture somewhat, but until very recently artificial intelligence has been tried, and proved disappointing. As computers and programs increased in power and speed a defensive trope developed: a computer will never write a poem/enjoy strawberries/understand the ...

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