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Post Date: 2017-08-02 10:38:11 by Horse
The first of the three Milankovitch Cycles is the Earth's eccentricity. Eccentricity is, simply, the shape of the Earth's orbit around the Sun. This constantly fluctuating, orbital shape ranges between more and less elliptical (0 to 5% ellipticity) on a cycle of about 100,000 years. These oscillations, from more elliptic to less elliptic, are of prime importance to glaciation in that it alters the distance from the Earth to the Sun, thus changing the distance the Sun's short wave radiation must travel to reach Earth, subsequently reducing or increasing the amount of radiation received at the Earth's surface in different seasons. Today a difference of only about 3 percent ...

Why the Pentagon Falls for Elon Musk’s Gimmicks
Post Date: 2017-08-02 08:14:38 by Ada
Bureaucrats focus on cost rather than quality. Would you choose a handyman for your house the same way you pick paper towels for your kitchen? What about deciding on the mechanic for your car versus the gas station you use to fuel it? How about the food you feed your children and the paper bag you put their lunch in? The answer, of course, is no. When most reasonable people are making important decisions, such as fixing a house, repairing a car, or feeding their kids, the value of the service or product being provided weighs as equally on our minds as the price. We’re all willing to spend a little more to have quality products when it comes to important purchases. While this seems ...

New NASA Climate Data is Inconvenient For Al Gore
Post Date: 2017-07-26 20:57:43 by Horse
Poster Comment:Starts 1:18

Qinghai to build China's first Mars village
Post Date: 2017-07-26 07:14:25 by Tatarewicz
(People's Daily Online) "Mars Village," China's first simulated Mars base, will be built in Haixi Mongolian and Tibetan autonomous Prefecture, NW China's Qinghai province, China News Service reported on July 25. Located in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, the prefecture has diverse geography and magnificent natural scenery, including mountains, grasslands, dessert, rivers, and lakes. The main part of the region is the Qaidam Basin, which enjoys the reputation of "Cornucopia." (Photo/haixi.gov.cn) Desertification covers an area of 95,000 square kilometers, accounting for 75.6 percent of the total desert area in Qinghai province. The Gobi ...

Pet translator devices could let us talk to dogs within 10 years, Amazon-backed report says
Post Date: 2017-07-26 06:59:03 by Tatarewicz
Independent, UK Research shows prairie dogs have different words to describe colours and species of predators Pet translators could let us talk to dogs within 10 years, a report backed by Amazon has claimed. A professor at Northern Arizona University is attempting to raise money to develop a cat and dog translation device, after he used AI software to analyse calls made by priarie dogs. Con Slobodchikoff found that the animal had different words to describe colours and species of predators. He now believes the concept could be applied to household pets. Read more Dog organisations warn teacup puppy craze is harmful to pets The woman who thinks we should use cannabis to treat pets ...

China to build near-space airborne mobile Wi-Fi hub with solar drones
Post Date: 2017-07-25 07:20:51 by Tatarewicz
(People's Daily Online) China is developing an airborne mobile Wi-Fi hub in near space with solar-powered drones. The Feiyun ("Flying Cloud") project is able to secure emergency communication for more than one week and proof of concept is expected to be demonstrated before the end of year, Science and Technology Daily reported on July 25. The near space region, which lies 20 to 100 km above sea level, has become an emerging strategic space for major countries. The thin air reduces the performance of traditional fuel-powered aircraft engines, so developing solar-powered unmanned aerial vehicles that can fly continuously during long-term missions is the key primary equipment ...

Why not award 'father of hybrid rice' the Nobel Peace Prize?
Post Date: 2017-07-24 07:27:46 by Tatarewicz
People's Daily... Yuan Longping, the “father of hybrid rice,” is one of the strongest symbols of peace in China and across the world. Yet it was not this renowned Chinese scientist who was bestowed with the Nobel Peace Prize, it was Liu Xiaobo, a Chinese dissident. “By awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo the Norwegian Nobel Committee wanted to underscore the fundamental connection between developing democracy and creating and securing peace,” said Norwegian Nobel Committee Chair Berit Reiss-Andersen. That statement suggests a political motivation. Democracy is a powerful ideology that divides the world into two parts, with Western democracies on the ...

‘Everything is changing’: We must act now to beat unemployment risks from AI – Mark Cuban
Post Date: 2017-07-24 03:27:24 by Tatarewicz
‘Everything is changing’: We must act now to beat unemployment risks from AI – Billionaire Mark Cuban has warned that problems arising from artificial intelligence must be dealt with now to prevent mass unemployment. Speaking at the OZY festival Sunday in New York’s Central Park, the Dallas Mavericks owner predicted massive upheaval in the worlds of science, technology and commerce in the coming decades. Read more Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk (R) answers questions from Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval © Brian Snyder ‘Fundamental risk to civilization’: Elon Musk fears AI future (PHOTOS, VIDEO) "However much change you saw over the past ten years with ...

Our Minds Appear to Sync With Others When We're Holding a Conversation
Post Date: 2017-07-23 03:48:10 by Tatarewicz
Sci-alert... Our brain waves can synchronise with others when we're in conversation with them, according to new research. It's not quite mind reading, but it could teach us more about the nature of language and relationships. Based on readings from electroencephalography (EEG) machines, the study shows remarkable similarities between brain activity as two people chat to each other – a sort of "interbrain synchronisation". And according to the the researchers from the Basque Centre on Cognition, Brain, and Language (BCBL) in Spain, the findings could help in everything from treating those with speech difficulties to teaching new languages. "The brains of the ...

Astronomers Have Detected Strange Signals Coming From a Star 11 Light Years Away
Post Date: 2017-07-17 06:49:47 by Tatarewicz
Sci-alert... Astronomers say they have detected "strange signals" coming from the direction of a small, dim star located about 11 light-years from Earth. Researchers picked up the mysterious signals on May 12 using the Arecibo Observatory, a huge radio telescope built inside of a Puerto Rican sinkhole. The radio signals appear to be coming from Ross 128, a red dwarf star that's not yet known to have any planets and is about 2,800 times dimmer than the Sun. Abel Méndez, an astrobiologist at the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo, said the star was observed for 10 minutes, during which time the signal was picked up and "almost periodic". Méndez ...

Research Team Slams Global Warming Data In New Report: "Not Reality...
Post Date: 2017-07-16 21:52:12 by Ada
Totally Inconsistent With Credible Temperature Data" As world leaders, namely in the European Union, attack President Trump for pulling out of the Paris Climate Agreement which would have saddled Americans with billions upon billions of dollars in debt and economic losses, a new bombshell report that analyzed Global Average Surface Temperature (GAST) data produced by NASA, the NOAA and HADLEY proves the President was right on target with his refusal to be a part of the new initiative. According to the report, which has been peer reviewed by administrators, scientists and researchers from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), The Massachusetts Institute of Technology ...

Scientists Now Believe the Universe Itself May Be Conscious
Post Date: 2017-07-16 20:21:27 by Ada
A new scientific concept has recently come to light, which scientists are calling “panpsychism.” Panpsychism says that the universe could be capable of consciousness, which could change everything. For quite some time, scientists have been working to understand the universe, where it came from, and why we are here. However, they have often come up short until now. The scientist responsible for such a notion is Gregory Matloff, and his ideas are shocking, to say the least. According to Matloff, a physicist at New York City College of Technology, in his recently published paper, humans could be like the rest of the universe, in substance and in spirit. Futurism reported that a ...

A 75,000-mile-wide HOLE has appeared on the sun – and experts warn it could knock out communications satellites and cause blackouts on Earth
Post Date: 2017-07-12 12:53:44 by Horse
Nasa spotted the sunspot last week, but it has lingered through to today Dubbed AR2665, it is big enough to be spotted from Earth Experts have warned the spot is large enough to produce 'M-class' solar flares These can cause stunning auroras, and wipe out communication satellites A huge spot has appeared on the sun that could send dangerous solar flares down to Earth. The sunspot, dubbed AR2665, is 74,560 miles (120,000 kilometres) wide – big enough to be seen from Earth. Experts have warned that the spot is large enough to produce 'M-class' solar flares, which can cause radio blackouts on Earth, knock out communications satellites and create radiation storms. ...

Nikola Tesla, The Genius Who Electrified The World And Dreamed Up Death Rays
Post Date: 2017-07-11 06:42:26 by Tatarewicz
Sci-alert... July 10 is the birthday of Nikola Tesla, who would have been 161 years old today. It's a good time to celebrate the life of the Serbian-American engineer and physicist: Without Tesla, you might not be able to affordably power your home, let alone read this sentence. Tesla filed more than 300 patents during his 86 years of life, and his inventions helped pave the way for alternating current (AC), electric motors, radios, fluorescent lights, lasers, and remote controls, among many other things. Some of his ideas later in life, however, seem strange even now. He once described plans for a death ray, for example, and alluded to another idea for an impenetrable "wall of ...

Scientists Fear Grid Failures During Solar Minimum
Post Date: 2017-07-10 11:25:59 by Horse
As our sun’s activity slows and the star gets quieter, scientists’ fears of solar minimum are coming to the forefront. It isn’t the lack of activity that is terrifying those who study the sun, it’s what happens next that worries them all. There would be nothing any of us could do if the sun’s activity decreases to the point that it causes the outermost atmospheric layer to collapse. No amount of taxation in the name of “global warming” will save anyone on earth from this outcome. But first, scientists have to worry about the sun reaching “solar minimum” and the possibility of losing the outermost layer of the atmosphere thanks to the rapid ...

China's first unmanned lifeguard speedboat unveiled in Hefei
Post Date: 2017-07-10 05:35:02 by Tatarewicz
People's Daily... In China, lifeguards might soon join a growing list of professionals who will be replaced by robots or at least working with them in their jobs. The Institute of Intelligent Machines (IIM) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences announced recently that it has launched the country's first unmanned speedboat designed to save people from drowning. The craft made its debut in Hefei, capital of east China's Anhui Province, to monitor swimmers and tourists at the Swan Lake, where drownings often occur, said the IIM. The speedboat is equipped with cameras, GPS and infrared sensors to detect "moving targets" in the water, said Yu Yangdao, who led the unmanned ...

WikiLeaks Exposes CIA Targeting Linux Users With OutlawCountry Network Traffic Re-Routing Tool
Post Date: 2017-07-07 06:53:47 by Tatarewicz
Another day, another government spying exploit rises to the surface courtesy of Wikileaks, this time originating from the CIA. This WikiLeaks data dump specifically lets us know of a CIA-engineered spying tool called OutlawCountry (no space), which, interestingly enough, explicitly targets Linux users. You know, those digital freedom loving passionate penguin peeps that appreciate having great control over their computer? But don't worry, the CIA has targeted Windows users en masse in the past as well; absolutely no one has proven safe and they obviously don't discriminate. OutlawCountry starts out as a Linux kernel module (nf_table_6_64.ko) that gets loaded into the system and ...

July 4, 2017 : Coldest July Temperature Ever Recorded In The Northern Hemisphere
Post Date: 2017-07-06 08:02:11 by Ada
Greenland just set the record for coldest July temperature ever reported in the Northern Hemisphere at -33C. Click for Full Text!

This Battery-Free Cellphone Works by Harvesting Power From Ambient Radio Signals
Post Date: 2017-07-06 06:07:12 by Tatarewicz
Sci-Alert... If there's a bottleneck in today's smartphones and mobile devices generally, it's battery life – or, rather, the lack of it – but a new innovation from researchers in the US could mean an end to constantly staring at that sad-looking little red battery icon. Scientists have developed a working battery-free cellphone that harvests all the power it needs to function from ambient radio signals and light, and which is capable of making voice calls using off-the-shelf components available from most electronics stores. "We've built what we believe is the first functioning cellphone that consumes almost zero power," says one of the researchers, ...

Reviving the Woolly Mammoth
Post Date: 2017-07-05 07:54:28 by Tatarewicz
C2C-AM...Monday - July 3, 2017 Host George Noory In the first half, author Ben Mezrich discussed his latest work about the advances in technology that could possibly revive the woolly mammoth from extinction using ancient DNA. The mammoth, which was similar to an elephant, but somewhat larger, went extinct around 3,000 years ago, hunted and eaten by humans. However, well preserved bodies have been found in ice that DNA can be gleaned from. The geneticist George Church plans to sequence the animal's genome, synthesize it, and then place those genes into the embryo of an Asian elephant, Mezrich explained. It's possible to grow the mammoth in a synthetic see-through womb, he added. ...

Why 2,000 Year-Old Roman Concrete Is So Much Better Than What We Produce Today
Post Date: 2017-07-05 07:14:16 by Tatarewicz
Sci-Alert... One of the fascinating mysteries of Ancient Rome is the impressive longevity of some of their concrete harbour structures. Battered by sea waves for 2,000 years, these things are still around while our modern concoctions erode over mere decades. Now scientists have uncovered the incredible chemistry behind this phenomenon, getting closer to unlocking its long-lost recipe. As it turns out, not only is Roman concrete more durable than what we can make today, but it actually gets stronger over time. Researchers led by geologist Marie Jackson from the University of Utah have been chipping away at the mysteries of Roman concrete for years, and now they have mapped its crystalline ...

Bones make hormones that communicate with the brain and other organs
Post Date: 2017-07-05 02:55:07 by Tatarewicz
ScienceNews... Long typecast as the strong silent type, bones are speaking up. In addition to providing structural support, the skeleton is a versatile conversationalist. Bones make hormones that chat with other organs and tissues, including the brain, kidneys and pancreas, experiments in mice have shown. “The bone, which was considered a dead organ, has really become a gland almost,” says Beate Lanske, a bone and mineral researcher at Harvard School of Dental Medicine. “There’s so much going on between bone and brain and all the other organs, it has become one of the most prominent tissues being studied at the moment.” At least four bone hormones moonlight as ...

Human Emotions Really Are Affected by Gut Bacteria, New Study Suggests
Post Date: 2017-07-04 06:25:59 by Tatarewicz
Sci-Alert... The more we find out about the bacteria that live in our gut, the more we're coming to realise how these microbiota could have an impact on every facet of our lives – and not just our physical health and well-being, but our thoughts and emotions too. A new study has identified associations between two kinds of gut microbiota and how they affect people's emotional responses, and the researchers say it's the first evidence of behavioural differences related to microbial composition in healthy humans. Up until now, most research looking into how gut organisms influence emotions has been conducted on animals, with scientists finding that the bacterial composition ...

NASA to build asteroid-smashing probe to divert Didymos space rock (VIDEO)
Post Date: 2017-07-03 07:30:49 by Tatarewicz
RT... A spacecraft tipped to one day deflect potentially life-threatening asteroids from crashing into Earth has entered its first design phase, according to NASA. TrendsViral Part of a collaborative concept between NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA), the Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) is a probe that, when built, is expected to divert the trajectory of space rocks hurtling toward Earth. READ MORE: Threat of asteroid collision higher than previously thought – study With the idea given the green light for design, experts at the US space agency are now gearing up to prepare the craft for a outer space test in 2022. “DART would be NASA’s first mission to ...

The Sun Is 'Sneezing' Solar Storms Towards Earth
Post Date: 2017-07-01 06:36:13 by Tatarewicz
Right now, the Sun is stirring up violent eruptions capable of wiping out the technology we are so dependent on, and new research has found that these blasts are even harder to predict than scientists first thought. The findings reveal that these coronal mass ejections hurl into Earth's atmosphere like a sneeze rather than a stream of bubble-like structures. The cloud-like eruptions are also strongly influenced by the solar wind, forcing researchers to reconstruct their space weather forecasting. "Up until now, it has been assumed coronal mass ejections move like bubbles through space, and respond to forces as single objects," said Mathew Owens, lead author from the ...

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