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President Donald Trump's uncle Professor John Trump
Post Date: 2017-06-30 23:56:15 by Horse
Poster Comment:Donald Trump's uncle was called in by the FBI to examine the works and notes of Nikola Tesla after the inventor died.

The sun is set to 'change form' as NASA says solar minimum is on the way
Post Date: 2017-06-30 08:50:48 by Ada
Sunspots are heading toward a low point expected in 2019-2020, NASA says Solar minimum means certain types of activity, such as sunspots and flares, drop But, it could cause coronal holes and enhance the effects of space weather The sun is heading into a period known as solar minimum, during which activity at the surface will ‘change form.’ In this time, certain types of activity, such as sunspots and solar flares will drop – but, it’s also expected to bring the development of long-lived phenomena including coronal holes. According to NASA, solar minimum could also enhance the effects of space weather, potentially disrupting communications and navigation systems, ...

GIGO and the Intelligence of Countries: Disordered Thoughts
Post Date: 2017-06-28 12:02:00 by Ada
Apologies to the reader. Perhaps I wax tedious. But the question of intelligence is both interesting to me and great fun as talking about it puts commenters in an uproar. It is like poking a wasp’s nest when you are eleven. I am a bad person. Clearing the underbrush: Obviously intelligence is largely genetic–if it were cultural in origin, all the little boys who grew up in Isaac Newton’s neighborhood would have been towering mathematical geniuses–and obviously the various tests of intellectual function have, at least among testees of similar background, considerable relation to intelligence. Some individuals have more of it than others. For example, Hillary, a National ...

Flying car? MIT’s new drone can fly, drive & communicate with other drones on its own
Post Date: 2017-06-27 07:09:07 by Tatarewicz
RT... A team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has developed a drone prototype that can autonomously shift from flying to driving. The innovation comes with high hopes for the long-awaited flying cars of the future. By adding a driving platform to the bottom of a quadcopter drone, researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) announced on Monday they have developed a prototype that can autonomously switch between flying over obstacles to driving through tight spaces that normal drones could not get through. “The ability to both fly and drive is useful in environments with a lot of barriers, since you can fly ...

Anonymous Says NASA Is About to Announce Evidence of Alien Life
Post Date: 2017-06-26 06:35:29 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert.. Hacker network Anonymous has made headlines today, this time claiming that NASA is on the verge of announcing evidence of alien life. It's a pretty bold statement, but before you get too excited, we've checked the science, and let's be clear right up front that Anonymous doesn't appear to have any substantial new evidence to back up their speculation. In fact, their latest video announcement centres around the Kepler Space Telescope's latest discovery of 219 new planet candidates outside our Solar System, as well as comments made by Associate Administrator of NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Thomas Zurbuchen at a US government hearing back in ...

Has 'Planet 10' Been Detected?
Post Date: 2017-06-25 01:48:50 by Tatarewicz
Astronomers observing the mysterious Kuiper Belt deep in space believe they may have detected signs of heretofore undiscovered large planet in our solar system. In a newly-published paper, the researchers say that they've spotted strange perturbations in the orbits of some space rocks lingering in the mass of icy debris and other materials which make up the Kuiper Belt. By working through calculations involving the tilt of these objects and other astronomical factors, they concluded that "something as massive as Mars would be needed to cause the warp that we measured." If this sounds familiar, that is because a similar discovery was made back in January of 2016, when ...

Here's How to Backup Life on Earth Ahead of Any Doomsday Event
Post Date: 2017-06-21 06:41:54 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... There are ten asteroids that the space organisation NASA said last month have been classified as "potentially hazardous" based on their size and their orbits in our Solar system. NASA has now identified 693 near-Earth objects thanks to the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer spacecraft that's been looking for potential threats to Earth since 2013. The organisation doesn't specify what kind of hazard these ten asteroids pose. But Earth has been hit by objects in the past, with devastating effects. Scientists largely agree that it was an asteroid or comet impact that started the chain of events that wiped out the dinosaurs around 60 million years ago. ...

Turning Urine Into Electricity Can Also Kill Pathogens in Wastewater
Post Date: 2017-06-20 07:04:11 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... Fuel cells with microorganisms that feed on pee and generate electricity already sound like a pretty clever trick. It's one of the emerging biotechnology solutions in a world that's moving away from fossil fuels. But now scientists have taken it a significant step further, showing that not only can you power mobile phones and light globes with urine, but you can also kill pathogens in the wastewater as you do so. This development makes the technology even more attractive for use in the developing world. A research team from the University of the West of England (UWE) in the UK has already demonstrated that it's possible to rig a urinal with cheap pee-powered ...

New Documents From Wikileaks Expose How The CIA Exploits Wireless Devices
Post Date: 2017-06-19 08:26:38 by Ada
In the latest ongoing WikiLeaks whistle-blowing scandal, the website has published documents from the CIA’s CherryBlossom project, exposing agency’s exploitation of Wi-Fi device security vulnerabilities. Released on Thursday, the new batch of CIA classified documents comes from the Vault 7 project. In a press release, WikiLeaks said: “Today, June 15th, 2017, WikiLeaks publishes documents from the CherryBlossom project of the CIA that was developed and implemented with the help of the US nonprofit Stanford Research Institute (SRI International).” CherryBlossom monitors the Internet activity of, and performs software exploits on, targets of interest. According to the ...

Liquified gas electrolytes power new lower-temperature battery
Post Date: 2017-06-19 03:28:13 by Tatarewicz
"Better batteries are needed to make electric cars with improved performance-to-cost ratios," said researcher Shirley Meng. June 16 (UPI) -- Scientists at the University of California, San Diego have developed new electrolytes capable of powering batteries at temperatures as low as negative 80 degrees Celsius. The technology could help make lithium ion batteries safer and more efficient, as well as boost the range of electric vehicles during cold winter months. The new batteries could also power vehicles and instruments operating in extreme cold, like space rovers, satellites and high-alitiude weather baloons. The electrolytes are composed of liquefied gas solvents. Many gases ...

This Machine Could Print Synthetic Life Forms on Demand, And Our Minds Are Reeling
Post Date: 2017-06-17 06:11:07 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... Back in 2016, biologist Craig Venter achieved something extraordinary. He built a new species of bacteria from scratch in the lab - the simplest genetic life form known to science, made entirely through chemical synthesis of a custom-made genome. Now, he's unveiled a new machine that could print these synthetic life forms on demand - simply feed in a genome design, and let the 'ink' form the building blocks of life. The invention could see us colonise Mars with synthetic life without ever setting foot on the Red Planet, and Venter and Elon Musk have teamed up to make this happen. Called 'biological teleportation', the technique could allow scientists to ...

This New 'Solar Paint' Could Transform Your Entire House Into a Clean Source of Energy
Post Date: 2017-06-16 06:53:34 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... Powering homes using clean energy is becoming easier thanks to a growing number of innovative technologies and initiatives. Some government programs help homeowners with the financial burden of equipping their residences with energy-generating solar panels, and Elon Musk's Tesla has developed roofing tiles that double as solar panels to give solar power generation an aesthetic boost. Now, a new innovation out of Australia is poised to make clean energy even more appealing. A team of researchers from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) has developed a paint that can be used to generate clean energy. The paint combines the titanium oxide already used in ...

Security Update for Windows XP SP3 (KB4012598)
Post Date: 2017-06-16 01:51:30 by Tatarewicz
Office 365 unlocks the potential of your device, and brings out the best in you. Get Office 365 Security Update for Windows XP SP3 (KB4012598) Select Language: Download Close A security issue has been identified in a Microsoft software product that could affect your system. Details Version: 4012598 File Name: WindowsXP-KB4012598-x86-Custom-ENU.exe Date Published: 5/15/2017 File Size: 666 KB KB Articles: KB4012598 Security bulletins:MS17-010 A security issue has been identified in a Microsoft software product that could affect your system. You can help protect your system by installing this update from Microsoft. For a complete listing of the issues that are included in this update, ...

Russia Has Developed a Cyber Weapon That Can Disrupt Power Grids, New Research Finds
Post Date: 2017-06-15 04:22:20 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... Very real and very dangerous. Hackers allied with the Russian government have devised a cyber weapon that has the potential to be the most disruptive yet against electric systems that Americans depend on for daily life, according to US researchers. The malware, which researchers have dubbed CrashOverride, is known to have disrupted only one energy system - in Ukraine in December. In that incident, the hackers briefly shut down one-fifth of the electric power generated in Kiev. But with modifications, it could be deployed against US electric transmission and distribution systems to devastating effect, said Sergio Caltagirone, director of threat intelligence for Dragos, a ...

China Focus: Fly high: Chinese solar drone "Rainbow" reaches near space
Post Date: 2017-06-13 23:59:07 by Tatarewicz
Photo taken on May 24, 2017 shows a solar drone on its test flight. China has successfully tested near-space flight of its largest solar drone. With a wingspan of 45 meters, the solar-powered drone is capable of flying at an altitude of 20 to 30 kilometers, and cruising at a speed of 150 to 200 km per hour for a long time. The unmanned aerial vehicle will be used mostly for airborne early warning, aerial reconnaissance, disaster monitoring, meteorological observation and communications relay. (Xinhua) BEIJING, June 13 (Xinhua) -- China's Caihong (CH), or Rainbow, solar-powered unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), the country's first near-space solar drone, has successfully conducted a ...

Human fossils date: Take it with 'a bushel basket of salt'
Post Date: 2017-06-12 09:09:12 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
A Christian biologist is downplaying news reports that new human fossils in Morocco have been dated to be 300,000 years old. Dr. David Menton, speaker, author, and researcher with Answers in Genesis, wonders what the big deal is."The newspapers and popular news media are going bananas over this for what? I even wonder whether the people writing the articles know what the excitement is," Dr. Menton comments. "It's not an ape-man. It's a human, a 100-percent human. The question is how old is it?" The biologist points out that scientists have been finding fossil bones in Morocco going back as far as 1960. In fact, most of the bones used in this current study ...

Are Viruses Alive?
Post Date: 2017-06-12 03:23:23 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... It's complicated. Viruses have weirded us out since they were first discovered over a century ago, but are these microscopic protein pirates alive? You bet, if you're prepared to think outside the box. Good morning, MRS GREN School biology is commonly introduced with an acronym such as "MRS GREN" with the aim of teaching students some qualities that define all living things; Movement: All living things move stuff around Respiration: All living things make use of a change in energy Sensation: All living things respond to changes in the environment Growth: All living things assemble materials to grow and repair Reproduction: All living things make ...

World’s largest light source to be built in Beijing
Post Date: 2017-06-11 04:27:40 by Tatarewicz
People's Daily Online) Beijing’s Huairou Science City will be home to world’s largest high-energy synchrotron radiation light source. The future light source will be a ring-shaped structure that is 700 meters in diameter. It will eventually be a landmark near Yanqi Lake in Beijing. World's largest light source will be built in Beijing's Huairou Science City. Photo/The Paper.cn The light source is similar to an X-ray, but with a much higher luminance, which will enable researchers to view even minuscule objects in greater detail. Everything from cells and blood flowing through vessels to the age and wear of an airplane’s wing will be able to be observed with ...

Faster and cheaper: World’s first driverless rail transit system unveiled in Hunan
Post Date: 2017-06-11 03:28:25 by Tatarewicz
(People's Daily Online) Chinese railcar-maker CRRC on Jun. 2 unveiled a new product called Autonomous Rail Transit (ART) in Zhuzhou, Hunan province, and the bus-rail combo rapid transit system is expected to speed up city’s public transportation. According to CRRC, ART uses rubber wheels on a plastic core instead of steel wheels. It’s also equipped with the company’s copyrighted technology to automatically guide the vehicles. It carries the advantages of both rail and bus transit systems and is agile and non-polluting, Thepaper.cn reported. ART is much cheaper than ordinary subway, which cost about 400-700 million RMB per kilometer in China. And compared with ...

10 Science Mysteries We Want Answers To
Post Date: 2017-06-10 07:23:37 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... 1. The impossible EM drive... works? Since first hearing rumours about NASA's physics-breaking propulsion system late last year, a paper describing their device has passed peer-review, and China claims to be testing their own version in space right now. And yet, no one can explain how this fuel-less drive is able to violate Newton's Third Law: everything must have an equal and opposite reaction. If we learn anything this year or next, let's hope we can get to the bottom of this confounding machine. 2. Humpback whales have been forming mysterious 'super-groups', and we still don't know why. Back in March, never-before-seen groups of up to 200 whales ...

This Low-Cost Carbon Dioxide Splitter Just Changed The Game For Solar-Powered CO2 Reduction
Post Date: 2017-06-08 07:38:31 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... Scientists have developed the first low-cost system for splitting carbon dioxide into carbon monoxide and oxygen - a process that's crucial if we're going to ramp up renewable energy use in the future. This splitting process has long been identified as a promising way of turning renewables into fuel without increasing the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but until now, no one had come up with a method that was cheap enough to be practical. The solution devised by a team from the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland is based on an electrolysis technique using copper-oxide nanowires modified with tin oxide, ...

Threat of asteroid collision higher than previously thought – study
Post Date: 2017-06-08 02:57:31 by Tatarewicz
RT... The likelihood of an asteroid smashing into Earth is increasing, according to new research from a team of Czech scientists which discovered new asteroids traveling around our planet. READ MORE: 'Great meteors of fire' Taurid to light up night sky The team studied 144 large meteors from the Taurids, a meteor stream which appears in our skies twice a year. The group discovered a new branch of the phenomenon containing at least two asteroids measuring a whopping 200-300 meters (220-330 yards) in diameter. This branch likely includes even larger undiscovered asteroids, according to a statement from the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The Taurid meteoroid stream ...

80 Graphs From 58 New (2017) Papers Invalidate Claims Of Unprecedented Global-Scale Modern Warming -
Post Date: 2017-06-07 14:06:50 by Horse
Scientists Increasingly Discarding ‘Hockey Stick’ Temperature Graphs - Last year there were at least 60 peer-reviewed papers published in scientific journals demonstrating that Today’s Warming Isn’t Global, Unprecedented, Or Remarkable. . Just within the last 5 months, 58 more papers and 80 new graphs have been published that continue to undermine the popularized conception of a slowly cooling Earth temperature history followed by a dramatic hockey-stick-shaped uptick, or an especially unusual global-scale warming during modern times. . Yes, some regions of the Earth have been warming in recent decades or at some point in the last 100 years. Some regions have been ...

AI robot to take on China's national college entrance exam
Post Date: 2017-06-07 07:03:18 by Tatarewicz
(People's Daily Online) A robot developed by a company in Chengdu, Sichuan province will take the mathematics section of China’s national college entrance exam, also known as the gaokao, on June 7. It will be the first attempt by an AI to tackle the world’s largest-scale exam. The computer challenger, AI-MATHS, is an artificial intelligence program designed by Chengdu Zhunxing Yunxue Technology using big data and natal language recognition. Though labeled a robot, AI-MATHS is actually an assembly of over 10 servers, which jointly run an artificial intelligence system. According to the company, AI-MATHS will not only take the math exam used in most regions in China, it will ...

Here's What Scientists Mean When They Say The Universe Could Be a Hologram
Post Date: 2017-06-07 06:51:48 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... For decades now, scientists have been investigating the possibility that our Universe is, or once was, a giant hologram, where the laws of physics require just two dimensions, but everything appears three-dimensional to us. It sounds far-fetched, but if true, it would actually solve some pretty hefty questions in physics, and recent research has dished up some tantalising evidence that suggests the hologram principle works just as well as the standard Big Bang model in explaining the early Universe. First proposed in the 1990s, the hologram principle is an attempt to unify the two major arms of thought in modern physics - quantum mechanics and general relativity. As the ...

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