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SOIL not DIRT - Dr Elaine Ingham talks Soil Microbiology
Post Date: 2016-11-18 12:32:34 by Horse
Poster Comment:This is the best introduction to her works I have seen. No need for pesticides, fertilizers and plowing. Reduce your costs and increase your yields.

What is the Speed of Gravity?
Post Date: 2016-11-17 00:39:24 by Horse
Poster Comment:Bishop Nicholas Sykes currently the rector of St. Alban's Anglican Church, George Town, Cayman Islands, treasurer of the Cayman Ministers' Association and member of the Cayman Islands' Human Rights Commission.

Professor Stephen Hawking says humans will be WIPED OUT in 1,000 years unless we find new planet
Post Date: 2016-11-16 15:34:09 by Ada
The world's most influential scientist says humans must continue to go into space to find a new place to live or otherwise face mass extinction Professor Stephen Hawking says humans have less than 1,000 years on Earth before we are wiped out by extinction. The celebrated physicist said humans will only survive if another planet was found to live on. The 74-year-old said unless this happens then humans will be wiped out in a mass extinction. Speaking at the Oxford Union, he said: “We must also continue to go into space for the future of humanity. "I don’t think we will survive another 1000 years without escaping beyond our fragile planet.” READ MORE Professor ...

What Humans Can Learn From The Mice Utopia Experiment
Post Date: 2016-11-14 16:07:07 by Dakmar
In 1950, an American ethologist named John Calhoun created a series of experiments to test the effects of overpopulation on the behaviour of social animals. The animals which Calhoun chose for his experiments where mice (and later on rats). He chose rodents as these reproduce rapidly thus allowing him to observe the development of several generations of mice  in a relatively short space of time. Calhoun and his researchers found that in a space-limited/resource unlimited environment, the population of mice would explode; peak-out and then collapse to extinction. This test was replicated several times and it was found that these led to the same outcome each ...

Trump Troglodytes May Breed Subhuman Species
Post Date: 2016-11-11 06:12:41 by Ada
Ricki Lewis, a science writer with a PhD in genetics, wonders if Trump voters are turning into a different species of human. Excerpt: Do the deep differences between the two groups of voters in any way reflect underlying genetics? I’ve dismissed studies purporting to identify gene variants associated with political party or conservatism. But now I fear they might be onto something, in the big picture. No one will say it out loud, connect the dots, but the pieces of evidence leading to an obvious conclusion have been zipping around social media for months: 1. Educational attainment differs on the sides of the new divide. Yes, I know that PhDs can be idiots, and those with little or ...

You can't see it, but humans actually glow with our own form of bioluminescence
Post Date: 2016-11-11 04:07:21 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... When you hear about bioluminescence, your mind probably jumps to deep-sea creatures like the angler fish, which uses millions of bacteria to make a light appear in front of its head to catch prey and illuminate your nightmares. But what about humans? According to a study conducted in 2009 by Japanese researchers, human bioluminescence in visible light exists - it’s just too dim for our weak eyes to pick up on. "The human body literally glimmers," the team from the Tohoku Institute of Technology wrote in their study published in PLOS One. "The intensity of the light emitted by the body is 1,000 times lower than the sensitivity of our naked eyes." ...

Autonomous AI: New robots will learn as children do & set own goals
Post Date: 2016-11-08 01:58:54 by Tatarewicz
RT...A new generation of self determining robots able to set their own goals and experiment and mimic the human learning process are under development as part of an EU-funded project led by Italian scientists. The GOAL (Goal-based Open-ended Autonomous Learning) robots will learn and develop skills from scratch as children do and will go on to ’self-generate’ goals. More than 3.4 million euros ($3.75mn) has been allocated by the EU under the FET Open research projects initiative for the development of the bots which launched this month. It is expected to have been completed by 2020. The programme is being led by the Laboratory of Computational Embodied Neuroscience (LOCEN), an ...

This classic physics experiment could finally reveal the long-awaited 'theory of everything'
Post Date: 2016-11-07 20:39:00 by Tatarewicz
An iconic physics experiment used to demonstrate the strange properties of the quantum world is now even stranger than we thought, and not only could it force us to rethink some fundamental aspects of quantum mechanics - it could be the key to finally unifying the two biggest theories of modern physics. Physicists have found evidence that a key component of the classic 'double-slit experiment' could actually be tested, and seeing as it appears to violate the current laws of physics, testing it could give us a whole new way to investigate the holes in quantum mechanics. Let’s start at the beginning, with the iconic double-slit experiment, which gave us one of the strangest ...

Russia Just Got the Tools to 'Blind' Nosey NATO Reconnaissance Planes in Syria
Post Date: 2016-11-05 08:07:02 by Tatarewicz
SPUTNICK... Last week, NATO announced that it had begun tracking the movement of Russian military aircraft operating in Syria using AWACS reconnaissance planes operating from Turkish bases. But as luck would have it, Russia has just received all the tools it needs to neutralize the alliance's snooping. In late September, NATO announced that a fleet of 16 Airborne Early Warning and Control Systems (AWACS) aircraft would be sent to Turkey, ostensibly to help the alliance's ongoing efforts against the Daesh (ISIS/ISIL) terrorists. A month later, the alliance confirmed that the aircraft had been deployed, and that they started their surveillance of Syrian airspace beginning October 20. ...

A new type of atomic bond has been discovered
Post Date: 2016-11-05 06:31:42 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... For the first time, physicists have observed a strange molecule called the butterfly Rydberg molecule - a weak pairing of highly excitable atoms that was first predicted back in 2002. The find not only confirms a 14-year-old prediction - it also confirms the existence of a whole new type of atomic bond. Rydberg molecules form when an electron is kicked far from an atom's nucleus, making them super electronically excited. On their own, they're common enough. But back in 2002, a team of researchers from Purdue University in Indiana predicted that a Rydberg molecule could attract and bind to another atom - something that was thought impossible according to our ...

China company to launch suborbital tourists by 2020
Post Date: 2016-11-05 02:47:16 by Tatarewicz
The competition heats up: A Chinese company has announced that it is building a reusable suborbital spaceship to fly suborbital tourists by 2020. Han Qingping, president of ChinaRocket Co Ltd in Beijing, said the company first will develop a 10-metric-ton reusable spacecraft and use it to ferry three to five travelers to a height of 80 km for a new perspective on the mother planet and experience weightlessness. That is the upper part of the mesosphere, higher than jets and balloons can travel, but just below the height where satellites fly. No prices were given. “By 2025, a 100-ton reusable spacecraft will be produced to send up to 20 passengers to an orbit as high as 140 km above ...

Astronomers have a new explanation for how the Moon was formed
Post Date: 2016-11-04 03:36:19 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... The most popular hypothesis for how our Moon came to be is the giant impact hypothesis: the idea that a Mars-sized planet smashed into Earth about 4.5 billion years ago, throwing breakaway chunks of crust into space that eventually bonded to form the Moon. There's good evidence to back up that idea, but now scientists have developed an alternative hypothesis - one that suggests that Earth and the Moon both formed from the same molten material. The new model, put forward by researchers from the University of California, Davis, helps to explain why Earth and the Moon have a largely similar chemical composition. It suggests that the original 'giant impact' ...

Physicists Think They’ve Just Found a Self-Destruct Button for the Universe Home
Post Date: 2016-11-03 19:48:47 by Ada
(ANTIMEDIA) The bad news is physicists believe the universe could have its own self-destruct button. The good news is it probably won’t get pushed for billions of years. The so-called self-destruct mechanism revolves around the Higgs boson, or “God particle,” which was finally discovered by scientists at the Large Hadron Collider in 2012. In the documentary film, Particle Fever, which chronicled the historic discovery, scientists found that the mass of the particle was 125 GeV. This is significant because it split the difference between two competing schools of thought: one proposed a Higgs mass of 140 GeV, which would support the idea that our universe is situated inside a ...

Potayto, potahto: Controversial new ‘anti-famine’ GMO potato strains approved
Post Date: 2016-11-03 06:41:19 by Tatarewicz
© Reuters/RT... The US Department of Agriculture has given its seal of approval to two new strains of genetically engineered potatoes. By using double stranded RNA, the potatoes have been engineered to resist the pathogen responsible for the Irish potato famine. There could be two new potatoes hitting the soil next spring after the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) signed off on two more genetically modified potatoes from Simplot, an agribusiness based in Idaho, on Monday. The only obstacle for the new potatoes becoming available on the market is a voluntary review process from the FDA, much to the chagrin of GMO skeptics. Jeffrey Smith, founder of the Institute for Responsible ...

Bermuda Triangle 'Solution' Disputed
Post Date: 2016-11-02 05:53:12 by Tatarewicz
C2C... Last week's highly publicized claims that meteorologists had solved the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle are being called into question by the very scientist who was credited with finding the answer. The proposed hypothesis, that microbursts conjured from hexagonal-shaped clouds over the Triangle were responsible for downing ships and planes, garnered considerable media attention after it was featured on the Science Channel. As tends to happen, the story quickly spread throughout the press and morphed, in many places, into a declaration that the legendary mystery had finally been solved. However, the expert featured on the segment that started it all has stepped forward to ...

There's something strange going on inside the US's deadliest volcano
Post Date: 2016-11-02 05:48:01 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... Researchers have found something strange going on inside Washington's Mount St. Helens. Despite being responsible for the deadliest eruption in US history, and the most active volcano in North America's Cascade Arc, the volcano is actually cold inside. It appears Mount St. Helens is stealing its heat from somewhere else, but researchers still aren't sure why or how. "This hasn't really been seen below any active arc volcanoes before," geologist Steven Hansen from the University of New Mexico told Science News. The new mystery adds to the anomaly that is Mount St. Helens - the volcano that caused the US's deadliest eruption in 1980, killing ...

Study details newly discovered mineral merelaniite
Post Date: 2016-11-01 04:24:02 by Tatarewicz
HOUGHTON, Mich., Oct. 31 (UPI) -- Most seemingly novel minerals turn out to be variations of existing minerals, but merelaniite is unlike any other. Researchers named the new chemical compound for the Merelani mining district of Tanzania, a region rich in rare minerals. "The Merelani district has been famous since the late 1960s for the blue gem variety of zoisite known as tanzanite, but this is really a mineral collector's paradise and an exciting place to look for new minerals," John Jaszczak, a physics professor at Michigan Tech, explained in a news release. "The importance of the area is the reason we wanted to give tribute to the miners and name merelaniite for ...

This new hypothesis claims to solve 5 of the biggest problems in physics
Post Date: 2016-10-31 08:44:17 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... Physicists have come up with a new model that they say solves five of the biggest unanswered questions in modern physics, explaining the weirdness of dark matter, neutrino oscillations, baryogenesis, cosmic inflation, and the strong CP problem all at once. The new model, called SMASH, proposes that we only need six new particles to reconcile all of these gaps in the standard model of physics, and the team behind it says it won’t be that hard to test. The model has been developed by a team of French and German physicists, and they say it doesn’t require any major tweaks to the standard model - just a few new additions. It’s early days yet, but that’s a ...

Elon Musk just unveiled his brand new solar home roof
Post Date: 2016-10-31 07:59:32 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... Musk has been hyping the solar roof ahead of its shareholder vote for a SolarCity merger that’s scheduled for November 17, calling it a "fundamental part of achieving differentiated product strategy." The solar roofs that Musk showed off were installed on houses on Universal Studio’s famous backlot, which recreates a suburban environment. In his presentation, Musk showcases a variety of roofing designs, ranging from traditional to modern a Tuscan tile application, all constructed of glass solar panels that look unlike solar panels have ever looked before. Musk has already said that it’s essential for the roof design to be beautiful, and the ...

"Spooky Action": Did Einstein Invent a Hack-Proof Network?
Post Date: 2016-10-31 07:09:56 by BTP Holdings
"Spooky Action": Did Einstein Invent a Hack-Proof Network? > The Chinese are putting the finishing touches on an unhackable network built on principles of quantum theory. > They've also launched a satellite to support this "quantum network." > Our long-term cyber security may depend on quantum computing. On August 16, 2016, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) launched the world's first quantum communications satellite. It was a huge step for the Chinese. And it may have enormous implications for all of us. The $100 million Quantum Experiments at Space Scale (QUESS) project is a joint effort between the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the ...

Faster Firefox? Mozilla's Quantum Shoots for Quicker Page Loads, Smoother Scrolling
Post Date: 2016-10-30 08:37:06 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Mozilla is overhauling its Gecko-based web engine so that it's better at handling the dynamic features of modern websites. Mozilla has announced project Quantum, kicking off a major overhaul of its web engine to deliver a faster browsing experience by the end of 2017. The new Quantum engine will improve Firefox's ability to handle modern website features, such as auto-playing video, rich animations, and instant messaging. Because users expect these features to just work, and developers want to use them, Mozilla thinks it's time to do a better job of supporting the needs of both groups. The engine aims to harness the hardware the browser runs on more ...

Risk of Earth’s destruction by asteroid increasing as astronomers find 5,000 new risky comets
Post Date: 2016-10-29 03:45:24 by Tatarewicz
RT... Astronomers have identified an increasing number of asteroids which “pose a threat” to Earth, according to the European Space Agency. Near-Earth Objects, or NEOs, are asteroids or comets whose orbits are close to ours, meaning there is a risk they could hit Earth. Ranging in size from meters to tens of kilometres, astronomers are discovering more and more asteroids that could threaten our planet. Since 2010, an additional 5,000 have been discovered, bringing the total known number of NEOs to 15,000. “The rate of discovery has been high in the past few years, and teams worldwide have been discovering on average 30 new ones per week,” Ettore Perozzi of the ...

Would YOU visit a robot gynecologist? The four-armed device to operate on women that's controlled by a doctor using foot pedals
Post Date: 2016-10-27 17:56:28 by Horse
Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, New York, has bought a 'da Vinci' robot The device gives doctors a 3D view of the surgical site; they can control the robot's arms using hand and foot pedals It will be used for gynecological operations, such as uterus tumor removal Doctors say the device will allow women to leave hospital within two days A robot gynecologist will soon be treating patients in New York. The da Vinci robot has performed a number of minor operations since it was approved for use by the FDA in 2000. Now, Elmhurst Hospital in Queens has purchased one - to join their team of obstetricians and gynecologists. The robot will be used to perform non-invasive procedures ...

A massive hole in the Sun's corona is supercharging aurorae right now
Post Date: 2016-10-27 01:26:48 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... Yesterday, officials announced that a "moderate" geomagnetic storm would hit Earth, and then gradually weaken over the next 24 to 48 hours. Caused by Earth's transition into strong solar winds blasted from a hole in the Sun’s corona, the solar storm failed to disrupt power grids, satellites, and radio navigation systems as feared, but it’s been putting on a hell of a show in the night sky instead. Solar storms like the one we’re experiencing right now are caused by coronal holes on the Sun, which look like ominous, black patches in the outer atmosphere. But rather than a physical 'hole' in the atmosphere that exposes the surface, a ...

This brilliant teen figured out how to make clean energy using a device that costs $5
Post Date: 2016-10-24 04:09:05 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... Maanasa Mendu thinks she’s cracked the code on how to make wind and solar energy affordable. On Tuesday, Mendu - a 13-year-old from Ohio - won the grand prize in the Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge for her work in creating a cost-effective 'solar leaves' design to create energy. In addition to winning the title of America’s Top Young Scientist, she gets $25,000 for her achievement. The leaves, designed to help developing areas in need of cheaper power sources, cost roughly US $5 to make. Over the past three months, Mendu and nine other finalists worked on their projects alongside a mentor provided by 3M. Mendu was inspired to come up ...

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