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Tesla upgrades Autopilot, with radar as primary control sensor
Post Date: 2016-09-13 02:49:09 by Tatarewicz
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 12 (Xinhua) -- Tesla Motors, Inc. on Monday announced software upgrade for the Autopilot mode of its electric vehicles, turning an onboard radar into a primary control sensor. The new software includes dozens of small refinements plus what the automaker called "significant upgrade" in the wake of the May 7 fatal crash of a Tesla S, a luxury model, on a road in Williston, Florida, southeastern United States. In the first fatality on record operating a Tesla electric vehicle on Autopilot mode, neither Autopilot nor the driver noticed a tractor trailer turning in front of the vehicle, so the brake was not applied, resulting in the sedan to pass under the ...

30-ton meteorite found in northern Argentina
Post Date: 2016-09-13 02:43:46 by Tatarewicz
BUENOS AIRES, Sept. 12 (Xinhua) -- Scientists have excavated a meteorite weighing over 30 tons in northern Argentina, it was reported on Monday. The meteorite was found on Sept. 10 in the town of Gancedo, 1,085 km north of Buenos Aires, Mario Vesconi, president of the Astronomy Association of Chaco, told the daily newspaper Clarin. "While we hoped for weights above what had been registered, we did not expect it to exceed 30 tons," Vesconi noted, adding that "the size and weight surprised us." "It was in Campo del Cielo, where a shower of metallic meteorites fell around 4,000 years ago," the team was quoted as saying. The meteorite will be weighed again to ...

Interview: Technological innovation sparks new industrial revolution, says expert
Post Date: 2016-09-12 01:44:15 by Tatarewicz
LIMA, Sept. 11 (Xinhua) -- Technological innovations have sparked a new industrial revolution, and people need to keep up with these developments to understand both opportunities and challenges they pose, according to a leading Spanish academic and advisor. Alberto Andreu, an associate professor with University of Navarra School of Economics and Business Administration based in Pamplona, Spain, shared his opinions with Xinhua on Saturday about the fast pace of technological transformations. "The digital revolution is already disrupting all industries and all sectors, starting with the sector of media and the sector of culture, and it will finally take us to the sector of ...

Humans may also be uniquely identified by hair: study
Post Date: 2016-09-12 01:36:24 by Tatarewicz
WASHINGTON, Sept. 11 (Xinhua) -- Proteins in human hair could be as effective as DNA profiling in identifying unique individuals, researchers from the U.S. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have found. Currently, DNA profiling is commonly used for identification in forensic science and archaeology because DNA is unique to each individual. However, environmental and chemical processes can degrade DNA, limiting its usefulness over time, the researchers reported this week in the U.S. journal PLOS ONE. In contrast, protein is more stable than DNA and has variations that may be unique to the individual, they said. In the new study, Brad Hart from the Lawrence Livermore National ...

Darwin Unhinged: The Bugs in Evolution
Post Date: 2016-09-09 18:37:09 by Ada
This is atrociously long, criminally even, by internet standards but I post it anyway because I get occasional requests. Few will read it, which is understandable. Apologies. The Devil made me do it. Regular readers, if there is one, will have seen most of it before since in large part it is a gluing together of several columns. Archaeopteryx “A scientist is part of what the Polish philosopher of science Ludwik Fleck called a “thought collective”: a group of people exchanging ideas in a mutually comprehensible idiom. The group, suggested Fleck, inevitably develops a mind of its own, as the individuals in it converge on a way of communicating, thinking and feeling. This ...

How to raise a genius, according to a 45-year study on extraordinary kids
Post Date: 2016-09-08 08:10:07 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... A survey of 5,000 intellectually talented children has now entered its 45th year, and the insights it’s uncovered when it comes to fostering talented and struggling kids alike could inform how future generations are taught in schools. "Whether we like it or not, these people really do control our society," Jonathan Wai, a psychologist at the Duke University Talent Identification Program, said of the participants. "The kids who test in the top 1 percent tend to become our eminent scientists and academics, our Fortune 500 CEOs and federal judges, senators, and billionaires." Initiated by Julian C. Stanley from Johns Hopkins University, the Study of ...

When Artificial Intelligence Judges a Beauty Contest, White People Win,
Post Date: 2016-09-08 01:29:23 by NeoconsNailed
Sometimes bias is difficult to track, but other times it’s clear as the nose on someone’s face–like when it’s a face the algorithm is trying to process and judge. An online beauty contest called Beauty.ai, run by Youth Laboratories (that lists big names in tech like Nvidia and Microsoft as “partners and supporters” on the contest website), solicited 600,000 entries by saying they would be graded by artificial intelligence. The algorithm would look at wrinkles, face symmetry, amount of pimples and blemishes, race, and perceived age. However, race seemed to play a larger role than intended; of the 44 winners, 36 were white. The tools used to judge the ...

The 'impossible' EM Drive is about to be tested in space
Post Date: 2016-09-06 03:40:02 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... An actual EM Drive is about to be launched into space for the first time, so scientists can finally figure out - once and for all - if it really is possible for a rocket engine to generate thrust without any kind of exhaust or propellant. Built by American inventor and chemical engineer, Guido Fetta, the EM Drive is as controversial as it gets, because while certain experiments have suggested that such an engine could work, it also goes against one of the most fundamental laws of physics we have. As Newton's Third Law states, "To each action there's an equal and opposite reaction," and many physicists say the EM Drive categorically violates that law. ...

Listverse short: bizarre hellish ecosystem discovered in (where else) Romania
Post Date: 2016-09-05 04:34:58 by NeoconsNailed
In south-eastern Romania, there is a cave that was locked away from the slightest ray of light for 5.5 million years—and that has a completely different atmosphere from the earth. The cave was discovered by workers looking to set up a powerplant. They tested the ground to see if it was a safe place to build—and cracked open a pathway that leads into one of the strangest places on earth. If you descend through the narrow shaft and past a series of tunnels, you enter a chamber with a lake of sulphuric water stinking of rotting eggs. The air there is toxic, filled with hydrogen sulphide and contaminated with 100 times the surface’s levels of carbon dioxide. The strangest ...

More on Eugenics: What Fun
Post Date: 2016-09-04 21:24:11 by Ada
Most considerations of eugenics, before wobbling off into discussions of Hitler, deal with intelligence and physical characteristics, notably health and strength. By those who constitute the best argument for eugenics, eugenics is usually interpreted as a means of oppressing the poor, maltreating the more bedraggled minorities, and euthanizing the retarded. Most commentators on the matter would be endangered by the latter, so I understand their concern. However, behavior may be a more important field for eugenic consideration. Herewith a few ruminations, offering more questions than answers. See what you think. Most of the gravest problems facing humanity today have existed since at ...

Mysterious Signal Revealed to be from Earth
Post Date: 2016-09-04 03:56:45 by Tatarewicz
C2C...The tantalizing space signal which made headliners earlier this week has been demystified after astronomers in Russia determined that it was of terrestrial origin. News of the signal set off a brief firestorm over the weekend as SETI scientists sprung into action in an effort to locate the anomaly once again. Perhaps indicative of just how ready the world is to hear from ET, the story spread like wildfire as millions hopes that perhaps this was the breakthrough we've been waiting for all this time. Alas, it turns out that the 'call' was yet another wrong number in the endless game of telephone between humans and aliens. The furor was enough to force astronomers working ...

Video: UFO Causes SpaceX Rocket Explosion?
Post Date: 2016-09-04 03:34:12 by Tatarewicz
C2C... The fiery explosion of a SpaceX rocket on Thursday has drawn the attention of conspiracy theorists who contend that the disastrous event was caused by a UFO! In observing footage of the blast, numerous anomaly watchers noted, when slowed down, a dark, distinct orb can be seen zipping across the sky moments before the explosion erupts. Skeptics, of course, say that the oddity is merely a bird or insect, but conspiracy theorists suggest otherwise, suggesting that the sheer speed of the object precludes such a prosaic explanation. For their part, SpaceX says that the explosion was caused by a mishap during fueling, although conceded that the specific incident which sparked the ...

Mindfulness of Microbial Electronics | Electricity of Life
Post Date: 2016-09-04 01:08:25 by Horse
Poster Comment:5 1/2 minute video.

Inside the mind of a PSYCHOPATH: Researchers find they do feel fear - but don't recognise danger
Post Date: 2016-09-03 09:00:10 by Ada
Inability to experience fear has been thought to drive psychopaths' actions But, researchers say these individuals may actually feel the emotion Rather than lacking fear, they struggle to recognize and respond to threat Psychopaths are known to be manipulative and callous towards others, with severe emotional disturbances driving their antisocial actions. Neuroscientists have long attributed this behaviour to a general lack of fear – but according to a new study, psychopaths might not be as fearless as once thought. Researchers have found that these individuals may actually experience this emotion, but fall short in their ability to recognize and respond to threats. ...

In 1975, a cat co-authored a physics paper
Post Date: 2016-09-03 05:03:44 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... Let’s be real here - getting research papers published is hard. But what if you could use your cat to cut through all that bureaucracy and get your paper into the journal of your choice. You’d give it a shot, right? It wouldn’t fly now, but back in 1975, it was a whole different story, because a cat named F.D.C. Willard was the co-author of a peer-reviewed physics paper called "Two-, Three-, and Four-Atom Exchange Effects in bcc 3He." Published in the journal Physical Review Letters, the paper describes the results of an experiment exploring the behaviour of the helium-3 isotope at various temperatures. Conducted by Jack H. Hetherington, a ...

Flat Earth PsyOp is the Real Conspiracy
Post Date: 2016-09-02 14:40:07 by Bill D Berger
TMR Editor’s Note: There is perhaps no greater Internet-wide PSYOP than the CIA-directed Flat Earth Conspiracy (FEC).  This covert black operation has London’s notorious Tavistock Institute written all over it. The Millennium Report has posted extensively on this extremely effective PSYOP since its inception. We have felt compelled to address it one last time because of a number of prominently configured truth-tellers who either subscribe to the FEC utter nonsense or who provide a safe haven to discuss their absurd and distracting ‘theories’. How is it that some major alternative news websites even host the ridiculous ramblings of Flat Earthers … … ...

The Myth of the Bee-pocalypse
Post Date: 2016-09-02 04:25:10 by NeoconsNailed
...........Riding the buzz over dying bees, the Obama administration announced the creation of a pollinator-health task force to develop a “federal strategy” to promote honeybees and other pollinators. The task force unveiled its long- awaited plan, the National Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators. The plan aims to reduce honeybee-colony losses to “sustainable” levels and create 7 million acres of pollinator-friendly habitat. It also calls for more than $82 million in federal funding to address pollinator health. But here’s something you probably haven’t heard: there are more honeybee colonies in the United States today than ...

See how this Japanese robot makes sushi
Post Date: 2016-09-01 16:35:52 by Horse
Poster Comment:I have seen robots that can cook 500 hamburgers an hour to individual orders and one that can cook, 3,400 different gourmet meals. Both need a couple of tears to be perfected. Japan needs robots to replace young workers. Otherwise the shortage of young people will drive wages too high.

3.7-billion-year-old fossils may be the oldest signs of life on Earth
Post Date: 2016-09-01 06:43:02 by Ada
Australian researchers Allen Nutman and Vickie Bennett hold a 3.7-billion-year-old fossilized stromatolite from Isua, Greenland. (Yuri Amelin) Scientists probing a newly exposed, formerly snow-covered outcropping in Greenland claim they have discovered the oldest fossils ever seen, the remnants of microbial mats that lived 3.7 billion years ago. It's a stunning announcement in a scientific field that is always contentious. But if confirmed, this would push the established fossil record more than 200 million years deeper into the Earth’s early history, and provide support for the view that life appeared very soon after the Earth formed and may be commonplace throughout the ...

In space, Scott Kelly aged slower than his brother on Earth - and here's why
Post Date: 2016-09-01 05:51:47 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... Here's something to wrap your head around: when astronaut Scott Kelly went into space and his slightly older twin brother Mark stayed on Earth, the age gap between them increased, thanks to Scott's time in orbit. Bizarre, right? And it's all down to Einstein's revolutionary theory of relativity. What Einstein's theory suggests - and what evidence has since backed up - is that time moves more slowly for objects in motion than it does for a stationary observer. It also moves more slowly the closer you are to a gravitational mass like Earth. In other words, we're not all experiencing time at the same rate. The faster you move and accelerate, the ...

Study: Large thunderstorms spread mercury pollution
Post Date: 2016-09-01 03:23:15 by Tatarewicz
"The mercury is being transported into our region by winds, and tall thunderstorms are bringing it down to Earth," researcher Christopher Holmes explained. A bolt of lightning strikes near One World Trade Center in lower Manhattan as a thunder storm moves through the New York City area on August 16, 2016. New research suggests large thunderstorms play an outsized role in transporting mercury from the atmosphere to the ground. Photo by John Angelillo/UPI | License Photo TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Aug. 31 (UPI) -- Mercury pollution gets around. Though much of it is released into the atmosphere, a significant portion is returned to ground by rain. New research suggests it's ...

Mysterious Space Signal Intrigues SETI Scientists
Post Date: 2016-08-31 03:05:44 by Tatarewicz
C2C... News that a Russian observatory detected an unexplained radio signal emanating from a distant sun-like star has SETI scientists springing into action. The mysterious signal was apparently discovered by scientists at Russia's RATAN-600 radio telescope in May of 2015. For reasons unexplained, the find was not made public until this past weekend, which SETI lead astronomer Seth Shostak found to be a rather curious decision. In an email to the website GeekWire, Shostak noted that the ideal scenario, upon discovering such a signal, would be for another telescope to confirm the find. Fortunately, now that other researchers are aware of the mysterious signal, that is just what they ...

Microsoft censoring anti-jew/nwo "hate" speech
Post Date: 2016-08-30 06:47:57 by Tatarewicz
PMF... Microsoft Tackles Online Hate Speech With New Tools And Resources " Microsoft is taking further steps toward combating online hate speech by rolling out resources to counter sexist, racist or otherwise abusive content on its services. " " Continuing such efforts, Microsoft has now introduced a new web form on Aug. 26, offering tools and resources for people to report content instigating violence or promoting hatred based on race, gender, sexual identity or other factors. " more at link www.techtimes...ombat-abuse.htm Zharkov... "...the first law of Nature is inequality." He got that right. Nothing in nature is ever exactly equal, not even ...

Worldwide sinkhole epidemic: live footage and electrical theory
Post Date: 2016-08-30 02:14:01 by NeoconsNailed
Sinkholes: The Groundbreaking Truth Published on Feb 12, 2016 Opening Earth: A Documentary about Sinkholes Rabbit Hole Productions in association with... sott.net Opening Earth Sinkholes: The Groundbreaking Truth Something is happening to the ground beneath our feet The earth is literally opening up Before 2010, sinkholes were a relatively uncommon phenomenon Now they are appearing almost daily But why so many sinkholes and why now? In a word... electricity Strange as it may sound The Electric Universe theory, or Plasma Cosmology, can account for this unprecedented phenomenon Plasma cosmology sees the universe as a giant electric motor being driven by the exchange of charged ...

The Search for Eath 2.0: Will We Make It Out Alive?
Post Date: 2016-08-29 07:27:20 by BTP Holdings
Someday, this world's gonna end. So we have to get off it. The good news is that we have some time to solve a couple major problems: finding another habitable planet and developing the technology to get us there. Although we did manage to make it through the Cold War without a nuclear holocaust, we keep inventing new possibilities for self-destruction. So there's that to consider. But it's a fact: Our sun, like all stars, will eventually burn out. Setting aside the ever-present (and, right now, waxing) possibility that we do ourselves in, about 5 billion years from now, the sun will expand and engulf the inner planets of the solar system. Eventually, Earth will be ...

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