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Bad news for Bob the Builder: Watch Hadrian X the robo-builder create an entire house in just two days
Post Date: 2016-07-27 15:02:42 by Horse
It can lay 1,000 bricks an hour and work around the clock, 24 hours a day A robotic 'hand' lays the brick, and applies adhesive instead of mortar, which improves the thermal efficiency It 3D scans its surroundings to work out exactly where to place bricks - and is simply parked next to site It can build an entire house in just two days - and never takes tea breaks. An Australian firm has revealed the Hadrian X, a giant truck mounted building robot that can lay 1,000 bricks an hour, glueing them into place. It can work 24 hours day, and finish an entire house in just two days. Scroll down for video Mounted on the back of a truck, Hadrian X is simply driven onto a building ...

Researchers have finally found a way to make people smarter, but it's not pleasant
Post Date: 2016-07-27 09:38:31 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... As we learn more and more about the brain, we're getting better at figuring out how to supercharge it. One of the most promising and at this point, popular ways (at least, among a certain community of mostly-DIY body-hackers) to directly charge up our mental abilities involves headsets that direct electric or magnetic pulses at specific regions of the brain. Brain stimulation is not a new technique. Neuroscientists have been experimenting with various forms of brain stimulation in its modern form for at least 15 years. But now, due to both a growing body of available how-to knowledge and the ability to purchase brain-stimulating devices off the internet, the devices ...

Meet Luca, the Ancestor of All Living Things
Post Date: 2016-07-27 00:40:53 by Tatarewicz
NYT... William F. Martin says that the Last Universal Common Ancestor can be traced back to deep sea vents like this one off the Galápagos. A surprisingly specific genetic portrait of the ancestor of all living things has been generated by scientists who say that the likeness sheds considerable light on the mystery of how life first emerged on Earth. This venerable ancestor was a single-cell, bacterium-like organism. But it has a grand name, or at least an acronym. It is known as Luca, the Last Universal Common Ancestor, and is estimated to have lived some four billion years ago, when Earth was a mere 560 million years old. The new finding sharpens the debate between those who ...

Is Musk's Space X rocketry full of hot air?
Post Date: 2016-07-26 10:23:23 by NeoconsNailed
From: "Brasscheck TV" Subject: Bizarre Space X footage =================== BrasscheckTV Report =================== I haven't paid much attention to Elon Musk other than to comment that his self-driving car is delusional. I've ignored his Space X company. Now I'm paying attention. You won't believe the bogus footage they're peddling as "proof of success." Video: www.brasschecktv.com/page/298 77.html - Brasscheck TV P.S. We can't make this unique news service available without the help of our subscribers. Please consider joining ranks of BrasscheckTV.com supporters. Thanks! Details here: www.brasschecktv.com/donate.html< /a> ...

Scientists think cockroach milk could be the superfood of the future
Post Date: 2016-07-26 08:19:31 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... An international team of scientists has just sequenced a protein crystal located in the midgut of cockroaches. The reason? It’s more than four times as nutritious as cow’s milk and, the researchers think it could be the key to feeding our growing population in the future. Although most cockroaches don’t actually produce milk, Diploptera punctate, which is the only known cockroach to give birth to live young, has been shown to pump out a type of ‘milk’ containing protein crystals to feed its babies. The fact that an insect produces milk is pretty fascinating – but what fascinated researchers is the fact that a single one of these protein ...

What’s that “New ‘$39 Computer’ Hitting U.S. Markets?”
Post Date: 2016-07-25 01:28:07 by Tatarewicz
Bonner & Partners, which is yet another publisher subsidiary of Bill Bonner’s Agora empire, has a new teaser pitch out for Jeff Brown’s Exponential Tech Investor — and what caught the eye of Gumshoe readers was the headline, in the ad from Bonner’s Managing Director Amber Lee Mason, that promises huge gains from a “$39 computer” that will be as transformative as television or the internet. “Tom Mainelli, a tech analyst at International Data Corporation (IDC) said, ‘This is the next generation of computing.’ ‘[“The $39 Computer”] is going to have as big an impact on businesses as the PC had…. It’s going to change the ...

The CIA tried mind control to create the perfect assassin
Post Date: 2016-07-24 12:46:02 by Ada
Matt Damon plays the titular character in "Jason Bourne," a man brainwashed by the government. Photo: Universal Pictures Next Friday, Matt Damon returns for a fourth outing in the film “Jason Bourne,” as the superspy continues to investigate his fuzzy past and piece together all the terrible things he’s done. Bourne’s amnesia has always been central to the character’s story. The ex-black ops soldier has spent years (and three previous films) trying to elude the authorities and uncover exactly how the CIA manipulated him. And while “Jason Bourne” includes several ripped-from-the-headlines details — austerity protests in Greece, a battle ...

If You Live in Oklahoma TX NY NJ FL CA Get Out NOW! YouTube
Post Date: 2016-07-24 12:16:11 by BTP Holdings
If You Live in Oklahoma TX NY NJ FL CA Get Out NOW! YouTube Jon Doe Published on Jul 4, 2016 Credit to Josh Tolly ERAD www.officer.com/company/12189987/erad-electronic-recovery-and-access-to-data Police Theft Cards www.dhs.gov/science-and-technology/prepaid-card-reader-aids-seizing-fraudulent-cards MARTIAL LAW ACTUAL FOOTAGE PROOF WATERTOWN MASSACHUSETTS www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rWaEHnUMsw

Chinese scientists develop new metal 3D printing technology
Post Date: 2016-07-23 06:19:42 by Tatarewicz
WUHAN, July 22 (Xinhua) -- Researchers with Huazhong University of Science and Technology in central China's Hubei Province have successfully manufactured metal parts and molds using new 3D printing technology, sources with the university announced on Friday. The new metal 3D printing technology addresses existing problems in traditional metal 3D printing methods, said Zhang Hai'ou, leader of the 3D printing technology research team at the university. These problems, such as flowing, dropping or crumbling of fused materials due to gravity, cracking, stress and rapid heating and cooling can severely affect modeling performance and accuracy, according to Zhang. After over a ...

Subsurface methane cause earth wabbling in Siberia
Post Date: 2016-07-23 03:16:42 by Tatarewicz
MailOnline Over recent years, mysterious giant holes suddenly appearing in northern Siberia have been attributed to gas eruptions, which cause the permafrost to melt. Now new footage has captured another incredible feature caused by this build up of gas. Ground on Belyy Island, normally rock hard from permafrost, is seen 'bubbling' or swaying and measurements indicate it is leaking methane and carbon dioxide, according to scientists. The ground in this part of the Russian Arctic, normally rock hard from permafrost, can be seen bubbling under the pressure of someone's foot. Researchers spotted 15 separate patches of trembling tundra The ground in this part of the Russian ...

Sunlight helps scientists derive hydrogen from grass
Post Date: 2016-07-22 04:36:35 by Tatarewicz
Researchers have found a way to derive hydrogen from the grass growing on suburban front lawns. CARDIFF, Wales, July 21 (UPI) -- Scientists in Wales see gas in the grass. The green stuff growing in your yard might be an inexpensive source of renewable energy. With just sunlight and the help of a cheap catalyst, researchers at Cardiff University have found a way to derive hydrogen gas from fescue grass. "Hydrogen is seen as an important future energy carrier as the world moves from fossil fuels to renewable feedstocks, and our research has shown that even garden grass could be a good way of getting hold of it," Michael Bowker, a professor at the Cardiff Catalysis Institute, ...

We'll only have one year's warning before a planet-devastating super-eruption
Post Date: 2016-07-22 04:01:49 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... Scientists in the US have discovered that rare volcanic eruptions – so catastrophically powerful that they could potentially devastate the entire planet – might only give up to a year's warning before they unleash fiery hell. Super-eruptions, which can eject thousands of cubic kilometres of magma to the planet's surface, build up over a massive time frame – but volcanic samples suggest the final stage of decompression before magma release happens much more quickly. "The evolution of a giant, super-eruption-feeding magma body is characterised by events taking place at a variety of time scales," says geochemist Guilherme Gualda from ...

Drone over N. Israel: Iranian with stolen US apps
Post Date: 2016-07-21 07:50:36 by Tatarewicz
Debka... The UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) that flew on July 17 over northern Israel was a “Yasir’ drone made in Iran that was launched from a Hizballah base in Syria’s Qalamoun Mountains, some 60km from central Golan. This is reported by debkafile military and intelligence sources. The Yasir can reach an altitude of 5,000 feet, operate in a 200km radius and stay aloft for 8 hours. There is no information as to whether it was launched by a Iranian or a Hizballah team. This UAV displayed exceptional maneuverability, unlike most drones, due it is believed to the advanced US electronic systems installed by reverse engineering of the American US ScanEagle drone that was downed ...

Future according to Musk: Super safe money-earning-self-driving cars
Post Date: 2016-07-21 04:58:09 by Tatarewicz
Elon Musk has unveiled part two of his ‘Master Plan’: A “true self-driving” car that not only would be 10 times safer than manual driving, but that would earn money for its owner when not in use. Musk is serious about perfecting his Tesla’s “beta” Autopilot system to make it drive safely no matter what happens to a car. “All Tesla vehicles will have the hardware necessary to be fully self-driving with fail-operational capability, meaning that any given system in the car could break and your car will still drive itself safely,” Musk wrote in his brand-new “Master Plan, Part Deux.” Ten years ago, Musk presented a “Master ...

eplacing Kerosene Lanterns With Solar-LEDs Can Spur Jobs
Post Date: 2016-07-21 04:29:24 by Tatarewicz
I4U... Replacing Kerosene Lanterns with Solar-LEDs can Spur Jobs Japanese electronics giant Panasonic engineer Kiyofumi Abo displays a prototype of a solar lantern for people living without electricity, composed with solar cell (L) and five LED portable lantern during the African Fair, an affiliated event of the conference with dozens of African leaders, Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) In addition to environmental benefits, shifting away from inefficient and polluting fuel-based lighting -- such as candles, firewood, and kerosene lanterns -- to solar-LED systems can spur economic development as well -- to the tune of two million potential new jobs, a study ...

7 Ways to Spring Clean Your PC for Better Performance
Post Date: 2016-07-20 01:23:11 by Tatarewicz
highya... Learn how to clean your PC inside and out for free! We detail easy steps to removing unwanted programs and grime, helping your computer run more efficiently. Remember how quickly your computer worked when fresh out of the box? Over time, installed programs, unused desktop shortcuts, saved files, and downloaded data accumulate, making your system slower. There may even be malware—spyware or viruses that you’ve unknowingly downloaded by clicking links or opening emails. Just like your home requires regular inspection to ensure that everything is in tip-top shape, your PC also requires maintenance. Here’s our list of how to spring clean your computer—from ...

Physicists show that gravity isn't affected by the quantum world Physicists show that gravity isn't affected by the quantum world
Post Date: 2016-07-19 08:25:38 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... When it comes to physics, gravity rules pretty much everything we can see in the Universe - it keeps planets orbiting stars, stars orbiting black holes, and, well, all of us stuck on the planet. But while all the massive objects in the Universe have an influence on gravity, researchers have failed once more to show a connection between gravity and quantum mechanics. In other words, gravity just doesn't seem to care about the quantum world. And that's kind of a bummer for our hopes of a theory of everything. Let's back up here a second though, because all this quantum/classical stuff can get a little bit messy. In physics, there are basically two theories ...

Early research suggests eating cinnamon might make you learn more
Post Date: 2016-07-15 08:26:37 by Tatarewicz
SciienceAlert... Researchers from the US have found evidence that suggests eating cinnamon might have a positive impact on your ability to learn. The research has only been conducted in mice for now, but, if confirmed, the findings might offer a simple, at-home way to help those who struggle to learn new tasks, as well as allowing researchers to better understand the underlying mechanisms in the brain that control learning. "Understanding brain mechanisms that lead to poor learning is important to developing effective strategies to improve memory and learning ability," said lead researcher Kalipada Pahan from Rush University Medical Centre in Chicago. To fully understand the ...

Rumors of Earth's 2nd moon are slightly exaggerated
Post Date: 2016-07-12 23:49:45 by NeoconsNailed
Well, this is awkward. Earth's relationship with the moon is no longer a monogamous one. Scientists have identified a second, mini-moon orbiting our planet that has probably only been around for about 100 years, reports NASA. This second moon looks to be a recently captured asteroid, and like a mistress, its subtle dance with Earth may be fleeting, only sticking around for a few centuries. Still, it's a remarkable event that proves just how dynamic our gravitational relationship is with near-Earth objects. The video above showcases in detail the path of the new moon's orbit as it bobs up and down like a tiny float in choppy water. As said, it's small, measuring in at only ...

Self-driving car hits tractor-trailer, kills passenger
Post Date: 2016-07-07 09:55:54 by Artisan
DOT investigating fatal crash in which self-driving car slammed into tractor-trailer The dash of a Tesla Model S. The U.S. DOT announced last week it’s investigating a fatal Florida crash in which a Tesla Model S — driving in the vehicle’s self-driving Autopilot mode — failed to brake and slammed into the side of a Class 8 tractor-trailer, killing the occupant of the Tesla. Tesla vehicles are all-electric sedans that can operate in semi-autonomous modes in certain situations. The truck involved in the crash pulled in front of the Tesla to take a left across a divided highway. The Tesla’s Autopilot system failed to brake to avoid the collision and drove ...

Robots to determine outcome of future wars: Russian army's tech chief
Post Date: 2016-07-07 07:41:32 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... The Russian military's tech chief says the outcome of future wars will be determined by robots. (Sputnik) The Russian military's tech chief says the outcome of future wars will be determined by robots. (Sputnik) Robots will replace conventional soldiers on the battlefield in the future, says the Russian military’s tech chief. “I see a greater robotization [of war], in fact, future warfare will involve operators and machines, not soldiers shooting at each other on the battlefield,” RT quoted Lieutenant General Andrey Grigoriev, the head of Russia’s Advanced Research Foundation (ARF), as saying on Wednesday. Noting that days of conventional warfare ...

Amazon moves one step closer toward army of warehouse robots Robotics competition prize for best warehouse-working ‘picker’ machine awarded to robot designed by Dutch team
Post Date: 2016-07-06 17:55:36 by Horse
Amazon’s progress toward an army of helpful robots is one step closer: a prize for the best warehouse-working “picker” machine has gone to a robot designed by a team from TU Delft Robotics Institute and Delft Robotics, both based in the Netherlands. The competition was held in conjunction with Germany’s Robocup in Leipzig. Announced on Monday, the winners took home $25,000, while the university of Bonn’s NimbRo won $10,000 for second place and Japanese firm PFN was awarded $5,000 for third. The contest, in Amazon’s words, “aimed to strengthen the ties between the industrial and academic robotic communities,” and ended with slightly fewer than half ...

Norway says possible to realize full-scale carbon capture chain within 2022
Post Date: 2016-07-06 03:54:31 by Tatarewicz
OSLO, July 4 (Xinhua) -- Norway said Monday in a feasibility study report that it is possible to realize a full-scale carbon capture and storage (CCS) chain in the Nordic country within 2022, two years later than it had expected. "The feasibility studies are an important part of this work and show that realising a full-scale CCS chain in Norway within 2022 is possible and at lower costs than for projects considered in Norway earlier," Norway's Minister of Petroleum and Energy Tord Lien was quoted as saying in a statement when presenting the report. "Wide deployment of CCS is necessary for the world to reach its climate goals. The most important goal of a full-scale ...

Researchers in England have devised a better way to capture CO2 from smokestack emissions.
Post Date: 2016-07-05 00:24:41 by Tatarewicz
Chemists unveil cheaper, more efficient carbon capture technology "It defies current accepted scientific understanding of the efficiency of carbon-capturing CO2," said researcher Michael North. YORK, England, July 4 (UPI) -- A team of scientists in England have found a better way to capture carbon from power plant emissions. The key to their new and improved technique is patented carbon-derived biomass material called Starbons. Starbons, which was pioneered a decade ago by scientists at the University of York, is made using biomass waste like food peelings and seaweed. Its key attribute is its porosity. Lots of tiny holes allow Starbons to capture lots of CO2. Current carbon ...

China finishes world's largest radio telescope to search for alien life
Post Date: 2016-07-04 23:38:12 by Tatarewicz
Installation was completed on the world's largest radio telescope on Sunday morning in Pingtang, China. Photo by giohy.com GUIYANG, China, July 3 (UPI) -- China finished constructing the world's largest radio telescope to hunt for signs of alien life in deep space. The Five-hundred-meter Single-Aperture Radio Telescope, or FAST, contains 4,450 reflector panels with a diameter of 500 yards and is 30 football fields, according to the Xinhua news agency. About 300 people witnessed the installation Saturday of the last triangular-shaped panel to the reflector in Pingtang County of the southwestern province of Guizhou. The project was first conceived in 1994 and installation began ...

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