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Snowden: FBI's claim it can't unlock the San Bernardino iPhone is 'bullshit'
Post Date: 2016-03-09 09:24:28 by Ada
NSA whistleblower rubbishes claims that only Apple can unlock killer’s iPhone 5C, indicating FBI has the means itself Edward Snowden, the whistleblower whose NSA revelations sparked a debate on mass surveillance, has waded into the arguments over the FBI’s attempt to force Apple to help it unlock the iPhone 5C of one of the San Bernardino shooters. The FBI says that only Apple can deactivate certain passcode protections on the iPhone, which will allow law enforcement to guess the passcode by using brute- force. Talking via video link from Moscow to the Common Cause Blueprint for a Great Democracy conference, Snowden said: “The FBI says Apple has the ‘exclusive ...

GMO's - "The Biggest Scientific Fraud of Our Age"
Post Date: 2016-03-08 16:19:38 by Aquila
Did you know that almost everything in a market today that comes in a box contains Genetically Modified Food products? Rice Krispies? GMO Sugar Smuckers Jam and Jellies? GMO Sugar Canned Chili? GMO Soybeans Pancake Syrup? Syrup from GMO Corn Candy? GMO Soy and Sugar It's safe to assume that if it doesn't say "Organic" or "Non-GMO" on the box the food in the box contains some kind of GMO. Altered Genes, Twisted Truth: How the Venture to Genetically Engineer Our Food Has Subverted Science, Corrupted Government, and Systematically Deceived the Public A book by Steven Drucker This book uncovers the biggest scientific fraud of our age. It tells the fascinating ...

Researchers Copy a 3D Model By Recording Its Printer's Sounds
Post Date: 2016-03-08 04:17:26 by NeoconsNailed
Anyone looking to duplicate a 3D-printed model doesn't necessarily need computer hacking skills to do so. New research shows that the blueprint of a model can be copied simply by recording the sounds of the 3D printer as it produces it, Gizmodo reports. Researchers at the University of California, Irvine's Advanced Integrated Cyber- Physical Systems Lab made this discovery by recording the noises made by a 3D printer as it printed out a key-shaped object. The sounds generated by the servos, pumps, and extruders were all unique enough to give away their positions as well as the amount of filament they were printing at a given time. When the team attempted to reproduce the key ...

You know Area 51, but just what in the world is Area 6?
Post Date: 2016-03-07 09:18:55 by Ada
The asphalt runway stretches for a mile on Yucca Flat, deep in the Nevada National Security Site about 80 miles northwest of Las Vegas. Built in 2005, the runway covers a dirt landing strip from the 1950s, when the wide, flat valley was used for atomic bomb test shots. A small complex of buildings dominated by a large hangar with unusual clamshell doors dominates the southern end of the asphalt strip. The complex has no official name. Not many people even know it’s there. As secret airbases go, the single runway in the test site’s Area 6 is easily overshadowed by the world’s most famous secret military base, Area 51, a dozen miles northeast. Area 51’s existence was ...

How Solar Is Saving the Oil Industry
Post Date: 2016-03-06 13:13:08 by BTP Holdings
How Solar Is Saving the Oil Industry Written by Nick Hodge Posted March 3, 2016 With the collapse in oil prices, oil companies are pulling out all the stops to staunch the bleeding. And the pressures aren't just coming from pricing, which has already led to several dozen bankruptcies, but they're also coming from a renewed global push against climate change. You see, the global energy market is in flux. And fortunes will be made and lost as a new energy order develops. Coal fortunes, for example, have already been lost. Oil will be fine. And in fact I suspect huge gains to be made from the sector once it rebounds. But I believe even more gains are to be had ...

Scientific paper which says the human hand was designed by a 'Creator' sparks controversy
Post Date: 2016-03-04 09:35:58 by Ada
The paper's perceived references to intelligent design have provoked anger and calls for a boycott of the journal The language of the paper references a 'Creator', which some saw as an endorsement of intelligent design Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images A recent scientific paper on the movement of the human hand has faced strong criticism for referring to a 'Creator' throughout. The paper, titled: 'Biomechanical characteristics of hand coordination in grasping activities of daily living' was written by a team of four researchers, three from Huazhong University in China, and one from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Massachusetts. Published in the PLOS ONE ...

Commercial Plane Makes EMERGENCY Landing for 'pit stop'
Post Date: 2016-02-28 22:04:04 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
Commercial Plane Makes EMERGENCY Landing for 'pit stop'

Ransomware Strikes 3rd Largest South Carolina School District
Post Date: 2016-02-27 21:11:39 by BTP Holdings
Ransomware Strikes 3rd Largest South Carolina School District February 18, 2016 by Kayla Thrailkill Ransomware hits Horry County Schools in South Carolina, locking 25 servers… The risk of ransomware has never been higher, with the latest victim being Horry County Schools in South Carolina. According to Myrtle Beach Online, the virus that encrypted various files came from outside of the United States, which has lead to the involvement of the federal and state government. The virus did not cause a data breach, but has encrypted 25 servers rendering them inaccessible. In order to obtain the encryption key the school is being ordered to pay thousands of dollars. According to WBTW News ...

A Smart Gun That Only Fires for Its Owner Is One Step Closer to Becoming a Reality
Post Date: 2016-02-25 19:29:38 by BTP Holdings
A Smart Gun That Only Fires for Its Owner Is One Step Closer to Becoming a Reality The San Francisco police chief has agreed to test it out.​ Paul Chinn, The Chronicle By Benny Evangelista San Francisco Police Chief Greg Suhr on Tuesday offered his department as a test bed for smart guns once the technology is more fully developed. Suhr, speaking at an event sponsored by smart-gun technology proponents, said he'd be willing to give tech-savvy officers the option of trying a weapon that can be fired only by its authenticated owner. "Officer safety is huge, so you wouldn't want to compel that upon officers," Suhr said. "But we have so many officers who are ...

Mysterious radio burst pinpointed in distant galaxy
Post Date: 2016-02-25 08:48:58 by Ada
For the first time, astronomers have traced an enigmatic blast of radio waves to its source. Since 2007, astronomers have detected curious bright blasts of radio waves from the cosmos, each lasting no more than a few milliseconds. Now scientists have been able to pinpoint the source of one of these pulses: a galaxy 1.9 billion parsecs (6 billion light years) away. It probably came from two colliding neutron stars, says astronomer Evan Keane of the Jodrell Bank Observatory outside Manchester, UK, who led the team that reports the detection in Nature1. The discovery is the “measurement the field has been waiting for”, says astronomer Kiyoshi Masui of the University of British ...

Was it Pink Floyd? Apollo 10 astronauts heard mysterious 'music' on the dark side of the moon, newly uncovered tapes reveal
Post Date: 2016-02-21 21:14:07 by Ada
While orbiting the moon in 1969, the Apollo 10 team heard 'weird music' They were on the far side of the moon, so it couldn't have come from Earth The team debated whether to tell NASA command back home Recordings of the event were declassified in 2008, and will be played on Science Channel's NASA's Unexplained Files this month See the latest Nasa updates at www.dailymail.co.uk/nasa Apollo astronauts who orbited the moon two months before Neil Armstrong's famous 1969 landing heard mysterious and unexplainable 'music' on its far side, out of the range of Earthly radio transmissions, it has emerged. Recently unearthed recordings made by NASA of the journey, ...

No place like home: Earth found to be one of a kind
Post Date: 2016-02-21 21:07:55 by Ada
Are we alone? Looks like it. Avatar fans prepare yourself for disappointment as we’re afraid you may never get to live on Pandora. A new study has shown that Earth truly is one of a kind with nothing coming close to life on this planet. Astronomers in Sweden used computer simulations to model the known universe from existing data and then applied the laws of physics to advance the model 13.8 billion years. Out of the 700 quintillion potential planets, none resembled Earth, meaning we may be very alone after all. Sorry Alf. The results call into question the Copernican principle which says that humans are not privileged observers in this universe and that we do not occupy a ...

Scientists are floored by what’s happening in the Arctic right now
Post Date: 2016-02-18 19:40:43 by BTP Holdings
Scientists are floored by what’s happening in the Arctic right now Resize Text Print Article Comments 405 Book mark article Read later list Saved to Reading List By Chris Mooney February 18 at 10:58 AM Temperature anomalies for January, 2016. NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies New data from NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration suggest that January of 2016 was, for the globe, a truly extraordinary month. Coming off the hottest year ever recorded (2015), January saw the greatest departure from average of any month on record, according to data provided by NASA. [January was the ninth straight month of record breaking global warmth] But as you can see in ...

Apple Condemns FBI's "Chilling" Overreach
Post Date: 2016-02-18 06:14:54 by BTP Holdings
Apple Condemns FBI's "Chilling" Overreach By Nick Hodge | Wednesday, February 17, 2016 Three cheers for Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) CEO Tim Cook. He has told the United States government — and particularly the FBI and IRS — to shove it. And on multiple fronts. First, he has stood up to the notion that Apple should pay more in taxes because it keeps $200 billion offshore. Cook commented on 60 Minutes in December that his company “pays more taxes in this country than anyone.” And that the notion that Apple is "engaged in a scheme" to pay fewer taxes, according to the government, "is total crap.” Perhaps more important is Apple's ...

stop living that lie. snap out of it
Post Date: 2016-02-17 07:09:57 by wudidiz
Allowed on Timeline “Only the existence of a field of force can account for the motions of the bodies as observed, and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. All literature on this subject is futile and destined to oblivion. So are all attempts to explain the workings of the universe without recognizing the existence of the ether and the indispensable function it plays in the phenomena. My second discovery was of a physical truth of the greatest importance. As I have searched the entire scientific records in more than a half dozen languages for a long time without finding the least anticipation, I consider myself the original discoverer of this truth, which can be expressed by ...

This incredible graphic shows all the firepower of Russia's fifth-generation jet
Post Date: 2016-02-17 06:39:55 by BTP Holdings
This incredible graphic shows all the firepower of Russia's fifth-generation jet Business Insider By Jeremy Bender 10 hours ago As the US continues to push ahead with the development of its fifth-generation fighter the F-35, Russia has been hammering away at its own next-generation aircraft. The PAK FA, also known as the T-50, is Russia's answer to America's F-35 and China's J-20. Moscow envisions their fighter to carry out long-range strikes, intelligently target ground targets, and destroy enemy aircraft all the while stealth. To accomplish those goals, the PAK FA will come armed with an extensive set of armaments. Below is an infographic by Russia-based designer ...

Buffett Secures the Cheapest Electricity in the USA
Post Date: 2016-02-16 06:05:12 by BTP Holdings
Buffett Secures the Cheapest Electricity in the USA By Adam English | Monday, February 15, 2016 There comes a time when every stereotype has to end. We're seeing that happen to several of them in the energy sector right now. First, it was the infallibility of King Coal. Next it was the promise of shale oil. Now, it is time to bury a third, once and for all. Renewables have been panned for years as too costly to compete. Recent news coming out of the Southwest paints an entirely different picture. Solar is now being bought for less than coal, natural gas, nuclear, and even wind in some cases, and it is becoming the cheapest power in the world. Bidding Frenzies Last April, Austin ...

The silent sun:
Post Date: 2016-02-15 08:31:40 by Ada
Eerie image revealed as solar activity remains the quietest it has been in more than a century - and some claims it could even trigger a mini ice age We've had smallest number of sunspots in this cycle since Cycle 14 This cycle reached its maximum solar activity in February of 1906 Low solar activity can lead to extended periods of cooling, researchers say The sun is in the midst of its quietest period in more than a century. Several days ago, it was in 'cue ball' mode, with an incredible image from Nasa showing no large visible sunspots seen on its surface. Astronomers say this isn't unusual, and solar activity waxes and wanes in 11-year cycles, and we're currently ...

Scientists Just Made the Biggest Physics Breakthrough in 100 Years
Post Date: 2016-02-13 09:23:37 by BTP Holdings
Scientists Just Made the Biggest Physics Breakthrough in 100 Years A new study confirms the existence of gravitational waves​. New Study Says Anal Sex Is Linked to Incontinence Even if You Only Do it Once Watch 30-Foot Waves Black Out a Cruise Ship's Cabin Windows 6.6 Million People Have Watched This Video of a 3-Ingredient Cheesecake By William Herkewitz Feb 11, 2016 Scientists just announced the first ever detection of gravitational waves—ripples in space itself. Led by Caltech, MIT, and the LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the discovery takes place almost exactly 100 years after Einstein theorized their existence. The scientists discovered the ripples from an event ...

Are electric cars really "green"?
Post Date: 2016-02-10 00:25:51 by NeoconsNailed
I don't like the name of this guy's organization, and his other organization is the intolerably smarmy Jue Dennis Prager's, but the info seems quite sound (famous last words). He even trashes the Tesla -- politely. http://www.prageru.com/courses/environmental-science/are-electric-cars-really-green Now this is interesting considering how berserkly, fashionably, gliberally toilet- mouthed thespians are: NN Sequitur Click for Full Text!

Post Date: 2016-02-09 13:38:40 by Horse

Seeing Eye to Eye
Post Date: 2016-02-08 06:25:58 by Ada
Of all the subjects of academic study, psychology is probably the most useless, or at least the most useless by comparison with its pretensions to use. In a century and a half, it has not told us anything of undisputed value. It is subject to absurd fashions, and its published experiments, even when they are interesting, are often either not reproducible or their relevance to life is unclear. The overall cultural effect of psychology is negative, insofar as it tends to alienate people from their own direct experience and causes them to speak of themselves as if they were mere objects. They then attribute their actions to forces or things other than their own decisions, one of the popular ...

Dying CIA Agent reveals US Government Alien Contact Area 51 secrets black ops and UFO knowledge
Post Date: 2016-02-08 04:51:04 by HAPPY2BME-4UM

Impossibility Theory, An Advance over Mere Indeterminacy: By Werner Fredsenberg
Post Date: 2016-02-07 06:35:48 by Ada
Previously I have proved that life cannot have evolved. Today I will prove that life cannot exist. Let us begin with Samuel Johnson’s response when asked whether we have free will. He replied that all theory holds that we do not, all experience that we do. A similar paradox occurs in the realm of Impossibility Theory. Many things occur in biology that all science says are possible, while all common sense says that they are not. Consider the development of a barely-existent zygote into seven pounds of puzzled and alarmed baby. (“Where the hell is this?”) Anyone familiar with Murphy’s Law knows that it isn’t possible. Half an hour with a textbook of embryology ...

A Record Number Of People Were Exonerated In 2015 For Crimes They Didn’t Commit
Post Date: 2016-02-03 15:03:46 by Ada
"Making A Murderer" isn't just a problem in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. The Netfilx hit true-crime series “Making a Murderer” leaves many people wondering: Just how common is the story of a wrongful conviction in America’s criminal justice system? Too common, according a new report that tracks exonerations. Researchers found that 149 people were cleared in 2015 for crimes they didn't commit -- more than any other year in history, according to a report published Wednesday by the National Registry of Exonerations, a project of the University of Michigan Law School. By comparison, 139 people were exonerated in 2014. The number has risen most years since 2005, when ...

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