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How I Powered My Entire Home For The Past 3 Years... With Nothing Aside From A Few Bags of Grass Clippings
Post Date: 2015-12-26 16:48:16 by BTP Holdings
How I Powered My Entire Home For The Past 3 Years... With Nothing Aside From A Few Bags of Grass Clippings Hi, my name is Rich Lubbok. And today you’re going to see how a simple invention from the 1800s… Which American settlers used to heat their homes… and to cook warm meals during the long, harsh winters… Can allow you to generate enough electricity to slash your monthly power bill by 70%... 80%... or even 100% starting tomorrow… While keeping even a 4 bedroom home heated to a balmy 77 degrees… regardless of if it’s below zero outside. Now I can already hearing your B.S. radar going off… And I’m sure you’re already thinking ...

MIT researchers have figured out how to make solar cells with old car batteries
Post Date: 2015-12-25 00:01:47 by Tatarewicz
[BGR News] Here’s a clever technological breakthrough that could help the environment in two ways. MIT announced this week that some of its researchers have figured out a way to make solar cells using parts from discarded car batteries that would otherwise have simply gone to waste. Essentially, the researchers have figured out how to extract lead from old car batteries and use it as a component in solar cells that they say are just as efficient as solar cells produced with “high-purity, commercially available starting materials.” Solar technology researchers right now are putting a lot of effort into using perovskites as the basis for high-efficiency solar cells. However, ...

Post Date: 2015-12-23 07:41:02 by Ada
Other areas of the globe are also experiencing extreme cold A Colorado weather station observed a record low of -51°F only weeks after politicians met in Paris to combat “global warming.” The Antero Reservoir station, located about 100 miles southwest of Denver, said the temperature was the third lowest the station has recorded in over 50 years. “It was verified with another thermometer, both of which have been inspected and approved by the National Weather Service,” said spokesperson Travis Thompson, Sr. The last time the temperature was as low was on Feb. 8, 1989. Although the Antero Reservoir has been described as a “extreme microclimate” due to the ...

Italian scientists under investigation after olive-tree deaths
Post Date: 2015-12-23 03:42:43 by Tatarewicz
Nature | News Prosecutors accuse researchers of spreading disease and order a halt to the culling of infected trees. Olive trees infected by Xylella in Italy; the disease is sweeping across one of the nation's most famous olive regions. Nine scientists are being investigated for a possible role in enabling an outbreak of a disease that is ravaging olive groves in Puglia, Italy. The public official in charge of containing the epidemic is also under investigation. Public prosecutors announced the formal investigation at a press conference in Lecce in southern Italy on 18 December. At the same time, they ordered an immediate halt to measures put in place to contain the spread of the ...

This simple shaking technique can remove dangerous impurities from water
Post Date: 2015-12-22 05:39:57 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... Nanomaterials have been crucial in many recent scientific advancements, but the miniature size of these objects makes it difficult to clear them up when they end up in places they shouldn't, like our oceans and waterways. Fortunately, researchers in the US have come up with a method that could see these nanomaterials filtered from contaminated water. "Look at plastic," explains one of the team, Yoke Khin Yap from Michigan Technological University. "These materials changed the world over the past decades - but can we clean up all the plastic in the ocean? We struggle to clean up metre-scale plastics, so what happens when we need to clean on the ...

Climate change shock: Burning fossil fuels 'COOLS planet', says NASA
Post Date: 2015-12-21 20:34:58 by Ada
BURNING fossil fuels and cutting down trees causes global COOLING, a shock new NASA study has found. Fossil fuel burning gives of aerosols which reflect sunlight Major theories about what causes temperatures to rise have been thrown into doubt after NASA found the Earth has cooled in areas of heavy industrialisation where more trees have been lost and more fossil fuel burning takes place. Environmentalists have long argued the burning of fossil fuels in power stations and for other uses is responsible for global warming and predicted temperature increases because of the high levels of carbon dioxide produced - which causes the global greenhouse effect. While the findings did not dispute ...

Turning Carbon Dioxide Into Fuel
Post Date: 2015-12-21 07:19:48 by BTP Holdings
Turning Carbon Dioxide Into Fuel Published Mon, Dec 21, 2015 | Tim Maverick, Senior Correspondent New Tech Pulls Carbon Dioxide From Thin Air to Make Fuel The United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris is over, but scientists are still studying the effects of so much hot air concentrated in a single location. All joking aside, it’s time to determine whether any real efforts are being made by real companies and people to address climate change. On one front, at least, the answer is “yes.” The idea seems straight out of science fiction, but it’s very real. Several start-ups are working on sucking carbon dioxide right out of the air and turning it into ...

China launches probe to hunt for dark matter
Post Date: 2015-12-19 07:00:55 by Tatarewicz
SHANGHAI, Dec. 18 (UPI) -- China is joining the hunt for dark matter. On Friday, the nation announced it had successfully launched its Dark Matter Particle Explorer into orbit. The probe blasted off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch site in the Gansu province of northwest China. It was carried into low Earth orbit by a Chinese Long March 2D rocket. In China, the probe has been dubbed Wukong, or "Monkey King." The probe's dark matter detector was designed by engineers at the Shanghai Engineering Center for Microsatellites. "DAMPE satellite will observe the direction, energy and electric charge of high-energy particles in space in search of dark matter," Chang Jin, ...

Study: Evolution may be smarter than previously thought
Post Date: 2015-12-19 06:10:23 by Tatarewicz
"Learning theory enables us to formalize how evolution changes its own processes over evolutionary time," researcher Richard Watson said. SOUTHAMPTON, England, Dec. 18 (UPI) -- New analysis suggests evolution is more sophisticated, intelligent and capable than previously thought. Researchers at the University of Southampton, in England, say their latest work shows the process of evolution is able to learn from previous experience -- allowing natural selection to better anticipate future benefits and produce intelligent designs. The new understanding is made possible by a unique approach to theoretical analysis, whereby two seemingly disparate systems or theories are bridged. ...

Mobile Payment Technology Set for Liftoff
Post Date: 2015-12-18 07:02:43 by BTP Holdings
Mobile Payment Technology Set for Liftoff Published Fri, Dec 18, 2015 | Louis Basenese, Chief Technology Analyst Mobile Payments: $210 Billion Market Poised for Liftoff It’s a market worth $210 billion… but like many modern-day conveniences, it’s one that we’re increasingly taking for granted. I’m talking about mobile payments – the ability to do all your banking and buying directly from a mobile device. And the critical technology that underpins this market – near-field communication (NFC) – might be finally approaching a tipping point. The reason? Well, many people might understandably point to Apple Inc.’s (AAPL) mobile payment ...

Brain scans are helping scientists create a condom that feels better than nothing at all
Post Date: 2015-12-17 01:56:17 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... It's no secret that condoms are a hard sell when it comes to the pleasure factor, but scientists in Australia are now working to create condoms that feel just as good (if not better) than wearing nothing at all. To figure this out, they're monitoring people's neurological response to different materials to see whether they can really trick the brain into thinking a condom feels like skin. Despite being such a frequently used item, condom design hasn't really changed over the past century, and young people today report being less and less inclined to use them. But scientists from Swinburne University of Technology are hoping to change that by making condoms ...

Tesla, Faraday: Meet Atieva, Your Newest Electric-Car Rival
Post Date: 2015-12-16 23:43:02 by Tatarewicz
Green Car... Seems like starting an electric car company making luxury vehicles is all the rage in Silicon Valley these days. Tesla Motors, of course, is now well-established, although its Southern California counterpart Fisker Automotive declared bankruptcy and is now hoping for resurrection under a new owner. More recently, the mysterious Faraday Future, with supposedly lavish funding from Chinese billionaire Jia Yueting, will host a major press event at January's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. DON'T MISS: Faraday Future Electric Car Concept Coming To 2016 CES But there may be another entrant yet: a mysterious company called Atieva. It's headquartered in Menlo ...

Reopening of oldest nuclear reactor delayed
Post Date: 2015-12-16 05:39:11 by BTP Holdings
Reopening of oldest nuclear reactor delayed Published: 01 Dec 2015 08:12 GMT+01:00 One of two reactors at the world’s oldest operating nuclear power plant in Beznau in the canton of Aargau will remain shut down until at least August 2016, its owner Axpo said on Monday. The number one reactor at the site was shut down in May for maintenance and tests. Faults were uncovered in the reactor’s pressure vessel in July. Axpo said it must “prove that the integrity of the reactor pressure vessel has not been compromised despite the irregularities that were found”. 

 Based on the current results, the energy company said it remains convinced that the number one ...

The new rationale for globalist cultism is ‘ecological panic’
Post Date: 2015-12-15 05:30:10 by BTP Holdings
The new rationale for globalist cultism is ‘ecological panic’ Posted on December 15, 2015 by Brandon Smith Faith in an ideology based on a desire for power over others and the need to feel personally superior without any legitimate accomplishment is perhaps the most dangerous state of being an individual or society can adopt. I would refer to such a mindset as “zealotry,” an integral element of cultism and an extreme result of the elitist side of faith. Zealotry and cultism are not limited to the realm of the religious. Zealotry is a clever devil hiding in the woodwork of any political or academic construct, and this includes the scientific community when it strays ...

Vegetarian and 'healthy' diets may actually be worse for the environment, study find
Post Date: 2015-12-15 04:23:48 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... Advocates of vegetarianism – including everybody's favourite Governator – regularly point out how how harmful human consumption of meat is to the environment, but is opting for a fully vegetable-based, meat-free diet a viable way to cut down on energy use and greenhouse gas emissions? Nope – according to a new study by scientists in the US – or, at least, it's not that simple. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) say that adopting the US Department of Agriculture's (USDA) current recommendations that people incorporate more fruits, vegetables, dairy and seafood in their diet would actually be worse for the environment than what ...

Chinese researchers unveil a new mind-controlled car
Post Date: 2015-12-15 04:11:21 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... While we wait patiently for fully autonomous, self-driving cars to go on sale to the general public, our vehicles remain under human control for the time being - but scientists in China have come up with a more futuristic method of getting from A to B. Using special mind-reading headgear, their new car can be made to move forward and backwards using nothing more than a few concentrated thoughts. A total of 16 sensors on a specially developed brain cap are used to harvest electroencephalogram (EEG) signals from the mind of the driver, which are then translated into commands for the high-tech car. The researchers behind the project say development has taken just two years, ...

Terrafugia's flying car model has been approved for tests in US airspace
Post Date: 2015-12-15 04:01:08 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... First announced back in 2013, with an upgraded prototype unveiled earlier this year, Terrafugia's TF-X flying car is about as close as the world’s gotten to our collective dream of someday commuting via cloud alleys. And now the Massachusetts-based aircraft company has hit its next big milestone - the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has given it special permission to run in-air tests with an autonomous drone version of its flying car. Now, before you get too excited, the model they’ll be testing in US airspace is not only unmanned - it's a mere tenth of the size of their actual flying car prototype. But that's not so bad, because having the ...

The '97% consensus' of scientists on climate change is complete bunk... fraudulent statistic repeated everywhere is based on blatant scientific FRAUD
Post Date: 2015-12-14 20:46:45 by BTP Holdings
The '97% consensus' of scientists on climate change is complete bunk... fraudulent statistic repeated everywhere is based on blatant scientific FRAUD Monday, December 14, 2015 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (NaturalNews) The brain-dead leftist media isn't really in the news business anymore. It's actually in the business of zombie control... with the zombies being, of course, the leftist libtard obedient propaganda swallowers who are easily fooled by sleight-of-hand trickery being paraded as science. (Then again, there are also CONtards on the right who are easily fooled by fraudulent "GMO science," so the criticism deserves to be equally distributed across ...

Elon Musk launches $1bn fund to save world from AI
Post Date: 2015-12-14 08:31:53 by Ada
Elon Musk has unveiled his latest big-money project: saving humanity from destruction by artificial intelligence. The man who made his billions from PayPal and who has gambled a chunk of his fortune on the race for space, has warned frequently that AI represents humanity's greatest existential threat. He is joining forces with other tech entrepreneurs to establish a $1 billion investment fund for researchers to pursue applications with a positive social impact and to try to stay one step ahead of the technology. “Because of AI's surprising history, it's hard to predict when human-level AI might come within reach,” they said in a statement. “When it does, ...

This Adidas 3D-printed sneaker is made from ocean waste
Post Date: 2015-12-14 02:38:37 by Tatarewicz
Adidas has teamed up with Parley for the Oceans — a movement aimed at eliminating the plastic waste that ends up in our seas — to create a new 3D-printed sneaker concept. The design consists of an upper made from "ocean plastic content" and a 3D-printed midsole made from recycled polyester and fishing nets. Adidas says the shoe "stands for how we can set new industry standards," but unfortunately it's just a prototype for now — don't expect to see it in stores any time soon. "Saving the oceans is a United Nations development goal" Parley is hoping its collaboration with Adidas (which began earlier this year with a similar design using ...

Elon Musk and Peter Thiel back billion dollar AI research firm to 'safeguard the world' and make us 'superhuman'
Post Date: 2015-12-13 18:26:26 by BTP Holdings
Elon Musk and Peter Thiel back billion dollar AI research firm to 'safeguard the world' and make us 'superhuman' OpenAI will 'advance digital intelligence in the way that is most likely to benefit humanity' Musk has previously claimed AI is 'more dangerous than nukes' By Mark Prigg For Dailymail.com Published: 19:05 EST, 11 December 2015 | Updated: 19:53 EST, 11 December 2015 Elon Musk, chief executive of electric carmaker Tesla Motors, on Friday unveiled OpenAI, a non-profit artificial intelligence research company that is backed by other prominent names from the technology world. 'Our goal is to advance digital intelligence in the way that is most ...

“Magic Bullet” That Protects You 100% Against Blackouts, Power Failures & The Crumbling Electric Grid.
Post Date: 2015-12-13 13:00:22 by BTP Holdings
“Magic Bullet” That Protects You 100% Against Blackouts, Power Failures & The Crumbling Electric Grid. You and your family are literally one step away from a 21st century apocalypse. While you go about your day, dark forces across the globe are at work 24/7 taking aim at our country’s beating heart... targeting something critical to life as we know it that’s so old, so under-protected, and so vulnerable, it’s become our “weakest link”. And it’s shocking it hasn’t been destroyed... YET. And I’m not talking about terrorist attacks that are in the planning stages... I’m Talking About Attacks that are ALREADY HAPPENING And yet, ...

Non-profit research company, OpenAI, backed by Elon Musk, Sam Altman
Post Date: 2015-12-13 03:03:43 by Tatarewicz
OpenAI, a non-profit artificial intelligence research company, was launched Friday. Its stated goal is to conduct responsible research outside from capital gain in order to promote the belief AI "AI should be an extension of individual human wills and, in the spirit of liberty, as broadly and evenly distributed as is possible safely." WASHINGTON, Dec. 12 (UPI) -- OpenAI, a non-profit artificial intelligence company, introduced itself to the world Friday after raising $1 billion in starting capital. The institution, which aims to research and develop artificial intelligence for the betterment of humanity, is co-chaired by SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, who famously referred to unchecked ...

Dogs have self-consciousness too!
Post Date: 2015-12-13 01:03:50 by Tatarewicz
RT... That man's best friend has self-consciousness is what every owner is willing to bet on. I have always thought my dogs know exactly who they are. Dogs are self-conscious. But the problem in science is that ideas and assumptions must be demonstrated. An ethological discovery by a researcher at Tomsk State University in Russia changes our idea of self-consciousness. The research revolutionizes the idea of self-awareness in animals and suggests a new approach to ethology, the study of animal behavior, which may shed light on different ways of determining cognition, and reopens the debate of ethologists (and philosophers) on self-consciousness. The article has been published in the ...

PC Matic How-to Videos
Post Date: 2015-12-12 20:18:17 by BTP Holdings
How to Login to PC How to Clean Your System with PC Matic How to Undo Changes Made by PC Matic How to Install PC Matic on Multiple PCs How to Set Up PC Matic Scheduling How to Set Up PC Matic SuperShield Poster Comment:Full screen links at source.

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