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Blue-eyed humans have a single, common ancestor
Post Date: 2015-07-05 06:20:13 by Tatarewicz
ScienceDaily... Variation in the colour of the eyes from brown to green can all be explained by the amount of melanin in the iris, but blue-eyed individuals only have a small degree of variation in the amount of melanin in their eyes. Credit: iStockphoto/Cristian Ardelean New research shows that people with blue eyes have a single, common ancestor. A team at the University of Copenhagen have tracked down a genetic mutation which took place 6-10,000 years ago and is the cause of the eye colour of all blue-eyed humans alive on the planet today. What is the genetic mutation "Originally, we all had brown eyes," said Professor Hans Eiberg from the Department of Cellular and ...

Crying really does get you what you want, study finds
Post Date: 2015-07-05 04:22:13 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... Kids cry all the time when they don’t get what they want, but it looks like the same strategy could work for anybody trying to get the upper hand in a negotiation - provided they’re willing to sacrifice a little bit of dignity in order to achieve their ultimate objective, that is. New research published in The Journal of Applied Psychology suggests that expressions of sadness by a speaker in a negotiation context can increase their ability to “claim value” in negotiations if they can make the listener experience concern on their behalf. Researchers from the ESSEC Business School in France conducted experiments with 232 student volunteers, holding ...

Upcoming C2C program - Biology
Post Date: 2015-07-05 01:55:59 by Tatarewicz
Cells & New Biology Monday - July 6, 2015 Hosted by George Noory Guest(s): Bruce Lipton, Bob Fletcher Bruce Lipton, Ph.D. is an internationally recognized authority in bridging science and spirit and a leading voice in new biology. A cell biologist by training, he taught at the Univ. of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine, and later performed studies at Stanford Univ. He'll discuss his belief that that if we use the 50 trillion cells that live harmoniously in every healthy human body as a model, we can create a "super organism" called humanity that can heal our planet. First Hour: Retired investigative researcher Bob Fletcher talks about the latest evidence for the rogue ...

Aliens will look a lot like us, says an expert on evolution
Post Date: 2015-07-04 05:04:23 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... You can forget about little green men and predatory Xenomorphs: aliens are likely to look a lot like human beings, according to an expert in evolution from the University of Cambridge. In a new book, Simon Conway Morris says that any extra-terrestrial lifeforms will have evolved very much like we have - because an Earth-like planet would be necessary to support life in the first place. The theory, called convergent evolution, is actually already well established: the idea is that different species evolve similar characteristics because they're living in a similar environment. One of the most commonly cited examples is the octopus camera eye, which works in much the ...

China says its bullet trains will soon be able to reach 500 km/h
Post Date: 2015-07-04 04:45:38 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... China has announced that's it's developed new technology that will help its bullet trains reach an ultra-fast 500 km/h. That isn't quite as fast as Japan's Maglev trains, which hit record-breaking speeds of 590 km/h earlier this year, but it's more than twice the top speed of most trains in the US, and more than three times that of Australia's rail network. And in a win for the local economy, the technology is all its own. "Now we have our own permanent magnet synchronous traction system with full intellectual property rights, marking a new chapter in China's high-speed railways," Ding Rongjun, head of the Zhuzhou Institute in the ...

Can your iron attack you? Kaspersky says 'yes'
Post Date: 2015-07-03 05:53:38 by Tatarewicz
RBTH... Last week, public attention was once again drawn to one of the most secretive and controversial figures of the Russian IT industry – Eugene Kaspersky, the founder of the prominent anti-virus company. Immediately after Edward Snowden revealed that the U.S. and British security services had worked to subvert the company’s anti-virus software to track users and infiltrate networks, Kaspersky released a number of statements. Snowden’s revelations did not shock Kaspersky: after all, he was educated at a KGB-sponsored cryptography institute and worked for Russian military intelligence. He was even accused of close ties with the FSB, the KGB’s successor. Kaspersky ...

New forensics technique calculates exact time of death
Post Date: 2015-07-03 00:33:16 by Tatarewicz
PRAGUE, Czech Republic, July 2 (UPI) -- Determining the time of death isn't an exact science, and it becomes less and less exact as time passes. But a new method, developed by researchers at the University of Salzburg, allows forensic scientists to calculate the precise time of death, even after 10 days. "Improvement of methods to determine time of death is crucial to modern forensic science," researchers wrote in an abstract describing their findings. Previously, determining the exact time of death was an impossibility after 36 hours. But in examining the degradation of certain muscle-based proteins and enzymes in pigs, scientists have developed a new method for ...

Develop safe AI before it's too late, warns Oxford academic
Post Date: 2015-07-02 07:43:26 by Tatarewicz
cienceAlert... The debate over super-intelligent robots - and their potential dangers - is nothing new, but it's only in recent years that software has developed the speed and capacity to bring us to the brink of creating a machine that could one day prove smarter than we are. Academic Stuart Armstrong from the University of Oxford in the UK has been setting out the threat of next-gen AI, and says programmers must work to make it safe before it spirals out of control. Part of the problem is defining exactly what 'safe' means: robots instructed to prevent human suffering could theoretically decide to kill the sick and infirm, Armstrong says, or robots told to protect humans ...

How I Powered My Entire Home For The Past 3 Years...
Post Date: 2015-06-30 16:58:30 by BTP Holdings
How I Powered My Entire Home For The Past 3 Years... With Nothing Aside From A Few Bags of Grass Clippings Hi, my name is Rich Lubbok. And today you’re going to see how a simple invention from the 1800s… Which American settlers used to heat their homes… and to cook warm meals during the long, harsh winters… Can allow you to generate enough electricity to slash your monthly power bill by 70%... 80%... or even 100% starting tomorrow… While keeping even a 4 bedroom home heated to a balmy 77 degrees… regardless of if it’s below zero outside. Now I can already hearing your B.S. radar going off… And I’m sure you’re already thinking ...

Look-out Mexicans!
Post Date: 2015-06-30 11:26:29 by Lod

This is Fascinating
Post Date: 2015-06-29 10:05:35 by Katniss

World’s first commercial jetpack will go on the market next year
Post Date: 2015-06-29 04:50:56 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... Sci-fi fans who happen to have a spare AUD$150,000 lying around will be very happy to know that as early as next year, they could be flying away in their very own jetpack. New Zealand-based tech company, Martin Aircraft, has been testing its jetpack model since 2011, and has announced that it will be going on the market to select buyers in the second half of 2016. Known as the Martin Jetpack, the device runs using normal petrol and is powered by two huge fans that can blast a pilot weighing up to 120 kg into the air at speeds of 74 km/h. The jetpack can currently fly for around 30 minutes at a time. The frame is made from ultra-tough carbon fibre and aluminium, and ...

Scientists have built artificial neurons that fully mimic human brain cells
Post Date: 2015-06-29 04:42:03 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... Researchers have built the world’s first artificial neuron that’s capable of mimicking the function of an organic brain cell - including the ability to translate chemical signals into electrical impulses, and communicate with other human cells. These artificial neurons are the size of a fingertip and contain no ‘living’ parts, but the team is working on shrinking them down so they can be implanted into humans. This could allow us to effectively replace damaged nerve cells and develop new treatments for neurological disorders, such as spinal cord injuries and Parkinson’s disease. "Our artificial neuron is made of conductive polymers and it ...

40 Interesting Science Facts
Post Date: 2015-06-27 10:04:22 by NeoconsNailed
"36. The Queen is the legal owner of one-sixth of the Earth's land surface"

China Builds Top Secret Midget Submarine
Post Date: 2015-06-27 02:15:31 by Tatarewicz
Sputnik... Satellite imagery from October 2014 shows what appears to be a new midget submarine at China's Wuchang shipyard. The space snapshots captured by DigitalGlobe show the vessel berthed at the shipyard pier used for fitting out submarines. The midget submarine had left the pontoon by late November and by mid-January 2015, another submarine, probably a Type 041 Yuan-class boat, occupied the pier. According to imagery measurements, the midget submarine has an approximate length of 35 meters and beam of 4 meters, which suggests a surface displacement around 400-500 tons. The 127th Ordinance Institute, of the Central Northern University, China, handed over a new 125mm cannon to ...

Facebook acquaintance post today....
Post Date: 2015-06-26 21:55:12 by christine
Today is so epic. I really can't believe it actually happened. I keep waiting for someone to say, syke! I can't believe this red-blooded, bible-thumping, prejudice, racist, intolerance, unforgiving, close-minded, fearful, conservative country really did it. 6/26/15. That's a date I won't forget. Wow, what a day. This is really, really something amazing. Thanks Obama. Poster Comment:So my friends, as I wrote on another thread. These are dangerous times for white heterosexuals--Christian or not. Imo, this post expresses hatred and intolerance though SHE could never be told.

Solar will become the globe's cheapest source of electricity by 2030
Post Date: 2015-06-26 16:38:06 by BTP Holdings
Solar will become the globe's cheapest source of electricity by 2030, according to the Bloomberg report. Specifically, we're talking about utility-scale solar projects -- think giant arrays of panels, not the rooftop variety. Already since 2009, the cost of a typical solar project has fallen 59%. And as our Byron King reminded us earlier this month, buyers will snap up 50 million solar panels this year -- up from 20 million in 2010. "At that rate," Byron teases out the implications today, "solar industry experts predict that the solar industry alone will consume 100 million ounces of silver this year." Yep, silver. "Quality photovoltaic units require ...

China's WS-64 touted as first precision anti-ship rocket launcher
Post Date: 2015-06-26 00:12:11 by Tatarewicz
Want.. China's WS-64 is the world's first precision-guided anti-ship missile rocket launcher system, reports Duowei News, a US-based Chinese political news outlet. The WS-64, which has been on display at recent military exhibitions around the world, is the latest addition to the Weishi or "Guardian" multiple rocket launcher systems developed by Sichuan Aerospace Industry Corporation, a subsidiary of the state-owned China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, the country's main aerospace contractor. The defining feature of the WS-64 is its ability to effectively strike different types of targets at high precision thanks to its composite inertial/GPS + broadband ...

Hailing From the Red Planet? Seeds of Life on Earth May Have Come From Mars
Post Date: 2015-06-25 22:01:06 by Tatarewicz
Sputnik... The origins of life on Earth can be traced back to Mars, billions of years ago when the Red Planet was believed to have hosted a more habitable environment than ours. Some exploding asteroids discovered by NASA © NASA/JPL NASA Wants to Nuke Asteroids That Threaten to Destroy Earth Around 3.8 to 4 billion years ago, during the Late Heavy Bombardment period, both Earth and Mars were frequently pummeled by asteroids and comets, resulting in the exchange of debris between the two planets. Some astrobiologists believe that this is how life was transferred from Mars to Earth. "We might be able to find evidence of our own origin in the most unlikely place," Planetary ...

Chinese scientists fuel dreams of solar-powered space flight
Post Date: 2015-06-25 00:52:55 by Tatarewicz
Want... A team of Chinese scientists believe they could one day develop a fuel-free spacecraft that would be able fly through deep space using only light from the sun. Led by chemistry professor Chen Yongsheng and physics professor Tian Jianguo from Nankai University in Tianjin, the team theorizes that such a spacecraft would be made from the wonder material graphene, an atomic-scale honeycomb lattice made of carbon atoms. First produced and isolated in a laboratory in 2003, graphene is 200 times stronger than steel by weight and conducts heat and electricity extremely well. These flat sheets of carbon just one atom thick are said to be able to turn light into action, which could form ...

Low Light Pistol, Apache Camoflage, & Civilian Lagal Body Armor
Post Date: 2015-06-23 16:44:54 by BTP Holdings
I wanted to send out a quick note to let you know that the June issue of the Journal of Tactics and Preparedness is ready to go AND let you know how you can get a free deck of Urban Survival Cards when you join today! If you’re a member, you can read it now by going >here< If you’re not a member, you should be. If you're not familiar with the journal, it is unlike any other preparedness or tactical site or publication in existence. Every issue has detailed how-to articles from current and former members of US Army Special Forces, Navy SEALs, MARSOC, and/or AFSOC that you can start using immediately. This isn't ivory tower theoretical stuff...it's do-it-now ...

Meet the new, ethically made smartphone that you can fix/upgrade yourself
Post Date: 2015-06-23 06:28:59 by Tatarewicz
Science Alert... A Dutch electronics company has developed a new smartphone that’s free from the questionable mining and manufacturing practices that tech giants like Apple and Samsung have found themselves mired in for years. And they say you can fix and upgrade them yourself, which means they’ll last a whole lot longer than your typical iPhone. Having already sold 60,000 Fairphones over the past two years, manufacturer Bas van Abel plans to release a second iteration this year that improves on the life of the device, and is built using fair-trade materials including tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold ('3TG' collectively). Smartphones are awesome, but boy, do they ...

Battery Startup Announces New Low-Cost Lithium Ion Breakthrough
Post Date: 2015-06-23 04:37:19 by Tatarewicz
Sputnik... A battery developer and manufacturer has unveiled the first prototypes of its new lithium ion battery, which it says will reduce the cost of materials and manufacturing and potentially enable the low-cost product to be used to store energy as part of the power grid, and in electric cars. On Monday, Massachusetts-based 24M announced a new battery design which reduces the cost of the battery by 50 percent, and improves efficiency by removing more than 80 percent of the 'inactive,' non-charge-storing materials in conventional lithium oil batteries. "We’re reinventing the lithium ion battery," Dr. Yet-Ming Chiang, chief scientist and co-founder of 24M, and ...

Ten photos of 3D printed bridges, buildings and other supersized structures
Post Date: 2015-06-22 13:59:00 by Horse
If you thought 3D printers were only good for building tiny plastic toys then you're mostly right, especially when it comes to desktop models. However, there are people using the technology to realize grander designs, to create bridges and even buildings. Here are 10 projects promising to make 3D printing bigger and better. Bridges A Dutch start-up, MX3D, plans to use robotic arms to weld layer upon layer of molten steel together into a steel bridge across a canal in Amsterdam. MX3D hopes to begin work on building the bridge, using the process seen in an artist's impression above, in September.

Starfish find could lead to 'fountain of youth’
Post Date: 2015-06-22 02:33:54 by Tatarewicz
thelocal.se... Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have discovered that starfish which reproduce through cloning age much more slowly than those which reproduce sexually. This reason for this anomaly has been located in the starfishes' telomeres. Telomeres are lengths of DNA found at the ends of chromosomes. They protect genetic data, make it possible for cells to divide, and hold some secrets to how humans age and develop cancer. Each time a cell divides the telomeres shorten in length. As they shorten so we age, says Helen Nilsson Sköld, of the University of Gothenburg, one of the researchers behind the study. Starfish, unlike us humans, can reproduce both through ...

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