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Could this amino acid stop Alzheimer's Disease?
Post Date: 2018-07-26 04:02:22 by Tatarewicz
Are amyloid plaques really the driving factor behind Alzheimer’s? You’ve probably seen the latest news headlines confirming the link between the herpes virus and the development of Alzheimer’s disease. This isn’t a new finding, by any means. I alerted you to this unusual connection back in April of 2012. But until now it hasn’t been widely accepted. That’s because many medical professionals are still holding onto an outdated theory called the “amyloid hypothesis”. According to this hypothesis, the build up of amyloid plaques in the brain is the driving factor behind Alzheimer’s disease. However, when Alzheimer’s patients are given ...

Iranian Scientists Create Beating Heart from Progenitor Cardiovascular Cells
Post Date: 2018-07-25 08:04:42 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Scientists at Iran’s prominent stem cell research and infertility treatment center, Royan, produced a beating heart in rats, using progenitor cardiovascular cells. In this research, the human stem cells were cultured in a large volume in a bioreactor and were differentiated and transferred in several stages to the decellularized heart of the rat. Results of the research showed that after survival and differentiation of progenitor cardiovascular cells to the heart cells, the smooth heart muscle and endothelial cells were improved and the heart beats in the right direction 12 days after transferring the cells. Iran has taken wide strides in science and technology, ...

Heart risk link to SSRI antidepressants confirmed
Post Date: 2018-07-24 21:25:31 by Horse
Some but not all antidepressant drugs known as SSRIs pose a very small but serious heart risk, say researchers. Citalopram and escitalopram, which fall into this drug group, can trigger a heart rhythm disturbance, a new study in the British Medical Journal shows. UK and US regulators have already warned doctors to be extra careful about which patients they prescribe these medicines to. And they have lowered the maximum recommended dose. The UK's Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) says people with pre-existing heart conditions should have a heart trace before going on these drugs, to check for a rhythm disturbance known as long QT interval. People taking ...

Global Warming Study Suggests Thousands Will Commit Suicide Over the Weather
Post Date: 2018-07-24 20:42:00 by BTP Holdings
Global Warming Study Suggests Thousands Will Commit Suicide Over the Weather By Michael Bastasch July 24, 2018 at 10:07am A July study claims that thousands more people will commit suicide in the coming decades due to man-made global warming. Published in the journal Nature Climate Change on Monday, the study found a one-degree increase in average monthly temperature correlated with suicide rate increases of 0.68 percent and 2.1 percent in the U.S. and Mexico, respectively. The effect they found is extremely small, and in some cases, not statistically significant from zero. Still, the results were touted in media reports as evidence that increased temperatures exacerbate suicides. ...

The age you feel means more than your actual birthdate
Post Date: 2018-07-24 03:54:13 by Tatarewicz
ine Most people feel younger or older than they really are – and this 'subjective age' has a big effect on their physical and mental health. Imagine, for a moment, that you had no birth certificate and your age was simply based on the way you feel inside. How old would you say you are? Like your height or shoe size, the number of years that have passed since you first entered the world is an unchangeable fact. But everyday experience suggests that we often don’t experience ageing the same way, with many people feeling older or younger than they really are. Scientists are increasingly interested in this quality. They are finding that your ‘subjective age’ may ...

Top 10 medical treatments that make you SICKER than before you took them
Post Date: 2018-07-23 12:41:03 by Horse
Take heed of the top 10 medical treatments that make you SICKER than before you took them #1. Flu shot #2. Chemotherapy #3. Blood Thinners #4. Antibiotics #5. Antihistamines #6. Steroids and Cortisone Shots #7. Beta-Blockers (High Blood Pressure Medications) #8. High Cholesterol Medications #9. Anti-Anxiety Medications #10. Anti-Depression Medications Learn how to detoxify your body from medications and vaccinations while undoing the harm they’ve done to you. Watch world renowned Dr. Joel Bergman and get ready to have your mind blown about the truth of the dangers of chemical medicine. Poster Comment:US does not have medical care or medical insurance. We have disease ...

Fatty Nutrient Absorption
Post Date: 2018-07-22 07:14:10 by Tatarewicz
CHN... Fatty nutrients are tricky. On the one hand, essential fats such as EFAs, Vitamin D, E, A and K, in addition to plant nutrients, are super-important. They’re particularly significant for long-term kinds of biological process such as building muscle and bone, for fertility, baby building and even stress management. On the other hand, they’re complex and sticky molecules that are difficult for the digestive system to process and require a lot of energy to be extracted from foods. In order for the bonds that tether fatty nutrients to foods to be loosened, the stomach must be adequately producing acid and enzymes. The intestine, gall bladder, liver, and pancreas must be ...

Study: CT Scans May Increase Brain Cancer Risk
Post Date: 2018-07-22 06:56:58 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- A new study suggests that CT scans, commonly used in medical imaging, may increase the risk of brain tumors. The use of computed tomography (CT) scans has increased dramatically over the last two decades. CT scans greatly improve diagnostic capabilities (which improve clinical outcomes) but they deliver higher radiation doses than other tests. Therefore, radiation protection is a concern, especially among children, who may receive higher radiation doses, are more susceptible to radiation-related malignancies than adults and have more time to show effects from the potential risk. The most common malignancies caused by radioactivity among children and young adults are ...

The Vindication of Cheese, Butter, and Full-Fat Milk
Post Date: 2018-07-21 08:10:48 by Ada
A new study exonerates dairy fats as a cause of early death, even as low-fat products continue to be misperceived as healthier. As a young child I missed a question on a psychological test: “What comes in a bottle?” The answer was supposed to be milk. I said beer. Milk almost always came in cartons and plastic jugs, so I was right. But this isn’t about rehashing old grudges. I barely even think about it anymore! The point is that the test was a relic of a time before me, when milk did come in bottles. It arrived on doorsteps each morning, by the hand of some vanishing man. And just as such a world was alien to me as a kid, the current generation of small children might ...

Doctors Give Patients 11 Seconds To Explain Reason For Visit Before Interrupting
Post Date: 2018-07-20 20:48:24 by Ada
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Ever feel like your doctor is in a rush to get you out the door when you come in for a visit? You’re not just imagining things. A new study finds physicians give a patient an average of just 11 seconds to describe their issue before cutting them off. Researchers from the University of Florida determined that for all the waiting we do after we arrive at a medical practitioner’s office, its the doctors who seem to have the least amount of patience. The study showed that just a third of physicians give patients adequate time to explain why they’re there. Doctor meeting with patient A new study finds physicians give a patient an average of just 11 ...

Dr. B’s Daily 8 Superfoods
Post Date: 2018-07-20 05:29:51 by Tatarewicz
There are eight nutrition-packed foods that I feel everyone should be eating more of, every single day. They aren’t weird or exotic… and you can easily pick them up at your local market when you do your shopping. 8 Super Healthy Foods you should eat Every Day #1 – Green leafy vegetables like lettuce, kale, spinach, collard greens and turnip greens should grace your plate at least twice a day. These green foods are rich in vitamins K1, A, C, E and many of the B vitamins. They also provide minerals like magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium. And they’re chock full of fiber, folate and antioxidants. Eating greens regularly can protect against cardiovascular disease, ...

The 12 Best Fast Casual Restaurants That I Eat At
Post Date: 2018-07-19 16:38:00 by BTP Holdings
The 12 Best Fast Casual Restaurants That I Eat At Dr. Josh Axe Maybe you underestimated how long a road trip would take, or you forgot to pack lunch before heading to work in the morning. Whatever the case, you might find yourself strapped for cash and/or time, and forced to stop at a chain restaurant. For those of us who enjoy eating healthy, this used to be a worst-case scenario, especially if your options include one of the places on our 10 worst chain restaurants you should never eat at list. But more and more, the lines between fast food restaurants and the ubiquitous chains are blurring, with a new type of healthy chain restaurants emerging across the country: fast casual ...

Health Basics QUIZ: Which kills more Americans, cancer or chemotherapy?
Post Date: 2018-07-19 13:00:08 by Horse
One in every three Americans will “contract” some form of cancer in their lifetime, and only about 50 percent will survive that attack. Those are some grim statistics, huh? Now get this: Has any doctor reviewed with you or your loved ones the odds of chemotherapy actually working, or what the statistics are for Americans getting killed by the now infamous chemical medicine that’s supposedly “designed” to kill the cancer? On average, chemotherapy fails more than 97 percent of the cancer victims who’ve been prescribed this mainstream “medicine.” Wait, what? How is that mainstream, and why? If this factual information is shocking you to the core right ...

Omega 3 Fatty Acids Could Prevent Spread of Cancer
Post Date: 2018-07-19 07:01:50 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- New study has found it can prevent cancer cells from migrating and caused cancer cell death. In a recent study conducted at the University of Illinois, researchers have found that in mice, the molecules called endocannabinoids, are made naturally by the body and have similar properties to cannabinoids found in marijuana - but without the psychotropic effects. In mice with tumors of osteosarcoma - a bone cancer that is notoriously painful and difficult to treat - endocannabinoids slowed the growth of tumors and blood vessels, inhibited the cancer cells from migrating and caused cancer cell death. "We have a built-in endocannabinoid system which is anti-inflammatory and ...

Nitric Oxide - Cold Hands
Post Date: 2018-07-19 05:46:05 by Tatarewicz
InfomercialLet me introduce you to nature’s newest health miracle... found in your arteries. This natural breakthrough is nitric oxide, the “signaling” mechanism already inside your body, especially in your arteries. Nitric oxide is the primary chemical messenger made by your body in the circulatory system that controls your blood vessels and relaxes your arteries. This is huge! When your body is producing enough nitric oxide, it helps... Open your arteries and keep them elastic Give you better blood flow for healthy blood pressure Supercharge your mind and memory Skyrocket your energy and muscular strength Power up your heart Re-ignite your love life and sexual pleasures ...

Israeli study shows desalinated tap water can lead to heart disease
Post Date: 2018-07-18 07:45:04 by Tatarewicz
JERUSALEM, July 4 (Xinhua) -- A recent Israeli scientific research showed that people who drink desalinated water are more likely to have heart diseases. The reason was a lack of magnesium in desalinated water. Magnesium is essential for over 300 metabolic processes, regulation of vascular tone, and insulin sensitivity, according to the Israeli Channel 12 on Wednesday. The large-scale study was based on data from Israel's biggest state-mandated health service organization Clalit and conducted from 2004 to 2013 with 178,000 respondents aged between 25 and 76. Currently, Israel has the highest level of water desalination in the Western world. Around 70 percent of the country's ...

China Focus: China's new Alzheimer's drug completes phase 3 clinical trial
Post Date: 2018-07-18 07:34:19 by Tatarewicz
SHANGHAI, July 17 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese research group on Tuesday announced progress in developing a drug to treat Alzheimer's disease. GV-971 was developed by Ocean University of China, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica under Chinese Academy of Sciences and Green Valley Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, after a 21-year study. A phase three clinical trial is the last test before reaching the market. In the trial, participants took 450 mg GV-971 orally twice a day for 36 weeks, which proved effective in improving cognition. Extracted from brown algae, the drug is targeted at patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's. Independent animal experiments also showed that it can regulate ...

"The Liver" by Barbara ONeill
Post Date: 2018-07-18 00:11:00 by Horse
Poster Comment:Interesting.

Baby Dies from Overdose, Drug Addict Mother’s Breast Milk To Blame
Post Date: 2018-07-17 06:24:42 by BTP Holdings
Baby Dies from Overdose, Drug Addict Mother’s Breast Milk To Blame Mike Waston Images/Getty Images By The Western Journal July 16, 2018 at 11:03am A 30-year-old woman with a painkiller addiction has been accused of killing her 11-week-old son with a lethal mix of drugs in her breast milk. Samantha Jones was charged Friday with criminal homicide in the April 2 death of her baby. An autopsy found the baby died from a combination of methadone, amphetamine and methamphetamine, the Bucks County District Attorney’s office said in a statement. According to an affidavit, Jones told police she’d been too tired to make the baby a bottle when he awoke crying at 3 a.m. and ...

What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Drinking Water
Post Date: 2018-07-15 09:46:48 by BTP Holdings
What Happens to Your Body When You Stop Drinking Water Bianca Mendez 7/2/2018 Slide 1 of 17: Ever notice how we recommend drinking more water in basically every article on weight loss, health, and fitness? We’d hate to sound like a broken record, but water is imperative for your health. (Our bodies are, in fact, made up of about 60 percent water.) So, it’s not a bad idea to guzzle it like you’re crazy so that your system functions properly. From stopping belly bloat to warding off diseases, getting enough water is one of the most important things you can do.But some people barely drink any water. And when these water-phobic people do drink, they likely ...

You need an army of nature's best cooling warriors to manage inflammation in your body
Post Date: 2018-07-15 08:20:27 by Tatarewicz
Infomercial... What sets off inflammation overrun in the first place? Unhealthy inflammatory response is usually caused by the overproduction of certain "trigger enzymes" in the body. You've probably heard about COX-1 and COX-2. When these enzymes build up, they cause swelling and discomfort, especially in the joints. There are plenty of over-the-counter remedies as well as natural solutions that claim to block both these compounds. I've tried them myself, and most of my patients have, too. While COX inhibitors provide some relief against inflammation, many people find there is little or no relief at all. Why? Because there's a third, hidden inflammatory enzyme in ...

Johnson & Johnson ordered to pay $4.7 billion to women who say baby powder gave them cancer
Post Date: 2018-07-14 13:54:26 by BTP Holdings
Johnson & Johnson ordered to pay $4.7 billion to women who say baby powder gave them cancer by Lindsey Bever July 13 at 12:20 PM Johnson’s baby powder. (Jeff Chiu/AP) A jury in Missouri ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay $4.69 billion in damages to 22 women who claim the company’s talcum powder products caused ovarian cancer. Following an eight-hour deliberation Thursday, jurors awarded the women $550 million in compensatory damages and another $4.14 billion in punitive damages, their attorney, Mark Lanier, said in a news release. At issue were claims that the pharmaceutical giant sold powder products that were contaminated with asbestos — once a pollutant in ...

The quantified heart Artificial intelligence promises ever more control over the highs and lows of our emotions. Uneasy? Perhaps you should be
Post Date: 2018-07-14 04:47:19 by Tatarewicz
Aeon In September 2017, a screenshot of a simple conversation went viral on the Russian-speaking segment of the internet. It showed the same phrase addressed to two conversational agents: the English-speaking Google Assistant, and the Russian-speaking Alisa, developed by the popular Russian search engine Yandex. The phrase was straightforward: ‘I feel sad.’ The responses to it, however, couldn’t be more different. ‘I wish I had arms so I could give you a hug,’ said Google. ‘No one said life was about having fun,’ replied Alisa. Courtesy Google This difference isn’t a mere quirk in the data. Instead, it’s likely to be the result of an elaborate ...

AWARENESS5 Reasons Why Modern “Medicine” Is The Greatest Failure Of Our Time
Post Date: 2018-07-12 08:28:24 by Ada
For a very long time, we have bought into this idea that if we are sick the only way that we can get better is under the advice of a Medical Doctor. They are trained extensively on the human body, disease, and illness; they certainly should know a whole lot about how to help sick people, right? Unfortunately, although they generally have the best intentions, most of that which ails us today can be almost completely eradicated with alternative preventative medicine which mainstream medicine typically fails to recognize. Now, before the eye rolls start, let me clarify — yes, we need doctors, we need surgeons, we need experts to help us heal what ails us, but we also need more ...

All 12 boys and coach successfully rescued from Thailand cave
Post Date: 2018-07-10 08:28:20 by Ada
The final four boys and their soccer coach were successfully removed from a flooded cave in Thailand on Tuesday, capping a herculean international rescue effort that appeared bleak just days ago. The rescued was completed Tuesday morning, according to the Thai Navy SEALs. Officials confirmed they had restarted the rescue effort for the third day at 10 a.m. local time, or 11 p.m. Eastern time the prior night. As with the previous rescue efforts, 19 divers have gone into the cave, with two divers escorting each of the boys out of the cave with tethers. "If everything goes to plan, all will come out today," an official said at a Tuesday midday press conference. Rescuers walk ...

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