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MK Ultra – What They Didn’t Tell You About The Mind-Control Program That’s Probably Still Operational
Post Date: 2018-02-15 08:35:08 by Ada
Over the past week, I’ve been watching the History Channel’s America’s War on Drugs mini docu-series. To my surprise, the History Channel was shockingly honest about the CIA’s involvement in the war on drugs and the massive political propaganda campaigns that went along with it. The series criminalized the CIA and the government, and rightly so, discussing their involvement in drug trafficking, production, and testing — on both volunteers and unwilling patients — and even murder. Part of the first episode honed in on the CIA’s top-secret program that is now declassified, MK-Ultra, which involved sexual and physical abuse, drug testing, hypnosis, mind ...

Cilantro Can Remove 80% Of Heavy Metals From The Body Within 42 Days Here Is What You Need To Do
Post Date: 2018-02-14 23:31:17 by Horse

Diseases With Unknown Etiology Trace Back To Mass Vaccination Against Influenza in 1976
Post Date: 2018-02-12 09:19:42 by Ada
Crohn’s. Lupus. Autism. ADHD. Food allergies. Celiac disease. Sjögren’s syndrome. Polymyalgia rheumatica. Multiple sclerosis. Anklyosing spondylitis. Type 1 diabetes. Vasculitis. Peripheral neuropathy. The list goes on, and on, and on. We are being increasingly diagnosed with these conditions and diseases of unknown origin, and science has very little to say – why would autoimmune diseases and mysterious diseases of inflammation be so prevalent? When did this increase start? As an observer and participant in modern biomedical research, and a lover of deep history, I tend to focus not on the immediate or last few years, but look for trends of accumulating risk over ...

Fighting Spread of Influenza With UV Light
Post Date: 2018-02-12 06:41:50 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Overhead far-UVC light, a type of ultraviolet light that is harmless to humans, effectively killed airborne flu virus, researchers have found. The lighting may offer a new weapon against the spread of flu virus in public spaces. Continuous low doses of far ultraviolet C (far-UVC) light can kill airborne flu viruses without harming human tissues, according to a new study at the Center for Radiological Research at Columbia University Irving Medical Center (CUIMC). The findings suggest that use of overhead far-UVC light in hospitals, doctors' offices, schools, airports, airplanes, and other public spaces could provide a powerful check on seasonal influenza epidemics, as ...

List Of Shampoo Brands That Can Cause Cancer Is Here. Is Your Favorite Included?
Post Date: 2018-02-11 14:21:51 by Horse
Scientists found out that 98 of 100 products contained cocamide diethanolamine (cocamide DEA) Poster Comment:List is in print too small to read. Just look for cocamide diethanolamine (cocamide DEA)on the label. If it is listed, just put it back on the shelf.

Prostate Health Breakthroughs
Post Date: 2018-02-10 08:31:57 by Tatarewicz
Breakthrough research reveals the secret that can finally help you experience better sex, fewer nighttime bathroom visits, a stronger urine stream, reduced hesitation and less dribbling… Every moment of every day, your prostate is fighting an onslaught of attacks from chemical invaders. These invaders are threatening not only your prostate, but also your urinary tract health, your sex life, and even your manhood! In this special report, you'll see the latest research on how to win the war against these prostate invaders. You'll discover exciting new natural breakthroughs that can help you sleep soundly all night, boost your sex life, and get blessed relief from nagging ...

Post Date: 2018-02-09 20:23:59 by BTP Holdings
In 1944, a German scientist performing cancer research for Hitler made an incredible discovery… DID THE NAZIS BURY A TRUE CURE FOR CANCER? Found! A priceless war relic COVERED UP by our US government for 70 years. WARNING: CONTROVERSIAL CONTENT Please be warned: The story you’re about to hear was DENIED by our own United States government... In fact, there is evidence that suggests it has been covered up since the end of the Second World War. Until today... Even as I speak to you now, certain powerful parties have a vested interest in keeping this information hidden… …and I fully expect this video to be removed from the Internet in the next 24 hours. This TRUE ...

Guilt by Musical Association
Post Date: 2018-02-09 15:55:03 by Ada
Should the feds be permitted to treat anyone who is not a choirboy like a criminal suspect? Unfortunately, local, state, and federal agencies have a long history of targeting, harassing, and entrapping fans of untraditional music. Because so many innocuous activities have become criminalized in recent decades, it has never been easier for the feds to tar any group they please. Precedents established against devotees of unruly music could be used in the future against peaceful libertarians. From the 1930s onwards, the feds often went after jazz musicians in part because of their frequent use of marijuana — which was proscribed nationally by the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937. After the end ...

We Are Eating A Poison Here's How To Identify GMO Tomatoes In 2 Easy Steps
Post Date: 2018-02-08 02:04:21 by Horse

If You Eat Baked Potatoes 4 Times A Week This Will Happen To Your Body (Hypertension)
Post Date: 2018-02-06 21:11:19 by Horse
Poster Comment:Enter the words "Glycemic Index" into Google.

A Realistic and Unbiased Assessment of Some Supplements
Post Date: 2018-02-05 07:55:04 by Tatarewicz
When I was a little kid, back in the dawn of time, I was given a daily dose of cod liver oil. In those days, my cod liver oil dose was administered by my mother in the form of a large spoonful of a rather nasty tasting liquid. I would then get a few swallows of orange juice to get the disagreeable taste out of my mouth. By the time my little sister came along, the cod liver oil came in the form of pretty little gelatin pills, which went down my sister’s gullet with relative ease. What was the cod liver oil supposed to do for us? Currently, the best-known benefit of cod liver oil (which just about everybody referred to as CLO) is that, along with other fish oils, it is a good source of ...

Patient testimonials on supplements (Doc Gumshoe)
Post Date: 2018-02-05 07:47:10 by Tatarewicz
Harinder FGill... Many of these ” neutraceuticals ” are protein molecules subject to digestive enzymatic breakdown into constituent amino acids and other free moieties;thus oral administration is a mirage sold to the gullible consumer. doinit... colloidal, to help needs to be 800-1000 ppm ,, not 40 or 80,,, and, colloidal is ok internally but not the OXIDISED form ,as the surface oxidation off old silverware,, that is the bad form.. Michael Jorrin, "Doc Gumshoe" Vitamin C is certainly essential to prevent scurvy, but there’s enough in a normal diet to meet that need. Seamen used to suck lemons to prevent scurvy – works fine. It’s other supposed ...

Top 10 Pain-Triggering Foods
Post Date: 2018-02-04 17:33:32 by BTP Holdings
Top 10 Pain-Triggering Foods By Rachael Link, MS, RD Have you ever experienced chronic pain that lasts for days, weeks, months or even years? If so, you know just how debilitating it can be. Not only does chronic pain interfere with just about every aspect of daily life, but it can also cause feelings of hopeless and intense frustration. According to a survey published in The Journal of Pain, chronic pain affects an estimated 31 percent of American adults. (1) Unfortunately, too many people turn to pills and creams looking for relief, without ever truly addressing the root of their symptoms. If you suffer from nagging pain, I believe the real answer to feeling better could be right in ...

This 2 Ingredient Remedy Flushes Harmful Toxins And Waste From Your Colon Life well lived
Post Date: 2018-02-02 23:43:10 by Horse
Poster Comment:Simple to do.

Magical microbes – how to feed your gut
Post Date: 2018-02-01 07:34:47 by Tatarewicz
Guaardian... Kimchi, kombucha, sauerkraut, miso and kefir – all fermented foods and drinks – have been around for centuries, but suddenly they are all the rage. The reason? They are supposedly packed full of gut-healthy microorganisms, and we are finally waking up to just how much the trillions of microorganisms that live in our guts (AKA the gut microbiome) contribute to our mental and physical health. True, probiotic products such as Yakult – sweetened skimmed milk fermented with a single strain of friendly bacteria – have been shifting hefty units for some time: the global probiotic market, dominated by yoghurt drinks, was worth $45.6bn (£33bn) last year. But ...

We Just Got More Evidence For Strange Link Between Sugar, Alzheimer's
Post Date: 2018-01-29 06:33:28 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- People with high blood sugar stand to experience worse long-term cognitive decline than their healthy peers, even if they're not technically type 2 diabetic, new research suggests. The findings are not the first linking diabetes with impaired cognitive functions, but they're some of the clearest yet showing blood sugar isn't just a marker of our dietary health – it's also a telling predictor of how our brains may cope as we get older. "Our findings suggest that interventions that delay diabetes onset, as well as management strategies for blood sugar control, might help alleviate the progression of subsequent cognitive decline over the ...

From Stem Cells to a Functional Heart
Post Date: 2018-01-28 00:45:28 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Researchers have identified the role of key gene Mesp1 in the earliest step of cardiovascular lineage segregation. This discovery may help to better understand congenital heart defects. The heart is the first organ that forms during development and contains four different regions (ventricles and atria), which contain different cells that perform specialized functions: the beating cardiomyocytes ensure the pumping activity, vascular cells represent the inner lining and blood vessels and the pacemaker cells set the heartbeat. Unless the progenitor cells that will form the heart are specified at the correct time, migrate to the correct location, and differentiate into the ...

Oregon Child Dies From Flesh-Eating Bacteria After Falling Off His Bike
Post Date: 2018-01-26 03:49:03 by Tatarewicz
Newsweek... A couple of weekends ago, eight-year-old Liam Flanagan fell off his bike. The open wound on his thigh dripped with blood, and so his family took their son to the emergency room, reported the Associated Press. After receiving stitches, all seemed fine—until it didn't. His flesh was being eaten alive due to a bacterial infection known as necrotizing fasciitis. Related: Deadly Oysters Kill Woman with Rumored 'Flesh-Eating' Bacteria As the AP explained, Liam’s mother, Sara Hebard, and stepfather, Scott Hinkle, grew concerned on Wednesday when the boy complained of groin pain. Hinkle looked at Liam’s arm and instantly knew something was wrong. Keep up ...

Boost your nitric oxide levels with L-Arginine, right? Wrong!
Post Date: 2018-01-25 08:26:49 by Tatarewicz
Advanced Bionutritionals ... Here's Why Arginine Is Nearly Useless For People Over 40... Plus What MIT Researchers Say You Should Be Doing Instead You've probably heard about nitric oxide, the molecule that improves heart health, energy levels, and sexual performance. But here's something you probably haven't heard: The popular advice on how to increase nitric oxide is dead wrong! The most common advice is to take l-arginine to boost nitric oxide. But the fact is, it's hard for your body to turn l-arginine into nitric oxide. Especially if you're over 40. I'll tell you more about this problem and the studies that back up an impressive solution in my special ...

Patients Are “Dying in Corridors" of Britain’s Socialised Health System
Post Date: 2018-01-24 08:26:29 by Ada
“Patients dying in hospital corridors.” So went the headline which appeared on the BBC’s website last week, detailing the newest outrages which have emerged from Britain’s crisis-beset healthcare system. This most recent revelation came as a result of an open letter sent to the prime minister by 68 senior doctors, offering details of the inhuman conditions which have become common in the National Health Service’s hospitals. The letter, which collected statistics from NHS hospitals in England and Wales, found that in December alone over 300,000 patients were made to wait in emergency rooms for more than four hours before being seen, with thousands more suffering ...

Air Quality Leading Environmental Threat to Public Health
Post Date: 2018-01-24 08:06:06 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- The 2018 Environmental Performance Index (EPI) finds that air quality is the leading environmental threat to public health. The tenth EPI report ranks 180 countries on 24 performance indicators across 10 issue categories covering environmental health and ecosystem vitality. Switzerland's top ranking reflects strong performance across most issues, especially air quality and climate protection. In general, high scorers exhibit long-standing commitments to protecting public health, preserving natural resources, and decoupling greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from economic activity. India and Bangladesh come in near the bottom of the rankings, with Burundi, Democratic ...

“Alzheimer’s Disease is Now Completely Treatable” Teaser (I)
Post Date: 2018-01-22 10:14:48 by Tatarewicz
What's the 25-cent prion-targeting stock that Agora's Breakthrough Technology Alert is saying will have a "miracle announcement" on February 14? The promise is absurd, here’s a taste of it from the top of the ad: “On February 14th a miracle announcement could give hope to millions… overturning three decades of stuck-in-the-mud research… and sending 1 microcap stock THROUGH THE ROOF… ‘Alzheimer’s Disease is Now Completely Treatable'” That’s an extraordinarily bold prediction to make, but it’s also, frankly, a bit cruel — no, we are not going to hear that “Alzheimer’s Disease is Now Completely ...

“Alzheimer’s Disease is Now Completely Treatable” Teaser
Post Date: 2018-01-22 10:08:50 by Tatarewicz
What's the 25-cent prion-targeting stock that Agora's Breakthrough Technology Alert is saying will have a "miracle announcement" on February 14? II Comments: goldtharhills One miracle drug is not going to solve what is a complex disease involving a number of bio challenges…more than 30, according to Dr. Dale Bredesen who has had amazing success in California over 30 years of research, demonstrating in documented clinical trials that his approach is helping people stabilize, partially recover or be cured. His “Bredesen Protocol” involves a myriad of suspects in Alzheimers, including heavy metal toxicity. His work is well documented as googling will reveal. ...

Aspirin Side Effects + 7 Natural & Safe Alternatives
Post Date: 2018-01-21 18:57:20 by BTP Holdings
Aspirin Side Effects + 7 Natural & Safe Alternatives Dr. Josh Axe If you find yourself taking an aspirin a day for heart attack and stroke prevention or to deal with painful inflammation, there are some aspirin side effects that you’ll want to consider first. There are also natural alternatives for aspirin that are deemed safer for your health. We’ve been told about the dangers of NSAIDs, but why do so many people overlook warnings when it comes to aspirin? It may be because aspirin works to reduce hormone-like substances in the body that promote inflammation and blood clotting. But I’d argue that some people who are taking aspirin regularly for a long period of time ...

Prescriptions during pregnancy are on the rise – and so are birth defects: CDC warns women to avoid antibiotics, even if their doctor says it’s safe
Post Date: 2018-01-19 15:21:47 by Horse
The first trimester of pregnancy is a delicate time, and everything you expose your unborn child to could set the tone for their health and well-being throughout their entire lifetime. That’s why it pays to be especially vigilant about the toxins in your body as well as your environment when you’re expecting – particularly in the early months as your baby’s organs are developing. While many pregnant women are pretty conscientious about following their doctor’s advice, there is one time when you might want to proceed with caution, and that is when your health care provider prescribes you antibiotics. In a newly published study, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) ...

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