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Chinese hospital treats U.S. cancer patient with experimental therapy
Post Date: 2017-09-08 08:23:49 by Tatarewicz
NANJING, Sept. 8 (Xinhua) -- A Chinese hospital has used an experimental therapy to treat an American patient with bone marrow cancer, the first time a foreigner has received such therapy at a Chinese institution, the hospital said. Craig Chase, 56, from California, was discharged on Aug. 30 from Jiangsu People's Hospital in Nanjing, in Jiangsu Province, after receiving treatment for myeloma cancer. Before he was discharged from hospital, his blood test results were within normal range. "The medical treatment has been successful," said Dr. Chen Lijuan, who carried out the CAR-T trials. Chase underwent repeated chemotherapy and received an autologous stem cell transplant ...

Top Eight Carcinogenic Food Additives and Ingredients Banned Nearly Everywhere Except in the US
Post Date: 2017-09-07 16:43:28 by Horse
There’s one reason the United States has such loose regulations when it comes to allowing known carcinogens and health-crippling chemicals to be put in our most popular food products: It’s a big bread winner for the pharmaceutical industry. Why? It’s almost inevitable in America that once you start reeling from the effects of eating chemicals that you will visit a medical doctor, who will then prescribe chemical drugs to “manage” the symptoms of toxic food additive disorder. You see, most countries around the world have a universal healthcare insurance system that provides relative equality of access, with fees set and maintained by a government committee. That ...

The Slow Poisoning of Our Soldiers, Families on U.S. Bases
Post Date: 2017-09-07 11:31:36 by Ada
Why has the military waited this long to address water contamination? While it is generally understood that the U.S. Armed Forces are among the world’s largest polluters, it is not generally recognized that some of the most significant pollution occurs here in the United States at military bases and facilities. As most pollutants have the greatest effect on those whose immune systems are not fully developed, their impact on military dependent communities, whose populations are disproportionately young children and pregnant women, are of particular concern. Everyone living in communities which host military installations, however, is at great risk, as chronic toxicity—the ...

Plastic fibres found in tap water around the world, study reveals
Post Date: 2017-09-07 08:27:21 by Tatarewicz
Guardian... Exclusive: Tests show billions of people globally are drinking water contaminated by plastic particles, with 83% of samples found to be polluted We are living on a plastic planet. What does it mean for our health? Microplastic contamination has been found in tap water in countries around the world, leading to calls from scientists for urgent research on the implications for health. Scores of tap water samples from more than a dozen nations were analysed by scientists for an investigation by Orb Media, who shared the findings with the Guardian. Overall, 83% of the samples were contaminated with plastic fibres. We are living on a plastic planet. What does it mean for our ...

Liberal Camille Paglia: Transgender Surgery 'Can't Change Anyone's Sex' -- DNA is Set
Post Date: 2017-09-07 08:21:54 by Ada
Liberal Camille Paglia, an academic, best selling author, and public intellectual, said there are "a lot of lies being propagated" about the transgender issue, with "wildly inflated claims" about gender and the false idea that sex-reassignment surgery can change someone's sex. It cannot, said Paglia, who added that people who encourage transgenderism in children are committing "child abuse." “I think that the transgender propagandists make wildly inflated claims about the multiplicity of gender," said Paglia during an interview on Roda Viva Internacional. "In sex-reassignment surgery, even today, with all of its advances, cannot, in fact, ...

After Experiencing British And U.S. Health Care, This Family Says Single-Payer Is Abominable
Post Date: 2017-09-07 00:00:14 by farmfriend
As the GOP’s latest, half-hearted effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act crashed and burned this summer, the Left celebrated. President Obama’s signature policy lives. Still, it’s not at all certain that it won’t soon succumb to natural causes. As insurers continue to flee the Obamacare markets, choices are reduced, plans are canceled, and premiums skyrocket, we’re left with a status quo that appears unsustainable. If replacing Obamacare is not a matter of “if” but “when,” the billion-dollar question is: what will that replacement look like? With Republicans floundering and much of their congressional delegation too cowardly to give ...

Herniated Disc
Post Date: 2017-09-06 07:56:35 by Tatarewicz
Medindia... What is Herniated Disc? Herniated disc is said to occur when the intervertebral disc protrudes into the spinal canal thereby compressing the spinal nerves and leading to severe lower back pain, as well as pain radiating to the affected limbs. Anatomy of the Vertebral Disc & Formation of Herniated Disk in Brief A vertebral disc refers to the rubbery disc located between two vertebrae that cushions the vertebrae and contributes to the vertebral column or the backbone. The interior of the disc is soft and jelly-like, while the exterior is tough. Sometimes, due to degenerative disc disease, the outer fibrous ring of the disk may rupture (ruptured disk) and the inner gel can ...

How Do Fat Cells Affect Cancer Development?
Post Date: 2017-09-06 07:12:20 by Tatarewicz
MedIndia... Obesity is a major risk factor for cancer. Previous research has shown several ways that fat contributes to carcinogenesis. Obesity is believed to affect cancer cell metabolism and immune clearance, all of which can contribute to the growth and spread of tumors. "Obesity is increasing dramatically worldwide, and is now also recognized as one of the major risk factors for cancer, with 16 different types of cancer linked to obesity," Ulrich said. "We urgently need to identify the specific mechanisms that link obesity to cancer." ‘Adipose tissue, or fat, may influence the development of cancer in diverse ways, depending on the type of fat and the ...

A Completely New Type of Camera Can Actually See Through The Human Body
Post Date: 2017-09-06 04:06:27 by Tatarewicz
Sci-alert... Medical techniques for looking inside our bodies have come a long way, but in the future it looks like doctors may be able to see absolutely everything going on under our skin. Researchers have invented a new kind of camera that can actually see through structures inside the human body, detecting light sources behind as much as 20 centimetres (7.9 inches) of bodily tissue. The current prototype, developed by researchers from the University of Edinburgh in the UK, is designed to work in conjunction with endoscopes – long, slender instruments that are often equipped with cameras, sensors and lights to peer inside hollow cavities inside the human body. Endoscopes are ...

Mutant Zika virus could be new secret weapon in fighting brain cancer – researchers
Post Date: 2017-09-06 03:53:37 by Tatarewicz
Medical researchers in the US have weaponized a mutated form of the Zika virus in the hopes of defeating a common, tenacious and highly aggressive form of brain cancer with some highly promising initial results. “We showed that Zika virus can kill the kind of glioblastoma [brain cancer] cells that tend to be resistant to current treatments and lead to death,” said Michael S. Diamond, Professor of Medicine at Washington University School of Medicine and the study’s co-senior author. Glioblastoma is the most common form of brain cancer and is both highly lethal and highly resistant to surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy treatments, with a median survival rate of less than ...

A $475,000 And A $5 Cancer Cure Announced In The Same Week
Post Date: 2017-09-05 07:34:46 by Ada
In striking contrasts, a university-based team just announced it has developed a five-dollar treatment that completely abolishes cancer in the same week news headlines hailed the Food & Drug Administration’s approval of a $475,000 immunotherapy treatment for blood cancer (leukemia). I’m sure readers want to hear about the five-dollar cancer cure first. A university-based team set out to develop a cancer cure that could be performed in third-world countries where incomes are low, equipment unavailable and even electricity non-existent. What they came up with needs just a needle and a syringe and a steady hand. It is called tumor ablation — the injection of ethanol ...

New Study Confirms Where Cancer Really Comes From
Post Date: 2017-09-04 18:47:33 by Horse
According to the researchers, “We estimated summary population attributable risk estimates for 24 risk factors (smoking [both passive and active], overweight and obesity, inadequate physical activity, diet [inadequate fruit and vegetable consumption, inadequate fiber intake, excess red and processed meat consumption, salt consumption, inadequate calcium and vitamin D intake], alcohol, hormones [oral contraceptives and hormone therapy], infections [Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis B and C viruses, human papillomavirus, Helicobacter pylori], air pollution, natural and artificial ultraviolet radiation, radon and water disinfection by-products) by combining population attributable risk ...

Gluten-free foods SCAM? Found Loaded With GLYPHOSATE
Post Date: 2017-09-04 15:49:53 by BTP Holdings
Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:It is not the gluten that is bothering your health, it is the glyphostate.

Here’s the shocking REAL reason why aluminum is added to vaccines
Post Date: 2017-09-04 08:13:57 by Ada
(Natural News) The question of whether or not to vaccinate your baby is one which every new mother must face. Bombarded with conflicting “evidence” about the safety and efficacy of vaccines, many are very confused, afraid to cause long-term damage like autism, but bullied by the mainstream media and medical professionals into believing that failing to vaccinate will result in serious, even fatal diseases. One of the issues which often crops up in vaccine debates is that of adjuvants. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claims that adjuvants are ingredients added to vaccines to create stronger immune responses in recipients’ bodies. “In other words, ...

Are Californian Companies Illegally Experimenting with Smallpox
Post Date: 2017-09-03 17:14:49 by Ada
According to a press release from the FDA, a company, StemImmune Inc. in San Diego, California, has had five vials seized from the by U.S. Marshalls under instruction that contain the Vaccinia Virus Vaccine (Live). According to the FDA, this vaccine “is reserved only for people at high risk for smallpox.” The vaccine apparently has no other uses other than treating people who against smallpox. As per International Law, only small quantities of smallpox virus officially still exist in two research laboratories in Atlanta, Georgia, and in Russia. So what on earth are StemImmune doing with the vaccine (remember that there is no known case of naturally occurring smallpox)? This is ...

Benefits of Watermelon Rinds
Post Date: 2017-09-03 04:21:58 by Tatarewicz
Most people discard the rind of the juicy watermelon, but don’t be so hasty – the watermelon rind has many benefits. Whether you eat the rind or use it topically, this often-wasted food can do good things for your body. Finding a use for it also helps cut down on the amount of garbage you produce, so it’s good for the environment as well. Nutritional Benefits The rind may not be as juicy as the flesh of a watermelon, but you can eat it. A 1-inch cube of watermelon rind contains 1.8 calories. The majority of the calories come from carbohydrates, with 0.32 g per serving. While you will not derive a tremendous amount of macronutrients from eating watermelon rind, this food ...

How to Avoid Phthalates (Even Though You Can’t Avoid Phthalates)
Post Date: 2017-09-02 11:15:18 by BTP Holdings
How to Avoid Phthalates (Even Though You Can’t Avoid Phthalates) By Maia James Shutterstock If you’re like me, you’re already failing at most of your New Year’s resolutions (I’m still not making my bed every day, and I haven’t been to a yoga class yet in January). One goal that I am tackling in earnest? Banishing phthalates from my home once and for all. On my website, www.gimmethegoodstuff.org, I’ve always advised readers to avoid these chemicals, and this year it moved to the top of my resolution list. Unfortunately, ridding my house of phthalates is proving to be much, much more difficult than I’d hoped. What Are Phthalates? For several ...

Scientists Have Found a Completely New Way to Attack And Kill Cancer Cells
Post Date: 2017-09-02 07:38:33 by Tatarewicz
Sci-alert... Scientists have made a promising step forward in the ongoing fight against cancer, developing a new way to trigger cancer cell death that might eventually give us a new treatment option with better results than current methods. Called Caspase-Independent Cell Death (CICD), it was able to completely eradicate tumours in colorectal cancer cells grown in the lab. If the same effects can be reproduced in humans, then we could be looking at a treatment that can kill off cancers in a way that's less harmful to the body and with a lower chance of the cancer coming back, according to the team from the University of Glasgow in the UK. "In essence, this mechanism has the ...

Nurse forcibly arrested for not allowing cop to draw blood of unconscious patient (VIDEO)
Post Date: 2017-09-01 07:08:25 by Ada
Bodycam video shows a Salt Lake City police detective grabbing a frightened nurse and twisting her arm before handcuffing her at University Hospital, all because she cited policy not allowing him to draw blood from an unconscious patient. “I’m just trying to do what I’m supposed to do,” nurse Alex Wubbels explained to Detective Jeff Payne on July 26. Video of her violent arrest was released by the Salt Lake Tribune late Thursday. Payne lost his temper when Wubbels wouldn’t comply with his demand to take a blood sample from an unconscious patient who had been the victim of an explosive car accident that occurred at the end of a high-speed police pursuit of another ...

This Diet Cuts Liver Fat By More Than 20 Percent In Only Nine Days
Post Date: 2017-08-30 12:50:07 by Horse
In a nine-day experiment, researchers from Touro University and UC San Francisco found that a diet with reduced sugar cut liver fat by more than 20 percent. Cutting out the sort of sugar commonly found in soft drinks, fruit juices and processed foods reversed the buildup of liver fat in children and adolescents, a condition closely tied to diabetes and heart disease. Fatty liver disease in youth has more than doubled in the past two decades, leading to increased insulin resistance. That, in turn, reduces a person’s ability to control blood sugar, which leads to Type 2 diabetes. The findings were published in the journal Gastroenterology. Said lead authorJean-Marc Schwarz: “Our ...

High Salt Intake May Double Heart Failure Risk
Post Date: 2017-08-30 09:01:03 by Tatarewicz
MONDAY, Aug. 28, 2017 (HealthDay News) -- A high-salt diet significantly increases the risk for heart failure. That's the conclusion of Finnish researchers who found that people who consume more than 13,700 milligrams of salt a day -- about 2.5 teaspoons -- had double the risk for heart failure than low-salt consumers. "High salt [sodium chloride] intake is one of the major causes of high blood pressure and an independent risk factor for coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke," said researcher Pekka Jousilahti. "The heart does not like salt," said Jousilahti, a research professor at the National Institute for Health and Welfare in Helsinki. "High salt ...

A new study adds to the evidence that drinking coffee can be beneficial to your health.
Post Date: 2017-08-30 08:42:49 by Tatarewicz
CBSN Your coffee habit may be doing more than keeping you awake during a long work day. New research adds to growing evidence that coffee has protective health benefits and suggests that it may may even reduce your risk of dying from heart disease and other chronic illnesses. In the study, published Monday in the American Heart Association journal Circulation, researchers looked at the coffee drinking habits of a large sample of U.S. adults and found that those who drank moderate amounts of coffee -- less than 5 cups per day -- had a lower risk of deaths from cardiovascular disease, neurological diseases, type 2 diabetes and suicide. The protective effects were seen in both regular and ...

Finally, FDA Is Cracking Down on Highly Dangerous 'Treatments' From Stem Cell
Post Date: 2017-08-30 03:45:31 by Tatarewicz
Sci-alert... Stem cells are amazing. They hold the potential to repair almost any part of the body, shifting into different cell types on demand. But that doesn't mean you can trust all the treatment pitches out there with "stem cells" in the description - often these therapies have not been tested, and do more harm than good. Now the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has finally announced it will make a concerted effort to stamp out unproven stem cell remedies that haven't been properly vetted and may even be dangerous to patients. The agency has been busy calling out clinics that it believes are misleading patients, and has also seized medicines being used for ...

Pharmacist Ben Fuchs Coast to Coast Appearance on August 24th (audio replay)
Post Date: 2017-08-29 09:19:39 by Tatarewicz
C2C... Registered pharmacist, nutritionist and cosmetic chemist, Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts, and offered tips on supplements and healthy changes to one's diet and lifestyle. He spoke about the importance of the heart organ-- "it's actually an energy field," he said, that "puts all the body's cells into the appropriate frequency." The heart is a generator of coherent energy, whereas disease, has a chaotic energy, he cited. Prescription drugs, he added, are also a chaotic force within the body, in contrast to most vitamins, minerals, and supplements, which are coherent. Many people end up having their gall bladders removed, sometimes ...

The Saudi-Led Coalition’s ‘Weaponization of Disease’
Post Date: 2017-08-29 06:09:37 by Ada
The vast majority of deaths from Yemen’s cholera epidemic occur in rebel- held areas on account of the attacks by the Saudi-led coalition on health centers and infrastructure and because of the coalition blockade: Dr Homer Venters, director of programmes for the research group Physicians for Human Rights, told Al Jazeera that coalition hits on clinics and sewage works were a Saudi “tactic of war” that amounted to the “weaponisation of disease”. [bold mine-DL] Coalition attacks and a blockade on fuel and other supplies have left civilians in Houthi areas more vulnerable to cholera, and less able to get antibiotics and other life-saving help than those in other ...

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