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Brains With Alzheimer's Have More Bacteria Than Healthy Ones, Says New Study
Post Date: 2017-07-19 07:08:21 by Tatarewicz
Sci-alert... New research shows bacteria that break through the brain's defences and infected neurons could play a role in the onset of Alzheimer's, giving experts a better understanding of the disease and ways we could treat it. Scientists studying brains from deceased donors found variations in bacteria types and numbers between the healthy brains and those with Alzheimer's – and that could be key to figuring out how Alzheimer's starts. Now the researchers, from the University of Bristol in the UK, think there could be a link between these bacteria populations and the neuroinflammation that has previously been connected to the development of the disease. ...

John McCain's 'blood clot' may explain his recent behavior
Post Date: 2017-07-18 15:05:00 by Ada
Senator John McCain recently had surgery to "remove a blood clot above his left eye," according to a CNN report. CNN fortunately didn't have a chance to wade into its familiar territory of fake news because it had a practicing neurosurgeon, CNN chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta, on hand to discuss Senator McCain's surgery. Despite the cheery description, "minimally invasive craniotomy," this was brain surgery, opening the skull and removing something from the senator's brain. Nothing simple or minimal about this. Otherwise, neurosurgeons wouldn't need many years of training. Dr. Gupta is correct in calling what was removed from the ...

The Importance of Albumin
Post Date: 2017-07-18 05:34:46 by Tatarewicz
C2C - Albumin, which is derived from the Greek word for white (as in albino or even album, which was originally a book with a bunch of white pages), is a multi-functional Swiss army knife type protein, with a chemical structure that allows it to perform many different biological roles. It’s primarily produced in the liver and measuring its levels is one of the ways physicians determine hepatic health. Deficiencies can be indicative of cirrhosis or liver disease. Albumin’s most well-recognized function involves its ability to act as a water trapping or water attracting “sponge” in the blood. Albumin has an ability to pull water. It’s technically called osmosis, but ...

This 3D-Printed, Soft Artificial Heart Beats Just Like a Real One
Post Date: 2017-07-17 06:40:45 by Tatarewicz
Sci-alert... Scientists have 3D-printed a soft, artificial heart made of silicone that beats almost like a human heart, putting us another step closer to replacing damaged human hearts without the need for a transplant. With about 26 million people worldwide suffering from heart failure, and a global shortage of donors, being able to custom-make artificial hearts would be an invaluable solution to a perennial, long-term problem. The team behind the artificial heart, from ETH Zurich in Switzerland, says its prototype heart can beat in a very natural way for about half an hour before the materials break down, and the researchers are working hard to improve their new invention. "[Our] ...

More Wildlife Fish are Experiencing ‘Intersex’ – What Could be Causing This? Endocrine disruptors threaten reproduction in fish and frogs
Post Date: 2017-07-15 19:21:01 by BTP Holdings
More Wildlife Fish are Experiencing ‘Intersex’ – What Could be Causing This? Endocrine disruptors threaten reproduction in fish and frogs by Mike Barrett Posted on June 18, 2017 More wildlife are experiencing strange reproductive abnormalities, but why? In a study released last year, the U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFW) tested male smallmouth and largemouth bass from 19 National Wildlife Refuges. The researchers found that 85% of the smallmouth bass “had signs of female reproductive parts.” Of the largemouth bass, 27% were intersex. What could be causing this? Luke Iwanowicz, a USGS research biologist and lead author of ...

More Wildlife Fish are Experiencing ‘Intersex’ – What Could be Causing This? Endocrine disruptors threaten reproduction in fish and frogs
Post Date: 2017-07-15 19:21:01 by BTP Holdings
More Wildlife Fish are Experiencing ‘Intersex’ – What Could be Causing This? Endocrine disruptors threaten reproduction in fish and frogs by Mike Barrett Posted on June 18, 2017 More wildlife are experiencing strange reproductive abnormalities, but why? In a study released last year, the U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFW) tested male smallmouth and largemouth bass from 19 National Wildlife Refuges. The researchers found that 85% of the smallmouth bass “had signs of female reproductive parts.” Of the largemouth bass, 27% were intersex. What could be causing this? Luke Iwanowicz, a USGS research biologist and lead author of ...

7 Soil Secrets To Transform Your Gut
Post Date: 2017-07-15 12:21:49 by BTP Holdings
Is dirt part of your diet?   Before you wrinkle your nose in disgust, you need to see my brand new interview with Jordan Rubin, Soil Secrets: 7 Ways Your Garden Can Transform Your Digestion.     We dive into topics such as microbiome health, prebiotic growth and beneficial bacteria that I’ve never discussed publicly before.   You won’t want to miss this.   Watch 7 Soil Secrets To Transform Your Gut Health   Enjoy, Dr. Axe Poster Comment:Video at source. The proliferation and over use of antibiotics has cause a plethora of problems with depopulation of the gut of healthy microbes, and even resistance to the antibiotics by many of the unhealthful ...

Top 4 Antibacterial Essential Oils
Post Date: 2017-07-15 10:11:04 by BTP Holdings
Top 4 Antibacterial Essential Oils If you could get the support you needed to fight bacteria from a natural resource, why wouldn’t you? Interestingly, most prescription medicines are actually modeled after essential oils derived from plants, and whenever possible,  I suggest opting for a natural approach first and foremost. That’s why if you’re looking to fight bacteria, there’s no better option than a combination of healthy foods and antibacterial essential oils. The reason for this is that when we put synthetics in our bodies, our bodies don’t know how to process these so-called foreign substances. And even if the medicine eliminates the ...

Researchers Now Know How Cancers Force Other Cells to Make Fake Viruses
Post Date: 2017-07-14 07:26:53 by Tatarewicz
Sci-alert... Some types of cancer have a rather cunning way to give themselves a boost by tricking healthy cells inside tumours into popping out particles that look like viruses. This mimicry has puzzled oncologists for years, but a new study explains exactly what's going on inside these cells, opening the way to new diagnostic tools and possibly novel treatments for some of the most aggressive forms of cancer. A team led by scientists from the University of Pennsylvania has explored the biochemical mechanisms behind one of cancer's more clever forms of subterfuge, one that uses fake viruses to activate a pathway that helps them grow and resist treatment. Scientists have known ...

New Innovation In Telomere Extension
Post Date: 2017-07-14 02:54:02 by Tatarewicz
Sleuth Journal... Telomeres are the caps at the end of human DNA strands known as chromosomes that protect the DNA code of the genome. As humans age, telomeres begin to decrease in size, causing cellular aging. After telomeres reach a certain length, the cell is no longer able to divide and will die. This process has been associated with disease, aging, and death. Antioxidants are often credited as providing nutritional support that can help protect normal telomere size and function. Telomere Extension: Is It Possible? Studies have shown that a healthy lifestyle and stress reduction can have a huge impact on telomeres, causing them to grow longer, potentially even lengthening lifespan. ...

Ann Coulter: GOP Rallies Behind Idiotic Bill
Post Date: 2017-07-13 19:22:55 by Ada
Republicans are about to do something very stupid. Using bribery, threats and cajolery, they intend to pass a catastrophically unpopular bill on a party-line vote. GOP: Obamacare is unpopular, so let's pass a new health care bill that's even MORE unpopular. Normal Person: Why would you do that? GOP: No, you don't understand. Obamacare is totally imploding, so if we pass this bill now, all its problems will be blamed on us! Republicans would be better off doing nothing. They can survive the ridicule for running against Obamacare through four election cycles and then not repealing it. They cannot survive a bill that does nothing to fix the actual problems with Obamacare. The ...

Clinics Are Still Peddling Unproven And Unethical Stem Cell Treatments
Post Date: 2017-07-13 07:04:16 by Tatarewicz
Sci-alert... Stem cell science is an area of medical research that continues to offer great promise. But as this week's paper in Science Translational Medicine highlights, a growing number of clinics around the globe, including in Australia, are exploiting regulatory gaps to sell so-called stem cell treatments without evidence that what they offer is effective – or even safe. Such unregulated direct-to-consumer advertising – typically of cells obtained using liposuction-like methods – not only places the health of individuals at risk, but could also undermine the legitimate development of stem cell-based therapies. Many academic societies and professional medical ...

An Exciting New Cancer Treatment Has Just Been Endorsed by FDA
Post Date: 2017-07-13 06:52:58 by Tatarewicz
Sci-alert... Food and Drug Administration advisers on Wednesday enthusiastically endorsed a first-of-its-kind cancer treatment that uses patients' revved-up immune cells to fight the disease, concluding that the therapy's benefits for desperately ill children far outweigh its potentially dangerous side effects. The unanimous recommendation from the Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee means the treatment could be approved by the FDA by the end of September, forging a new path in the immunotherapy frontier. Timothy Cripe, a panel member who is an oncologist with Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, called the treatment the "most exciting thing I've seen in ...

What Are Coenzymes and How Are They Vital to Your Health?
Post Date: 2017-07-13 05:47:24 by Tatarewicz
Natural Remedies/Global Healing Center... Coenzymes are small molecules that are attached to an inactive enzyme called apoenzyme. Coenzymes are required in many enzymatic and metabolic processes in your body, in plants, and in animals. Without coenzymes, inactive enzymes would be unable to convert into their active forms to catalyze reactions, such as breaking down food for energy. Coenzymes are essential for normal and specialized cellular functions and your overall health. One of the reasons vitamins are so integral to your health is because many coenzymes are synthesized using vitamins. Some of the more well-known coenzymes you may have heard of include coenzyme Q-10 (CoQ) and coenzyme ...

Stealing Gender From a Baby
Post Date: 2017-07-10 22:33:25 by Dakmar
A Canadian child born last November is thought to be the first person in the world issued a government health card without a gender designation. Prediction: This child will grow up to have severe and perhaps incurable emotional problems. The baby’s mother, one Kori Doty, is a chick who thinks she’s a dude. NBC News refers to Kori as “a non-binary transgender person who prefers the pronouns ‘they/them,’” which only proves that NBC News is part of the problem here. Compounding matters, Kori refers to herself as “a non-binary genderqueer trans person” who lives in “occupied British Columbia Canada.” Eager to share, she claims she’s ...

Can Cheese Increase Your Lifespans?
Post Date: 2017-07-10 04:50:10 by Tatarewicz
criticalhealthnews.com... These days, most folks are aware that there are good and bad fats. Avocadoes, olives, nuts and seeds containing healthful Omega 3s and 6s are widely recognized as beneficial, while we've been told to avoid fried, hydrogenated and processed fats. For many, dairy is also verboten; Often patients are advised to stay away from milk and cheese, which are considered fodder foods for clogged arteries and heart disease. They are, we're told, high in so-called “saturated fat” (the “bad” kind), and they’re loaded with sodium, blamed for circulatory issues, hypertension and kidney problems. But, as with all subjects that are “common ...

Controlling MRSA & Staph with Essential Oils
Post Date: 2017-07-09 14:42:47 by BTP Holdings

Essential Oils and Health
Post Date: 2017-07-09 14:30:15 by BTP Holdings

These Genius Fruit Labels Tell Us Why 'Chemical-Free' Is a Useless Term
Post Date: 2017-07-09 07:53:58 by Tatarewicz
Sci-Alert... The idea that there is a difference between "natural" chemicals - like those in fruits and vegetables - and the synthetic version of those chemicals produced in a laboratory is a common misconception. Marketers often feed off consumer concerns that "human-made" chemicals are bad. But the fact is that all foods, and everything around us, are made up of chemicals, whether they occur in nature or are made in a lab. Australian chemistry teacher James Kennedy wanted to dispel the myth that chemicals are bad for us. He created an ingredient list for natural products, like the banana above, to show that there are many chemicals in our food's natural flavours ...

Flesh-eating bacteria warning issued in Alabama
Post Date: 2017-07-08 07:18:48 by BTP Holdings
Flesh-eating bacteria warning issued in Alabama CBS News Justin Carissimo 5 hrs ago © CDC/Janice Carr ap-42227244686.jpg MOBILE, Ala. -- Health officials in Alabama are warning residents of a flesh-eating bacteria found in bodies of water throughout the state. The Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) on Friday warned residents that Vibrio cases have been reported along Alabama's Gulf Coast. In a statement, officials said that Vibrio can only be contracted in brackish or salt water. It can also affect people who eat contaminated seafood and those with open wounds exposed to seawater.  Dr. Karen Landers, the department's assistant state health officer, told CBS ...

Chocolate Boosts Your Brain Power, New Study Finds
Post Date: 2017-07-07 05:32:57 by Tatarewicz
Sci-Alert... Italian scientists have found that a daily dose of cocoa acts as a dietary supplement to counteract different types of cognitive decline. They found regularly eating cocoa was linked to improvements in working memory and visual information processing and cocoa could be particularly beneficial for certain people. Cocoa, is the dried and fermented bean from the cocoa tree used to make delicious chocolate treats. Cocoa has been studied extensively because, well, who wouldn't want that job. Over the years, it has been found that a range of naturally occurring chemicals in the cocoa bean have therapeutic effects. For example, polyphenols in dark chocolate were found to ...

Chemotherapy may spread cancer and trigger more aggressive tumours, warn scientists
Post Date: 2017-07-06 07:56:33 by Ada
Chemotherapy could allow cancer to spread, and trigger more aggressive tumours, a new study suggests. Researchers in the US studied the impact of drugs on patients with breast cancer and found medication increases the chance of cancer cells migrating to other parts of the body, where they are almost always lethal. Around 55,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer in Britain every year and 11,000 will die from their illness. Many are given chemotherapy before surgery, but the new research suggests that, although it shrinks tumours in the short term, it could trigger the spread of cancer cells around the body. It is thought the toxic medication switches on a repair mechanism in the ...

Rep. Steve Scalise re-admitted to intensive care unit
Post Date: 2017-07-06 06:59:51 by BTP Holdings
Rep. Steve Scalise re-admitted to intensive care unit FOX News FoxNews.com 7 hrs ago © Bill Clark/CQ Roll Call/Getty Images Congressman Steve in Washington Oct. 16, 2014. Doctors at the hospital where House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., has been recovering from a gunshot wound downgraded his condition from "fair" to "serious" Wednesday after he contracted an infection. In a statement, MedStar Washington Hospital Center said Scalise had been re-admitted to the intensive care unit. The hospital added that it would provide another update Thursday.  Scalise and four others were hurt when a gunman opened fire on a GOP baseball practice in Virginia on ...

Proteins Found in Tick Spit Could Save You From Heart Disease
Post Date: 2017-07-04 06:35:30 by Tatarewicz
Sci-Alert... Saliva from ticks could be a potential lifesaver, scientists have discovered, as it's been shown to block the harmful chemicals associated with a particular kind of heart disease. If we can develop a drug from this tick spit we win a valuable new treatment option for myocarditis, which can occur when the heart becomes infected by a common virus, and leads to heart failure in around 30 percent of cases. What's more, the team from the University of Oxford in the UK thinks the treatment might eventually extend beyond heart disease to all kinds of other related diseases. "Myocarditis is a devastating disease, for which there are currently very few treatments," ...

Why You Should Never Buy Unsalted Butter
Post Date: 2017-07-03 14:09:17 by BTP Holdings
Why You Should Never Buy Unsalted Butter Delish Lindsay Funston 6/7/2017 Paul Anka, 75, wins custody of 11-year-old son Ever since I first started buying groceries (so, err, college), I would wander through the dairy aisle until I came upon butter and wonder what were the real differences between buying unsalted or salted sticks. As someone who believes that a little salt can elevate a recipe from mediocre to amazing, you can tell which type of stick I reach for. Here's why it's always worth it. 1. SALTED BUTTER IS THE PERFECT CONDIMENT. © Provided by Delish Ya know how when you have grilled chicken, steak, and corn on the cob and sometimes it feels like it just needs ...

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