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Strokes Could Be Prevented in 90 Percent of Cases, Study Says
Post Date: 2016-07-19 07:44:15 by Tatarewicz
Yahoo... Nine out of 10 strokes are preventable, according a global study that shines light on one of the world's leading causes of death and disability. New research published Friday in The Lancet confirms 10 risk factors that can be modified account for 90 percent of strokes -- which occur when an area of the brain loses blood flow -- across the world. The study, dubbed INTERSTROKE, examined nearly 27,000 people in 32 countries across all continents, building on the breadth of an earlier version of the study that identified the same 10 risk factors. Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is the leading risk factor; others include physical inactivity, obesity, stress, diabetes and a ...

Neuroscience journal confirms adverse effects of fluoride on brain development
Post Date: 2016-07-18 19:17:10 by BTP Holdings
Neuroscience journal confirms adverse effects of fluoride on brain development Monday, July 18, 2016 by: Sarah Landers (NaturalNews) Fluoride is commonly found in tap water thanks to a process called fluoridation – which the U.S. government has been repeatedly telling us is a safe and effective way to protect teeth from decay, according to Global Research. But a recent study published in The Lancet, the world's most renowned medical journal, has actually classified fluoride as a neurotoxin – something which has a negative impact on brain development – alongside other extremely toxic compounds such as arsenic, lead and mercury. A large number of cities within the U.S. ...

Banish Your Brain Fog In Just One Hour
Post Date: 2016-07-17 11:38:19 by BTP Holdings
Banish Your Brain Fog In Just One Hour After 10 years of research, UCLA scientists discover an ingredient that could jumpstart your mental power in just 60 minutes… and… help protect your memory starting… today! Dear Friend If you find yourself struggling to remember where you left your car keys… Frustrated with trying to remember grandkid’s birthdays… And worried that you won’t be able to do even the easiest crossword puzzles years from now… Then listen closely: Because this will be the most important message you ever read. UCLA researchers discovered a fast-acting ingredient that could banish your brain fog in just one hour. That means you ...

Taxpayers Funded A Lifesaving Drug And Guess What Happened Next
Post Date: 2016-07-17 10:45:11 by Ada
The pharmaceutical industry has become a major health hazard to the American people. Our nation pays - by far - the highest prices in the world for prescription drugs. As a result of these outrageous prices, nearly one in five Americans cannot afford to fill their prescriptions. Meanwhile, the five largest prescription drug companies made a combined $50 billion in profits last year. That is unacceptable. A lifesaving product does no one any good if a patient cannot buy the medicine they need, and that is now happening far too often in the richest nation in the world. A new report out today from Americans for Tax Fairness explains how a pharmaceutical company, Gilead Sciences, games the ...

12 Clues You Might Have Heart Disease
Post Date: 2016-07-17 07:30:54 by Tatarewicz
WebMD...Sleep Apnea When your snoring is broken up by pauses in your breathing, your brain may not be getting enough oxygen. It will send signals to your blood vessels and heart to work harder to keep blood flow going. This raises your risk for high blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythms, strokes, and heart failure. Fortunately, sleep apnea is treatable. Yellow-Orange Bumpy Rash Extremely high triglyceride levels can make your skin break out around the knuckles of your fingers and toes and on your bottom. A lot of these fats in your blood may play a role in hardening your arteries, and high numbers are often related to other conditions that put you at risk for heart disease and strokes, ...

Study: Bright light accelerates aging in mice
Post Date: 2016-07-17 06:28:28 by Tatarewicz
"Life evolved under the constant pressure of the light-dark cycle," said researcher Johanna Meijer. LEIDEN, Netherlands, July 15 (UPI) -- The right balance of light and dark is essential to health, new research suggests. Scientists have found mice that are subjected to a constant barrage of bright light suffer myriad health issues. "We came to know that smoking was bad, or that sugar is bad, but light was never an issue," researcher Johanna Meijer, a neuroscientist at Leiden Medical Center, told Nature News. "Light and darkness matter." A number of studies have found links between artificial light, sleep problems and a variety of health issues, including ...

Study: Rats, Cheese, and Cancer
Post Date: 2016-07-16 13:46:41 by BTP Holdings
Remember Pizza Rat? You know… the adorable rat that dragged a slice of pizza through the subway. Source: Nationalreport.net Well, if that pizza had extra cheese on it, Pizza Rat may have been getting more than a free lunch. You see, according to research from the University of Michigan, nisin — a naturally occurring preservative in cheese and other milk products — is clobbering cancer and drug-resistant bacteria. We’ll talk about its antibacterial properties in just a bit. First, let’s talk about cancer... --More Cheese, Please The study found that nisin can slow down or stop the growth of head and neck cancer cells. The researchers fed “nisin ...

Better Bets for Fast-Food Breakfast
Post Date: 2016-07-16 09:33:08 by Tatarewicz
Breakfast from some of the nation's fast-food restaurants could be a high-fat, high-calorie affair. But most chains offer healthier options, too. Think about what you need: Even these "better bets" aren't for everyone. Some still may be too high in salt or calories for you. McDonald's: Not the Best Choice Take a pass on the Big Breakfast with Hotcakes. It packs 1,050 calories, 56 grams (g) fat, and 19 g saturated fat -- over the daily limit for saturated fat for most people. Even the biscuit is loaded with saturated fat. The sodium hits 1,960 milligrams (mg), nearly the total daily limit of 2,300 mg doctors recommend. McDonald's: Better Bets The Egg McMuffin ...

Jet lag really is worse if you go east instead of west — mathematicians just proved it
Post Date: 2016-07-16 07:24:19 by Tatarewicz
Yahoo... If you’ve ever thought that jet lag hits you much harder when traveling east rather than west, it’s not your imagination -- as a new mathematical model created by researchers at the University of Maryland proves. If you’ve ever thought that jet lag hits you much harder when traveling east rather than west, it’s not your imagination — a new mathematical model created by researchers at the University of Maryland proves that its actually true. As co-author of the study Professor Michelle Girvan tells Digital Trends, it’s all to do with the brain’s so-called “pacemaker cells” getting disrupted as people travel across different timezones. ...

World failing to protect children from unhealthy food marketing: New Zealand expert
Post Date: 2016-07-16 05:45:03 by Tatarewicz
] WELLINGTON, July 15 (Xinhua) -- A leading New Zealand health expert who co-wrote an international study on the marketing of unhealthy food said Friday that governments and food companies globally are failing to protect children from the risks of obesity. The study, published in the World Health Organization (WHO) Bulletin this month, reviewed the progress by countries and the top 22 global food companies on enacting the 2010 WHO recommendations on restricting unhealthy food and beverage marketing to children. It found that no country or company had fully implemented the recommendations and that progress in general was very slow and patchy. Co-author Professor Boyd Swinburn, of the ...

Herbalife agrees to $200M settlement with FTC, will stop 'deceptive' practices
Post Date: 2016-07-16 04:41:42 by Tatarewicz
A statement released by nutritional supplement maker Herbalife said "many" of the allegations made by the Federal Trade Commission in its two-year investigation of the company are "factually incorrect," but that it believes a settlement is in its best interest because of the cost and distraction of litigation. WASHINGTON, July 15 (UPI) -- Nutritional supplement maker Herbalife agreed to pay $200 million and "fully restructure" its U.S. business operations, ending a two-year investigation by the Federal Trade Commission. The FTC, in a comprehensive settlement, stopped short of classifying Herbalife as a pyramid scheme but said the company "deceived ...

Scientists have determined the exact composition of your poo
Post Date: 2016-07-16 03:55:17 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... The mere mention of a 'faecal transplant' might be something that makes a lot of us squirm, but the truth is that poo transplants from one person to another are an increasingly popular treatment for a range of illnesses. But what's actually in a poo transplant that makes it so beneficial to the recipient? A new study has shed light on exactly what our poo is made of, in the hopes of figuring out how poo transplants actually work. "There is no doubt that poo can save lives," says biologist Seth Bordenstein from Vanderbilt University. "Right now faecal transplants are used as the treatment of last resort, but their effectiveness raises an ...

No AC in the summer? No problem.
Post Date: 2016-07-15 19:00:12 by BTP Holdings
No AC in the summer? No problem. Hunkering down during a crisis situation is preferable to bugging out for a number of reasons – as you may well know. But what are you going to do if your air conditioner stops working and there’s no one available to fix it for a while? If your AC breaks down during the warmer half of the year, you’re going to have a challenge on your hands before you are able to get it fixed. Assuming your other electronic appliances are still working, here are 7 action steps you can take to minimize the heat in your home and stay as comfortable as possible without a functioning AC unit: Eat Cold Foods. The less you use your oven the better, as it will ...

Pinched (Compressed) Nerve
Post Date: 2016-07-14 23:57:18 by Tatarewicz
WebMD... Nerves extend from your brain and spinal cord, sending important messages throughout your body. If you have a pinched nerve (nerve compression) your body may send you warning signals such as pain. Don't ignore these warning signals. Damage from a pinched nerve may be minor or severe. It may cause temporary or long-lasting problems. The earlier you get a diagnosis and treatment for nerve compression, the more quickly you'll find relief. In some cases, you can't reverse the damage from a pinched nerve. But treatment usually relieves pain and other symptoms. Causes of Pinched Nerves A pinched nerve occurs when there is "compression" (pressure) on a nerve. ...

These Dishes Are Some of the Biggest Scams in the Food Industry
Post Date: 2016-07-14 18:04:53 by BTP Holdings
These Dishes Are Some of the Biggest Scams in the Food Industry From chemical-soaked scallops to sushi stuffed with "Ex-Lax fish," these commonly faked foods will have you reconsidering your next meal. Jackson Connor Jul 12, 2016 Purchasing food requires a fair amount of trust on the part of the consumer. Whether it’s shopping at a grocery store, or going out to eat at a restaurant, Americans have come to expect that the food they want is the food they get—right down to the most minute details listed on menus and packaging. But now, in a new book title Real Food Fake Food from the author Larry Olmsted, it’s become clear that quality control in the food industry ...

Genocide by Prescription: The ‘Natural History’ of the Declining White Working Class in America
Post Date: 2016-07-14 06:06:47 by Ada
Introduction: The white working class in the US has been decimated through an epidemic of ‘premature deaths’ – a bland term to cover-up the drop in life expectancy in this historically important demographic. There have been quiet studies and reports peripherally describing this trend – but their conclusions have not yet entered the national consciousness for reasons we will try to explore in this essay. Indeed this is the first time in the country’s ‘peacetime’ history that its traditional core productive sector has experienced such a dramatic demographic decline – and the epicenter is in the small towns and rural communities of the United States. ...

The Trumpster is right: Ruth Bader Ginsburg's 'mind is shot' because she was brain damaged by chemotherapy in 2009... (and hasn't been able to think straight since)
Post Date: 2016-07-13 21:03:04 by BTP Holdings
The Trumpster is right: Ruth Bader Ginsburg's 'mind is shot' because she was brain damaged by chemotherapy in 2009... (and hasn't been able to think straight since) Wednesday, July 13, 2016 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger Ruth Bader Ginsburg (NaturalNews) Three days ago, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg went on a discombobulated verbal rampage against Donald Trump, calling him a "faker" and claiming that if he were elected president, "then everything is up for grabs." She then went on to declare that everybody should "move to New Zealand" where, apparently, they can all wear their liberal tin foil hats together while America ...

A man who lives without 90% of his brain is challenging our concept of 'consciousness'
Post Date: 2016-07-13 08:08:41 by Ada
The father of two lives a normal life. A French man who lives a relatively normal, healthy life - despite missing 90 percent of his brain - is causing scientists to rethink what it is from a biological perspective that makes us conscious. Despite decades of research, our understanding of consciousness - being aware of one's existence - is still pretty thin. We know that it's somehow based in the brain, but then how can someone lose the majority of their neurons and still be aware of themselves and their surroundings? First described in The Lancet in 2007, the case of the man with the missing brain has been puzzling scientists for almost 10 years. The French man was 44 years ...

Estrogen patch may reduce postmenopausal Alzheimer's risk, study says
Post Date: 2016-07-13 08:00:32 by Tatarewicz
The study suggests younger menopausal women can benefit from estrogen therapy, especially those with a gene increasing risk for Alzheimer's disease. Women may have a lower risk of developing late-onset Alzheimer's disease if they receive estrogen therapy closer to starting menopause, according to a small study. ROCHESTER, Minn., July 12 (UPI) -- Although scientists are unsure of the effects of starting estrogen therapy in menopausal women before age 65, a recent study suggests it can reduce the risk for Alzheimer's disease. Women who were less then three years past menopause showed lower levels of amyloid deposits in their brains, a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease, after ...

Bicycling may help prevent type 2 diabetes: study
Post Date: 2016-07-13 04:00:06 by Tatarewicz
WASHINGTON, July 12 (Xinhua) -- Bicycling, whether as transportation to work or as a recreational activity, may help prevent type 2 diabetes, according to a study published Tuesday in the U.S. journal PLOS Medicine. In the study, Martin Rasmussen of the University of Southern Denmark and colleagues recruited 24,623 men and 27,890 women aged 50 to 65 in Denmark. Then, they compared the association between self-reported recreational and commuter cycling habits and type 2 diabetes with the incidence of the disease measured in the Danish National Diabetes Registry. The researchers found that participants who engaged in cycling were less likely to develop type 2 diabetes, and risk of ...

Study: Semen Is "Good For Women’s Health And Helps Fight Depression" -- not a satire
Post Date: 2016-07-12 22:24:36 by NeoconsNailed
Good news for men (and women), researchers have just discovered that oral sex is literally good for women’s health and makes them feel happier. A wide range of chemicals in semen "promote mental well-being and feelings of affection", say scientists. The research shows that semen actually contains chemicals that literally elevate mood, increase affection, improve sleep and even contain at least three anti-depressants! The researchers also claim that women who have unprotected sex on a regular basis are less depressed and even perform better in cognitive tests. (obviously one needs to consider the negative side effects of this as well) Semen contains chemicals cortisol, ...

Top 5 contributors to antibiotic resistance - one of the greatest threats to humankind
Post Date: 2016-07-12 19:28:01 by BTP Holdings
Top 5 contributors to antibiotic resistance - one of the greatest threats to humankind Tuesday, July 12, 2016 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer (NaturalNews) We currently have a major public health crisis on our hands, and very little is being done to address it. Our said-to-be first line of defense against harmful pathogens, antibiotics, is quickly becoming irrelevant due to growing antibiotic resistance – because apparently all those nasty critters that antibiotics were designed to kill are now outsmarting their pursuers, and becoming "superbugs" immune to conventional treatment. It's become a serious problem at hospitals, health clinics and even in crop fields – ...

Scientists say it's time to warn women of the true risks of childbirth
Post Date: 2016-07-12 07:34:58 by Tatarewicz
ScienceAlert... Obstetricians in the UK are meeting this month to discuss whether they should be formally offering women advice on the risks of vaginal births - just like they do with caesarian sections. Right now, women legally need to be warned about the risks associated with C-sections - such as the increased healing time - but not vaginal births, despite the fact that they come with their own unique complications. In other words, while many obstetricians present their patients with the facts about both options, they’re not formally required to do so in the UK - that's a similar situation to countries such as the US and Australia. The meeting comes after the UK Supreme Court ...

Top 10 Ginger Health Benefits proven by medical studies:
Post Date: 2016-07-11 17:49:41 by Horse
1. Stroke and Heart Disease Two of the biggest killers on the planet may be kept at bay with regular ginger use, especially when eaten with other key superfoods. Garlic, ginger and onions all have an anti-blood-clotting ability, yet when they’re eaten together they’re a powerful mainstay against heart attacks and stroke! 2. Indigestion and Nausea Whether we’re talking about curing a simple tummy ache or severe morning sickness, ginger has been used for thousands of years as an effective digestive aid and natural remedy for nausea. Recently, Taiwanese researchers discovered that three capsules (1.2 grams total) of ginger can actually help the stomach release its contents ...

Researchers find association between donor age, female sex and transfusion outcomes
Post Date: 2016-07-11 17:36:03 by Horse
A large Canadian study has shown a link between blood donor characteristics and transfusion recipients' outcomes. This is the first study to suggest that red blood cell transfusions from young donors and from female donors may be associated with poorer survival in recipients. Red blood cell transfusions are the most common medical procedure provided in hospitals, with more than 100 million units collected worldwide every year for this purpose, according to the World Health Organization. "These results are intriguing and suggest that if you require a transfusion, your clinical outcome may be affected by the blood donor's age and sex," said senior author Dr. Dean ...

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