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Why Collagen Is Crucial for Bones and Skin
Post Date: 2022-05-04 20:41:31 by BTP Holdings
Why Collagen Is Crucial for Bones and Skin Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola May 04, 2022 STORY AT-A-GLANCE > Collagen is the most common and abundant of your body’s proteins. One of its primary purposes is to provide structural scaffolding for your various tissues to allow them to stretch while still maintaining tissue integrity > Collagen is part of the secret of why tendons have the tensile strength of wire ropes and why healthy bones are so hard yet not brittle. As minerals are incorporated into the collagen, it cases the collagen fibrils to contract. This stress generates a mineral-collagen composite material composed of high-tensile fibers with properties reminiscent of ...

What’s Killing People If There is No Coronavirus? Acidosis and Red Blood Cell Transmutation
Post Date: 2022-05-04 11:17:01 by Ada
To be human is to live with inconclusive information as to ultimate meaning of things. Ninety government agencies and laboratories have not provided proof that the bugaboo Coronavirus exists when requested by independent bio-statistician Christine Massey. Additionally, statistician Genevieve Briand has found that there were no excess deaths (all causes) in 2021 when the death data was adjusted for the bulge of the Baby Boom elderly generation in the overall population. This runs against the government and media created perception of reality that there is a Coronavirus epidemic. But when you mention that there is no coronavirus to the average Joe or Jane, they typically say with absolute ...

I survived covid. I shared this with a friend online
Post Date: 2022-05-04 04:07:31 by Horse
I had covid for 5 days. It felt like I had a cold and was trying to have a fever at the same time. I normally take 5,000 IUs of vitamin D-3 daily. But I took 50,000 IU daily while I had symptoms. I took extra vitamin C. Zinc is a natural anti-viral. But you need an ionophore to carry the zinc ions through the cell wall so the zinc can stop viral replication. While I was sick, I took 220 mgs of Zinc. Quercetin and Green Tea extract are ionophores as is Hydroxychloroquine. I take Quercetin daily with 30 mgs of zinc even now. Do not overdose with Quercetin. Quercetin is a bioflavonoid. I take several others including Black Currant and Trans-Resveratrol. I take turmeric, an ...

What Pfizer, J&J COVID Vaccine Animal Trials Reveal About Shots’ Potential Impact on Major Organs
Post Date: 2022-05-02 20:44:58 by Horse
Judicial Watch today said documents obtained from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services show lipid nanoparticles from Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine were found in the liver, ovaries and other organs 48 hours after injection, and Johnson & Johnson vaccine particles were present in test animals montJudicial Watch today announced it received 466 pages of records from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding biodistribution studies and related data for the COVID-19 vaccines that show a key component of the vaccines developed by Pfizer/BioNTech, lipid nanoparticles (LNPs), were found outside the injection site, mainly the liver, adrenal glands, spleen and ...

The curse of public vagrancy
Post Date: 2022-05-02 10:18:21 by Ada
Welcome to the Third World… especially if you live along America’s West Coast. After all, it was really closer than you once thought it was. “Encampments” of squatters abound in parks, parking lots, under and along freeways, wherever they can get away with it. Why? Nothing more complicated than the combination of mild weather and a woke political establishment. A fact of climatology is that the west coasts of continents have much milder weather than the east coasts. A fact of politics is the existence of guilty middle-class liberals who form a base of support for all kinds of dystopic public policies. It’s one thing to feel compassion for the less fortunate. ...

Mitochondria: 10 Ways to Boost the Powerhouse of Your Cells
Post Date: 2022-05-01 22:33:23 by Horse
What are mitochondria and how do they help us? Mitochondria are specialized structures found in cells. They participate in many cellular processes, but their most important function is to extract the energy that is stored in the chemical bonds of nutrients (in the form of electrically charged particles called electrons) and transform it into a form of energy that cells can use to power their activity. This form of energy is a molecule called ATP (from adenosine triphosphate) and the process is called cellular respiration. Because mitochondria generate around 90 percent of all ATP produced in our body, they are known as “the powerhouse of the cell.” When mitochondria work ...

8 Ways to Boost Your Immune System And Avoid Getting Sick Again
Post Date: 2022-04-29 16:02:26 by Horse
Poster Comment:Add Apple Cider vinegar to your list of probiotics. I mix it with olive oil for my salads. Increase your fiber intake. You need probiotics, fiber and B complex to make a gut barrier. It wraps around tour colon and intestines protecting you against pathogens. Women need at least 25 grams of fiber a day. Men more.

Results Of Immune System Destruction Exploding
Post Date: 2022-04-29 09:09:37 by Horse

Pharma products- Side Effects
Post Date: 2022-04-28 01:55:42 by Horse

Covid: A Summary
Post Date: 2022-04-27 07:45:31 by Ada
Today in Florida the only places you need a mask are offices of medical conglomerates, such as Ascension (Sacred Heart), a hospital group that also has doctor’s offices where the MD is hired and not in private practice, and Quest Diagnostics where medical tests are performed. In bureaucratic organizations, once a rule is introduced the enforcement bureaucracy tends to retain it. As the news narrative shifted overnight from the “Covid crisis” to the “Ukrainian crisis,” that is, from one deception to another, the “Russian threat” has replaced the “Covid threat” before people understand what was done to them. Covid was a threat, not so much in ...

Cardiologist says 30 percent of vaccinated pilots would fail health screenings due to vaccine injuries
Post Date: 2022-04-26 11:11:14 by Ada
(Natural News) Joshua Yoder, an airline pilot and co-founder of the U.S. Freedom Flyers said during an interview Wednesday that a cardiologist told him that if the airlines were conducting certain health screenings, 30 percent of the pilots currently flying would probably be disqualified due to vaccine-induced heart conditions. (Article by Debra Heine republished from Yoder told tech millionaire and Vaccine Safety Research Foundation founder Steve Kirsch that his group has received hundreds of reports about pilots flying planes while suffering from adverse side effects from the COVID vaccines. The most prominent health issues being reported, the pilot noted, include ...

Vax, Ivermectin or Detox? Beware of Caretakers Bearing Potentially Deadly Chicken Soup
Post Date: 2022-04-26 11:00:43 by Ada
The public does not get their opinions about how to treat so-called viruses by reason alone, they tend to catch them by social contagion. This usually falls into three camps along social class lines: the Knowledge Class has an affinity for vaccines, boosters and masks; the Working and Small Business Class for Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, herd immunity and natural non-drug treatments, and some more Independent thinkers rely mainly on detoxification. Only detox can target natural viruses as RNA Vaccines and Alternative Treatments (Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine) do nothing to treat a fictional Coronavirus. The decision of what treatment for viruses has to be made on less than ...

Heart Inflammation More Prevalent Among Vaccinated Than Unvaccinated: Study
Post Date: 2022-04-25 20:05:45 by Horse
"These extra cases among men aged 16–24 correspond to a 5 times increased risk after Comirnaty and 15 times increased risk after Spikevax compared to unvaccinated..."

Reports of Women Shedding Uterine Lining Surged in 2021, Research Shows
Post Date: 2022-04-25 18:12:54 by Horse
Three members of the Children’s Health Defense team — Brian Hooker, Ph.D., chief scientific officer, Sue Peters, Ph.D., senior research fellow and Heather Ray, scientific administrator — conducted research for a paper published April 21 in the Gazette of Medical Sciences. Hooker, Peters and Ray worked with My Cycle Story, a multidisciplinary, collaborative research project involving 13 scientists and physicians, on a survey that found an increase in 2021 in reports of “decidual cast shedding.” Decidual cast shedding refers to a condition where the entire lining of the uterus is passed at once. A decidual cast may occur when a cessation of progesterone levels ...

The Greatest Asset to Protect Your Freedom and Wealth
Post Date: 2022-04-23 08:37:26 by BTP Holdings
The Greatest Asset to Protect Your Freedom and Wealth Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola April 23, 2022 STORY AT-A-GLANCE > Simple strategies with big health payoffs include avoiding seed oils, implementing time-restricted eating to become metabolically flexible, donating blood to lower your stored iron, strength training to build muscle, exercising in a fasted state, getting regular sun exposure and optimizing your sleep > Building muscle is by far one of the most important strategies you can implement to improve and safeguard your health. The greater your muscle mass, the higher your survivability against all diseases, including cancer. It really optimizes you for longevity > ...

GMO: Bad For The Soil And For You.
Post Date: 2022-04-21 07:20:07 by Horse
If you give a mouse a choice between GMO and heirloom corn, he will not eat any of the former until he has eaten all of the latter. There seems to be a shortage of NPK fertilizers. Farmers are paying up to $186,000 to fertilize their corn fields. But what are we getting from that corn. Some time ago I explained that a mycorhizzal (Latin for root) fungi attached to the roots of a stalk of corn or a rose bush will find any one of 41 items on a menu requested by a plant. It will then deliver that mineral, whether it be magnesium or boron or cobalt, to the root. The plant will deliver sugar made by photosynthesis in its leaves in exchange. The menu consists of 41 chemical messages. Salesmen ...

Mental Health Crisis Driven by Public Health Policy Trauma
Post Date: 2022-04-21 06:51:00 by BTP Holdings
Mental Health Crisis Driven by Public Health Policy Trauma Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola April 21, 2022 STORY AT-A-GLANCE > The United States is facing a mental health crisis, experts say, noting we’re in dire need of more mental health professionals Nearly 1 in 3 — 27.3% — of American adults now struggle with depression and/or anxiety > This is the price society is paying for ill-conceived, irrational pandemic measures and nonstop fearmongering > To treat everyone, each of the 33,000 practicing psychiatrists in the U.S. would have to see approximately 3,000 patients a year — a patient load that simply isn’t feasible > Those of us who have not ...

Magnetized Water & Health (Horse Again)
Post Date: 2022-04-20 16:09:29 by Horse
Magnetized water is hexagonal water obtained by passing water through specially manufactured permanent magnet that can activate and ionize water molecules to change its structure hexagonal, like water in our body. (First part from Google Wiki.) From the experimental tests, the magnetic water keeps on its physical and chemical properties between (48-72)hrs. By exposing the water to magnets, the salt ions change and dissolve, creating purer water that is more easily taken up by the plant. Studies on how magnets affect plant growth also show that magnetic treatment of seeds enhances germination by speeding up the formation of protein in the cells. Unfortunately, magnetic water softeners are ...

Pentagon Secretly Awarded ‘COVID-19 Research’ Contract to Ukraine 3 Months Before Pandemic Existed
Post Date: 2022-04-20 12:48:17 by Ada
The United States Department of Defence (DOD) awarded a contract to a bio-lab in Ukraine for “COVID-19 Research” on the 12th November 2019 – three months before the pandemic officially existed. According to newly released documents, the contract awarded to Labyrinth Global Health INC was part of a secretive ‘Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’. Coincidentally, Labyrinth Global Health has been collaborating with Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, and Ernest Wolfe’s Metabiota since its formation in 2017. Click for Full Text!

Cancers Taking Off "Like Wildfire" in the covid Jabbed
Post Date: 2022-04-20 08:45:58 by Horse
Poster Comment:He actually calls them "Wildfire Cancers."

Doctor! Doctor!....Mr. M.D.
Post Date: 2022-04-18 11:17:33 by Ada
Are you satisfied with your mediocre outcomes given the statistically highest costs of care and overall effectiveness so so poorly rated? Do you think cures lie just over the next technological rainbow? Does it bother you that the stated goal of the pharmaceutical mafia that controls the healthcare system is to restrict all knowledge of alternatives to their obscenely pricey pills? Or that most of your patients are sick from bad foods, industrial poisons, side effect laden drugs and toxic media narratives, and that preventive medicine is absent and public information scant or wrong? Did you forget what you learned in high school biology or first yr physiology and the conditions needed ...

Support Your Physical and Mental Well-Being With One of Nature’s Premiere Gifts for Protection Against Oxidative Stress
Post Date: 2022-04-18 08:21:19 by BTP Holdings
Support Your Physical and Mental Well-Being With One of Nature’s Premiere Gifts for Protection Against Oxidative Stress Aging is inevitable, but with the right support from nature, you can help maintain optimal physical and mental fitness throughout your years. This ‘high-performance phytonutrient’ can help you Take Control of Your Health® from head to toe.* > Pine bark extract is an outstanding source of oligomeric proanthocyanidins, or OPCs, which help protect your cells, tissues and organs against oxidative stress from damaging free radicals.* > Organic Pine Bark Extract with OPCs is harvested from the fresh bark of young, living Pinus sylvestris trees in ...

Glyphosate: Bad For Human And Plant Health
Post Date: 2022-04-18 06:36:31 by Horse
The short answer is that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, binds to and removes minerals that make both humans and the plants they eat healthy. This is not good. Glyphosate binds with calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, molybdenum, cobalt and boron. Boron is needed in the cell wall of plants to protect them from diseases and pests. Boron is crucial just after germination to help the young seedling grow roots into the soil. And later boron is needed for pollination. Graeme Sait once consulted with an Australian farmer who had $7 million in crop losses due to a boron deficiency. The farmer was so desperate that he was renting bee hives from a beekeeper. All the man needed was to ...

Is This Really a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated? Investigation Reveals that’s Not True
Post Date: 2022-04-18 04:14:40 by BTP Holdings
Is This Really a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated? Investigation Reveals that’s Not True Why are states easing up on the mandates? Thanks to a recent FOIA request filed by Sarah Fields, director of advocacy for the Texas Freedom Coalition, we now know the claim that this is “a pandemic of the unvaccinated” is not true. Are hospitals and the mainstream media working together to control the narrative? That seems to be what’s happening. The two groups, run by leftists, who have no qualms about lying to the American people, have created this narrative based entirely on hearsay from hospital officials with no data to back up their theory. The good news is that the latest ...

The Surprising Health Benefits of Methylene Blue
Post Date: 2022-04-17 21:20:39 by BTP Holdings
The Surprising Health Benefits of Methylene Blue Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola April 17, 2022 eo /RlbChhK1eDtA/ STORY AT-A-GLANCE > Methylene blue helps mitochondrial respiration and improves brain energy metabolism. By doing that, it can improve cognitive performance and prevent neurodegeneration > Methylene blue is the parent molecule for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, off-patent drugs commonly used to treat not only malaria but also COVID-19 > Emergency rooms around the world use it, as it’s the only known antidote for metabolic poisons causing methemoglobinemia, which is when a metabolic poison interferes with the transport of oxygen in ...

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