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Dr. Paul Mason - 'Reversing dementia with diet: a 2021 update'
Post Date: 2021-10-30 18:44:01 by Horse
Poster Comment:Avoid sugar, processed foods, fructose and heated processed seed oils. Do not heat olive oil. Omega 3 fish oils are oxidated. Take Chia seeds. Processed foods are toxic because they have fructose and oxidated oils.

THE VACCINE-CANCER ATROCITY: Like clockwork, most vaccinated Americans will lose immune function by Christmas and start growing accelerated CANCER tumors that will kill them over the next ten years
Post Date: 2021-10-30 11:40:44 by Ada
(Natural News) The elephant in the room with covid vaccines is not merely that they are erasing the immune systems of those who take the jabs, but that the destruction of immune function will lead to an unprecedented acceleration in cancer tumor growth that will overwhelm the medical system and kill tens of millions over the next decade. The vaccine holocaust, it seems, is going to be felt as a “cancer tsunami” that will somehow be blamed on everything else except vaccines. From 1999 – 2019, cancer death rates plunged from 200 per 100,000 population to 146 per 100,000 population. (Source: For all of 2019, there were almost 600,000 cancer deaths reported in the ...

Who Owns the World?
Post Date: 2021-10-29 08:15:45 by BTP Holdings
Who Owns the World? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola October 29, 2021 Mind to Matter: How Your Brain Creates Material Reality Mind to Matter: How Your Brain Creates Material Reality Mark Moss: Building Your Health Is WealthMark Moss: Building Your Health Is Wealth STORY AT-A-GLANCE > A handful of mega corporations — private investment companies — dominate every aspect of our lives; everything we eat, drink, wear or use in one way or another. These investment firms are so enormous, they control the money flow worldwide > While there appear to be hundreds of competing brands on the market, like Russian nesting dolls, larger parent companies own multiple smaller brands. In ...

Announcement from Tim Pool
Post Date: 2021-10-28 12:34:45 by Esso
Feeling a little sick. Doesn't seem serious but considering the times we are in I'm going to take a day, maybe two. Mostly just a headache but don't want to risk anything. I will either see y'all tomorrow or monday Poster Comment:Yesterday was rough ride, I'll give him that. Being in a flat spin and not being able to see the ground through all the lies and bullshit definitely takes its toll.

White man awarded $10 million after proving to jury he was fired to make room for diversity hires
Post Date: 2021-10-28 11:41:33 by Ada
When conservatives protest over ideas like "equity" and "critical race theory," the average American who is uninterested in politics is left wondering what all the fuss is about. To them, broad academic concepts like these couldn't possibly affect their day-to-day lives. A federal jury in Charlotte, North Carolina, seemed to disagree with that notion on Tuesday, however, when it awarded one man $10 million dollars due to discrimination via his former employer's equity policy. Michigan native David Duvall worked as the senior vice president of marketing and communication for Novant Health Inc., a health care system with facilities in North Carolina, up until ...

Not Only Did Fauci’s NIAID Harm Dogs – Foster Children Also Died During AIDS Drug Research
Post Date: 2021-10-28 09:05:28 by Ada
Numerous children died as researchers sought HIV-infected foster kids on which to test dangerous drugs known to be toxic and deadly. The National Institutes of Health conducted AIDS studies in the 80s and 90s which left some foster children clinical volunteers dead. News of the decades-old studies, in which researchers sought HIV-infected foster kids on which to test dangerous new drugs, resurfaces as the nation reels from horrific experiments conducted on beagles by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institutes of Health. In order to recruit the foster children, NIAID ensured “independent advocates” would be on hand to safeguard children’s safety, however this was almost ...

Fauci should be fired after NIH admits funding gain-of-function research, Rand Paul says
Post Date: 2021-10-28 08:01:19 by BTP Holdings
Fauci should be fired after NIH admits funding gain-of-function research, Rand Paul says Paul says gain-of-function research should be investigated by Congress By Edmund DeMarche | Fox News Rep. Nunes, Ric Grenell blast Fauci after NIH admits funding gain-of- function research in Wuhan Sen. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., and Fmr. Acting Director of National Intelligence Ric Grenell discuss Dr. Fauci's denials about gain-of- function research in Wuhan, Biden's foreign policies, mounting national threats and upcoming Congressional hearings. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said in an interview that aired Sunday night that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top disease specialist in the U.S., should be fired ...

Why did it take an old story about horrific dog experiments to convince people that it’s time to #ArrestFauci?
Post Date: 2021-10-27 10:15:22 by Ada
The rediscovery of a series of grisly experiments on beagle puppies has galvanized social media users into demanding the arrest of “America’s doctor” Anthony Fauci. But where was everyone when his work was harming humans? Images of a sad pair of beagle puppies, their heads encased in square cages as they lie hopelessly on a table, have yanked at America’s heartstrings since they were shoved back into the national spotlight by White Coat Waste Project, a group that calls out US government labs for animal cruelty and other misuse (and abuse) of citizens’ money. Millions of taxpayer dollars were used to essentially torture the puppies to death in labs in and out of ...

Seven More Reasons to Love Avocados That You Didn’t Already Know
Post Date: 2021-10-26 21:02:53 by BTP Holdings
Seven More Reasons to Love Avocados That You Didn’t Already Know By: Cat Ebeling Co-author of the best-sellers: The Fat Burning Kitchen, The Top 101 Foods that Fight Aging & The Diabetes Fix Avocados have become the darling of the many healthy and weight loss diets, as well as being a staple of the Paleo diet. They are having their ‘moment’ in the spotlight for sure! And for good reason! We all know that they are very healthy for us, low glycemic/low carb and full of super nutrients like healthy monounsaturated fats, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and serious phytochemicals, but wait—there’s more! Avocados have been gaining steadily in popularity over the ...

Britney Spears' emotional message to her family
Post Date: 2021-10-26 20:25:02 by Esso
Poster Comment:Good luck to whoever ends up with her.

It Wasn’t Just Beagles and Monkeys – Fauci’s NIH Also Funded Medical Experiments on AIDS Orphans in NY City
Post Date: 2021-10-26 10:55:17 by Ada
In August Gateway Pundit contributor Cassandra Fairbanks broke the story on Dr. Fauci’s use of taxpayer money to torture beagles in barbaric animal testing. Dr. Fauci funded a study in Tunisia where beagle dogs were eaten alive by parasite-infected flies. Advertisement - story continues below Dr. Fauci also spent over $16 million in taxpayer funds on disturbing “toxic brain injection” experiments on monkeys in 2018. And Dr. Fauci was more recently caught funding gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China laboratory blamed for the production and leak of the coronavirus. Now this… Dr. Fauci’s NIH was also caught funding experiments on AIDS orphans at a New York ...

Fauci Hopes His Experiments On Puppies Will Distract Everyone From Experiments He Performed On Humanity For Past 18 Months
Post Date: 2021-10-26 10:10:50 by Ada
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Dr. Anthony Fauci is embroiled in controversy over his organization reportedly funding an experiment in which dogs had their heads trapped in cages and were eaten by sandflies alive, which we are told is a perfectly normal procedure performed by scientists as well as psychopathic killers in horror movies. Fauci is hoping that the uproar over the dogs will distract everyone from something he did that was far worse: perform experiments on the populace of the United States for the past eighteen months. "Now that everyone's upset about the puppies, maybe they'll forget about how I played god with their lives for the last year and a half," he confided ...

Cancers Strike US Fighter Pilots, Crews at Higher Rates, Air Force Finds
Post Date: 2021-10-25 09:20:23 by Ada
Nearly 30% higher likelihood of testicular cancer and roughly 25% for skin and prostate cancer, according to the military’s most comprehensive study yet. U.S. Air Force fighter pilots and crew members are far more likely to be diagnosed with certain types of cancers than their fellow airmen, according to the most comprehensive military study to date. The study is the first confirmation of a connection long suspected by fighter aviators who saw their peers contracting some cancers at concerning rates. Earlier, less comprehensive studies had proven inconclusive. The study also identified at least one airframe—the F-100 Super Sabre—whose crews faced higher rates of almost ...

NIMBY New Yorkers Sue City Over 'Proliferation of Outdoor Dining'
Post Date: 2021-10-23 14:52:31 by Dakmar
A group of New York City residents has sued the city to end the "proliferation of outdoor dining" that's taken place under the city's Open Restaurants Program, which expanded al fresco dining options during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Open Restaurants Program was launched by Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) in June 2020. In announcing the program, de Blasio noted he hoped it would allow city restaurants and bars "to maximize their customer base" and "rebound" by utilizing "certain outdoor areas, including the sidewalk, curbside[,] and street space directly in front of such restaurants [and] bars." The program has been so successful that lawmakers ...

News Ivermectin gets a big win… Ivermectin gets a big win…
Post Date: 2021-10-20 11:14:01 by Ada
News Ivermectin gets a big win… Click for Full Text!

Health Secretary to Force Fluoridated Water on Entire Country
Post Date: 2021-10-20 06:29:37 by BTP Holdings
Health Secretary to Force Fluoridated Water on Entire Country Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola October 19, 2021 STORY AT-A-GLANCE > U.K. Health Secretary Sajid Javid announced he would be adding fluoride to the water supply, a move that was supported by the chief medical officers of England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales > In response three British scientists sent a public letter to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, cautioning "This is not a good time for the British government to mislead the public on the dangers posed by the practice of water fluoridation.” > England's chief medical officer dismissed the concerns, calling them "exaggerated and ...

Businesses: $700,000 Fine for Not Complying With Vax Mandate
Post Date: 2021-10-19 20:45:03 by BTP Holdings
Businesses: $700,000 Fine for Not Complying With Vax Mandate Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola October 19, 2021 The Type of Fat You Eat Affects Your COVID Risk Health Secretary to Force Fluoridated Water on Entire Country STORY AT-A-GLANCE > Buried in the massive $3.5 trillion “reconciliation” bill are unconstitutional fines for employers who don’t mandate COVID-19 jabs or regular COVID-19 testing of their employees > Fines on employers could run as high as $70,000 for serious infractions and $700,000 for each “willful” or repeated violation The unconstitutional fines as a mechanism for vaccine enforcement would bankrupt all but the largest businesses > ...

Why is the medical profession letting us die?
Post Date: 2021-10-19 09:21:03 by Ada
Thank you, Dr. Brian C. Joondeph, for your article on aspirin as a potential part of the covid treatment regimen. And for mentioning ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as similar safe and potentially very effective therapeutics. Here are a couple more to be considered. (Please note that I am not a physician, and I am not dispensing medical advice. I’m just commenting on publicly available information.) Bromhexine, an ingredient found in some cough suppressants, may work due to its protease-inhibitor functions, according to a paper released in May 2020. It appears to have use as both a prophylactic and a treatment. A number of antihistamines, including diphenhydramine, sold under ...

FDA and CDC Ignore Damning Report that over 90% of a Hospital’s Admissions were Vaxxed
Post Date: 2021-10-18 21:45:12 by Horse
for Covid-19 and No One Was Reporting This to VAERS A concerned Physician Assistant, Deborah Conrad, convinced her hospital to carefully track the Covid-19 vaccination status of every patient admitted to her hospital. The result is shocking. As Ms. Conrad has detailed, her hospital serves a community in which less than 50% of the individuals were vaccinated for Covid-19 but yet, during the same time period, approximately 90% of the individuals admitted to her hospital were documented to have received this vaccine. These patients were admitted for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to COVID-19 infections. Even more troubling is that there were many individuals who were ...

Cocaine crisis in the elderly: NHS is treating patients as old as NINETY with mental health issues due to 'extreme use' of Class As - while number of over-60s in hospital soars 500% in a decade
Post Date: 2021-10-17 16:07:30 by Ada
The NHS is having to treat people as old as 90 with mental health conditions caused by extreme cocaine use. Meanwhile, the number of times over-60s were admitted to hospitals in England with a primary or secondary diagnosis of 'mental and behavioural disorders due to the use of cocaine' rose from 67 in 2010-11 to 414 in 2020-21 - a 518 percent increase. In the 60-69 age bracket, there was a 516 percent increase, with 516 admission in 2020-21 compared with 51 in 2010-11. Long-term cocaine use affects mental health in many ways, from provoking anxiety and depression to full-blown psychotic illnesses +2 Long-term cocaine use affects mental health in many ways, from provoking ...

Patents Prove COVID Fraud and Illegal Dealings
Post Date: 2021-10-17 08:49:27 by BTP Holdings
Patents Prove COVID Fraud and Illegal Dealings Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola October 17, 2021 STORY AT-A-GLANCE >In the early 2000s, David Martin, Ph.D., founder of M-CAM International, started finding large numbers of patents that violate biological and chemical weapons laws > In 1999, Dr. Anthony Fauci funded research to create “an infectious replication-defective recombinant coronavirus.” In 2002, Ralph Baric, Ph.D. and colleagues at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, filed a patent on recombinant coronavirus, and within a year, we got the world’s first SARS outbreak > Since 1999, at least 4,000 patents involving coronavirus have been filed, ...

Can You Really Trust Vaccine Fact Checkers?
Post Date: 2021-10-15 16:36:55 by BTP Holdings
Can You Really Trust Vaccine Fact Checkers? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola October 15, 2021 STORY AT-A-GLANCE > Big Tech, including Facebook, however, is actively manipulating the spread of information by censoring and silencing whatever it deems to be “misinformation” > is funded, in part, by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which holds nearly $2 billion in Johnson & Johnson stock’s SciCheck COVID-19/Vaccination Project, which targets vaccine “misinformation,” was made possible by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which was founded by the late Robert Wood Johnson II — Johnson & Johnson’s ...

A global airline is no longer requiring passengers to wear face masks on some flights
Post Date: 2021-10-15 16:36:14 by Ada
Scandinavian Airlines will no longer require face masks on flights within Scandinavia. Flights outside of Sweden, Denmark, and Norway will still have mask requirements. Sweden, where Scandinavian Airlines has its headquarters, has taken a no-lockdown pandemic approach. Scandinavian Airlines, also known as SAS, will no longer require passengers to wear face masks on flights within the Scandinavian countries of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. "Due to the opening of societies and general recommendations from authorities in Scandinavia, SAS is from 18 October 2021, removing the requirement for mandatory use of face masks on flights within Scandinavia," the airline said on its ...

Are the COVID Shots Working?
Post Date: 2021-10-13 17:12:27 by BTP Holdings
Are the COVID Shots Working? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola October 13, 2021 COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines STORY AT-A-GLANCE > A recent report details a SARS-CoV-2 Delta outbreak in an Israeli hospital where 238 out of 248 (96%) of the exposed patients and staff had been fully vaccinated with Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine > Of the 238 fully vaccinated individuals, 39 (16%) were infected, as were three of the 10 unvaccinated individuals who got exposed > While all of the sickened staff recovered, five infected patients died and nine turned into severe or critical cases. All of the dead and severe/critical cases were fully vaccinated. Two unvaccinated patients that ...

Why Is the COVID Case Count So High?
Post Date: 2021-10-11 08:55:00 by Ada
The CDC used to define a “case” as a patient whose characteristic signs, symptoms, and physical examination matched a disease. Labs were only done if clinically needed. Since the “pandemic,” however, the move to boost case numbers is everywhere. Instantly, a “positive” RT-PCR test in an asymptomatic person after a drive-through tonsillectomy became a “case.” The CARES Act gives thousands extra to hospitals for every “positive,” with a big bonus if the patient’s shadow is seen in an ICU. It’s a classic “one hand washes the other scenario” between outside labs and hospitals. “If you give me more positive results, I ...

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