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If Kamala Harris Believes What She Says, She Just Came Out Against Biden's Vaccine Mandate
Post Date: 2021-09-13 07:12:57 by BTP Holdings
If Kamala Harris Believes What She Says, She Just Came Out Against Biden's Vaccine Mandate By Christine Favocci September 10, 2021 at 2:24pm President Joe Biden has imposed a sweeping vaccine mandate, but one of the most cogent arguments against it has come from an unlikely source: Vice President Kamala Harris. As part of the president’s ongoing COVID-19 response, Biden announced Thursday that the vaccine will soon be mandatory for workers at private-sector companies with at least 100 employees — a provision that experts estimate impacts some 80 million Americans. Republicans and other freedom-loving people across the nation immediately erupted in outrage at such a ...

If your employer demands you vaccinate, don't quit
Post Date: 2021-09-12 13:45:39 by Ada
There is a news report that the Lewis County General Hospital in upstate New York will stop delivering babies after September 24. This is because too many maternity unit workers have resigned over the COVID vaccination mandate. The hospital's chief executive officer, Gerald Cayer, said 165 hospital employees have yet to be vaccinated and that they make 27% of the hospital's total workforce. Stories like this are (or will be) repeated all across the country. And it will not just be hospitals that will be affected. Any company ordering vaccination faces a similar labor problem. As it is, many businesses are having trouble finding workers. Resistance to the vaccine mandates will make ...

Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon?
Post Date: 2021-09-12 12:26:38 by BTP Holdings
Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola September 12, 2021 New Policy Against Amalgam Paves Way for Victory Worldwide New Policy Against Amalgam Paves Way for Victory Worldwide Visual Display of How mRNA Vaccine Affects CellsVisual Display of How mRNA Vaccine Affects Cells STORY AT-A-GLANCE > In his book, “Is COVID-19 a Bioweapon? A Scientific and Forensic Investigation,” Dr. Richard Fleming documents evidence showing SARS- CoV-2 is a bioweapon created over the past two decades > Once you conclude that SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon, you must also recognize that the COVID shots are nothing more than the genetic reproduction of that bioweapon. In other words, ...

New Cache of Documents Exposes Lies to Congress
Post Date: 2021-09-12 03:36:00 by BTP Holdings
New Cache of Documents Exposes Lies to Congress Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola September 11, 2021 The Bombshell Outbreak in the Wuhan LabThe Bombshell Outbreak in the Wuhan Lab STORY AT-A-GLANCE > Freedom of Information Act litigation by The Intercept against the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has resulted in the release of 900+ pages of previously undisclosed documents detailing the work of EcoHealth Alliance, an NIH/NIAID-funded organization that subcontracted gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China > Released documents include two previously unpublished grant proposals funded by the NIAID and project updates ...

Neurologist explains why vaccinated people are still contracting and spreading COVID-19 at a high rate
Post Date: 2021-09-11 10:12:22 by Ada
(Natural News) Dr. Michael Segal, a neurologist and neuroscientist, explained in a recent article published by the Wall Street Journal why people vaccinated against the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) are still contracting and spreading the disease at a high rate. Segal wrote that the vaccines only stimulate internal immunity but do nothing to address mucosal immunity. Internal immunity protects the inside of the body while mucosal immunity provides the first line of defense by protecting the nose and mouth, and by doing so also reduces spread to others. He said that all COVID-19 vaccines “are largely ineffective at stimulating the secretion of a particular form of antibodies called ...

STUDY: Ivermectin is a “broad spectrum antiviral of interest” for humans
Post Date: 2021-09-10 09:39:33 by Ada
(Natural News) In May 2020, Australian researchers published a little-known study in the journal Antiviral Research that presents ivermectin, an FDA-approved drug for humans, as a “broad spectrum antiviral of interest.” RNA viruses such as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1, influenza and dengue fever, the paper suggests, could be mitigated through the use of ivermectin, which blocks viral components from taking hold inside the body. “Although RNA viruses replicate in the infected host cell cytoplasm, the nucleus is central to key stages of the infectious cycle of HIV-1 and influenza, and an important target of DENV nonstructural protein 5 (NS5) in limiting the host ...

Vaxy Joe Gives Kook Vaxer Speech Announcing Brutal New Abuses of Power
Post Date: 2021-09-10 09:11:48 by Ada
The fiendish beast Joe Biden is making more demands of your body. He gave a speech Thursday night expressing gross rage and announcing that he’s going to force more people to take the deadly vaccine. I’m not going to counter all of these false statements about how it’s “a pandemic of the unvaccinated.” A couple weeks ago, I would have embedded Alex Berenson’s tweets debunking all of the statements, but Berenson is now banned from Twitter. Now, you can just go read all of the articles I’ve written about this. Basically, statistics from the UK and Israel show that you’re more likely to “die from covid 19” if you are vaxed. He claimed that ...

Study Finds Teenage Boys Six Times More Likely to Suffer Heart Problems From Vaccine Than be Hospitalized by COVID
Post Date: 2021-09-10 08:51:04 by Ada
Damning data proves clear risk of vaccinating children. Research conducted by the University of California has found that teenage boys are six times more likely to suffer from heart problems caused by the COVID-19 vaccine than to be hospitalized as a result of COVID-19 itself. Wow. “A team led by Dr Tracy Hoeg at the University of California investigated the rate of cardiac myocarditis – heart inflammation – and chest pain in children aged 12-17 following their second dose of the vaccine,” reports the Telegraph. “They then compared this with the likelihood of children needing hospital treatment owing to Covid-19, at times of low, moderate and high rates of ...

Breaking: Biden Goes Full Tyrant, Announces Vaccine Mandate for Employers with Over 100 Employees
Post Date: 2021-09-09 21:13:45 by BTP Holdings
Breaking: Biden Goes Full Tyrant, Announces Vaccine Mandate for Employers with Over 100 Employees By The Associated Press September 9, 2021 at 6:24am President Joe Biden on Thursday is announcing sweeping new federal vaccine requirements affecting as many as 100 million Americans in an all-out effort to increase COVID-19 vaccinations and curb the surging delta variant. The expansive rules mandate that all employers with more than 100 workers require them to be vaccinated or test for the virus weekly, affecting about 80 million Americans. And the roughly 17 million workers at health facilities that receive federal Medicare or Medicaid also will have to be fully vaccinated. Biden is ...

Daily US COVID cases up more than 300% from Labor Day last year
Post Date: 2021-09-08 09:22:27 by Ada
Daily coronavirus cases are four times higher than they were following Labor Day weekend of last year with the number of daily deaths twice as high as they were this time in 2020, according to data from Johns Hopkins University. Since the global health crisis emerged in late 2019, the United States has recorded more than 40 million COVID-19 cases, including just 4 million in the last month alone. Health officials noted the biggest difference between this year and last is the delta variant. They blamed the 316% increase over last year’s daily infections on the highly contagious COVID-19 mutation as well as a large number of Americans refusing to become vaccinated against the ...

Only One Leaf Of This Grass Present In Any Garden Can Save Your Life.
Post Date: 2021-09-07 18:48:38 by Horse
Poster Comment:Video is about dandelion and cancer. But dandelion has other uses. Research has shown that Dandelion extract blocks the spike proteins from binding to the ACE2 cell surface receptors in human lung and kidney cells. Undoing The mRNA Vaxx

Long-Term Dangers of Experimental mRNA Shots
Post Date: 2021-09-07 06:32:51 by BTP Holdings
Long-Term Dangers of Experimental mRNA Shots Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola September 07, 2021 Free Speech Threatened by Censorship Extremists Free Speech Threatened by Censorship Extremists The Great Reset Demands Firing All Unvaccinated EmployeesThe Great Reset Demands Firing All Unvaccinated Employees STORY AT-A-GLANCE > mRNA-based COVID shots have used codon optimization to improve protein production. A codon consists of three nucleotides, and nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA. Use of codon optimization virtually guarantees unexpected results > Replacing rare codons must be done judiciously, as rarer codons can have slower translation rates and a slowed-down rate is ...

NEW THREAT: Spanish Language Radio Spreading Baseless Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories
Post Date: 2021-09-06 22:37:56 by Ada
HORSE PASTE HORSE PASTE HORSE PASTE! NBC News: On a recent show on Actualidad, a Miami AM radio station, the host was promoting a false cure for Covid-19: the use of ivermectin, a drug used to deworm animals. The Food and Drug Administration has been warning against its use and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has cautioned that poison centers are reporting an increase in severe illnesses caused by people taking the drug. The host said on Aug. 23 that he could cite clinical trials from Latin America “where doctors are using ivermectin with extraordinary results” and “people recover in three or four days.” He falsely suggested that ivermectin was not ...

Study: COVID Shot Enhances Delta Infectivity
Post Date: 2021-09-06 15:26:20 by BTP Holdings
Study: COVID Shot Enhances Delta Infectivity Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola September 06, 2021 STORY AT-A-GLANCE > According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people who got the COVID shot early are now at increased risk for severe COVID disease > This may be a sign that antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) is occurring, or it may simply indicate that the protection offered is limited to a few months, at best > Recent research warns the Delta variant “is posed to acquire complete resistance to wild-type spike vaccines.” This could turn into a worst- case scenario that sets up those who have received the Pfizer shots for more severe illness when ...

Canada: More Than 200 Vaxed in Ontario Emergency Room with Heart Problems, Most are Males Under 25
Post Date: 2021-09-06 09:33:20 by Ada
It’s a small price to pay for protection from the deadly Mu variant. Or no, wait. It doesn’t actually protect against the Mu variant. But it protects against the Alpha variant and offers some protection against the Delta variant. This is all very serious and real, and a permanent heart condition is nothing in comparison to this flu virus. Free West Media: Ontario Health Services in Canada released a report last week on the number of people hospitalized in the province with heart problems following the mRNA vaccination. As of August 7, there were 106 cases of myocarditis or pericarditis diagnosed in people under the age of 25 in Ontario, just over half of all cases, the ...

Deadly “Mu” Variant Now Spread Across America! Vax is USELESS!
Post Date: 2021-09-05 09:46:20 by Ada
It was unclear if the media/government were going to run with the Delta variant as their go-to for the fall lockdown, or if they would introduce yet another fake variant of this fake virus. With all of the media hype over the last few days around the “Mu” variant, it appears that they are going to double team you with double fakery this fall. Business Insider: A new COVID-19 variant called Mu might be able to evade the immunity people get from vaccines, Insider reported. The Mu variant has been detected in 47 US states and the District of Columbia, according to data from Only Nebraska, Vermont, and South Dakota are yet to detect a case, the data says. How ...

Ivermectin: Horse Hockey vs. Truth
Post Date: 2021-09-04 08:29:10 by Ada
Shhhhh. The information I’m about to share with you is dangerous and subversive. You cannot publish it on social media platforms without risking scary labels and permanent suspensions. You and anyone you discuss this topic with will be called anti-science “kooks,” “conspiracy theorists,” or “quacks.” So be it. I’ve been called every pejorative name in the globalist elites’ overworn handbook of ad hominem over the past 30 years. Who cares? The airwaves have been littered the past month with disparaging reports about Ivermectin, which the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns should not be used to treat or prevent COVID-19. “You are not a ...

Kobi Haviv: “95% of seriously ill patients are vaccinated.
Post Date: 2021-09-04 05:12:29 by Horse
Ran Israeli @RanIsraeli · "95% of the severe patients are vaccinated". "85-90% of the hospitalizations are in Fully vaccinated people." "We are opening more and more COVID wards." "The effectiveness of the vaccine is waning/fading out" Dr. Kobi Haviv, earlier today on Chanel 13 @newsisrael13 Poster Comment:What he does not say is that unvaccinated Palestinians are not getting covid.

Dr. Michael McDowell: "The Genetic Bioweapon, The Vaccine, And COVID-19"
Post Date: 2021-09-03 08:19:38 by noone222
Poster Comment:Better wake up America ...

FDA Fast-Tracks RSV mRNA 'Vaccine'
Post Date: 2021-09-03 06:24:01 by BTP Holdings
FDA Fast-Tracks RSV mRNA 'Vaccine' Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola September 03, 2021 STORY AT-A-GLANCE Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) — a respiratory virus that causes typically mild cold-like symptoms — is emerging out of season around the world Most children have been exposed to RSV by their second birthday and recover without incident. In rare cases, RSV can progress to pneumonia or bronchiolitis (inflammation of the small airways of the lungs) August 3, 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted fast- track designation to Moderna for an mRNA-based injection against RSV As with coronavirus, previous efforts to develop an RSV vaccine have met with ...

Injured Marine Surprises Lt. Dan as ESPN Cameras Roll
Post Date: 2021-09-01 11:26:13 by Esso

CT school district had teachers reflect on racial context of brushing their teeth, other ordinary activities
Post Date: 2021-08-31 20:06:43 by Dakmar
A Connecticut school district instructed teachers to track daily activities as mundane as brushing their teeth and analyze their purportedly racial context, Fox News has learned.In the last school year, the exercise was part of an equity training in Manchester Public Schools (MPS), where teacher Jennifer Tafuto recently resigned over what she saw as an excessive focus on race. Tafuto provided Fox News with instructions for the "Daily Racial Reflection Timeline," which MPS confirmed on Monday."First, list as many actions as possible of your regular daily routine starting with immediately after you wake up until you return to bed at the end of your day," the instructions ...

60% of Those Older Than 50 Who Die From Covid Are Double Vaxxed
Post Date: 2021-08-31 09:04:40 by Ada
The oft-repeated refrain right now is that we’re in a “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” meaning those who have not received the COVID jab make up the bulk of those hospitalized and dying from the Delta variant. For example, August 20, 2021, England’s chief medical officer professor Chris Whitty tweeted:1,2 “Four weeks working on a COVID ward makes stark the reality that the majority of our hospitalized COVID patients are unvaccinated and regret delaying. Some are very sick including young adults. Please don’t delay your vaccine.” Curiously, if you take the time to actually look at the data, you’ll find that this blanket statement is rather ...

What Your Farts Are Trying To Tell You
Post Date: 2021-08-31 08:17:12 by BTP Holdings
What Your Farts Are Trying To Tell You Today’s blog is republished from my friends at TheAlternativeDaily, a leading publisher of daily alternative health tips that I personally read every day… By Krista Hillis, There are some things that remain unchanged from child to adulthood — and giggling when you toot is one of them. Whether you blame it on the dog or your husband, passing gas is a normal bodily function. However, is it possible to fart too often? Are your daily farts trying to tell you something? If you have noticed that you’re overly gassy lately, here’s what you need to know. What are farts, anyway? The average person farts ...

BREAKING: Japanese medical association chairman tells doctors to prescribe Ivermectin for COVID
Post Date: 2021-08-29 11:43:31 by Ada
The chairman of the Tokyo Medical Association, Haruo Ozaki, held a press conference this week announcing that the anti-parasite medicine Ivermectin seems to be effective at stopping COVID-19 and publicly recommending that all doctors in Japan immediately begin using Ivermectin to treat COVID. Ivermectin has been a source of controversy amongst medical professionals regarding the possibility of therapeutic treatments for those diagnosed with COVID-19. In an article about the suppression of Ivermectin by health authorities, Dr. Joseph Mercola wrote: “While the list of crimes committed by authorities during the COVID-19 pandemic is a long one, perhaps the biggest crime of all is the ...

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