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The WHO Confirms that the Covid-19 PCR Test is Flawed: Estimates of “Positive Cases” are Meaningless. The Lockdown Has No Scientific Basis
Post Date: 2021-04-11 10:49:03 by Ada
First published on March 21, 2021 *** The Real Time Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (rRT-PCR) test was adopted by the WHO on January 23, 2020 as a means to detecting the SARS-COV-2 virus, following the recommendations of a Virology research group (based at Charité University Hospital, Berlin), supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. (For Further details see the Drosten Study) Exactly one year later on January 20th, 2021, the WHO retracts. They don’t say “We Made a Mistake”. The retraction is carefully formulated. While the WHO does not deny the validity of their misleading January 2020 guidelines, they nonetheless recommend ...

Forget Super Spreaders – Why Is No One Talking About the Super Shedders?
Post Date: 2021-04-11 09:27:52 by Ada
Have you noticed more people around you actually getting sick these days? Perhaps you have fallen ill yourself. Many people would automatically assume that they must have caught one of the Covid variants. but is this really the case? Is there really another “wave” of Covid going around or are we seeing something else? Although I cannot say with any kind of certainty, since I do not have a laboratory with lots of funding, I do have a theory that many people are now getting sick due to the Covid shots people have been getting. We all know about the many devastating and deadly “side effects” people have experienced after getting the mRNA injections, but it could be that ...

Eminent doc: Media censored COVID-19 early treatment options that could have reduced fatalities by 85%
Post Date: 2021-04-10 10:58:31 by Ada
Dr. Peter McCullough also explained that given an 80% level of herd immunity, broad vaccination has ‘no scientific, clinical or safety rationale.’ AUSTIN, Texas, April 8, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — An exceedingly well- qualified physician, who was censored by YouTube last year, addressed the Texas State Senate Health and Human Service Committee last month providing thorough information on successful treatments of COVID-19, the present high-level of herd immunity from the disease, the very limited potential of “vaccines,” and the data that shows early treatment could have saved up to 85 percent of the “over 500,000 deaths in the United States.” Dr. Peter ...

Dr. Fauci Can't Explain Why Texas COVID Cases Keep Dropping Despite Reopening
Post Date: 2021-04-07 10:07:52 by Ada
More than a month has passed since Texas Gov. Greg Abbott shocked the Faucis of the world by scrapping COVID-inspired restrictions on businesses and individuals, including removing the mask mandate. The decisions prompted Dr. Anthony Fauci and legions of public health "experts" to warn about the devastating consequences - thousands of unnecessary deaths would result, they said - however, as the data show, practically every metric has shown that the Lone Star State's outbreak has continued to recede, even as blue states like Michigan are seeing a new surge in infections (believed to be driven by "mutant" strains). Click for Full Text!

W.H.O. Rejects Vaccine Passports: Cites Lack of Fairness, Medical Doubts
Post Date: 2021-04-07 09:13:11 by Ada
The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) on Tuesday said it rejects coronavirus vaccine passports for travel “at this stage” because of doubts over the efficacy of the injections as well as equity concerns. “We as W.H.O. are saying at this stage we would not like to see the vaccination passport as a requirement for entry or exit because we are not certain at this stage that the vaccine prevents transmission,” W.H.O. spokeswoman Margaret Harris told a news conference in Geneva, Reuters reports. “There are all those other questions, apart from the question of discrimination against the people who are not able to have the vaccine for one reason or another,” ...

You'll never Guess What's in the Covid Test & mRNA Gene Therapy(SHARE)
Post Date: 2021-04-06 15:25:50 by Horse

Congressman: Fauci needs to explain taxpayer cash sent to Wuhan lab It 'seems like he's literally whistling past the graveyard'
Post Date: 2021-04-06 13:45:30 by Ada
Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony S. Fauci addresses his remarks and urges citizens to continue to follow the president's coronavirus guidelines during a coronavirus (COVID-19) briefing Wednesday, April 22, 2020, in the James S. Brady White House Press Briefing Room of the White House. (Official White House photo by Shealah Craighead) Republican Rep. Scott Perry of Pennsylvania said it is “very concerning” that the federal infectious disease research organization led by Dr. Anthony Fauci bypassed federal oversight of a grant that funded a lab in Wuhan, China to genetically modify bat-based coronaviruses. Infectious disease ...

246 ‘fully vaccinated’ Michigan residents get COVID-19, three die: report
Post Date: 2021-04-06 11:01:48 by Ada
now hitting 30, 40 and 50 year olds hard. Michigan's COVID-19 cases surge, highest in the nation Vax all, folks: Biden moving up COVID shot eligibility for US adults Democratic Florida mayor slams 60 Minutes segment criticizing Gov. DeSantis Gymnast nails routine, whips out vaccine card in viral ‘flex’ De Blasio insists NYC vaccine equity issues will even out ‘over time’ As many as 246 Michigan residents who were “fully vaccinated” against COVID-19 later tested positive for the deadly bug — including three who have died, according to a new report. The group — whose cases were reported between Jan. 1 and March 31 — tested positive at least ...

More Proof the COVID Coup Was Planned
Post Date: 2021-04-06 09:34:43 by Ada
Lew, A document has emerged giving added credibility to the view increasing numbers of awaking people around the globe have that the covid coup of the past year was planned. “The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028: A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators” was published by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in 2017. Johns Hopkins receives a lof of funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, participated in Event 201 in October 2019, and is a powerful player in the Covid-19 global health agenda on behalf of Big Pharma. 2017 was the same year Anthony Fauci accurately predicted that then President Trump would face a pandemic during his ...

NIH Concerned About COVID Vaccine Side Effects
Post Date: 2021-04-05 09:20:27 by Horse
Monday, September 14, 2020 (Kaiser News) -- The Food and Drug Administration is weighing whether to follow British regulators in resuming a coronavirus vaccine trial that was halted when a participant suffered spinal cord damage, even as the National Institutes of Health has launched an investigation of the case. “The highest levels of NIH are very concerned,” said Dr. Avindra Nath, intramural clinical director and a leader of viral research at the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke, an NIH division. “Everyone’s hopes are on a vaccine, and if you have a major complication the whole thing could get derailed.” A great deal of uncertainty ...

The withholding of known remedies is a crime of magnitude by government
Post Date: 2021-04-03 17:40:52 by Ada
(Natural News) The problem with Ivermectin used in conjunction with Vitamin D, C and Zinc is that had it been deployed from the start to treat a very treatable bug, THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN NO FEAR, VERY VERY FEW FATALITIES, VERY FEW HOSPITALISATIONS, NO LOCKDOWNS, NO DESTRUCTION OF THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL FABRIC OF NATIONS – in short, no consequent PSYOP with the mass manipulation of entire populations. (Article republished from Of all the crimes committed by the political front men and agents for the globalist attack on our nations, the withholding of, denigration of, denial of or studious ignoring of Ivermectin and Vitamin D was among the most ...

Trump Was Right: Sunlight Destroys COVID 8x Faster Than Scientists Believed, Study Shows
Post Date: 2021-04-02 16:45:28 by Horse
As with all electromagnetic radiation, UV falls on a spectrum...

Groundbreaking Investigation Finds Alarming Levels of Arsenic, Lead and Toxic Chemicals in U.S. Tap Water
Post Date: 2021-04-02 16:32:33 by Horse
On Tuesday, the Guardian released the results of a nine-month investigation conducted jointly with Consumer Reports (CR) which showed alarming levels of heavy metals like arsenic, lead and chemicals from plastic PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) in drinking water samples across the U.S. According to the Guardian, millions of people face serious water quality problems in the U.S. because of contamination, deteriorating infrastructure and inadequate treatment at water plants. Ask Congress to Investigate COVID Origins - Take Action As part of the study, CR and the Guardian selected 120 volunteers to provide tap water samples which were then tested for heavy metals like lead and ...

Number of COVID Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS Surpasses 50,000, CDC Data Show
Post Date: 2021-04-02 16:29:58 by Horse
Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the number of injuries and deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID vaccines revealed steadily rising numbers, but no new trends. VAERS is the primary mechanism for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed. Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received to the system as of Friday of the previous week. Today’s data show that between Dec. 14, 2020, and March 26, a total of 50,861 total adverse events were reported to VAERS, including ...

Derek Chauvin, Human Sacrifice [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2021-04-02 08:54:33 by Ada
In modern America, we periodically offer up white men as human sacrifices to the PC gods. Among our benefactions: Jake Gardner, Kyle Rittenhouse, Darren Wilson, the Duke lacrosse players, University of Virginia fraternity members, Stacey Koon and Mark Fuhrman. The rest of us just keep our heads down and pray we won’t be next. At least the Duke and UVA human offerings were sufficiently upper-crust to have a few journalists and lawyers defending them. But policemen, bar owners, military veterans and a Midwest teenager? Definitely not our crowd, darling. Currently, Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin is on trial for killing George Floyd by kneeling on his neck, as it appeared in ...

The Top Four Reasons Why Many People, Doctors & Scientists Refuse To Take The COVID Vaccine
Post Date: 2021-04-02 07:33:27 by Ada
When you ask somebody why they are choosing to take the covid vaccine or why they are wearing a mask, they may respond, “because science.” The next question to ask is, how many of these people have actually gone through the science of vaccines and whether or not masks may be an effective tool for limiting the spread of COVID? From what I see, the majority of people receive their information from mainstream media organizations, which are organizations that have strong ties to pharmaceutical corporations and governments, and are known for presenting one perspective that favours a particular agenda while completely ridiculing the other. They sometimes go as far as labelling ...

At least 2,050 Americans have died after taking the coronavirus vaccine (so far)
Post Date: 2021-04-01 10:46:03 by Ada
1 Comments 07 689.html (Natural News) The number of Americans who have died after getting the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine has soared to 2,050 as of March 19. This is according to data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a federal database that tracks injuries and deaths after vaccination. The death toll is a subset of 44,606 total adverse events, which also include 7,485 visits to the emergency room or emergency medicine doctors, 4,450 hospitalizations and 826 permanent disabilities. These events were reported after vaccination with any of the three coronavirus shots approved for emergency use in the United States – the Pfizer- BioNTech, ...

Supplements to Help Fight Depression
Post Date: 2021-03-31 14:03:21 by Horse

As French big pharma firm gets away with a FINE for 2,000 deaths, who can blame vaccine refuseniks for their distrust?
Post Date: 2021-03-30 11:49:20 by Ada
As French big pharma firm gets away with a FINE for 2,000 deaths, who can blame vaccine refuseniks for their distrust? Although guilty of causing around 2,000 fatalities with a toxic diet drug, none of Servier’s bosses went to prison. It’s little wonder that Covid-19 vaccine sceptics believe that business, not safety, is big pharma’s main concern. When everyone at the top of one of France’s big pharma giants avoids serving prison time, and the company faces a fine of just €2.7 million for producing a drug that led to the death of around 2,000 people over 33 years, you start to understand the mistrust at the heart of French Covid-19 vaccine refuseniks. The drug ...

Dartmouth-Brown Study Documents Media's Stoking "Vicious Circle Of Fear" On COVID
Post Date: 2021-03-30 10:13:35 by Horse
f you’ve felt the media has heavily emphasized bad news throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, your judgment now has some scholarly corroboration. Dartmouth College and Brown University researchers have analyzed tens of thousands of Covid-19 articles and found major US media outlets have overwhelmingly pushed negative narratives about the virus. "The most striking fact is that 87 percent of the U.S. stories are classified as negative, whereas 51 percent of the non-US stories are classified as negative," according to the study by Dartmouth economics professor Bruce Sacerdote, Dartmouth’s Ranjan Sehgal and Brown University’s Molly Cook. “The most striking fact is ...

Cancer Dies When You Eat These 8 Foods Start Eating Them Today!
Post Date: 2021-03-29 13:28:36 by Horse
Poster Comment:garlic, artichokes, broccoli, apples, cabbage, salmon, citrus and dates. Salmon is listed because it is high in Vitamin D. High fiber diet helps. Purple cabbage is better than green as it has more flavonoids.

Wine Prevents Dementia, But Scientists Aren’t Sure Why
Post Date: 2021-03-28 11:35:58 by Ada
We love a good study on aging and wine (or coffee). Mostly we love wine, but finding research that supports that love is always reassuring. We came across this note in Wine Spectator about a study that took place in China. Scientists have been studying the relationship between wine and brain health—specifically dementia—for years, but a clear agreement hasn’t been struck because there are so many varying theories, differing study techniques, and an immense amount of data that’s been collected over the years. Researchers from Qingdao Municipal Hospital and Ocean University, both in China, took thousands of recent studies and analyzed them, hoping to come to some kind ...

Rejecting Rockefeller Germ Theory Once and for All
Post Date: 2021-03-26 13:32:05 by Ada
Note: In a number of articles, I’ve offered compelling evidence that the deaths attributed to COVID-19 can be explained without reference to a virus. Furthermore, whatever merits “alternative treatments” may have, I see no convincing evidence their action has anything to do with “neutralizing a virus.” The entire tragic, criminal, murderous, stupid, farcical COVID fraud is based on a hundred years of Rockefeller medicine—a pharmaceutical tyranny in which the enduring headline is: ONE DISEASE, ONE GERM. That’s the motto engraved on the gate of the medical cartel. —Thousands of so-called separate diseases, each caused by an individual germ. Buy ...

L-arginine Benefits Heart Health and Exercise Performance
Post Date: 2021-03-26 02:27:39 by Horse
L-arginine (or arginine) is a type of amino acid, and as we know, amino acids are the “building blocks” of proteins. We obtain arginine from our diets, especially animal sources of protein foods, including beef and other types of red meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products. In addition to occurring naturally in “complete proteins” that supply all the essential amino acids we need, it’s also created in laboratory settings so it can be used to make supplements that benefit heart health, exercise performance, mental capabilities and much more. What Is L-Arginine? While not exactly an essential amino acid — meaning one that the body cannot make on its own ...

Nattokinase with Vitamin K-2
Post Date: 2021-03-22 17:17:32 by Horse
Vitamin K-2 takes deposits away from the arterial wall. I bought some with nattokinase. Nattokinase is an enzyme (a protein that speeds up reactions in the body) that is extracted from a popular Japanese food called natto. Natto is boiled soybeans that have been fermented with a type of bacteria. Natto has been used as a folk remedy for diseases of the heart and blood vessels for hundreds of years. What are the benefits of taking nattokinase? Studies show that nattokinase dissolves blood clots — which helps maintain good blood vessel structure, improves blood flow, and lowers the risk of heart disease. It can also help lower your blood pressure, reducing strain on the heart that ...

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