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President Trump triggers liberal meltdown by rolling back Obama-era LGBT protection
Post Date: 2020-06-16 20:40:06 by BTP Holdings
President Trump triggers liberal meltdown by rolling back Obama-era LGBT protection The Trump administration announced Friday that it was finalizing the elimination of an Obama-era regulation prohibiting health care discrimination against certain LGBT individuals. In 2016, the Obama administration extended protections under Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, which “prohibits discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability in certain health programs and activities.” The updated rule redefined sex discrimination to include gender identity — defining that as “one’s internal sense of gender, which may be male, female, neither, or ...

America’s Newest Gods
Post Date: 2020-06-16 09:09:50 by Ada
First it was the military, then the police, and now health care workers. The American trinity is now complete. Since the beginning of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, U.S. soldiers have been idolized as heroes, applauded on airplanes, praised for keeping us safe, worshiped in churches, and thanked for their service ad nauseam. Where U.S. soldiers go, how long they stay, whether they should go, or what they do when they are there doesn’t seem to matter to most Americans. It doesn’t seem to matter how many widows and orphans our soldiers make, how many bombs they drop, how many civilians they kill, how much infrastructure they destroy, how many bullets they fire, how many ...

The Pandemic Claims New Victims: Prestigious Medical Journals
Post Date: 2020-06-15 20:11:02 by Ada
Two major study retractions in one month have left researchers wondering if the peer review process is broken. The rush to publish during the pandemic may be threatening the credibility of respected medical journals. The rush to publish during the pandemic may be t One study promised that popular blood-pressure drugs were safe for people infected with the coronavirus. Another paper warned that anti-malaria drugs endorsed by President Trump actually were dangerous to these patients. The studies, published in the New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet, were retracted shortly after publication, following an outcry from researchers who saw obvious flaws. The hasty retractions, ...

Fact check: A mix of honey and cinnamon may have some health benefits, more studies needed
Post Date: 2020-06-15 12:11:17 by Ada
The claim: Honey and cinnamon can improve heart disease, arthritis, cholesterol, GI issues, common cold, acne, skin infections and weight loss amongst many others In a Facebook post, a bottle of golden-colored honey and red-brown cinnamon is held side-by-side. The accompanying text alludes to a treatment “drug companies won’t like … getting around.” “It is found that a mix of honey and cinnamon cures most diseases,” David Wright posted to Facebook in 2014 in a post that has garnered attention on the platform since late May. In separate paragraphs dedicated to certain diseases and common ailments, he provides detailed dosages and methods for intake. ...

The Corruption of Science. The Hydroxychloroquine Lancet Study Scandal.
Post Date: 2020-06-13 19:58:11 by Ada
Who Was Behind It? Anthony Fauci’s Intent To Block HCQ on Behalf of Big Pharma The Guardian has revealed the scandal behind the hydroxychloroquine study which was intent on blocking HCQ as a cure for COVID-19. “Dozens of scientific papers co-authored by the chief executive of the US tech company behind the Lancet hydroxychloroquine study scandal are now being audited, including one that a scientific integrity expert claims contains images that appear to have been digitally manipulated. The audit follows a Guardian investigation that found the company, Surgisphere, used suspect data in major scientific studies that were published and then retracted by world-leading medical ...

60% Of People Naturally Resistant To SARS-COV2, New Study Reveals
Post Date: 2020-06-13 18:45:27 by Horse
New research suggests majority of people may already have resistance based on previous infections... A new study has found that Sars-Cov-2, the virus linked to Covid19, maybe five times more widespread than previously thought, and therefore five times less deadly. The research, conducted by a team of scientists at the University Hospital in Zurich, is titled: “Systemic and mucosal antibody secretion specific to SARS-CoV-2 during mild versus severe COVID-19”, and found that Sars-Cov-2-specific antibodies only appear in the most severe cases, or about 1 out of 5. The authors infer from this that antibodies are inexplicably absent from the majority of mild cases of covid19. But, ...

Post Date: 2020-06-11 18:27:22 by Horse
Poster Comment:Starting at 142:00. A study comparing unvaccinated children to vaccinated children under the age of 3. The study looked at asthma, developmental delays, gastrointestinal disorder and ear infections. Their were 2,400 children in the sample but not enough to study autism. 30% of the children were never vaccinated in the first year of life. The CDC now recommends 21 vaccinations in the first year of life. But some of the samples included children did not receive as many vaccinations as others. There was a correlation between vaccinations and the incidence of the 4 conditions being studied. As the number of vaccines increased, the correlations became stronger. Children vaccinated ...

The Mask Revolution
Post Date: 2020-06-09 08:19:55 by Ada
Who could have guessed that the Floyd protest was the best Coronavirus vaccine? The same people that warned us that the virus is the deadliest plague and staying-at-home is the only escape, now commanded us to march amongst throngs, shoulder-to-shoulder against police! It appears they have the dreadful pandemic under their command, on tap: now it’s coming, now it’s not. Not every demo has the same curative potential: it is very dangerous to demonstrate against lockdown, but it is perfectly safe to demonstrate against police, they say. Click for Full Text!

UK Coronavirus Lockdown was Useless, Claims New Study from Bristol University
Post Date: 2020-06-06 10:08:00 by Ada
Facts and data have debunked coronavirus and the lockdown. The Daily Mail has been relatively good throughout the hoax, despite the obvious fact that hyping up hysteria tends to be the bread and butter of British tabloids. They’ve found yet another study disproving the idiotic claims of the government. Daily Mail: Britain’s coronavirus outbreak may have been under control before lockdown was enforced, according to a study that throws into question whether the draconian measures were ever needed. Data modelling by a mathematician at Bristol University suggests the spread of Covid-19 throughout the UK had peaked days before Boris Johnson introduced the unprecedented curbs. ...

Martial Law, Fraud, Beatings, Police Goons, Riots, Property Destruction, and Looting: Enough Is Enough
Post Date: 2020-06-05 10:37:42 by Ada
“Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr. — A Gift of Love: Sermons from Strength to Love and Other Preachings”. Revolution my ass! What is happening in this country is a structured and long-planned chaos meant to use every tactic from fake viruses to staged riots by pathetic societal criminals in order to allow for more lockdowns, more tyranny, and more civil unrest. This is done so that government instilled forcible control over the entire population is possible. Anyone ...

Dangerous nano-particles contaminating many vaccines: groundbreaking study
Post Date: 2020-06-04 01:20:14 by Horse
“The Lung,” Second Edition, 2014: “Nanoparticles [are] comparable in size to subcellular structures…enabling their ready incorporation into biological systems.” A 2017 study of 44 types of 15 traditional vaccines, manufactured by leading global companies, has uncovered a very troubling and previously unreported fact: The vaccines are heavily contaminated with a variety of nanoparticles. Many of the particles are metals. We’re talking about traditional vaccines, such as HPV, flu, Swine Flu, Hepatitis B, MMR, DPT, tetanus, etc. To begin to understand some of the destructive effects of contaminating nanoparticles in vaccines, here is the groundbreaking 2017 ...

Enough with the Consensus Already!
Post Date: 2020-06-03 09:08:07 by Ada
In theory, politicians and doctors who have studied for a long time are scientists. But in practice, few have a scientific approach. No one today wants to take responsibility for the allegedly sanitary measures that have been taken (confinement, social distancing, wearing masks and gloves). They all take refuge behind collegial decisions, the invocation of science and consensus. Façade of collegiality The Covid-19 outbreak took by surprise politicians who had lost sight of their primary function: to protect their fellow citizens. Panicked, they turned to a few gurus. In this case the mathematician Neil Ferguson of Imperial College [1] and the physician Richard Hatchett of CEPI ...

Already-Obese Average Americans Have Drunk & Eaten Their Way To An Extra 5lbs During Lockdown
Post Date: 2020-06-03 08:53:38 by Horse
"The COVID-19 has been a stressful time for many...

Post Date: 2020-06-03 06:04:04 by Horse
Poster Comment:Vaccines develop antibodies but Enhanced Immune Response has been noted in vaccine trials. Vaccinated people develop antibodies but when the person encounters the wild virus, they quickly get far worse and often die. Immunity comes from T-cells.

George Floyd Family’s Lawyer: Independent Autopsy Determines Floyd Died Of Asphyxiation
Post Date: 2020-06-01 17:29:14 by Ada
MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — The attorney representing George Floyd’s family says the findings of an independent autopsy have determined that Floyd died of asphyxiation from sustained pressure. According to a statement, attorney Ben Crump revealed the results of the autopsy performed by medical examiners Dr. Michael Baden and Dr. Allecia Wilson, and called for charges against fired MPD officer Derek Chauvin to be amended to first-degree murder. Crump said that the independent autopsy determined that “sustained pressure on the right side of Floyd’s carotid artery impeded blood flow to the brain, and weight on his back impeded his ability to breathe.” He added that the ...

New hydroxychloroquine study: Early outpatient treatment is the most effective for treatment of COVID-19 patients, Dr. Harvey A Risch of Yale University says
Post Date: 2020-05-30 16:15:28 by Ada
According to a new study published in American Journal of Epidemiology, early outpatient treatment is the most effective for treatment of coronavirus patients. The study, which was led by Dr. Harvey A Risch of Yale University, suggests that late stage studies missed the point about effective usage of hydroxychloroquine. Dr. Risch says immediate and early ramping-up of treatment for high-risk COVID-19 patients is key to controlling the coronavirus pandemic crisis. To date, more than 1.6 million Americans have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 and >10 times that number carry antibodies to it. High-risk patients presenting with progressing symptomatic disease have only hospitalization ...

No, Coronavirus Isn't 'Just Like The Flu'. Here Are The Very Important Differences
Post Date: 2020-05-30 12:40:15 by BTP Holdings
No, Coronavirus Isn't 'Just Like The Flu'. Here Are The Very Important Differences AFP 14 MARCH 2020 Aches and pains, sore throat, fever – although they may feel similar to those suffering from their symptoms, the novel coronavirus is not the same as the seasonal flu, experts stressed Wednesday. COVID-19, the illness caused by coronavirus, proves deadly in around 3.5 percent of confirmed cases. While this is not the same as its mortality rate, given many people may be infected but not realise it, it is significantly higher than seasonal flu, which typically kills 0.1 percent of patients. "There is still considerable uncertainty around the fatality rates of COVID- ...

Battle Hymn of the Gesundheitsfuhrers: Sickness Is the Health of the State!
Post Date: 2020-05-30 08:34:53 by Ada
A hundred years ago in response to the horror of WWI, the great Randolph Bourne famously pronounced the truth that “War is the Health of the State.” War Is The Health of the State (WITH). It automatically sets in motion throughout society those irresistible forces for uniformity, for passionate cooperation with the Government in coercing into obedience the minority groups and individuals which lack the larger herd sense. The machinery of government sets and enforces the drastic penalties, the minorities are either intimidated into silence or brought slowly around by a subtle process of persuasion which may seem to them to really converting them…… Other values such ...

Quote of the Year on Masks
Post Date: 2020-05-29 22:09:13 by Horse
Masks reduce your Oxygen supply by 20%. Poster Comment:Reducing your oxygen supply 20% is bad for your health.

Here Is The Best Advance Indicator If A Second Wave Of Coronavirus Is Coming
Post Date: 2020-05-28 12:40:39 by BTP Holdings
Here Is The Best Advance Indicator If A Second Wave Of Coronavirus Is Coming May 28, 2020 Here Is The Best Advance Indicator If A Second Wave Of Coronavirus Is Coming As public health officials and investors search for reliable leading indicators for the ‘second wave’ of infections that Dr. Fauci and the WHO insist is right around the corner, one team of researchers has determined that the answers might be found under the ground… To wit, a team of researchers from Yale University in New Haven, Conn. published a paper earlier this month on their studies of SARS-CoV-2 concentrations in the sewage in the Greater New Haven area. In the abstract of their report, the team ...

Kennedy Jr. 'This book is going to scare people' (Thimerosol)
Post Date: 2020-05-26 11:15:50 by Horse

CDC Confirms Remarkably Low Death Rate - Media Chooses To Ignore COVID-19 Realities
Post Date: 2020-05-26 01:57:01 by Horse
Most people are more likely to wind up six feet under because of almost anything else under the sun other than COVID-19. The CDC just came out with a report that should be earth-shattering to the narrative of the political class, yet it will go into the thick pile of vital data and information about the virus that is not getting out to the public. For the first time, the CDC has attempted to offer a real estimate of the overall death rate for COVID-19, and under its most likely scenario, the number is 0.26%. Officials estimate a 0.4% fatality rate among those who are symptomatic and project a 35% rate of asymptomatic cases among those infected, which drops the overall infection fatality ...

The Lockdown was to Spread the Disease Not Prevent It
Post Date: 2020-05-24 21:28:37 by sonny
1. Your immune system clears the virus after 10 days; 2. You're then immune for life. 3. Unless you have something like cystic fibrosis, there is limited risk. 4. No need for the lockdown. 6. If malnourished take vitamin C vitamin D3 and zinc - help your immune system recover to where it can fight the virus. 80 - 90% of people would have no symptoms if their immune system is functioning. Then take a 3 tablets over 3 days of hyroxycloroquine which are good for 3 weeks (200 mg each) - and you're good to go. Older people (>80) should quarantine. But, out of 800 old people doing the above in NY, only 4 had to go to hospital after getting the virus. Virus doesn't take long to ...

What's Behind Trump's Row With Health Agencies & Birx's Decision to Take on CDC, WHO
Post Date: 2020-05-24 11:28:03 by Ada
The White House and the CDC have been largely at odds amid the coronavirus pandemic. It appears that Dr. Deborah Birx has taken Trump's side, chastising the US agency for what she claims are inflated COVID death numbers. US observers explain the conflict between Trump and the medical experts and shed light on Birx's "political game". As calls for reopening the US economy become louder inside the Trump camp, tensions between the White House and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have soared. CDC director Robert R. Redfield and counterpart Anthony Fauci, the head of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) have repeatedly ...

Video Shows Juan Williams Get Blown Out of the Water by Greg Gutfeld with Epic Fact Check
Post Date: 2020-05-23 16:40:08 by BTP Holdings
Video Shows Juan Williams Get Blown Out of the Water by Greg Gutfeld with Epic Fact Check By Christine Favocci Published May 21, 2020 at 2:09pm It’s weird how a drug President Donald Trump is taking at the direction of his doctor is making the left so crazy. The president touted the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine as a promising medication in the fight against COVID-19 back in March and recently announced he has been taking the drug as a preventative measure following his doctor’s advice. Of course, because Trump said it, the establishment media pounced, and with the recent revelation, they have moved on to completely losing their minds. The co-hosts of Fox News’ ...

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