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This Coronavirus Fraud Is Planned Panic and Murder for the Purpose of Advancing Agendas of Control
Post Date: 2020-05-21 09:49:47 by Ada
“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.” ~ Ayn Rand — Ayn Rand– Nathaniel Branden, Alan Greenspan, Robert Hessen (1986). “Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal”, p.320, Penguin It has taken little time for the people in the Unites States to become a comatose society due the fraud called coronavirus. An easier takeover of the minds of Americans could hardly have been imagined. This has been due in large part to mass ignorance that has been ...

This Pittsburgh doctor sees patients for just a flat fee of $35 -- with or without insurance
Post Date: 2020-05-19 16:55:29 by Ada
A Pittsburgh doctor is trying a new approach to health care. Dr. Timothy Wong refuses to take your insurance and instead just charges $35 for a primary care visit. There is no membership or hidden costs. Wong said by eliminating the overhead of insurance paperwork and staff at iHealth Clinic in East Liberty, he can afford to charge less. Wong said the low cost is important for people who don't have insurance. He wanted to make it affordable for those people to see a doctor. Wong said 8.5% of people in Pittsburgh don't have insurance coverage -- which works out to about 25,000 people. "I worked in the traditional setting for almost five years after residency, and I kind ...

Psychotherapist: Lockdown Zealots Are Behaving Like Cult Members
Post Date: 2020-05-19 09:01:42 by Ada
They double down on their beliefs despite having been proven wrong. Psychotherapist Dr Hugh Willbourn says lockdown zealots are displaying all the classic signs of cult members by doubling down on their beliefs despite having been proven wrong. In an article on his website, Willbourn highlights the work of respected social psychologist Leon Festinger, who analyzed the beliefs of a UFO cult in the 1950’s who believed that a flying saucer would rescue them from the apocalypse. However, after the catastrophic earthquakes and floods they expected to hit the United States never arrived and their beliefs were totally disproved, “the cult members would become not less but more ...

Acid – Alkaline Balance and Cancer: The Truth Behind the Myth
Post Date: 2020-05-18 20:51:11 by BTP Holdings
Acid – Alkaline Balance and Cancer: The Truth Behind the Myth Apr 01, 2014 By Dianne Piepenburg, MS, RD, CSO, LD – Minnesota Oncology “I have litmus strips to check my saliva because someone told me that my body is too acidic.” “I am avoiding citrus fruits, tomatoes, and acidic foods because cancer thrives in an acidic environment.” These comments seem very logical and believable; however the concept that the body is too acidic, and one needs to make the body more alkaline in order to “starve” cancerous cells is only a myth. The information below will discuss how this myth got started, what we know today, and identify what you can do to ...

7 things about vaccines and autism that the movie ‘Vaxxed’ won’t tell you
Post Date: 2020-05-18 17:29:44 by BTP Holdings
7 things about vaccines and autism that the movie ‘Vaxxed’ won’t tell you Karman Willmer, left, and Shelby Messenger protest SB277, a measure requiring California schoolchildren to get vaccinated, at a rally last June in Sacramento. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli) Karman Willmer, left, and Shelby Messenger protest SB277, a measure requiring California schoolchildren to get vaccinated, at a rally last June in Sacramento. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli) By Ariana Eunjung Cha Staff writer May 25, 2016 at 8:25 a.m. CDT On its surface, the movie “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe” appears to be a slickly produced scientific documentary with lots of charts and data about ...

Trump says he's been taking hydroxychloroquine for a 'few weeks'
Post Date: 2020-05-18 16:51:38 by Ada
Donald Trump revealed Monday he is taking hydroxychloroquine, a malaria drug he has pushed for weeks as a treatment for coronavirus -- even though he has tested negative and federal health agencies have warned of serious negative side effects "I take it," he told reporters. "All I can tell you is, so far, I feel okay." The president said he has taken only an initial dose. "It seems to have an impact," he said. "Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. ... You're not going to get sick and die." Mr Trump said he has taken the drug for "about a week and a half now," adding: "I take a pill everyday" and has had "zero ...

So far, no spike in coronavirus in places reopening, U.S. health secretary says
Post Date: 2020-05-18 08:21:41 by Ada
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. authorities are not yet seeing spikes in coronavirus cases in places that are reopening but it was still too early to determine such trends, health secretary Alex Azar said on Sunday. "We are seeing that in places that are opening, we're not seeing this spike in cases," Azar said on CNN's "State of the Union" program. "We still see spikes in some areas that are, in fact, closed." However, Azar said identifying and reporting new cases takes time. A critical part of reopening will be surveillance of flu-like symptoms in the population and other hospital admissions data, as well as testing of asymptomatic individuals, he ...

Contact Tracing Group Funded by Soros and Gates Has Chelsea Clinton on Board
Post Date: 2020-05-17 15:09:34 by BTP Holdings
Contact Tracing Group Funded by Soros and Gates Has Chelsea Clinton on Board By Headline Wealth -May 16, 2020 George Soros (Flickr/www.stephan-roehl.de). (National File) Partners in Health was recently selected by Massachusetts governor Charlie Baker to conduct Coronavirus “contact tracing,” a process that involves teams of investigators finding out who infected people have come into contact with. The group is already “training and deploying hundreds of contact tracers.” Some citizens fear the potential for mass surveillance posed by contact tracing, especially in light of a Democrat-introduced bill in Congress to authorize contact tracing “at individuals’ ...

Fredericksburg woman shoots and kills alleged home intruder, 19
Post Date: 2020-05-16 10:33:17 by BTP Holdings
Fredericksburg woman shoots and kills alleged home intruder, 19 The Gillespie County Sheriff's Office believes drug use was a factor. Author: Drew Knight Published: 7:00 AM CDT April 12, 2020 Updated: 10:39 PM CDT April 12, 2020 FREDERICKSBURG, Texas — The Gillespie County Sheriff's Office is investigating reports of a fatal shooting and home invasion early Saturday morning. Deputies responded to the residence on the 15000 block of Ranch Road 965 around 12:45 a.m. after the caller reported an intruder had been shot by a person inside the home. Officials said the homeowner, 73-year-old Curtis Roys, was asleep when he heard a loud banging noise outside. He then discovered a ...

Neurosurgeon Says Face Masks Pose Serious Risk to Healthy People
Post Date: 2020-05-16 08:47:58 by Ada
There is no scientific evidence that it is effective against COVID-19 transmission, he says Every Karen on Facebook is shaming her neighbors for not wearing a face mask. We are being told by governors that if we don’t wear them we are selfish, horrible human beings with no souls who want Grandma to die a horrible death. Police are tackling people who don’t wear them properly in the subway. Grocery stores are throwing maskless people out and denying them service. But now, there’s another doctor weighing in—besides Dr. Fauci, bonafide sex god and ruler of us all, who also said face masks are largely security theater and of no use to the healthy. Dr. Russell Blaylock, a ...

New York: The People Scream at CNN Over the Coronavirus Fake News Hoax…!
Post Date: 2020-05-15 17:40:06 by Ada
The backlash against the media that we’ve all been waiting for is finally here. Watch this video. This is from an anti-lockdown protest in New York. It is from the camera of a CNN reporter, who is berated for promoting the coronavirus fake news hoax. This is the angriest I have ever seen people. Ever. They are outraged at what the media has done, working with the government to hoax the idea that this virus poses a significant danger to people who are not elderly or chronically ill. It does not pose such a danger. We know that now as an absolute matter of fact. But the media continues to hoax the population, they continue to pretend as if the virus is going to kill everyone, and ...

Simple vitamin treatment can ‘flip the switch’ on incurable genetic muscular disease, researchers say
Post Date: 2020-05-15 15:26:11 by Horse
Medical researchers are claiming a major breakthrough using simple vitamin treatments to delay the progression of a genetic muscular disease with no previously-known cure or therapeutic treatment. An international team of scientists led by Professor Anu Suomalainen-Wartiovaara of the University of Helsinki has been working on the development of a treatment for mitochondrial myopathy for years but now, finally, they may have made significant progress. Their not-so-secret weapon? Vitamin B3, also known as niacin. Mitochondria convert the food we eat into the energy we need to survive, so any disorders or mutations in their DNA can have significant, degenerative and often fatal consequences. ...

Head of the Hydra: The Rise of Robert Kadlec
Post Date: 2020-05-15 10:23:55 by Ada
A powerful network of political operatives, a global vaccine mafia and their man in washington. WASHINGTON DC (The Last American Vagabond) — Last Friday, a group of Democratic Senators “demanded” that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) Robert Kadlec, “accurately disclose all his personal, financial and political ties in light of new reporting that he had failed to do so previously” after it was revealed that he had failed to note all “potential conflicts of interest” on his nomination paperwork. The report in question, published last Monday by The Washington Post, detailed the ties ...

Fired Officer Who Shirked Duty During Parkland Shooting Rehired with Full Back Pay
Post Date: 2020-05-15 06:44:27 by BTP Holdings
Fired Officer Who Shirked Duty During Parkland Shooting Rehired with Full Back Pay People are brought out of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School after a shooting at the school on Feb. 14, 2018, in Parkland, Florida. (Joe Raedle / Getty Images) By Erin Coates Published May 14, 2020 at 10:49am The Broward Sheriff’s Office sergeant who was fired for failing to immediately react to the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in February 2018 will be reinstated to his position with full pay and seniority, according to the BSO Deputies Association. Sgt. Brian Miller and three other deputies were fired from their positions because of a “neglect of duty” during the ...

Who Is this Evil Fauci and Why Is He Running the White House and Congress?
Post Date: 2020-05-14 11:16:28 by Ada
“A pandemic influenza would mean widespread infection essentially throughout every region of the world.” ~ Anthony Fauci–“H5N1 – Killer Flu”. “Wide Angle” with Bill Moyers, www.pbs.org. September 20, 2005. Tony Fauci got his wish, or at least he and others were able to manufacture a scenario that would make his wish come true. One of yesterday’s reports after Fauci testified before Congress stated: “Fauci, a member of Trump’s coronavirus task force, told the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee that the nation’s efforts to battle the deadly virus and the COVID-19 disease it triggers should be “focused on ...

WAKE-UP, Donald! Your Malpracticing Doctors Are the Real Killers
Post Date: 2020-05-14 10:54:43 by Ada
If you don’t think the fix is in, please take note of the big news of the morning. Namely, that the allegedly ultra-busy Dr. Fauci had time last evening to ping Sheryl Gay Stolberg, correspondent for the “failing New York Times”, in order to dump a VLCC size tanker-load of cold water on the urgent need to end Lockdown Nation, now. In a nanosecond, of course, Stolberg was on Twitter and on-line with Fauci’s stern admonition to the restless natives of Flyover America to shut-up and stay put. That way the entire MSM had plenty of time to crank-up a feverish barrage of messaging during Fauci’s actual Senate appearance as to how Red State governors are jumping the gun ...

Elon Musk Appears on Joe Rogan, Says All the Stuff Anglin Says About Coronavirus Hoax
Post Date: 2020-05-14 09:53:46 by Ada
On May 7, I called for Alex Berenson to make a return appearance on the Joe Rogan Show, and I suggested that Elon Musk could join him. Bizarrely, it was literally minutes after I called for it that the new Joe Rogan show was posted – and it was Elon Musk! I’ve recently been very interested in Musk, given that he is one of the only famous people speaking out and demanding we be given our freedoms. Elon Musk, we are reminded, is a weird person. Clearly, he would have to be a part of a team if he was going to be a freedom leader, as he has a difficult time speaking. In fact, I tried to watch this last week when it came out, and was very excited to watch it, but couldn’t make ...

Greta Thunberg’s Addition to CNN Coronavirus Town Hall Draws Criticism, Confusion
Post Date: 2020-05-13 20:07:02 by Dakmar
CNN announced Wednesday that teen climate activist Greta Thunberg is in the lineup for a Thursday town hall on the coronavirus, baffling observers and drawing heavy scorn from critics.Thunberg will join former acting Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Richard Besser and former Department of Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius on the panel. The 8 p.m. ET program will be hosted by Anderson Cooper and Dr. Sanjay Gupta.Reactions to Thunberg’s inclusion came in fast and she trended on Twitter through the day Wednesday.Trump Mocks Time's 'Person of the Year' Greta Thunberg: 'So Ridiculous'" data-reactid="22">Also Read: ...

Microbiologist Didier Raoult Slams 'Fraudulent' VA Hydroxychloroquine Study As 'Fake News'
Post Date: 2020-05-13 14:31:49 by Ada
The Department of Veterans Affairs' study on the drug hydroxychloroquine was "closer to scientific fraud than reasonable analysis," according to famed French microbiologist Didier Raoult. Raoult said some 30 percent of patients in the supposed "control group" were given the antibiotic azithromycin, which is being used to treat the coronavirus, while "nearly dying patients with lymphopenia were treated with hydroxychloroquine." Click for Full Text! Click for Full Text!

Evidence Showing SARS-CoV-2 Is a Lab-Created Virus
Post Date: 2020-05-11 08:52:46 by Ada
Judy Mikovits, Ph.D. believes COVID-19 is not caused by SARS-CoV-2 alone, but rather that it’s the result of a combination of SARS-CoV-2 and XMRVs. STORY AT-A-GLANCE Cellular and molecular biologist Judy Mikovits, Ph.D. believes COVID-19 — the disease — is not caused by SARS-CoV-2 alone, but rather that it’s the result of a combination of SARS-CoV-2 and XMRVs (human gammaretroviruses) SARS-CoV-2 also appears to have been manipulated to include components of HIV that destroys immune function along with XMRVs Those already infected with XMRVs may end up getting serious COVID-19 infection and/or die from the disease. Mikovits’s research suggests more than 30 million ...

History-defining question: Will 18 million ‘temporary’ jobless get their jobs back?
Post Date: 2020-05-11 08:00:15 by BTP Holdings
History-defining question: Will 18 million ‘temporary’ jobless get their jobs back? by Cassidy Morrison | May 09, 2020 12:00 AM The Trump administration and the country face a major risk that if the pandemic is not controlled relatively quickly, another economic depression is in store. The country already is clearly in a form of recession, as confirmed by Friday’s April jobs report that showed unemployment rising to 14.7%. But in theory, many of those workers, such as the 5.5 million newly jobless restaurant employees, could return to work very quickly if the pandemic ended and lockdowns were lifted. The vast majority of job losers in April, 18 million of 20.6 ...

Modern Medicine Attempts To Closet Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) & Forgo Targeted Therapy Of High-Risk Groups In Setup For Mass Vaccination
Post Date: 2020-05-10 13:50:39 by Ada
The American Death Care Industry is giving the vaccine companies all the fear needed to create panic demand for a rushed-to-market COVID-19 vaccine that will be assuredly safe (for healthy adults) but still be a killer (for the millions of diabetic, obese, nursing home, African-American, autoimmune Americans who don’t readily produce antibodies). In fact, Chicago officials say they have already purchased the syringes and spotted locations for vaccination stations (video taken down). As if Americans aren’t catching on this pandemic was pre-planned from the beginning (see CDC advertisement for quarantine managers in November of 2019). The CDC couldn’t provide masks, ...

Deep Pockets Love Lockdown
Post Date: 2020-05-10 07:54:52 by Ada
Some people enjoy isolation and self-seclusion. The Jewish billionaire David Geffen is one of them. He posted the above picture of his yacht onto Social Media saying: “Isolated in the Grenadines avoiding the virus, I’m hoping everybody is staying safe.” It is probably very different from your self-seclusion, and surely different from the seclusion imposed on a slum-dwelling family of five in their two-room tenement. But very rich guys are used to it. They never go to Walmart. Anything they purchase is delivered. They fly in private jets. They have never shaken hands with a stranger. They live in gated compounds. They are naturally self-isolated. For them the lockdown ...

Dr Fauci enters ‘modified quarantine’ after contact with White House staffer who tested positive for Covid-19
Post Date: 2020-05-09 21:13:10 by Dakmar
Dr Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has entered a “modified quarantine” after coming into contact with a White House staffer who tested positive for the coronavirus, according to CNN.Dr Fauci, a key member of the White House coronavirus task force, told the news organisation he would work from home and wear a mask for 14 days after making "low risk" contact with the staffer.A low-risk contact means he "was not in close proximity to the person who tested positive during the time when that person was known to be positive for the virus," CNN's Jake Tapper reported.The top doctor said he had been tested for ...

Might Enzymes Help Blood Clotting Associated With COVID-19?
Post Date: 2020-05-09 19:40:38 by Horse
Story at-a-glance Aside from sepsis — which in one study was present in 59% of COVID-19 patients and 100% of those who died — blood clots also appear to be common in patients with severe COVID-19 disease Abnormal coagulation is associated with poor prognosis in patients with COVID-19. According to one case report, 71.4% of patients who died of COVID-19 met the criteria for disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) while only 0.6% of patients who survived met that criteria DIC refers to a systemic disorder that affects blood coagulation and can result in organ dysfunction and death. Prothrombotic DIC causes persistent blood clots. Sepsis is one of the most common causes of DIC ...

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