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Pink Floyd A Quarantine Buster
Post Date: 2020-04-23 21:45:51 by sonny
Light one up , pour a glass or just sit there Mesmerized. This Pink Floyd Song can have profound healing consequences. Time to fly - Enjoy Fellow Freedom Fighters

Fauci - The Rat Bastard - Bill Gate's Right Hand Boy
Post Date: 2020-04-23 21:33:08 by sonny
Gates is demanding full legal immunity from prosecution for his upcoming corona virus vaccine - Gates has predicted that with his LOW one in ten thousand maiming or death AFTER BEING VACCINATED, there will be seven hundred thousand casualties from his awaited vaccine - this is Gates's PREDICTION - this statement is BEYOND BELIEF - and Gates is so confident that the masses will agree to be SLAUGHTERED that he has openly stated this - Gates is utterly contemptuous of his fellow humans and his boy Fauci will make sure that Gates is held un-accountable from any legalities

Vitamin D deficiency in acute respiratory distress syndrome | Dr Dhruv Parekh
Post Date: 2020-04-23 18:00:07 by Horse
Poster Comment:acute respiratory distress syndrome, or ARDS

The “Science” of Caging a Compliant Majority
Post Date: 2020-04-23 11:46:57 by Ada
In late February, a seven-year legal battle finally reached its conclusion, but nobody noticed. It should have been a big story, but it was eclipsed by the Chinese viral apocalypse. Which is ironic, because even though, at first glance, the legal battle in question has absolutely nothing to do with COVID, thematically, it’s surprisingly relevant. To put it mildly, Justina Pelletier has had a rough life. A premature baby, she was born with cartilage wrapped around her colon, leading to years of stomach cramps, intestinal blockages, and an absence of bowel control. Many surgeries followed, including a cecostomy. By the time she was a teenager, Justina was being treated at Tufts ...

Human Lab Rats: The U.S. Government’s Secret History of Grisly Experiments
Post Date: 2020-04-23 09:53:15 by Ada
“They were monsters with human faces, in crisp uniforms, marching in lockstep, so banal you don’t recognize them for what they are until it’s too late.” — Ransom Riggs, Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children I have never known any government to put the best interests of its people first, and this COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. Now this isn’t intended to be a debate over whether COVID-19 is a legitimate health crisis or a manufactured threat. Such crises can—and are—manipulated by governments in order to expand their powers. As such, it is possible for the virus to be both a genuine menace to public health and a menace to freedom. ...

The Facts That Prove That Almost Everyone Is Wrong About This Coronavirus Pandemic
Post Date: 2020-04-23 08:58:48 by Ada
The bottom line is that this virus is not going to be stopped, and the economic collapse that has now begun is not going to be stopped either When it comes to COVID-19, most Americans seem to be gravitating toward one of two extremes. Some are treating this pandemic like it is the end of the world, while many others are dismissing it as a “nothingburger”. But the truth is somewhere in between. Nobody can deny that lots of people are getting sick and lots of people are dying. In fact, the U.S. death toll has doubled in a little over a week and it has now shot past the 47,000 mark. And as this pandemic progresses, a lot more people are going to get sick and a lot more people are ...

COVID-19 Causing Just One Percent of Global Deaths
Post Date: 2020-04-23 01:17:48 by James Deffenbach
COVID-19 Causing Just One Percent of Global Deaths

Its not about your health
Post Date: 2020-04-22 21:23:21 by AdaC
When the State tells you it's safe to go to Home Depot to buy a sponge but dangerous to go and buy a flower, it's not about your health. When the State shuts down millions of private businesses but doesn’t lay off a single government employee, it's not about your health. When the State prevents you from buying cucumber seeds because it's dangerous, but allows in person lottery ticket sales, it's not about your health. When the State tells you it's dangerous to go golf alone, fish alone or be in a motor boat alone, but the Governor can get his stage make up done, and hair done for 5 TV appearances a week, it's not about your health. When the state puts ...

Vitamin K2 and the Heart. Does it help? The evidence and how I use K2
Post Date: 2020-04-22 19:55:34 by Horse
Poster Comment:I left this comment at his channel: I read a scientific article saying that Vitamin C and K3 killed cancer cells. Sounds better than chemotherapy.

Heroic Factory Workers Finally Clock Out After 28-Day Shift of Producing Vital Health Care Materials
Post Date: 2020-04-22 19:45:38 by BTP Holdings
Heroic Factory Workers Finally Clock Out After 28-Day Shift of Producing Vital Health Care Materials By Andrew J. Sciascia Published April 21, 2020 at 4:49pm American laborers sacrificing to work a nearly month-long shift were finally able to clock out Monday. Braskem America in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, has been in operation round-the-clock for at least 28 days, manufacturing raw materials needed for the production of N95 masks, hospital gowns and sanitary wipes put in short supply by the ongoing pandemic. Of course, a manufacturing effort of that magnitude requires manpower and, according to WPVI-TV, 40 Braskem staff members have shouldered the responsibility, volunteering to ...

Is Amnesia a Symptom of Covid-19?
Post Date: 2020-04-22 08:50:20 by Ada
I ask because just three years ago the USA experienced one of its most severe influenza outbreaks in recent memory. I am talking about the 2017-18 influenza that according to The American Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was associated with “45 million illnesses, 21 million medical visits, 810,000 hospitalizations.” By September 2018 CNN announced that as many as 80.000 were dead for reasons associated with the outbreak. The number of flu cases that year in the USA alone was about 18 times higher than the current number of Novel Coronavirus cases worldwide (2.5 million so far). The number of hospitalized American patients was more than 4 times higher than those ...

The Long-Term Effects Coronavirus May Have On The Body
Post Date: 2020-04-21 13:19:03 by Ada
As doctors and scientists race to understand the many ways in which COVID-19 ― the illness caused by the novel coronavirus ― affects the brain and body, they’re also trying to figure out the sort of long-term impact the infection could have on patients. The virus has only been around since late December, or at least that’s what the current evidence suggests, so even the initial COVID-19 patients are still in their early days of recovery. A new study from China gives us a first glimpse of what may be in store for patients who battle moderate-to-severe cases of COVID-19. By testing biological markers of recovered patients, researchers found that recovered patients ...

Coronavirus Crisis Reopens 150-Year-Old Controversy
Post Date: 2020-04-20 16:08:45 by Ada
I look at the coronavirus crisis differently from most people. To me, it’s the reopening of a 150-year-old scientific controversy that much of the western world has forgotten. French scientist Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) is widely celebrated as “the father of germ theory”— the idea that we become sick when our bodies are invaded by foreign organisms such as bacteria, molds, fungi, and of course viruses. Although the idea had been circulating long before Pasteur achieved eminence, his laboratory work in the 1860s appeared to provide the scientific proof that had previously been missing. What’s not widely known is that other French scientists working in the same ...

When Our Hospitals Are the Pandemic Superspreaders
Post Date: 2020-04-20 08:57:24 by Ada
They are more prone to transmission than the field facilities set up during the Spanish Flu of 1918. Here's why. Every disease has its patient zero, and for the coronavirus Covid-19, the press identified patient zero was Wei Guixian, a 57-year-old woman who worked in Wuhan’s Huanan market. It is impossible to tell if Wei Guixian was really the first infected. Of the initial 41 people hospitalized with pneumonia who later tested positive Covid-19, two-thirds were exposed at the same time. When doctors connected the dots and realized the virus was spreading from human to human, they were silenced by the authorities. The cover up by Chinese health authorities and the World ...

Can Vitamin D help fight against the coronavirus?
Post Date: 2020-04-19 15:19:08 by Horse
Scientist investigate after study found taking the supplement saw 50 per cent fall in chest infections. Scientists are investigating a potential link between survival rates for coronavirus and levels of Vitamin D. A ten-week trial involving 200 Covid-19 patients at the University of Granada in Spain will seek to establish if the 'sunshine vitamin' can help fight the illness. Vitamin D is produced by exposing the skin to sunshine and is essential for a healthy immune system. A recent study by Trinity College Dublin found adults who took Vitamin D supplements saw a 50 per cent fall in chest infections. Dr Jenna Macciochi, of the University of Sussex, said: 'If you are ...

If new data suggesting Covid-19 no more lethal than FLU is correct, should the world REVERSE its lockdown strategy?
Post Date: 2020-04-19 10:02:47 by Ada
By Peter Andrews, Irish science journalist and writer based in London. He has a background in the life sciences, and graduated from the University of Glasgow with a degree in genetics. With each passing day, we learn more about the coronavirus. And some studies suggest that the virus’s bark may be worse than its bite. Now that the initial panic is over, maybe it’s time to reappraise lockdown plans. A recent Stanford University study found the Covid-19 infection rate is probably between 50 and 85 times higher than official figures had previously indicated. The study looked for antibodies in 3,330 people in Santa Clara County. Antibodies develop in the blood after someone has ...

Vaccine Push: WHO Tribe Says There’s No Evidence That Surviving Coronavirus Gives Immunity
Post Date: 2020-04-19 08:06:35 by Ada
The WHO tribe, led by Chief Tedros Adhanom, is issuing a warning to everyone thinking that herd immunity could be a workaround to vaccinations: recovering from the virus is not guaranteed to result in immunity to it. Click for Full Text!

Aircraft Carrier Outbreak Could Hold Clue to Coronavirus’ Spread
Post Date: 2020-04-19 07:25:59 by Ada
WASHINGTON, April 16 (Reuters) – Sweeping testing of the entire crew of the coronavirus-stricken U.S. aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt may have revealed a clue about the pandemic: The majority of the positive cases so far are among sailors who are asymptomatic, officials say. The possibility that the coronavirus spreads in a mostly stealthy mode among a population of largely young, healthy people showing no symptoms could have major implications for U.S. policy-makers, who are considering how and when to reopen the economy. It also renews questions about the extent to which U.S. testing of just the people suspected of being infected is actually capturing the spread of the virus ...

Get Your State - City - Re-opened - Send This Letter or Email Now
Post Date: 2020-04-18 21:56:40 by sonny
As a constituent and concerned citizen, I am writing to urge you to reopen our schools, businesses and public spaces before May 1. I’m sure that you’re aware that your constituents are suffering immensely: - Many are without employment and have no way to provide for themselves and their families. They live each day in constant worry. - Some have had to close businesses that they poured their hearts and souls into building and sustaining. Their hopes and dreams have been shattered. - Some have relatives who are elderly or fatally ill whom they can’t visit and who will ultimately end up dying alone. This can lead to overwhelming grief and trauma. - Some are not getting needed ...

Sunlight destroys virus quickly, new govt. tests find, but experts say pandemic could last through summer
Post Date: 2020-04-18 13:25:17 by Ada
Preliminary results from government lab experiments show that the coronavirus does not survive long in high temperatures and high humidity, and is quickly destroyed by sunlight, providing evidence from controlled tests of what scientists believed — but had not yet proved — to be true. A briefing on the preliminary results, marked for official use only and obtained by Yahoo News, offers hope that summertime may offer conditions less hospitable for the virus, though experts caution it will by no means eliminate, or even necessarily decrease, new cases of COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus. The results, however, do add an important piece of knowledge that the White ...

Flu Misinformation and Coronavirus Fears: My Letter to Dr. Sanjay Gupta
Post Date: 2020-04-18 08:48:21 by Ada
Dear Sanjay, Last week, your CNN producer, Matthew Reynard, notified me that CNN is featuring me in a documentary about “vaccine misinformation”. As usual, Mr. Reynard did not point out a single factual assertion by me that was incorrect (I carefully source all of my statements about vaccines to government databases or peer-reviewed publications). CNN uses the term “vaccine misinformation” as a euphemism for any statement that departs from the Government / Pharma orthodoxy that all vaccines are safe, necessary, and effective for all people. I respectfully point out that CNN and particularly you, Sanjay, are today among the most prolific broadcasters of ‘vaccine ...

When it Comes to the VA, Do Veterans Really Have a ‘Choice’?
Post Date: 2020-04-18 08:18:44 by Ada
Add coronavirus to this raging private vs. public debate and what you get is a lot of individuals with nowhere to go. Since this article was written and as of Wednesday April 14, there are 4,400 cases of coronavirus among the patients at the nation’s Veterans Affairs health centers, with 272 deaths—up from 53 deaths on April 1. VA facilities have been hit hard, particularly among “cluster cities” in New York (Brooklyn is the worst), New Jersey, Louisiana and Michigan. According to this report the death rate for those tested and confirmed with the virus is 6 percent (mostly older and infirm). As of April 8, seven VA health care workers had died from the virus. Other ...

COVID-19 Lethality Not Much Different Than Flu, Says New Study
Post Date: 2020-04-17 20:43:51 by Bill D Berger
Media Contact & Reprint Requests (Rimma Bondarenko | Dreamstime.com) Between 48,000 and 81,000 residents of Santa Clara County, California are likely to have already been infected by the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, suggests a new study by researchers associated with Stanford University Medical School. The researchers tested a sample of 3,330 residents of the county using blood tests to detect antibodies to determine whether or not they had been exposed to the coronavirus. If the researchers' calculations are correct, that's really good news. Why? Because that data will help public health officials to get a better handle on just how lethal the coronavirus is, and if ...

Nurse who beat coronavirus is attacked and robbed on her way to work by a group of 15 thugs in New York City
Post Date: 2020-04-17 16:07:44 by Horse
A nurse who beat coronavirus has been attacked and robbed on her way to work by a group of thugs who threw her to the ground and fled with her purse. Martha Toscano, 60, had just got out of the 6 train station and was making her way to Bellevue Hospital on Wednesday evening at 10.30pm. She was approached by around 15 thugs who ran her down and pummeled her to the floor, she told The New York Post. Toscano said: 'I thought they were going to kill me. 'They hit me on the head, on the face, I ran and fell on the floor and they keep hitting me.' She wept as she told the Post how the attack happened just three days after she returned to work from beating Covid-19. She had been ...

The History Of Hydroxychloroquine In India
Post Date: 2020-04-17 10:12:01 by Ada
The History of Hydroxychloroquine in India and how British East India Company soldiers were treated of Malaria by using quinine and tonic. As most of us are already aware, Hydroxychloroquine has already taken the world by storm as a treatment against COVID-19. Every newspaper is talking about it, and all countries are requesting India to supply it. Now, a curious person might wonder why and how this chemical composition is so deeply entrenched in India, and is there any history behind it. Well, there is an interesting history behind it which goes all the way to the Indian king Tipu Sultan’s defeat. In 1799, when Tipu was defeated by the British, the whole of Mysore Kingdom with ...

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