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Who or What Started the Wuhan Coronavirus Epidemic?
Post Date: 2020-03-09 08:35:06 by Ada
On the Condemnation of "Conspiracy Theories" as a Device for Protecting Officialdom’s Lies, Disinformation, and Obfuscation The Wuhan Coronavirus epidemic of 2019-20 is moving many markers where life merges into death, where truth merges into lies. At age 34, Dr. Li Wenliang drew attention in Wuhan to these moving markers. The disease Dr. Li sought to warn against ended up taking his life as the epidemic gained fatal traction. Before going down himself in the line of duty, Dr. Li faced a harsh reprimand from representatives of the Chinese Communist Party. Dr. Li was accused of spreading rumors and illegally threatening the social order with his tweets and posts and ...

“This Is It! The Party’s Over” – Will Covid-19 Cause A New Financial Crisis?
Post Date: 2020-03-08 12:41:58 by BTP Holdings
“This Is It! The Party’s Over” – Will Covid-19 Cause A New Financial Crisis? March 7, 2020 Ryan Green Authored by Michael Snyder via The Economic Collapse blog, The term “black swan event” is increasingly being used to describe this coronavirus outbreak, and many are concerned that what we are headed for will be much worse than what we experienced in 2008 and 2009. Already, we have witnessed a staggering drop in global demand, Wall Street has had to deal with the wildest week in eight years, and people all over the globe are hoarding toilet paper, face masks and hand sanitizer. That may sound like a plot from one of my books, but it is not. This is ...

What essential oils are good for the flu?
Post Date: 2020-03-08 10:30:49 by Horse
Influenza is more than just “a flu bug.” It is a highly contagious respiratory disease that attacks the nose, throat, and lungs, and can even send a person to the hospital. For the elderly or very young, the flu can be life-threatening. Between 9.2 and 35.6 million people in the United States get influenza or flu each year. Unfortunately, flu viruses are constantly changing and mutating, which makes it hard for researchers to develop effective medications. As a result, natural remedies such as essential oils are increasingly popular. Traditional healthcare practitioners have used essential oils for centuries to treat many ailments. Today, essential oils are used in a variety ...

Vitamin C Functions
Post Date: 2020-03-07 20:50:56 by Horse
Vitamin C: half-life is 12 hours. So, take a does in the morning and again in the evening. Our bodies use certain transporters of vitamin C in the small intestine called Sodium-Dependent Vitamin C Transporters (SVCT -1) which will absorb efficiently only up to a certain point. In addition any excess absorbed vitamin C becomes excreted in urine to maintain a small tight control on plasma concentrations. This is where liposomal vitamin C has an advantage. Regular supplements are limited to 250 mg every 15 minutes. Liposomes are natural nanosized packages used to deliver supplements, drugs, and other therapeutic substances straight to cells, with minimal loss in metabolism. The absorption ...

A MUST SEE!!! The Most Eye Opening 10 Minutes Of Your Life | Dr. Bruce Lipton
Post Date: 2020-03-06 13:55:40 by Horse

The Coronavirus Is the Way to Martial Law and Total Control Over Populations
Post Date: 2020-03-06 09:14:26 by Ada
The United States government has initiated martial law. All citizens are to conform to government mandates. U.S. security forces will enforce these mandates locally with all city, county, and state police forces, and in all other cases the military will be in control. Mandated behavior will include forced vaccinations, quarantine, intense surveillance, and restriction on any movement not authorized by government and health officials. Blood and urine samples may be required, and any interference with this process will be treated as a high crime against the state. Questioning authorities will not be allowed, and all Internet and communication services will be fully monitored and controlled. ...

Chinese doctors say coronavirus ‘like a combination of SARS and AIDS’, can cause irreversible lung damage
Post Date: 2020-03-06 09:01:14 by Ada
Chinese doctors say autopsies of coronavirus patients suggest the deadly illness is “like a combination of SARS and AIDS” that can cause “irreversible” lung damage. Coronavirus death rate jumps to 3.4 per cent Chinese doctors say autopsies of coronavirus victims suggest the deadly illness is “like a combination of SARS and AIDS” that can cause “irreversible” lung damage even if the patient recovers. The grim finding was reported on by Communist Party mouthpiece the Global Times on Friday, after a paper by Wuhan doctors published in the Journal of Forensic Medicine earlier in the week went viral on Chinese social media. “The influence of ...

Abortionist Testifies: ‘No Question’ Babies Being Born Alive To Harvest Organs
Post Date: 2020-03-06 07:37:16 by Horse
Last week, a California abortionist testified under oath that there is “no question” abortionists are allowing babies to be born alive in order to harvest their organs, a report from LifeSiteNews revealed. Testifying during a preliminary hearing in the criminal case against undercover journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt earlier in the month, Dr. Forrest Smith outlined gruesome details of the abortion business, of which he said Daleiden and Merritt only captured the “tip of the iceberg” with their shocking undercover videos. “Smith testified that it is almost certain that some of the abortionists featured in the undercover videos deliberately altered ...

Low vitamin D levels a risk factor for pneumonia
Post Date: 2020-03-05 20:06:10 by Horse
A new study has shown that low serum vitamin D levels are a risk factor for pneumonia. The risk of contracting pneumonia was more than 2.5 times greater in subjects with the lowest vitamin D levels than in subjects with high vitamin D levels Poster Comment:I take a lot of Vitamin D-3. Take even more plus C if you get onset symptoms of a flu. 50,000 IU a day until the crisis is over. If you get to ICU, take B6 & B 12 lozenges every 4 hours.

Dr Mark Sircus: Vitamin C
Post Date: 2020-03-04 18:25:41 by Horse

What Would Murray Say About the Coronavirus?
Post Date: 2020-03-04 09:55:53 by Ada
Murray Rothbard died in January 1995, long before this year’s coronavirus scare. But the principles this great thinker taught us can help us answer questions about the coronavirus outbreak which trouble many of us. Would the US government be justified in imposing massive involuntary quarantines, in order to slow down the spread of disease? What about vaccines? If government scientists claim that they have discovered a vaccine for coronavirus, should we take it? If we refuse, can the government force us to do so? These are the sort of problems we can solve if we look to Murray for help. The fundamental rule for deciding whether anyone, including the government, is justified in using ...

An Official Emergency (Coronavirus Update)
Post Date: 2020-03-04 00:04:53 by Pinguinite

Why It Was Easier to Be Skinny in the 1980s
Post Date: 2020-03-03 00:30:28 by Horse
A study finds that people today who eat and exercise the same amount as people 20 years ago are still fatter. A 2016 study published in the journal Obesity Research & Clinical Practice found that it’s harder for adults today to maintain the same weight as those 20 to 30 years ago did, even at the same levels of food intake and exercise. The authors examined the dietary data of 36,400 Americans between 1971 and 2008 and the physical activity data of 14,419 people between 1988 and 2006. They grouped the data sets together by the amount of food and activity, age, and BMI. They found a very surprising correlation: A given person, in 2006, eating the same amount of calories, taking ...

Exclusive: HHS Sec. Azar gives coronavirus update on 'Fox News Sunday'
Post Date: 2020-03-01 17:10:05 by BTP Holdings
Coronavirus task force member Secretary Alex Azar discusses the status of the virus in the U.S.

Every Election Cycle = There Will Be a Disease
Post Date: 2020-02-29 21:32:34 by sonny
2004 = SARS 2008 = AVIAN 2010 = SWINE 2012 = MERS 2014 = EBOLA 2016 = ZIKA 2018 = EBOLA 2020 = CORONA Coincidence All of These Diseases At Election Time Colloidal Silver will Protect From The Virus

Improve sleep quality by increasing your intake of these 8 vitamins and minerals
Post Date: 2020-02-28 09:30:42 by Horse
Many Americans get less than the recommended amount of sleep. In fact, according to the National Sleep Foundation‘s inaugural Sleep Health Index, about 35 percent of Americans have poor sleep quality. Meanwhile, 20 percent of Americans say that they do not wake up feeling refreshed on any day of the week. Not getting enough sleep has been linked to a variety of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, obesity and Type 2 diabetes. But new research suggests that poor-quality sleep may be linked to nutrient deficiency. In a study presented at Nutrition 2019, the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition, researchers found that people who get less than seven hours of sleep each ...

My End of the Stick
Post Date: 2020-02-27 23:25:37 by X-15
1) Orange County declared a health emergency yesterday. I have no wild idea what that means, and I've worked health care here for 20 years, including about 2/3rds of the E.R.s in the county. Best guess, it simply means TPTB in the county have officially freaked the f**k out about the slow roll out of Kung Flu we've been covering here for over a month, and which we warned our own hospital management about, in detail, over two weeks ago was going to put a serious cramp in our ability to treat patients, indefinitely, even if we never had to treat a single case of Kung Flu in person. 2) Observe the picture above this post. That's at the hospital with the largest ED in the county, 50 ...

What Next??
Post Date: 2020-02-26 19:42:44 by X-15
If you missed it, read yesterday's post of CDC warnings. raconteurreport.blogspot....02/cdc-now-hear-this.html If there are mass quarantines in effect at some point, you're going to need some things. Some of them you know, and some of them you probably haven't made provision for. 1) Water One gal/person/day, minimum. If you're planning on city water continuing to flow, well...best of luck there. Hope ain't a plan. Three days without water, and your kidneys will begin to shut down. 2) Food Figure out a menu for a month. Focus on variety, and calories, ideally of easy-to-prepare food. Now get to where you have six to twelve months' worth on hand. If you're ...

Yes! The Democrats and Their Corrupt Media Toadies are Weaponizing the Corona Virus!
Post Date: 2020-02-26 14:44:52 by Liberator
This is just sick, and Coronavirus had nothing to do with it. – Rush Limbaugh took a lot of crap on Tuesday after he said on his Monday program that the Democrats and their corrupt toadies in the nation’s news media were conspiring to “weaponize” the Coronavirus against President Donald Trump. Since Rush said that, though, the accuracy of his remark has been proven beyond a shadow of any doubt at all. It started with the statement Tuesday morning by CDC official Dr. Nancy Messonnier – who happens to be the sister of Deep State snake Rod Rosenstein – that a Coronavirus pandemic that impacts the United States is somehow “inevitable,” and that citizens ...

The scientific verdict on the healthfulness of eggs
Post Date: 2020-02-25 11:14:41 by BTP Holdings
The scientific verdict on the healthfulness of eggs Emily Laurence 6 hrs ago We all know someone who insists on ordering egg whites at brunch. Surely an egg white omelette is healthier than one with yolk—if it's even healthy at all. Americans have long been confused about eggs, especially when it comes to heart health. Despite the rise of the ketogenic diet (an eating habit for which eggs practically serve as the mascot), many still make a conscious effort to minimize egg consumption, fearing it will raise their cholesterol or hurt their heart health. But according to a new study, eating eggs for breakfast every day (yolk included) could actually be best for longterm health. ...

You’re Likely to Get the Coronavirus
Post Date: 2020-02-24 14:03:50 by Ada
Most cases are not life-threatening, which is also what makes the virus a historic challenge to contain. In May 1997, a three-year-old boy developed what at first seemed like the common cold. When his symptoms—sore throat, fever, and cough—persisted for six days, he was taken to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Hong Kong. There his cough worsened, and he began gasping for air. Despite intensive care, the boy died. Puzzled by his rapid deterioration, doctors sent a sample of the boy’s sputum to China’s Department of Health. But the standard testing protocol couldn’t fully identify the virus that had caused the disease. The chief virologist decided to ship some of ...

CDC Official Warns of 'Pandemic' as Countries Begin To Take Drastic Measures
Post Date: 2020-02-22 20:55:01 by BTP Holdings
CDC Official Warns of 'Pandemic' as Countries Begin To Take Drastic Measures Volume 90% By Jared Harris Published February 22, 2020 at 8:16am After an initial outbreak downplayed by Chinese officials and a limited number of cases worldwide, it now appears the COVID-19 virus is making its terrible grand entrance onto the global stage. Now, at least one Centers for Disease Control and Prevention official is warning it could get much, much worse. Although the contagious novel coronavirus caused the Chinese communist government to place hundreds of millions of people on lockdown, its presence in other countries was relatively low until recently. But a spike in ...

New Study Shows How Eating a Western Diet Impairs Brain Function and Leads to Overeating
Post Date: 2020-02-20 19:05:33 by Horse
Only one week on a high fat, high added sugar diet led to volunteers scoring worse on memory tests. Could it be that our Western-style diet laden with saturated fats, added sugars, and processed grains could actually impair our brain functions while weighing us down with a tendency to continuously over-indulge? According to researchers, this is very much the case. Gluttonous diets in the West could transform otherwise healthy and slim young people into mildly scatter-brained overeaters. The new study, published in the journal Royal Society Open Science, is among the first studies looking into how the Western diet impairs memory and appetite control in humans. The results of the research ...

UK Hospitals will let Homophobic, Sexist, Racist Patients DIE, No Treatment for Them under New Laws
Post Date: 2020-02-19 18:31:34 by Ada
Patients deemed to be “racist” or “homophobic” will be denied care in NHS Trust hospitals under new rules set to take effect in April. “Currently, staff can refuse to treat non-critical patients who are verbally aggressive or physically violent towards them,” reports Sky News. “But these protections will extend to any harassment, bullying or discrimination, including homophobic, sexist or racist remarks.” Police will also be given new powers to prosecute “hate crimes” committed against NHS staff. What is determined to be “racist” or “homophobic” is anyone’s guess, since many elderly patients will be totally ...

Iran state news agency says new virus has killed 2 citizens
Post Date: 2020-02-19 17:56:41 by Ada
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) — The new virus has killed two elderly Iranian citizens, Iran’s state-run IRNA news agency reported Wednesday. IRNA quoted Alireza Vahabzadeh, an adviser to the country’s health minister, as saying that both victims had been carrying the coronavirus and were located in Qom, about 140 kilometers (86 miles) south of the capital Tehran. The state news agency said later that schools and universities in Qom would be closed so an investigation could take place. No additional details were released. Earlier on Wednesday, Iranian authorities confirmed two cases of the new virus, the first in the country, according to the semi-official ISNA news agency. Officials ...

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