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75,000 ill, 2,000 deaths, many thousands recovered: Can you get coronavirus twice?
Post Date: 2020-02-19 17:51:36 by Ada
The number of confirmed cases in the coronavirus outbreak racing across China and seeping around the globe rolled past 75,000 Wednesday, and though more than 2,000 people have died, many thousands more have recovered. With no end to the outbreak in sight, health officials grapple with the issue of reinfection – whether people can "catch" the virus again. Li QinGyuan, director of pneumonia prevention and treatment at China Japan Friendship Hospital in Beijing, said a protective antibody is generated in those who are infected. "However, in certain individuals, the antibody cannot last that long," Li said. "For many patients who have been cured, there is a ...

12 Impressive Health Benefits of Cinnamon Tea
Post Date: 2020-02-18 11:57:35 by Horse
1. Loaded with antioxidants Cinnamon tea contains lots of antioxidants, which are beneficial compounds that help keep you healthy. Antioxidants fight off oxidation caused by free radicals, which are molecules that damage your cells and contribute to diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Cinnamon is particularly rich in polyphenol antioxidants. A study comparing the antioxidant activity of 26 spices reported that cinnamon is only outranked by cloves and oregano (1Trusted Source, 2, 3Trusted Source). In addition, research shows that cinnamon tea can increase total antioxidant capacity (TAC), which is a measure of the amount of free radicals your body can fight off (2, ...

‘Doctors for Assange’ worry he may die in UK prison having ‘effectively been tortured to death’
Post Date: 2020-02-18 09:34:45 by Ada
Over 100 doctors are urging the UK government to stop the "psychological torture" of Julian Assange, and send him to a hospital. It's their fourth such letter since the journalist appeared in court. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange may die in a UK prison, having "effectively been tortured to death," claim Doctors for Assange, a group of 117 doctors from 18 countries, in a recent letter published in The Lancet, a leading medical journal. The letter says that Assange requires urgent medical care, and has been exposed to “prolonged psychological torture”. The group once again asks for him to be moved to a university teaching hospital for medical assessment ...

Beagles can “sniff out” lung cancer more accurately than “advanced technology”
Post Date: 2020-02-15 23:06:34 by Horse
Lung cancer is the second most common type of cancer and the leading cause of cancer death in both men and women in the United States. There are several types of lung cancer, but non-small cell (NSCLC) is the most common form. Since NSCLC is so deadly, early detection is vital if a patient is to survive. However, the usual methods of detecting the disease – PET and CT scans – are both expensive and unreliable. In recent years, researchers have been focusing a great deal of attention on finding alternative cancer detection methods. Some of this research has focused on whether dogs, with their highly advanced sense of smell, have the ability to detect lung and other types of ...

Scientists Discover Surprising Weapon In Fight Against Brain Tumors: Ebola Virus
Post Date: 2020-02-15 18:58:19 by Ada
NEW HAVEN, Conn. — The Ebola virus is indisputably one of the deadliest viruses known to man, but according to Yale scientists, it may actually do some good for a change. Researchers say certain parts of the Ebola virus have shown promise in treating and fighting glioblastomas, or very hard to treat and often fatal brain tumors. “The irony is that one of the world’s deadliest viruses may be useful in treating one of the deadliest of brain cancers,” comments Yale’s Anthony van den Pol, professor of neurosurgery, in a release. This unlikely medical collaboration takes advantage of a fundamental weakness in cancerous tumors. Most cancer cells are unable to defend ...

Positive Results for Autism with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Post Date: 2020-02-13 14:20:42 by Horse
April is National Autism Awareness Month bringing our focus to this serious condition which affects as many as 1 in 1,000 children nationwide1, as well as their family and friends. While there are no known cures, there is a growing treatment for autism that involves delivering more oxygen to the brain. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is an increasingly common strategy for easing some of autistic children’s troubling symptoms. Autism is characterized by hampered social, language and emotional abilities. Positron emission tomography (PET) scans of autistic children’s brains show that “most have decreased blood flow to various parts of the brain,” wrote Dr. Bob Sears, ...

Treatment of Traumatic Brain Injury With Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
Post Date: 2020-02-13 14:07:03 by Horse
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is defined as the use of oxygen at higher than atmospheric pressure for the treatment of underlying disease processes and the diseases they produce. Modern HBOT in which 100% O2 is breathed in a pressurized chamber dates back to the 1930s, when it was first used for treatment of decompression illness in divers. There are currently 13 FDA-approved uses for HBOT, including decompression illness, gas gangrene, air embolism, osteomyelitis, radiation necrosis, and the most recent addition—diabetic ulcers. Just as practicing physicians routinely identify off-label uses for medications, over the years HBOT physicians have identified many other conditions that ...

You can grow new brain cells. Here's how | Sandrine Thuret
Post Date: 2020-02-13 14:02:03 by Horse

This Simple Test May Help Diagnose Cytokine Storm Early On
Post Date: 2020-02-11 13:41:53 by Horse
I urge everyone to make a print out of possible tests and drugs that may help if you should become sick and or end up at the hospital CHEAP SIMPLE TEST Ask for a SERUM FERRITIN test Symptoms include high fever, enlarged spleen, excessive bleeding, low counts of all types of blood cells (red, white and platelets) and, potentially, multiple organ failures. A cheap, simple test, widely available at most hospitals in the United States and worldwide, can help diagnose cytokine storm syndrome, Cron said. “A protein called serum ferritin tends to get very high in this disorder,” he said. “If you are sick enough to be in a hospital and you have a fever, you should get a serum ...

MEDICAL THEATER: Coronavirus test kits rushed into production are FAILING to identify 50 – 70 percent of infected carriers
Post Date: 2020-02-11 13:01:31 by Horse
The president of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences has just blown the whistle on a wave of new, rushed coronavirus test kits that have been thrust into use across Asian, confirming they are only 30 to 50 percent accurate, reports SCMP.com. This means the test kits have a 50 – 70 percent false negative rate, missing infections by inaccurately reporting the samples as negative.

Pentagon: 34 soldiers diagnosed with brain injury after Iran missile attacks
Post Date: 2020-02-11 09:57:41 by BTP Holdings
Pentagon: 34 soldiers diagnosed with brain injury after Iran missile attacks By United Press International - January 24, 2020 Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Rath Hoffman announced Friday that 34 U.S. service members have been diagnosed with brain injuries since the Jan. 7 missile attack on U.S. military bases in Iraq. Photo by Marine Corps Sgt. Dylan C. Overbay/DVIDs Jan. 24 (UPI) — A total of 34 U.S. service members have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injuries following Iran’s missile attack on U.S. positions in Iraq last month, Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Rath Hoffman said Friday. On Jan. 7, Iran launched more than a dozen ballistic missiles at two Iraqi military bases ...

BREAKING: Washington Doctors SUCCESSFULLY Treat Coronavirus Patient with Experimental Anti-viral Medication — "Significantly" Improved in Hours (VIDEO)
Post Date: 2020-02-11 09:07:47 by Ada
The first person in the US to catch the coronavirus was successfully treated in Washington state and returned home late last week. Dr. George Diaz, a section chief for infectious diseases at Providence Regional Medical Center Everett joined Arthel Neville on FOX News on Sunday morning to discuss the successful treatment of the center’s coronavirus patient. Dr. George Diaz: About a week into his course he got worse developed pneumonia. At that point given the reports we had gotten out of China… At that point we elected to give him… the experimental Remdesivir, antiviral medication. And within 24 hours he improved significantly. This was quite encouraging and he improved and ...

Secret History Killer Flu (Spanish flu in America)
Post Date: 2020-02-11 07:55:22 by Horse
Poster Comment:550,000 Americans died.

Surviving The Wuhan Virus
Post Date: 2020-02-11 03:38:59 by Horse
I do not want the deathatorium above to be my future. I have set up a protocol to reduce my risk. I believe the Wuhan virus is a bioweapon that originated in the US and was sent via Winnipeg Canada to Wuhan China. The disease seems to be designed to kill Asians which makes it unlikely that it was made by the Chinese. My greatest fear is that we will be given a Super Duper Wuhan vaccine in 2021 that makes us susceptible to a subsequent release of a SARS bioweapon by the Deep State that will kill the people who took the vaccine. I plan to avoid both the Wuhan and SARS bioweapons by following the protocol below. It  will protect against many other diseases. That will matter to you ...

Post Date: 2020-02-10 01:37:32 by Pinguinite
See the source link for written info. Just in case this corona virus is far worse than reported. Click for Full Text!

New Vaccines Will Permanently Alter Your DNA
Post Date: 2020-02-09 14:02:24 by Horse
I repost this story now because, in the rush to develop a vaccine against the China coronavirus in the next 90 days, public health officials are mentioning several experimental technologies—never before released openly for public use. One of those technologies is: DNA insertion. The reference is the New York Times, 3/10/15, “Protection Without a Vaccine.” It describes the frontier of research. Here are key quotes that illustrate the use of synthetic genes to “protect against disease,” while changing the genetic makeup of humans. This is not science fiction: “By delivering synthetic genes into the muscles of the [experimental] monkeys, the scientists are ...

STILL No Non-Chinese Deaths from Coronavirus, But the WASHINGTON POST Wants You to Rat Out Your Neighbors Anyway
Post Date: 2020-02-09 08:54:57 by Ada
I have previously reported the case of Dr Noah Carl, a young Cambridge University political scientist whom the once-august university fired for publishing peer-reviewed research on the subject of “race” and for collaborating with like-minded academics. One paper of Carl’s particularly upset the Woking Classes because it turned one of their many fallacious arguments against the biological concept of “race” on its head: it argued, in effect, that the Truth about race will actually Set Us Free. This is directly relevant to the current panic over the Coronavirus, where we see the negative consequences of Race Denialism playing out all too clearly, and even possibly ...

5600 Studies Turmeric More Effective Than Leading Drugs for Diabetes Arthritis Cancer and More
Post Date: 2020-02-09 01:15:41 by Horse
Poster Comment:Take it with Black Pepper. I take turmeric every day with black pepper, garlic, curry powder and ginger. I eat one cooked meal a day (not counting oatmeal) though what I cook in the pot varies.

China Shutting Down Exports of Medicnes and Vitamins
Post Date: 2020-02-08 19:32:14 by Horse
I am researching an article on how we can cure the Corona virus at home. We cannot go to an American hospital when that virus hits here. It is a Bioweapon. In an Indian town they had their first case and a week later had 9 cases. The Lancet says we can expect 11% to die. Women have better immune systems. If you are sedentary, get more active now. Give up all simple sugar now. Sugar feeds the bad microbes in your gut. That lockdown of 400 million Chinese will cut us off from 97% of all antibiotics. 80% of all drug stocks and 70% of all vitamins. Heparin is already in short supply because it comes from Chinese hog intestines. Their hogs were killed off by the African Swine flu. We can't ...

Veteran Limbaugh Producer Bo Snerdley Silences Acosta After Attack on Cancer-Stricken Rush
Post Date: 2020-02-06 17:39:49 by BTP Holdings
Veteran Limbaugh Producer Bo Snerdley Silences Acosta After Attack on Cancer-Stricken Rush Acosta Slams Limbaugh as Racist, Black Producer Silences Him Volume 90% By Jared Harris Published February 5, 2020 at 2:19pm When Rush Limbaugh announced earlier this week he had been diagnosed with advanced-stage lung cancer, conservatives across the nation rallied around him. America’s outpouring of support came to a head Tuesday night as President Donald Trump awarded the conservative talk show host the Presidential Medal of Freedom — the highest civilian honor in the United States. Of course, the mere mention of Rush Limbaugh set off many on the political left. The ...

Veteran Limbaugh Producer Bo Snerdley Silences Acosta After Attack on Cancer-Stricken Rush
Post Date: 2020-02-06 12:58:53 by BTP Holdings
Veteran Limbaugh Producer Bo Snerdley Silences Acosta After Attack on Cancer-Stricken Rush Acosta Slams Limbaugh as Racist, Black Producer Silences Him Volume 90% By Jared Harris Published February 5, 2020 at 2:19pm When Rush Limbaugh announced earlier this week he had been diagnosed with advanced-stage lung cancer, conservatives across the nation rallied around him. America’s outpouring of support came to a head Tuesday night as President Donald Trump awarded the conservative talk show host the Presidential Medal of Freedom — the highest civilian honor in the United States. Of course, the mere mention of Rush Limbaugh set off many on the political left. The ...

Coconut Oil’s History in Destroying Viruses, Including Coronaviruses
Post Date: 2020-02-06 09:55:46 by Horse
It was 2003 when the SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) coronavirus broke out in China. It infected over 7000 people in China with over 600 recorded deaths. Even with its close proximity to China and large Chinese population in the Philippine nation of about 80 million people, only 14 cases of SARS was reported with two recorded deaths. Canada, many thousands of miles away, had far more cases and more deaths recorded due to SARS infection from China than neighboring Philippine Islands. One of the theories put forward at the time as to why the Filipino people had so few cases, was the country’s predominant use of cooking oil: Coconut Oil.

Scientists Warn: You Can Catch Coronavirus More Than Once. “For those patients who have been cured, there is a likelihood of a relapse.”
Post Date: 2020-02-05 12:05:59 by Horse
Scientists Warn: You Can Catch Coronavirus More Than Once. “For those patients who have been cured, there is a likelihood of a relapse.” While most patients who contract the coronavirus 2019-nCoV eventually make a full recovery, they don’t walk away from the encounter immunized against the disease, as one might expect after a viral infection. Rather, Business Insider reports that you can theoretically catch the coronavirus multiple times, creating an unusual challenge for health officials trying to contain the outbreak. The underlying idea behind a vaccination — or even “chicken pox parties” — is that exposure to a virus will trigger the immune system ...

Antiviral Herbs, Vitamins, and Minerals
Post Date: 2020-02-04 19:20:14 by Horse
Flu season is upon us. Prevention is the key, but if a virus threatens your health, quick action with natural vitamins, supplements, and herbs can stop that virus in its tracks. How many of these herbs, vitamins, and anti-virals are on hand if you need them? virus Vitamins Vitamin A, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin C are all vital nutrients for the immune system, and are all known to help prevent help fight viruses. In particular, vitamin C is well known for it's virus fighting properties, but if you take high doses of vitamin C to fight a virus, you should not stop taking it abruptly-taper off. Zinc and Selenium Zinc has been proven to be effective against the common cold and to ...

Trump Super Bowl Ad Touts Release of 'Non-Violent' Cocaine Trafficker
Post Date: 2020-02-03 21:02:07 by BTP Holdings
Trump Super Bowl Ad Touts Release of 'Non-Violent' Cocaine Trafficker Chris Menahan InformationLiberation Feb. 03, 2020 This is how you KAG, folks! twitter.com/Communism_Kills/status/1224194104579493888 From Alice Marie Johnson's Wikipedia page (via Ashley Rae Goldenberg): Johnson was arrested in 1993 and convicted in 1996 of eight federal criminal counts relating to her involvement in a Memphis, Tennessee-based cocaine trafficking organization.[3] In addition to drug conspiracy counts, Johnson was convicted of money laundering and structuring, the latter crime because of her purchase of a house with a down payment structured to avoid hitting a $10,000 reporting ...

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