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Liberalism's 'cesspit'?: IAN BIRRELL says tech giants have turned San Francisco into a dystopian nightmare of addiction, homelessness and criminality
Post Date: 2020-02-02 19:05:58 by Ada
Gilles Desaulniers moved to San Francisco 40 years ago, settling in the ‘friendly, quaint and affordable’ city after running out of cash while driving from Canada down the West Coast of America. Today he runs a grocery store filled with fresh fruit, vegan snacks and organic wines typical of this famously liberal Californian city. But Gilles has shut one outlet and would sell up entirely if anyone wanted this one, his remaining shop. Each day, up to 30 people stroll in and openly steal goods, costing him hundreds of dollars. A street cleaner showed me a box filled with used syringes that he had collected, then I met two charity workers picking up needles from the pavement. How ...

Communism Kills: China Reportedly Arrested Virus Whistleblowers Who Tried Sounding Alarm
Post Date: 2020-02-01 17:56:43 by BTP Holdings
Communism Kills: China Reportedly Arrested Virus Whistleblowers Who Tried Sounding Alarm Communist Orders Reportedly to Blame for Size of Coronavirus Outbreak Volume 90% By C. Douglas Golden Published February 1, 2020 at 10:09am On Thursday, the first confirmed case of first person-to-person coronavirus, the deadly outbreak that allegedly started due to a Chinese seafood “wet market” in Wuhan, was confirmed in the United States. “The husband of an Illinois woman with Wuhan coronavirus is now infected with the illness, and is the first confirmed case of person-to-person transmission of the virus in the United States, the US Centers for Disease Control and ...

As of January 1, 2020, the cancer industry has now killed 20 million people around the world since the year 2000
Post Date: 2020-02-01 14:01:46 by Horse
If you’re curious how many people are dying from things that the government claims are “safe and effective,” look no further than the Pharma Death Clock website, which explains that more than 20 million people have died from chemotherapy alone since the year 2000. As it turns out, the chemical cocktails manufactured by Big Pharma kill orders of magnitude more people than world wars and acts of terrorism combined, which makes the pharmaceutical industry the number-one killer in our world today. Since the year 2000, nearly 2.25 million people have died from taking opioid pharmaceuticals, even as the cannabis plant remains federally outlawed and kratom (mitragyna speciose), a ...

Researchers Find That CBG and CGC Can Kill Gastrointestinal Cancer Cells
Post Date: 2020-01-31 14:31:43 by Horse
Preliminary studies have found that two non-psychoactive cannabinoids can induce necrosis in human gastrointestinal cancer cells. Cannabics Pharmaceuticals, an American medical cannabis firm with an Israeli R&D department, recently released the results of a pre-clinical trial suggesting that the cannabinoids CBC (cannabichromene) and CBG (cannabigerol) can help destroy tumors. The tests, which were conducted at the company's High Throughput Screening (HTS) lab facilities in Israel, found that CBC and CBG can induce significantly higher rates of necrosis in human gastrointestinal cancer cells compared to other cannabinoids.

Electronic patient records systems used by thousands of doctors were programmed to automatically suggest opioids at treatment, thanks to a secret deal between the software maker and a drug company
Post Date: 2020-01-31 11:39:47 by Bill D Berger
To doctors opening patients’ electronic records across the U.S., the alert would have looked innocuous enough. A pop-up would appear, asking about a patient’s level of pain. Then, a drop-down menu would list treatments ranging from a referral to a pain specialist to a prescription for an opioid painkiller. Click a button, and the program would create a treatment plan. From 2016 to spring 2019, the alert went off about 230 million times.Emigrate While You Still Can! The tool existed thanks to a secret deal. Its maker, a software company called Practice Fusion, was paid by a major opioid manufacturer to design it in an effort to boost prescriptions for addictive pain pills — ...

Vaccines. We Will Hit A Brick Wall in 5 Years.
Post Date: 2020-01-30 05:15:08 by Horse
Annual market value for vaccines was $5 billion in 2000 and is expected to be $100 billion in 2025. Younger infants are significantly more likely to be either hospitalized or die after vaccination than older infants. There is positive correlation between hospitalization rates and the number of vaccinations. There is positive correlation between infant and toddler mortality rates and the number of vaccinations. 1 in 36 children in the U.S. have an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). If autism continues to increase at its current rate, autism will cost the U.S. over $1 trillion (3.6% of GDP) in 2025 (as a point of comparison,U.S. Defense Department spending is 3.1% of GDP). This is a 27,000% ...

Killer Chinese Coronavirus and Colloidal Silver
Post Date: 2020-01-29 19:08:58 by Horse
Are you worried about the so-called “killer Chinese coronavirus” that the news media suddenly has everyone all hyped up about? And are you wondering whether or not colloidal silver will help stop it? Let’s take a look, first, at the supposed Chinese coronavirus “pandemic,” to see if we really have anything to worry about. Then we’ll take a look at the growing body of evidence for using colloidal silver should such a “pandemic” ever actually develop. If you’ll stick with me to the end, I’ll even give you my thoughts on how I’d personally use colloidal silver should the new “killer Chinese coronavirus” begin spreading ...

Here's even more evidence that plant protein is better for you than animal protein
Post Date: 2020-01-28 19:22:04 by Horse
It’d be great if a burger-a-day diet was healthy. Don’t get me wrong—it’s not the worst. You’ve got protein in there and hopefully some veggies on top (and on the side) , and even some fiber from the roll (you used whole grain, right?). Unfortunately, study after study shows that meat as a protein source just isn't that healthy. It's far better to get that necessary protein from plants. Generally speaking, diets heavy on plant matter tend to be healthier. One recent study found that those eating the most fruit-and-veg-dense diets had a 31 percent lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease and a roughly 20 percent lower risk of overall mortality than ...

Eat 5 Walnuts And Wait 4 Hours This Is What Will Happen To You!
Post Date: 2020-01-27 03:26:22 by Horse
Poster Comment:Walnut oil good for veins and arteries.

Scientists In Britain May Have Just "Accidentally" Found A Cure For Cancer
Post Date: 2020-01-25 15:22:56 by Horse
Every once in a while, medical researchers simply have a stroke of good luck. In this case, that "stroke of good luck" could have a profound effect on the medial community. Researchers at Cardiff University that were in the midst of analyzing blood from a bank accidentally stumbled into an "entirely new type of T-cell", according to The Daily Wire. The new cell carries a "never before seen" type of receptor that acts like a grappling hook, latching on to most human cancers. Prior therapies, called CAR-T and TCR-T, which use immune cells to attach to HLA molecules on cancer cells' surface, are incapable of fighting solid tumors, the article notes. HLA ...

This Seed Cures Cancer And Its 10000 Times More Effective Than Chemotherapy
Post Date: 2020-01-24 01:19:57 by Horse
Poster Comment:An apple a day keeps the doctor away. I would combine this with HBOT (Hyperbaric oxygen therapy) which rejuvenates the cellular mitochondria.

Soybean Oil Found to Cause Genetic Changes in the Brain Affecting Depression and Obesity
Post Date: 2020-01-23 07:07:25 by Horse
A new study has found that the consumption of soybean oil, one of the most common edible oils in the western diet in recent decades, causes genetic changes that negatively impact how the brain deals with depression and obesity. According to IFL Science, the increase in popularity of soybean oil “has coincided with an alarming escalation in metabolic conditions like diabetes, insulin resistance, and obesity, and a new study indicates that this may be down to the way that soybean oil causes genetic changes in the brain.” Writing in the journal Endocrinology, scientists sought to understand how soybean oil impacts the expression of genes in the hypothalamus, the area of the brain ...

Lonely, looking for a date. (Woman, no others need apply.)
Post Date: 2020-01-19 01:21:50 by Esso
Hey, I'm looking for a cute gal that's smart, cute and homeless. I'm 59 and damned lonely. I've got a lot of stuff, and 3/4 mil in the bank. Come take care of me!

Man Shares Hilarious Photo Shoot After Getting Locked Inside 24 Hour Fitness Gym
Post Date: 2020-01-18 14:53:06 by BTP Holdings
Man Shares Hilarious Photo Shoot After Getting Locked Inside 24 Hour Fitness Gym By Kim Davis Published January 16, 2020 at 2:21pm A Utah man has kept a good sense of humor after being locked inside a 24 Hour Fitness gym while swimming laps last weekend. Dan Hill, from Sandy, Utah, said he was swimming laps at his local 24 Hour Fitness center when, shortly after midnight Sunday, he found himself completely alone. The front doors were securely locked, leaving Hill confused as to why the business that markets itself as an around-the-clock fitness solution would abruptly close. https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=2428936624089145&id=100009184925913 Wanting to avoid ...

Chemicals in tap water are causing thousands of cancer deaths across Europe – but the EU probably won’t do anything about it
Post Date: 2020-01-17 11:16:48 by Horse
Each year, more than 6,500 cases of bladder cancer, roughly five percent of all cases in Europe, are found to be attributable to exposure to trihalomethanes (THMs) in drinking water – and it’s all perfectly legal. For a study of countries’ water quality, the EU28 became the EU26, as adequate data for Bulgaria and Romania could not be obtained. Nevertheless, the project covered 75% of the total EU population, and a reading of its findings is ominous. What the hell are THMs? THMs are a class of molecule that appear as a by-product of the disinfectants used to clean drinking water. When chlorine, the main chemical used to clean drinking water, comes into contact with organic ...

Chronobiology - How Circadian Rhythms Can Control Your Health and Weight
Post Date: 2020-01-15 09:38:56 by Horse
Poster Comment:Death rate lower for people who take blood pressure medication before going to bed. Chemo administered at different times of the day can be more effective. These differences are due to our biological clock and sleep cycle.

Georgia: Man Sentenced to Execution for Murder Demands a Firing Squad!
Post Date: 2020-01-13 15:40:56 by Ada
This is how real men go out. It’s very degenerate that we’ve settled on lethal injection as the standard method of execution. Most countries are faggots and banned the death penalty a long time ago. But Singapore still does it and they use hanging. Saudi Arabia does beheading. Indonesia, China and various Arab countries use firing squads. I think firing squad is by far the most normal and reasonable. Although there would be arguments that in Western military tradition, you have to be a military man to receive a firing squad, and everyone else has to be hanged. All the so-called “Nazi war criminals” executed after the Nuremberg Monkey Trials requested firing squads, ...

700 + American Doctors Given Over $1M Each From Pharma To Push Drugs & Medical Devices
Post Date: 2020-01-13 09:18:44 by Ada
In a very thorough and revealing analysis of statistical industry payment data, ProPublica disclosed that more than 2,500 physicians have received at least half a million dollars apiece from drugmakers and medical device companies in the past five years alone, while more than 700 of those doctors received at least $1 million, and that doesn’t include money for research or royalties from inventions. In their article, the authors note that their previous analysis in 2013, which found out that 1 doctor had made $1 million and 21 doctors had made over $500,000 for the same reasons, was expected to be a wake-up call for more effective scrutiny, oversight, and challenges to these ...

Healthy Eating Guidelines: 8 Nutrition Rules That Make Our Registered Dietitian Cringe
Post Date: 2020-01-12 21:03:07 by BTP Holdings
Healthy Eating Guidelines: 8 Nutrition Rules That Make Our Registered Dietitian Cringe By Rachael Link, MS, RD January 9, 2020 Whether you’re looking to lose weight or simply want to improve your meal plan, figuring out what to eat can be quite a challenge. With new, conflicting research constantly popping up about everything from fad diets to fat, sodium, eggs and eating healthy on a budget, truly healthy eating can be tough given all of the conflicting nutrition rules. Fortunately, following a healthy diet doesn’t have to be difficult. In this article, we’ll decode and debunk a few of the most common nutrition rules and discuss some better healthy eating guidelines to ...

Post Date: 2020-01-12 09:45:28 by Horse
Dr. Soumya Swaminathan publicly defended vaccine safety just days earlier A top scientists for the United Nations admitted in leaked video that vaccines are dangerous and are killing some individuals, just days after assuring the public that vaccines were one of the safest tools humanity has. Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, the Chief Scientist of the World Health Organization, admitted that some vaccines are killing people during the WHO Global Vaccine Safety Summit last December in Geneva, Switzerland. “I don’t think we can overemphasize the fact we really don’t have very good safety monitoring systems in many countries and this adds to the miscommunication and the ...

Medical Shocker: Sqaulene, an oil-based “adjuvant” commonly used in vaccines, likely a leading cause of catastrophic diseases, including auto-immune disease
Post Date: 2020-01-07 19:03:31 by Horse
One thing the CDC hopes nobody ever learns is that oil-based adjuvants commonly used in vaccines can cause irreversible auto-immune disease and permanent organ damage. Whenever scientists want to purposely induce autoimmune diseases in laboratory animals, they use oil-based adjuvants that create incurable conditions, including the stoppage of sperm production, allergic encephalomyelitis (animal version of MS), and inflammation of the nerves that can easily lead to paralysis. Ever heard of the term “break tolerance?” That means your immune system fails to recognize your own body, and it shifts into self-destruction “mode,” attacking what it’s supposed to defend. ...

Post Date: 2020-01-05 23:35:11 by Horse
Poster Comment:Take Turmeric with black pepper. The two together are 10 times as powerful.

Anti-Semitic Apple Watch Forces Jewish Man to Admit He Lied About Being Stabbed
Post Date: 2020-01-04 10:59:44 by Ada
Sean Sammit Has anything that Jews say happened ever really happened? Daily Mail: A Jewish man who claimed he was stabbed in an anti-Semitic attack has been arrested after his Apple Watch revealed that he was fabricating the story. Sean Sammit, 26, claimed he was attacked by an unidentified white man as he left Temple Kol Ami in West Bloomfield, Michigan on the evening of December 15. Sammit – who works as a cantor at the temple – told police that his attacker had yelled out anti-Semitic slurs and stabbed him in the parking lot before fleeing on foot. Sammit drove himself to a nearby hospital where he presented with minor injuries. Investigators combed through ...

10 Foods That Unclog Arteries Naturally And Protect Against Heart Attack
Post Date: 2020-01-03 08:16:57 by Horse
Poster Comment:K2 takes Calcium away from the arteries. Turmeric should be taken with black pepper. Many of these foods also prevent cancer.

U.S. Gives Haiti $21 Million to Bear “Socio-Political Impasse” After Billions in Aid Vanish
Post Date: 2020-01-01 15:09:57 by BTP Holdings
U.S. Gives Haiti $21 Million to Bear “Socio-Political Impasse” After Billions in Aid Vanish December 19, 2019 | Judicial Watch It appears that no amount of documented fraud, waste or corruption in Haiti will deter the U.S. government from sending the poverty-stricken Caribbean island huge sums of money. After the 2010 earthquake Congress approved billions of dollars to help the country bounce back but that never materialized, and no one really knows what happened to the money. A costly initiative to build housing failed miserably after the U.S. spent $90 million and tens of thousands of Haitians remain homeless nearly a decade later. The Clinton Foundation and Clinton Bush Haiti ...

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