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Is It Time To Throw Away Your Anti-aging Pills Now That There Is Only A Remote Possibility Of Living 120 Healthy Years?
Post Date: 2019-08-19 14:11:23 by Ada
Estimated Number Of Super-Centenarians (110+ Years Of Age) Vastly Declines Once Birth Certificates Are Used For Confirmation In this “aging is optional” era, with many middle-age longevity seekers eyeing the prospect of living 120 healthy years, a newly published study says the possibility of living that long is remote. So, shall longevity seekers throw away their anti-aging pills and save their money? In a world of “fake news” it is not surprising to learn that the reported number of super-centenarians (110+ years of age) around the world, concentrated in so-called “blue zones” around the globe (Okinawa, Japan; Ikaria in Greece; the isle of Sardinia near ...

How to Pick the Best Produce
Post Date: 2019-08-18 15:27:43 by BTP Holdings
How to Pick the Best Produce Colman Andrews 8/1/2019 Slide 1 of 31 Yin/Yang Getty Images The first rule for choosing the best fruits and vegetables is to buy what’s in season, and preferably what’s local. Season alone isn’t a guarantee of quality, though. Some things grow pretty much year-round in one corner of America or another, or keep well once they’re harvested. (Apples and potatoes are two examples.) But buying top-quality fruits and vegetables can be a little tricky at any time of year, wherever they’re from -- and whether you shop at a supermarket, a neighborhood grocery store, a farmers market, or a farm or orchard ...

50 foods that lower your risk of cancer
Post Date: 2019-08-18 11:06:08 by BTP Holdings
50 foods that lower your risk of cancer Holly Van Hare 5 days ago Slide 1 of 51: Maintaining an overall healthy diet is a solid line of defense against many health problems — including cancer. Following a diet rich with foods that may help prevent cancer will probably help to make you into a healthier, more energized person overall.But even if you eat a perfect diet and avoid every food that could increase your risk of cancer, it’s impossible to guarantee you won’t get sick. Factors such as whether or not you smoke, where you live geographically and other issues that may be out of your control, like genetics, also ...

What Democrats Get Wrong About Prison Reform
Post Date: 2019-08-17 16:24:45 by Horse
It’s not drug crime that drives mass incarceration, it’s violence. And that’s a much harder problem to solve. Democrats generally agree that to end mass incarceration we must stop punishing drug crimes, especially for marijuana, so harshly. During the most recent Democratic presidential debate, for example, Vice President Joe Biden argued that we shouldn’t send people to prison for drug crimes. Senator Cory Booker then talked about marijuana enforcement and “marijuana justice.” Governor Jay Inslee discussed pardoning people with drug convictions, while Representative Tulsi Gabbard criticized Senator Kamala Harris for sending people to jail for marijuana crimes ...

Jeffrey Epstein's lawyers say they are NOT SATISFIED with the coroner's conclusion that he hanged himself, question why there's still no surveillance footage of his final hours and slam the 'medieval conditions' inside the Manhattan jail
Post Date: 2019-08-17 10:08:17 by Ada
Jeffrey Epstein's prison death was officially ruled a suicide by hanging on Friday The medical examiner's office said an autopsy and other evidence confirmed he hanged himself in his cell at the Metropolitan Correctional Center last week Three of Epstein's lawyers have announced that they will launch their own 'independent and complete investigation' into their clients death Epstein was found with several broken bones in his neck leading to initial speculation that his death could have been a homicide Conspiracy theories continue to swirl almost a week after his body was found His death prompted outrage and disbelief over how such a high-profile prisoner could ...

Family Reportedly Asked To Leave Outback Steakhouse Because of ‘Noise’ Made by Son with Special Needs
Post Date: 2019-08-15 06:02:54 by BTP Holdings
Family Reportedly Asked To Leave Outback Steakhouse Because of ‘Noise’ Made by Son with Special Needs By Kayla Kunkel Published August 12, 2019 at 2:20pm One of the best ways to bond with your family is over a meal, but for one family in Maryland a family dinner at their local Outback Steakhouse left them feeling angry and heartbroken after they were asked to leave because of their 4-year-old son with special needs. Amanda Braun was excited to spend time with her family over the dinner table Saturday night. According to a now-viral Facebook post, the evening started off well. “We were seated almost immediately,” Braun wrote. “We ordered our drinks while ...

Here It Is… Complete List of Clinton Associates Who Allegedly Died Mysteriously or Committed Suicide Before Testimony, Including Jeffrey Epstein
Post Date: 2019-08-12 07:30:57 by Ada
On Saturday multimillionaire Jeffrey Epstein, the highest profile prisoner in US custody, was found dead in his prison cell in Manhattan. This occurred the day after two thousand previously sealed court documents involving the Jeffrey Epstein child sex abuse case were released to the public. The documents described how Bill Clinton held a private party on Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile island. Clinton made at least 27 times trips on Jeffrey Epstein’s private plane. Most of those flights were with underage girls. Despite a previous attempt on his life just three weeks ago the prison guards skipped the 30 minute required checks on Epstein’s cell last night. Early this ...

Essential Vitamins for a Healthy Brain
Post Date: 2019-08-10 21:17:31 by Tatarewicz
Critical Health News... These brain vitamins are key in helping improve your memory, focus and mood while guarding against mental and physical diseases. See if you’re deficient. It’s nearly impossible to get brain-healthy nutrition from diet alone these days. Stress, sugar, caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, medications, and poor digestion are just some of the issues that increase your need for vitamins. There’s an abundance of evidence that taking the right vitamins can improve how well your brain works now … and protect it from mental decline in the future. These brain vitamins can even make you happier and help you live longer. While all vitamins are required for ...

Can Cheese Increase Your Lifespans?
Post Date: 2019-08-09 22:19:57 by Tatarewicz
Critical Health News... These days, most folks are aware that there are good and bad fats. Avocadoes, olives, nuts and seeds containing healthful Omega 3s and 6s are widely recognized as beneficial, while we've been told to avoid fried, hydrogenated and processed fats. For many, dairy is also verboten; Often patients are advised to stay away from milk and cheese, which are considered fodder foods for clogged arteries and heart disease. They are, we're told, high in so-called “saturated fat” (the “bad” kind), and they’re loaded with sodium, blamed for circulatory issues, hypertension and kidney problems. But, as with all subjects that are “common ...

When Your Doctor Asks If You Own a Gun, Say This…
Post Date: 2019-08-08 08:06:22 by Ada
I went to the doctor this morning – nothing urgent, just a checkup for a mid-40s guy who hasn’t been to the doctor in years, but when they gave me that ubiquitous survey about my lifestyle (Do you smoke? How often do you drink?), I was looking for one particular question: Do you own a gun in your home? Doctors are increasingly asking this question, and conservative lawmakers are trying to stop them. In Florida, Gov. Rick Scott signed a law in 2011 banning doctors from asking about firearms in their patients’ lives, The Washington Post is reporting. But doctors still think this is a great idea … you know, to protect you from yourself. In a new study, they said that ...

Aldosterone, Salt & Adrenal Fatigue
Post Date: 2019-08-07 02:06:28 by Tatarewicz
Critical Health News...If you’re gaining weight, feeling dizzy when you stand up, craving salt or not falling asleep even though you’re tired, you may be dealing with a health challenge both alternative and mainstream practitioners call “Adrenal Fatigue” (AF). You would be in good company. Although it’s impossible to know the full impact and incidence of the crisis, according to Dr. Kerry Saucer writing in the book “Exhausted & Drained? It's NOT Just in Your Brain”, estimates are that millions of Americans suffer some degree of AF. The adrenal glands, two tiny pieces of tissue sitting atop the kidneys (renals) play an especially significant role in ...

Here’s an alarming fact: Over 90% of medications can trigger allergic reactions
Post Date: 2019-08-06 17:40:54 by Horse
When experiencing an allergic reaction, many people’s first thought is that it must be connected to something they ate. While it is true the food allergies are on the rise, there is another potential culprit that many people often overlook: medication. One big reason many people fail to make the connection is because they aren’t aware that many medications contain inactive ingredients that can be problematic. In fact, a recent study carried out by Massachusetts researchers found that more than 90 percent of medications can trigger allergic reactions in people on account of their inactive ingredients. Given their allergic potential, you might be wondering why manufacturers ...

Post Date: 2019-08-06 03:47:26 by Tatarewicz
Critical Health News,,,I don’t usually eat grapefruit, but every once a while I’ll get the urge to take a bite or two and as soon as the lip puckering tang gets in my mouth, I’ll remember why I don’t like the stuff. Apparently I’m not alone. Google “I hate grapefruit” and you’ll get nearly 578,00 hits! According to a poll of 8,066 respondents taken on the website Amplicate, 26 percent were grapefruit averse, many of whom would no doubt concur with the American playwright Harry Crews who wrote in his biography that when he first tasted the sour fruit, “I only had to touch my lips to my piece to know something was wrong, bad wrong.” The ...

Health Benefits Of Butter
Post Date: 2019-08-05 00:43:33 by Tatarewicz
chn... There is nothing like the taste of melted butter on lobster or likewise on sweet corn and, for that matter, on broccoli or cauliflower or toasted raisin bread or an English Muffin. In fact, there not many foods whose taste can’t be improved by a slab of warm butter! On top of its tastiness, butter is packed with nutritional value, containing important minerals like selenium, iodine, zinc, as well as Vitamin K, Vitamin A, D and Vitamin E. It’s also a source of a couple special hard-to-find fats. One called CLA, which can be helpful for weight loss and building muscle, and another called butyric acid (that’s where the name butter comes from) that is important for the ...

Trans Male YouTuber’s New Complaint: Feminine Hygiene Products ‘Very Female Oriented’
Post Date: 2019-08-04 15:00:09 by BTP Holdings
Trans Male YouTuber’s New Complaint: Feminine Hygiene Products ‘Very Female Oriented’ Trans Male YouTuber’s New Complaint: Feminine Hygiene Products ‘Very Female Oriented’ Volume 90% By Cade Almond Published August 2, 2019 at 2:01pm YouTuber Jamie Raines sat down with PinkNews to discuss what it’s like to have menstrual periods as a man. If you think that’s ridiculous, you’re not alone. Join the club of those refusing to be reeducated by the left. Raines is a transgender man, which means she is a woman who believes she is a man and has chosen to alter her body to appear as such. Raines asserts in the video that “trans guys ...

Mom Begs Community for Prayers After Claiming Extreme Mold Outbreak Left Son Severely Poisoned
Post Date: 2019-08-03 15:03:23 by BTP Holdings
Mom Begs Community for Prayers After Claiming Extreme Mold Outbreak Left Son Severely Poisoned By Laura Stewart Published August 2, 2019 at 7:37am A worried mom is begging for prayers and support after she claimed to have discovered the cause of all of her son’s medical issues: a dangerous mold outbreak in her home. For years, Valerie Anne felt like she was fighting an uphill battle with her son Jacob’s many health concerns. According to a recent Facebook post, Valerie Anne was brushed off by doctors and even lawyers, but she continued to fight for justice for her child, who struggled with an onslaught of complicated symptoms. www.facebook.com/photo.ph...et=a.44630 ...

Post Date: 2019-08-03 01:46:50 by Tatarewicz
Critical Health News...November’s issue of the highly regarded publication ”Nutritional Journal” has a cool article about avocados. It quotes a study (entitled, somewhat awkwardly, “A Randomized Crossover Study to Evaluate the Effect of Hass Avocado Intake on Post-Ingestive Satiety and Insulin Levels and Subsequent Energy Intake in Overweight Adults“!) that compared the effects of adding a fresh avocado to a lunchtime meal to the effects of eating a standard non-avocado-including lunch. Scientists were looking to see how avocado consumption would influence blood sugar levels and insulin responses, satisfaction and further food intake. The researchers, from the ...

Video: Man Documents Scores of Dead Bees Around 5G Towers
Post Date: 2019-08-02 21:10:10 by Horse
A man in California documented scores of dead bees found between two cellular towers. In the video, published last month, the man films numerous small honey bees lying dead on the ground in Sierra Madre, as he stands between the two towers he believes are emitting deadly 5G radiation.

CNN Host Gets Kamala Harris To Admit She's Taking Away Your Employer-Provided Health Insurance
Post Date: 2019-08-02 13:29:25 by Horse
During an interview on CNN Thursday morning, presidential hopeful Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) was forced into admitting her health care proposal would strip Americans of their employer-provided health insurance plans. “You said your opponents were lying, or weren’t being honest about [your new health care proposal],” CNN “New Day” co-host John Berman said to Harris. “The issue of your private insurance — one of the things that has been charged is that you will not be able to keep your private insurance. If we get insurance though CNN, if GM workers get insurance through GM — under your plan, they will not be able to keep that private insurance. Is that ...

Robert F. Kennedy’s Granddaughter Found Dead of an Overdose at Kennedy Compound
Post Date: 2019-08-02 08:18:41 by Ada
Why do these Kennedys die so often? It’s really ridiculous. It doesn’t really seem like anything of value was lost, however. New York Times: A granddaughter of Robert F. Kennedy died on Thursday afternoon after suffering an apparent overdose at the Kennedy compound in Hyannis Port, Mass., according to two people close to the family. The young woman, Saoirse Kennedy Hill, 22, was the daughter of Courtney Kennedy Hill. She was at the compound, where her grandmother, Ethel Kennedy, lives, when emergency responders were called on Thursday afternoon, the family friends said. She was taken to Cape Cod Hospital in Hyannis, where she was pronounced dead. “Our hearts are ...

The Truth About Hormones
Post Date: 2019-08-02 04:04:35 by Tatarewicz
c Hormones. We hear the word all the time. “Hormonal acne”, “woman’s hormones”, “stress hormones “, almost every measurement of health is impacted by these ubiquitous biochemicals. And when it comes to health, no aspect of our biochemistry is more relevant than the efficient and effective function of hormones. While there are various classes of hormones, including “exocrine hormones” that work through the skin and the digestive tract (those produced in the pancreatic sweat and salivary glands for example) and “paracrine hormones” (prostaglandins and interleukins are classic examples), whose activities are restricted to the microscopic ...

The Doctor Monopoly is Killing American Patients
Post Date: 2019-08-01 07:37:10 by Ada
How the American Medical Association deliberately created a U.S. physician shortage in order to protect jobs and inflate pay. In April 2016, Charles Johnson and his wife Kira went to the Cedars Sinai hospital in Los Angeles for the birth to their son Langston. They expected it to be one of the happiest days of their lives, but soon Charles found they had “walked into a nightmare.” Within an hour of delivery, Charles noticed blood flowing from Kira’s catheter. He called for help, but it took over eight hours before a doctor said he could take her back in for surgery to look at her C-section. That was the last time he saw his wife Kira alive. When they opened her up, she ...

Lyme Disease: Mice, Not Just Ticks
Post Date: 2019-08-01 01:37:30 by Tatarewicz
The scientists dedicated four years to decoding the genetic makeup of the white-footed mouse Peromyscus leucopus, which harbors the Lyme disease-causing bacteria. Unlike mice that scurry into human homes, these rodents inhabit forests, shrubbery and wetlands. People become infected when a tick bites them after feeding on a white-footed mouse carrying the bacteria. "Many efforts to combat Lyme disease have focused on trying to control those ticks, but they have been difficult to put in practice," said Lyme disease pioneer Alan Barbour, M.D. "So we decided that instead we should look at the animal carrying it." Barbour co-discovered Borreliella burgdorferi, the bacteria ...

Over Medicalization
Post Date: 2019-08-01 01:07:47 by Tatarewicz
c Medicalization Medicalization You may not have heard of it, but the term medicalization is so significant and relevant it has its own Wikipedia entry. Around since the 1970’s, the word applies to the process of regarding as much of human life as grist for the medical model mill as possible, to essentially control as much of human life as possible, using drugs and devises and doctors and medical procedures and make lots of lucre while doing it. It can be construed as a type of social manipulation that attempts to enforce and superimpose so-called standards and thereby “normalize” the wide ranging spectrum human activities which are, diverse, idiosyncratic and often based ...

Dr. Joel Wallach on Coast to Coast
Post Date: 2019-07-31 23:41:32 by Tatarewicz
Critical Health News...Dr. Joel Wallach addressed alternative health approaches and the benefits of remedies and supplements that aid in the body's recovery from many diseases and ailments. For the problem of gout (an inflammatory condition associated with the presence of uric acid), he recommends avoiding such foods as organ meats, shellfish, and beans which are high in uric acid. Gout can affect the nervous system, he added, and topically applied CBD oil can temporarily reduce pain from the condition. In cases of optic nerve atrophy where vision starts to decrease, he said that doctors sometimes misdiagnose the problem as related to cataracts, a detached retina, or glaucoma, but ...

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