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Are you washing your hands properly?
Post Date: 2019-07-29 23:19:02 by Tatarewicz
Patient...Washing your hands is one of the best ways to protect yourself from germs and stop yourself catching illnesses like colds and food poisoning. It's so important, the UN have named 15thOctober of every year 'Global Handwashing Day' to raise awareness. Research from Queen Mary University of London found that many of the objects we use and share on a day-to-day basis - like money and credit cards - have levels of bacteria equivalent to that of a dirty toilet bowl. Worryingly, 11% of hands also showed the same gross contamination. The study's authors stress the importance of handwashing in health promotion, highlighting that washing hands with soap can reduce ...

Dr. Wallach: Somebody Needs To Go To Jail!
Post Date: 2019-07-29 21:18:43 by Tatarewicz
Critical Health News...For those of you who don't have two hours to watch the full version of Dr. Wallach's "Somebody Needs To Go To Jail" presentation, we've edited down the most poignant and revealing concepts into this knowledge packed short version. There is no other source by which to get this much critical health information in as short a time. Watch Now "app.getresponse.com/click...W&u=BNrSW&y=Q&z=E9gBCY8&"

Are cleaning products bad for your health?
Post Date: 2019-07-28 21:48:53 by Tatarewicz
Patient...We all know about the dangers of outdoor pollution, but did you know you could be exposed to harmful chemicals inside your own home? We speak to the experts about the cleaning products that could trigger harmful symptoms and how to keep your house spick and span without damaging your health. Cleaning is a chore, but it has to be done. I recently moved house and, like many movers, embarked on the 'Big Clean' of the old rental property. I used some powerful products to deep-clean everything from the oven, to the toilet, to even the skirting boards. But now I wonder whether I may have unknowingly put my health at risk in my quest to get my deposit back. It turns out that ...

Common signs of a hormonal imbalance
Post Date: 2019-07-28 19:54:51 by Tatarewicz
Patient...Hormones are the body's chemical messengers and coordinate some of our most complex functions. But what happens when they go awry? We ask an endocrinologist and a gynaecologist to explore the most common hormone imbalances. Seven years ago Rachael, now 28, went to A&E coiling over in severe pain. The pain radiated from her abdomen to her lower back, and it was difficult to pinpoint its origin. An ultrasound identified a large ovarian cyst which she had removed via surgery. "I also experienced unwanted hair growth on my face and chest, weight gain, and very unpredictable periods," says Rachael. She was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a ...

Marijuana and Blood Sugar
Post Date: 2019-07-28 19:16:11 by Tatarewicz
Diabetes marijuana CBD OK I admit it, I'm a child of the 70’s and like many of my peers, I've smoked a little (all right, maybe more than little) pot back in the day. And although I haven't toked in a long time, I still look back at my stoned adolescence with a bit of nostalgia and a lot of, shall we say, entertaining memories. As I recall, aside from the buzz, creativity and the inevitable hacking that followed a hit on joint or a pipe, one of the unavoidable results of getting high was an insatiable desire for food. And not just any food. When we got our late-night hankerings, it wasn’t like we were snacking on salads, fruit or any other wholesome edibles. No, ...

Why Otto Warburg's Metabolic Theory is a Cancer Game Changer | Dr. Thomas Seyfried, PhD
Post Date: 2019-07-28 15:04:01 by BTP Holdings
Poster Comment:Warburg was a Nobel Laureate a few times.

NFL Player Asks for Prayers as He Announces His Wife Has Been Diagnosed with Cancer
Post Date: 2019-07-28 13:01:04 by BTP Holdings
NFL Player Asks for Prayers as He Announces His Wife Has Been Diagnosed with Cancer Volume 90% By Jake Harp Published July 26, 2019 at 2:10pm Navigating the difficulties that come with an NFL training camp is hard enough. Doing it just after finding out your wife has cancer? Unfathomable. But that’s exactly what Buffalo Bills defensive tackle Kyle Peko will attempt to do this summer. Peko was absent as the Bills kicked off training camp Thursday but made the difficult announcement via Instagram. “Some may know and some may not but my wife was diagnosed with stage 3 Hodgkin’s lymphoma about a month ago,” he wrote. “I would ask all of you to please ...

Which medical conditions affect your driving?
Post Date: 2019-07-28 04:18:56 by Tatarewicz
Patient... There are endless medical problems that can affect your ability to drive safely - both temporary and permanent. Failing eyesight; poor balance or coordination; issues with memory or concentration; lack of muscle strength or control; reaction times; pain and drowsiness - all can affect your safety on the road. When we think about people who aren't fit to drive, most of us think first of older people. But their reputation as unreliable drivers may be unfair - the evidence that older people are less safe at all is weak. There are half a million 17- to 19-year-olds with driving licences - that's one in 65 drivers - and they account for about one in 17 accidents. By ...

Health problems you don't need to see your doctor about
Post Date: 2019-07-28 03:50:34 by Tatarewicz
Whilst the expertise of GPs is invaluable, there are plenty of minor ailments and services which you don't need to see a doctor for. Your pharmacist may be a better option. A 2018 Local Government report found that one in five GP appointments are for minor conditions, totalling 57 million consultations a year. This costs the NHS £2 billion a year and an hour of each GP's time a day. Many people look for a prescription to fix their illness, despite the same treatment often being available over the counter more cheaply. One small study of practices in Scotland showed that a clinical pharmacist based in a GP practice can free up to five hours of GP time a week, just by taking ...

why do colds still happen in summer?
Post Date: 2019-07-28 00:17:24 by Tatarewicz
Patient,,,Whenever summer starts, I get a steady trickle of patients with colds, all perplexed because 'colds aren't supposed to happen in summer'. I wish it were that simple - they may be more common in winter, but cold viruses are out there waiting to strike all year round. Why do colds still happen in summer? As a medical student, I was taught that colds and flu are more common in winter because people crowd together indoors during cold weather. That's certainly part of the explanation - the average child 'sheds' virus for 11.4 days and the average adult 10.1 days after a cold. Since viruses are picked up either from breathing in when someone sneezes, or by ...

Old Man’s Disease
Post Date: 2019-07-27 23:51:20 by Tatarewicz
chn... “One does not discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore…” -Andre Gide I love my dad. He gave us kids everything he could: love, money and attention. Most of all, he was always there for us when the chips were down. When I was young, I thought my dad knew everything. Unfortunately, as I got older I realized my dad only thought he knew everything. I used to call this condition of all-knowingness “Old Man’s Disease” (OMD). I defined OMD as the mental condition that causes us to believe that we know everything. Sufferers of Old Man’s Disease know how all things were, are and will be. The victims of this affliction can’t be ...

Ginsburg defends Kavanaugh, Gorsuch as 'very decent, very smart individuals'
Post Date: 2019-07-27 11:15:33 by BTP Holdings
Ginsburg defends Kavanaugh, Gorsuch as 'very decent, very smart individuals' Gregg Re 1 day ago Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Wednesday night defended Associate Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch as "very decent" and "very smart" individuals after one of her former law clerks suggested that new nominees lack personal decency. © Provided by Fox News Network LLC Ginsburg's comments turned heads on social media, given the contentious and bitterly personal confirmation hearings last year that Kavanaugh said "destroyed" his family. At an hourlong question-and-answer session, Duke Law professor Neil Siegel lamented that ...

More News from the Vitamin D Front
Post Date: 2019-07-27 00:23:09 by Tatarewicz
c At the 2015 Annual Meeting of the American College of Rheumatology researchers announced the results of a European study which showed that Vitamin D deficiency is more common in patients with inflammatory diseases than in their healthier peers. This follows on the heels of a second study, this one from Queen Margaret University in Scotland which showed that Vitamin D can help lower the risk of heart disease and also helps you exercise more strenuously, while at the same time reducing signs of exertion. Even cats benefit from this important essential nutrient! Veterinarians from the University of Edinburgh published research in the Journal of the Public Library of Science that showed ...

Avoid Cancer With Proper Nutrition
Post Date: 2019-07-26 23:18:06 by Tatarewicz
Cancer is a sign of a body, tissues and cells that have been exposed, malnourished and abused for decades. Because cancer cells are OUR very own cells (dysfunctional as they may be) anything that "kills" cancer cells is in essence suicide medicine that ultimately kills the very body it is supposedly healing! That's why chemotherapy is such a miserable experience and is rarely if ever effective. Healthy cells become cancer cells as a survival mechanism in response to long-term deprivation of oxygen and energizing nutrients which leads to an inability to produce energy AND eliminate toxins. The net result is a starved, suffocated and toxic cell which multiplies into billions of ...

Subject: Antihypertensives - An Alternative Approach to Blood Pressure
Post Date: 2019-07-26 03:02:00 by Tatarewicz
chn...Anti- hypertensive drugs are one of craziest of all medical pharmacological health strategies. Here’s why: If your blood pressure is high enough that you need a drug then that means either: 1) a lot of blood-clogging, sludgy gook is impeding flow, resulting in a build-up of pressure OR 2) blood vessels have narrowed restricting flow and resulting in pressure elevation. The blood vessels narrow from damage (that’s called “stenosis”) or as a manifestation of the stress response; it’s the body’s way of making sure the muscles and nerves have enough oxygen and nutrients to get us out of them jam (it thinks) we’re in. The body is a pressurized system. ...

Meaning and Well-Being
Post Date: 2019-07-25 00:42:17 by Tatarewicz
chn... Dr. Victor Frankl was a powerful man. Not muscle and brawn powerful, but psychologically powerful. Frankel was an Austrian psychiatrist who spent 1944 in Nazi concentration camps, where, in addition to suffering the daily torture and slave labor, he was forced to experience the deaths of his mother, brother and wife. Out of the tragedy of Dr. Frankl’s heart rending story came "Man's Search for Meaning" his most popular book, a tribute to hope and possibility in the direst of circumstances and one that describes his experience in Auschwitz and Dachau as well as the development of a healing modality called “Logotherapy”. Derived from “logos” the ...

Consuming 60 Grams of Nuts a Day Improves Sexual Function
Post Date: 2019-07-24 13:13:18 by Horse
The finding is from a nutritional study carried out by researchers from the URV’s Human Nutrition Unit, which concludes that regular consumption of nuts by men who follow a western diet improves the quality of their orgasms and their sexual function...

Widespread Aspirin Use Despite Few Benefits
Post Date: 2019-07-23 23:14:15 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Nearly 30 million Americans older than 40 take aspirin daily to prevent cardiovascular disease. More than 6 million Americans take aspirin daily without physician's recommendation. Nearly half of Americans more than 70 years of age without cardiovascular disease, an estimate of nearly 10 million people, take aspirin daily -- despite current guidelines against this practice. Medical consensus once supported daily use of low dose aspirin to prevent heart attack and stroke in people at increased risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD). But in 2018, three major clinical trials cast doubt on that conventional wisdom, finding few benefits and consistent bleeding risks associated ...

VIDEO: Nutrients Vegans & Vegetarians Tend To Miss
Post Date: 2019-07-23 22:33:07 by Tatarewicz
CHN..."I'm all for vegetables. I believe most of our calories should come from vegetables. None the less, if you are a vegetarian or vegan, you've got to keep in mind that you are going to be missing key nutrients. Unless, you go out of your way to get them. ...Vitamin b12 is only found in animal foods, but it's not really made by animals. Bacteria, which are neither animal nor plant, make vitamin b12." "...If you're only eating vegetables, it's very likely you're going to be deficient in Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is important for nerves, it's important for blood. It's an incredibly important vitamin. In fact, Vitamin B12 is the most potent of ...

NAG: One Of The Good Sugars
Post Date: 2019-07-23 03:07:41 by Tatarewicz
CHN... Sugar is pretty interesting stuff. It’s also misunderstood. For one thing, we all love how “sugar” tastes, but we don’t necessarily love its effects. That presents a problem. Despite it’s well-documented health hazards, just because we love the stuff, no matter how much we try to abstain, when it comes right down to it, turning down that apple pie a la mode or peach gelato, as much as we’d like to, can be pretty difficult and at times impossible. That’s because our brainy cells which are fueled by the sweet and sticky substance, are hardwired to love sugar! On the other hand, the downside of sugar ingestion includes weight gain, diabetes, eye ...

Post Date: 2019-07-22 00:33:17 by Tatarewicz
Critical Health News.... Next to supplements, nothing contains more nourishment value per gram of edible material than "superfoods" which WebMD defines as “multitasking food substances that provide multiple disease-fighting nutrients”. Although a quick internet search will reveal dozens of various foods that claim "superfood" status, including eggs, yogurt, algae, various fruits and vegetables, none can boast more nutritional value than the humble, crepuscular and manure-munching mushroom. Mushrooms and their uncouth and downright toxic cousins called toadstools (“tod” is the German word for death) are neither plant or animal or bacteria. They ...

The Wonders of Cinnamon
Post Date: 2019-07-21 02:32:17 by Tatarewicz
chn...I love easy to use remedies for common health issues. Vitamin C powder is super effective for colds, drinking lots of water can ease hunger pangs while encouraging weight loss and deep breathing can lower blood pressure almost immediately. One of my favorite simple strategies for improving health involves using spices. Not only can they have medicinal value, but spicing strategically will make foods taste better and you’ll find that if you’re eating generously spiced foods you’ll feel fuller faster. One of the most helpful of spices is cinnamon. It’s tasty and can help enhance the sweetening powers of sugar and honey. And, as it turns out, cinnamon can also help ...

Does Histamine Intolerance Cause Allergies, Headaches & Bloating?
Post Date: 2019-07-20 16:17:18 by BTP Holdings
Does Histamine Intolerance Cause Allergies, Headaches & Bloating? By Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DMN, CNS March 20, 2018 To alleviate allergy-like symptoms, many people seek natural remedies for allergies — yet some folks continue to experience difficult, even strange, symptoms. Frustrating! Until recently, most health care practitioners just chalked up runny noses, itchy skin and headaches after meals to “food allergies,” but it’s not that simple because IgE allergy-mediated response tests usually come up negative. Instead, the problem all along could be histamine intolerance. While few clinicians are aware of this health disorder, due to the rising number of patients, ...

Rethinking Butter and Cheese
Post Date: 2019-07-20 00:53:48 by Tatarewicz
fat butter cheese butter and cheese triglycerides good fats bad fats If you love butter and cheese, you’re gonna love this! Recently a study was published in the respected British Medical Journal showing evidence that 60 years of government and medical convention that linked cardiovascular disease to fat consumption was based on bad science. The article scientifically corroborated last years’ Time Magazine cover story on the failures of the so-called “Lipid Hypothesis” (lipid is the scientific designation for fat), which incorrectly blamed excessive consumption of dairy products, meat and other fatty foods for heart attacks. The article entitled “Eat Butter” ...

Sharon Stone Gets Candid About Life After Her Stroke: ‘People Treated Me in a Way That Was Brutally Unkind’
Post Date: 2019-07-19 06:06:15 by BTP Holdings
Sharon Stone Gets Candid About Life After Her Stroke: ‘People Treated Me in a Way That Was Brutally Unkind’ James Patrick Herman 1 hr ago Sharon Stone is back. And after famously serving as amfAR’s Global Campaign Chair for 15 years, she’s taken on a new role as advocate for brain-aging diseases that disproportionally affect women. Only one third of Alzheimers patients are men, for instance. And don’t even get Stone started on strokes. “This is why I do it: My mother had a stroke. My grandmother had a stroke. I had a massive stroke — and a nine-day brain bleed,” she told Variety at an event she hosted to raise awareness for the Women’s Brain ...

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