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How To Love Your Liver
Post Date: 2019-07-19 00:22:41 by Tatarewicz
chn... Actual letter from a real Liver-hater: “I tried putting a bit of chopped up liver in with my ground beef bolognaise but I could still taste the creamy liver taste that makes me feel physically nauseous. I REALLY want to eat liver for all the nutrients and vitamin A but I physically can't do it…” I can relate to the author of this anonymous letter recently posted on a paleo website. I hate the stuff too! Nor are we alone. Although the Epicurean among us may delight in Liver’s velvety texture and creamy taste, kitchendaily.com found that its America’s most hated food. Even the slippery, slimy look of Liver can be enough to activate the gag reflex. So ...

Medical mistakes harm more than 1 in 10 patients. Many are preventable.
Post Date: 2019-07-18 19:55:57 by Ada
At least 12 percent of preventable errors caused permanent disability or death, according to a review of studies involving over 300,000 patients. More than 1 in 10 patients are harmed in the course of their medical care, and half of those injuries are preventable. Among the preventable errors, 12 percent led to a patient’s permanent disability or death, according to the report published Wednesday in The BMJ, a medical journal. The study, which included information on more than 300,000 patients from 70 earlier reports, highlights how serious the problem is, said the study’s lead author, Maria Panagioti, a senior lecturer at the University of Manchester. “We need strategies ...

How kissing as a risk factor may explain the high global incidence of gonorrhoea
Post Date: 2019-07-18 03:48:14 by Tatarewicz
Mexpress...In 2016, there were 87 million people diagnosed with gonorrhoea, the most antibiotic resistant of all the STIs. There is a global rise in gonorrhoea rates and, until now, no one has understood why. Monash University's Professor Kit Fairley, Director of the Melbourne Sexual Health Clinic in Australia, has presented data in Canada that indicates that a significant, and previously unrecognised, route of transmission of the bacterial infection is kissing, which the rates of infection are so high globally. The data will also be simultaneously published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases. Kissing as a major risk factor for gonorrhoea is a hot topic in the field of sexually ...

Plants are better than chemicals at stopping cancer
Post Date: 2019-07-17 13:41:00 by Horse
Plants are better than chemicals at stopping cancer: Pomegranates suppress cancer stem cells Plants are proving to be better-equipped for dealing with cancer than modern pharmaceuticals. According to numerous studies, certain plants possess powerful chemicals that can do what conventional cancer treatments cannot: stop drug-resistant cancer stem cells. In a recent study published in Nutrition and Cancer, researchers from the University at Albany in New York revealed that pomegranates can be used in the prevention of breast cancer due to their ability to suppress cancer stem cells, which have become important targets of cancer therapy. What are cancer stem cells? Cancer stem cells refer ...

The Health Benefits of Beets
Post Date: 2019-07-16 22:49:46 by Tatarewicz
I’ve been hearing a lot of commercials about beets lately, the latest darling of the nutritional supplement industry. Supplements using beets, particularly beet juice and beet powder, look to exploit recent research findings focused on the nutrient-dense tap root's ability to enhance athletic performance, strength and endurance. The secret to the beet boost for athletes and workout warriors is in its nitrogen content, specifically in the form of nitrates and nitrites. Despite the conventional wisdom that these chemicals are best avoided, as it turns out the misunderstood molecules have been a valued medicinal asset for doctors and health care professionals for over a hundred ...

Study Shows Commonly Prescribed Drugs Lead To Higher Dementia Risk
Post Date: 2019-07-16 22:16:10 by Tatarewicz
Critical Health News...Regarding the news article headline, "Commonly prescribed drugs are tied to nearly 50% higher dementia risk in older adults, study says", Ben explains that, anyway you look at it, drugs interfere with chemistry. The human body has not evolved to cope with the stresses caused by modern pharmaceuticals. "They call them "side effects", but I don't think of them as "side effects". I think of them as "effects". The term "side effect" implies that it is an accident of some kind. So that headline reminds me #1 that there is no way you can take a prescription drug and not have ramifications or repercussions and #2 ...

Mitochondria: 10 Ways to Boost the Powerhouse of Your Cells
Post Date: 2019-07-16 18:44:10 by BTP Holdings
Mitochondria: 10 Ways to Boost the Powerhouse of Your Cells By Sara Adaes, PhD July 1, 2019 Dr. Axe on Facebook 22 Dr. Axe on Twitter 11 Dr. Axe on Pintrest 22 Share on Email Print Article What are mitochondria and how do they help us? Mitochondria are specialized structures found in cells. They participate in many cellular processes, but their most important function is to extract the energy that is stored in the chemical bonds of nutrients (in the form of electrically charged particles called electrons) and transform it into a form of energy that cells can use to power their activity. This form of energy is a molecule called ATP (from adenosine triphosphate) and the process is ...

Medicinal Plants Used by Native Americans
Post Date: 2019-07-15 19:54:46 by BTP Holdings
Medicinal Plants Used by Native Americans Herbs and other plants have been used for medicinal purposes for as long as human civilizations have existed. Archaeological evidence shows that humans used medicinal plants during the Paleolithic Era. That was some 60,000 years ago. The Sushruta Samhita, which was produced in the sixth century B.C., describes about 700 medicinal plants. As long as 5,000 years ago, the Sumerians created clay tablets with lists of hundreds of medicinal plants. The Ebers Papyrus includes information on more than 850 plant medicines. It was written by the Egyptians around 1500 B.C. Let’s jump ahead to more recent times. Native Americans used about 2,500 ...

Coroner Issues Warning After Eco-Friendly Straw Kills Woman
Post Date: 2019-07-14 15:59:16 by BTP Holdings
Coroner Issues Warning After Eco-Friendly Straw Kills Woman Volume 90% By C. Douglas Golden Published July 14, 2019 at 12:42am A retired jockey is dead in the United Kingdom after a freak accident involving an eco-friendly product and a sudden collapse, the U.K. Sun reported. Elena Struthers-Gardner, 60, was killed by a reusable metal straw when she collapsed onto it in her home in the southern coastal town of Poole last November. A coroner’s inquest found that the straw, which was attached to what the Sun described as a “mason-jar style drinking glass with a screw-top lid,” pierced her left eye and penetrated her brain. Mandy Struthers-Gardner, the retired ...

Health Warnings In Fingernails
Post Date: 2019-07-11 02:21:13 by Tatarewicz
fingernails We humans love our nails. We spend nearly 8 billion dollars a year on those hard dead shell like materials on the tips of our fingers and toes. While adorning them with polish, varnish and even art may imply “cosmetic” and “superficial”, as it turns out, their condition, for better or worse, is a function of the entire body, and if you’re observant you can tell a lot about overall physical health by looking at the nails. Technically speaking, nails are an extension of the skin. They’re a modified version of the epidermis, the top layer that composes about 10 percent of the body’s largest organ. Although it may look like one uniform ...

Diabetes Diet
Post Date: 2019-07-11 02:01:57 by Tatarewicz
CHN... For over a thousand years diabetes was recognized as a deadly disease that caused those afflicted to waste away and die a painful death, but it took until the 7th century BC for the development of the disease to be linked to sugar. Doctors in ancient India were the first to make the connection, diagnosing the disease by observing whether ants were attracted to a patient’s urine. Although it has been long assumed that once insulin producing cells die they can longer regenerate. However, according to the website diabetesselfmanagement.com, there is growing evidence that these cells actually can regenerate themselves. This is great news for type 1 diabetics who until now been ...

Can you catch a cold in summer?
Post Date: 2019-07-09 19:45:32 by Tatarewicz
Patient...Whenever summer starts, I get a steady trickle of patients with colds, all perplexed because 'colds aren't supposed to happen in summer'. I wish it were that simple - they may be more common in winter, but cold viruses are out there waiting to strike all year round. Why do colds still happen in summer? As a medical student, I was taught that colds and flu are more common in winter because people crowd together indoors during cold weather. That's certainly part of the explanation - the average child 'sheds' virus for 11.4 days and the average adult 10.1 days after a cold. Since viruses are picked up either from breathing in when someone sneezes, or by ...

Abusing Those Who Served
Post Date: 2019-07-09 07:36:19 by Ada
Veterans Affairs Police Are Supposed to “Protect Those Who Served.” They Have a Shocking Record of Brutality and Impunity. Derrick Hathaway served multiple tours in Kosovo, contributing to a NATO peacekeeping mission aimed at preventing ethnic cleansing. While Hathaway envisioned his Marine mission as a humanitarian one, he soon became ashamed of his work. In the course of mapping safe routes for NATO forces, Hathaway’s platoon would perform no-knock home raids to search for weapons or contraband, leading to tense confrontations with frightened families. “It was martial law,” Hathaway said. “That left a nasty taste in my mouth. All we were doing was feeding ...

Should we all be taking probiotics?
Post Date: 2019-07-09 01:30:31 by Tatarewicz
Patient...The health claims surrounding probiotics are numerous - it is believed these micro-organisms can relieve irritable bowel syndrome, decrease the incidence of colds and allergies, and even aid weight loss. But is there any substance to these assertions - do probiotics really work and should we all be taking them? The concept of probiotics and prebiotics was first introduced in 1995. Since then, the market has steadily grown to around $45 billion in 2017, with people taking probiotics in the form of yoghurts, smoothies or supplements - all potential sources of good bacteria - to improve their general health and well-being, or to avoid illness or disease. These 'friendly ...

Is Your Thyroid Working? Try A Self Test!
Post Date: 2019-07-09 01:05:44 by Tatarewicz
Critical Health News...One of the easiest and most effective ways to check for thyroid health is the ‘Basal Thermometer Test’ developed by Dr. Broda Barnes, one of the first physicians to recognize the importance of thyroid health when it comes to overall wellness. He wrote the classic book on hypothyroidism called “Hypothyroidism, The Unsuspected Illness” in the 1970’s, and he was of the opinion that numerous health issues including heart disease, cancer, depression, arthritis, diabetes, frequent colds or infections, tonsillitis, ear infections, PMS and other female health issues as well as skin disorders, were all caused by a poorly functioning thyroid. Barnes ...

Study Finds Psychiatric Diagnosis to be ‘Scientifically Meaningless’
Post Date: 2019-07-08 22:38:50 by Horse
A new study, published in Psychiatry Research, has concluded that psychiatric diagnoses are scientifically worthless as tools to identify discrete mental health disorders. The study, led by researchers from the University of Liverpool, involved a detailed analysis of five key chapters of the latest edition of the widely used Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM), on ‘schizophrenia’, ‘bipolar disorder’, ‘depressive disorders’, ‘anxiety disorders’ and ‘trauma-related disorders’. Diagnostic manuals such as the DSM were created to provide a common diagnostic language for mental health professionals and attempt to provide a definitive list of ...

This Little-Known Brain Chemical is the Reason Why Your Memory Is Losing Its Edge
Post Date: 2019-07-07 22:23:50 by Tatarewicz
It all started with minor slips you easily dismissed as "senior moments." You forgot your keys. You called someone by the wrong name. The word you were looking for was on the tip of your tongue, but you couldn't quite grasp it. You don't feel any older, but you do feel yourself changing. Researchers agree this could be a sign of something more serious. A study published in the British Medical Journal of January 2012 has concluded that age-related cognitive decline begins much earlier than expected: by our mid-40s. Even more distressing, this decline can progress at very unpredictable rates. Scientists have identified that acetylcholine, a key neurotransmitter, is ...

Dementia tied to hormone-blocking prostate cancer treatment
Post Date: 2019-07-07 21:46:25 by Tatarewicz
Alzheimer's disease may be a risk for older prostate cancer patients given hormone-blocking treatment, a large, U.S. government-funded analysis found. Previous evidence has been mixed on whether the treatment might be linked with mental decline. But experts say the new results stand out because they're from a respected national cancer database and the men were tracked for a long time—eight years on average. Among 154,000 older patients, 13% who received hormone-blocking treatment developed Alzheimer's, compared with 9% who had other treatment or chose no therapy, the study found. The risk for dementia from strokes or other causes was higher: It was diagnosed in 22% of ...

Sugar And Your Cholesterol
Post Date: 2019-07-07 01:11:51 by Tatarewicz
Critical Health News... Share Tweet Pin Email Print Share Share Share Share Share Share Cholesterol and Sugar Cholesterol and Sugar A very strange cultural myth has somehow become health dogma (defined as an authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially one considered to be absolute truth) despite little definitive evidence to support it. A biochemically ignorant speculation and hypothesis (experiment) that many of us have bought into is that you can poison your body and your body’s cholesterol manufacturing system and somehow be the better for it. This is very important as millions of Americans (an astounding 1 out of 8 or 9 Americans) are on one ...

Doctor Fined $100,000 for ‘Anti-Vax’ Social Media Posts
Post Date: 2019-07-06 09:16:36 by Ada
Chiropractor ordered to pay $10,000 per year for 10 years for committing thought crime A Canadian medical committee has ordered a chiropractor to pay $100,000 for sharing “anti-vaccine” views on social media. The ruling, publicized Thursday, orders Dr. Dena Churchill of Halifax to pay the Nova Scotia College of Chiropractors for “professional misconduct” after she shared “her personal views that vaccinations could be harmful.” “Dr. Churchill’s conduct brought the profession of chiropractic into disrepute,” the committee wrote. The college maintained social media posts Dr. Churchill made in 2018 were an “egregious breach” of the ...

Post Date: 2019-07-06 04:49:07 by Tatarewicz
Critical Health News... The universe is filled with a lot really cool things, from neutron stars that are so dense that they are capable of crushing all known matter into one homogenous mass, to quantum substances that flash in and out of existence in nanoseconds, to the cell, the fundamental unit of biology, that can produce over 100,000 different molecules a second, all in the space of 1/00th the size of head of a pin. But nothing, absolutely nothing is more interesting, intriguing or more fascinating than a virus. Viruses are the most abundant biological entity on earth. They’re about a hundred times smaller than a typical human cell. While viruses are mysterious, what most of us do ...

The Startling Link Between Sugar and Alzheimer’
Post Date: 2019-07-05 03:17:45 by Tatarewicz
The Atlantic | A high-carb diet, and the attendant high blood sugar, are associated with cognitive decline. In recent years, Alzheimer’s disease has occasionally been referred to as “type 3” diabetes, though that moniker doesn’t make much sense. After all, though they share a problem with insulin, type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease, and type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease caused by diet. Instead of another type of diabetes, it’s increasingly looking like Alzheimer’s is another potential side effect of a sugary, Western-style diet. In some cases, the path from sugar to Alzheimer’s leads through type 2 diabetes, but as a new study and others show, ...

53 Million Americans Harmed by Other People's Drinking Problems
Post Date: 2019-07-04 20:14:17 by BTP Holdings
Study: 53 Million Americans Harmed by Other People's Drinking Problems Bottles of alcohol behind a bar (Andrii Shevchuk/Dreamstime.com) Wednesday, 03 July 2019 12:48 PM People who drink alcohol don't only put themselves at risk, they're also endangering family and friends. A new study finds the effects of "secondhand" alcohol harms are widespread, with nearly 1 in 5 Americans — 53 million people — reporting having been harmed by someone else's drinking during the past year. Those harms include threats or harassment, damaged property, vandalism, physical aggression, financial problems, relationship issues, and issues related to driving. "Heavy ...

Food betrayal -- don’t swallow the lies | Alan Lewis | TEDxBoulder
Post Date: 2019-07-04 19:43:10 by BTP Holdings
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. As an industry insider, Alan Lewis knows just how badly the food system is broken. In this high energy TEDx talk, Alan reveals the sophisticated methods used by the food industry “fibberati” to manipulate, deceive and distract us. If you have ever read a food label and felt you were being lied to, you have felt the “dark mark” of the fibberati. We can resist these nefarious tactics by making conscious food choices based on core values that support a sustainable and just food system. Alan directs Government Affairs and Food and Agriculture Policy for Natural Grocers by Vitamin ...

VIDEO: The Two Ways Glyphosate (RoundUp) Kills
Post Date: 2019-07-04 02:31:11 by Tatarewicz
CHN... VIDEO: Pharmacist Ben Fuchs - The Two Ways Glyphosate (RoundUp) Kills "app.getresponse.com/click...W&u=BNrSW&y=n&z=EQSXypM&" "app.getresponse.com/click...W&u=BNrSW&y=n&z=EFV9zdX&" Watch Now "app.getresponse.com/click...W&u=BNrSW&y=n&z=EREStTp&" Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the popular herbicide RoundUp, which has been controversial in alternative media for decades, but found its way into the main stream news lately after several high profile court cases. Glyphosate is a toxin, but please note that, in order to make a plant Glyphosate tolerant, the plant is genetically modified to produce less ...

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