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Former Mosanto bioengineer comes clean, says GMO potatoes absorb MORE toxins – including those that aren’t even in regular potatoes
Post Date: 2019-07-04 01:23:26 by Horse
A bioengineer who worked for Monsanto in the past revealed that all kinds of deadly substances accumulated in the GMO potatoes he helped create. Even toxins not found in the food crop appeared in the genetically modified versions. After discovering disease-resistant genes in wild plants and succeeding in transferring them into domestic strains, genetic engineer Dr. Caius Rommens joined Monsanto in 1995. He spent six years in the company’s disease control program before moving to J.R. Simplot Company, one of the world’s biggest processors of potatoes. Every year, Rommens developed more than 5,000 varieties of GMO potatoes. He found that none of his modifications increased the ...

5 recalls on blood pressure meds so far this year
Post Date: 2019-07-04 01:21:43 by Horse
Many of the small decisions you make each day have a compound effect on your overall health, including what you eat and drink, how much you exercise and even how you breathe. Sometimes small changes may pay big dividends and the same is true of the small, unhealthy decisions you may make. The rising number of people suffering from high blood pressure, increasing their risk for heart disease and stroke, is a testimony to the changing health habits experienced around the world. Lifestyle choices have a significant effect on your blood pressure. The updated guidelines1 released in 2017 have increased the number of Americans now recognized as being at risk for heart attack and stroke. ...

What Blood Pressure Is And How To Control It Yourself
Post Date: 2019-07-03 06:20:42 by Tatarewicz
CHN... control blood pressure, High Blood Pressure, hypertension, cardiovascular hypoxia oxygen circultory Blood Pressure The body is always talking to us. We may not listen, but it’s always reporting back about what’s going on with it, how it’s responding to our actions and what we’re doing wrong and right. If you have a problem dairy, your intestine will signal its distress with cramping, bloating and other digestive symptoms. These symptoms can be correlated to eating things like cheese, gluten, strawberries eggs and any other foods that initiate intolerance or allergies. Drink too much alcohol, the next day’s hangover can be a communication so clear and ...

VIDEO: Debunking Heart Disease Study
Post Date: 2019-06-29 18:40:02 by Tatarewicz
Watch Now "app.getresponse.com/click...W&u=BNrSW&y=j&z=EQGcVlE&" Yet another study "proves", "vitamins are a waste of money" and several publications push the idea with inflammatory headlined articles. The only problem is, the study does not actually prove vitamins are a waste of money. While Ben and Jonty uncover many of the study's misleading aspects and possible areas of bias, the study's actual findings are far from conclusive. Ben points out the difference between biochemistry and clinical chemistry, "In biochemistry, it's cut and dry. There are ways things work in biochemistry. There's no room for judgement. In ...

Post Date: 2019-06-29 00:53:39 by Tatarewicz
chn... One of the most under-appreciated aspects of skincare involves its relationship to the mind, emotions and the skin. Technically called “psychodermatology” this aspect of cutaneous health is being recognized more and more as a fundamental, if under-appreciated cause of dermatological diseases. Psychodermatology recognizes that the skin, the brain and the body’s defense (immune) system that deals with survival threats, real or imagined, are in reality three parts of one system. That means that if you are dealing with acne, psoriasis, eczema, vitiligo or any other skin heath issue, you should consider looking at it as the result of a real or imagined survival threat. By ...

What’s So Funny? The Science of Why We Laugh
Post Date: 2019-06-28 02:56:20 by Tatarewicz
sciAm Psychologists, neuroscientists and philosophers are trying to understand humor Researchers do not fully understand which aspects of a joke or situation make it seem funny. Various theories have posited that people find amusement in the misfortunes of others, in expressions of otherwise forbidden emotions, in juxtaposition of incompatible concepts and in realizing that certain expectations have been violated. One scheme weaves several hypotheses together: it holds that humor results when a person simultaneously recognizes both that a norm has been breached and that the breach is benign. Laughter may have evolved as a way to enhance connectedness in societies. “How Many ...

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., 120 others at Statehouse blast vaccinations
Post Date: 2019-06-27 09:53:18 by Ada
Cara Hathaway left her job as a speech therapist because she couldn’t work in a hospital and speak out against the vaccine manufacturers she believes are doing more harm than good, she said. A bad reaction to the vaccine for human papillomavirus and a miscarriage after she was vaccinated for the flu motivated Hathaway to learn more about what has become a heated national debate over whether vaccinations should be required for schoolchildren and adults in some workplaces. Public health experts and the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are clear: vaccines are safe and effective. Still, fears of side effects and chronic illness have stoked a vocal anti-vaccination ...

'Dog the Bounty Hunter' Star Beth Chapman Dead at 51
Post Date: 2019-06-27 05:32:06 by BTP Holdings
'Dog the Bounty Hunter' Star Beth Chapman Dead at 51 Mark Gray 14 hrs ago (Video provided by ETOnline.com) Beth Chapman's daughter is publicly mourning the loss of her mother on social media, saying, "I'd never thought I'd lose my mom at 20." Bonnie Jo Chapman's heartbreaking tweets started after her dad, Duane "Dog" Chapman, announced Beth's death on Twitter on Wednesday morning. "Love you forever mom. You've got a halo now," she wrote in response to Dog's message. © BJJ / BACKGRID Beth Chapman arrives at LAX on Nov. 26, 2017. After an hour, Bonnie added, "I'll never forget you, mama. You were such a ...

Commonly prescribed drugs are tied to nearly 50% higher dementia risk in older adults, study says
Post Date: 2019-06-25 19:27:00 by Ada
(CNN)Scientists have long found a possible link between anticholinergic drugs and an increased risk of dementia. A study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine on Monday suggests that the link is strongest for certain classes of anticholinergic drugs -- particularly antidepressants such as paroxetine or amitriptyline, bladder antimuscarinics such as oxybutynin or tolterodine, antipsychotics such as chlorpromazine or olanzapine and antiepileptic drugs such as oxcarbazepine or carbamazepine. Certain common medications tied to 30% higher dementia risk, study finds Certain common medications tied to 30% higher dementia risk, study finds Researchers wrote in the study that ...

The president's executive order may fix our health care system
Post Date: 2019-06-25 07:53:02 by BTP Holdings
The president's executive order may fix our health care system Stephen Moore on Jun 25, 2019 Several years ago, I had a shoulder injury, and the doctor told me I might need surgery to fix the small tear in my rotator cuff. So, I asked, "Doctor, if I have this surgery, about how much will it cost?" He looked at me confusedly and said, "Steve, I've been doing these surgeries for 20 years, and you are the first patient to ever ask me what it costs!" Then he thought about it and laughed: "I don't know how much this will cost you." Wow. Health care is one of the most expensive items we buy each year, and yet most Americans haven't a ...

Waking Up from the Fluoride Nightmare
Post Date: 2019-06-25 07:10:53 by Tatarewicz
chn... Pesticides. Fumigants. Prescription drugs. There’s lots of nasty industrial 21st century chemicals in our environment yet one that is intentionally, willfully and purposefully spewed into the environment is among the most toxic pollutants of all—it’s also the most unstable of all the elements—and that is fluoride. Its poisonous, in fact deadly, nature is not in dispute. Fluoride is highly, highly reactive, especially to biological tissues. It burns so hot that it is not only useless to pour water on top of a fluoride fire, but fluoride flames are so hot and intense, they will literally burn water! Fluoride’s “Slick” Reputation Interestingly ...

How to Lower Your Risk of Cancer After 50
Post Date: 2019-06-24 20:37:42 by BTP Holdings
How to Lower Your Risk of Cancer After 50 (Robert Bayer/Dreamstime) By Lynn Allison | Friday, 07 June 2019 09:39 AM As we age, we become more susceptible to diseases. According to the National Institutes of Health, midlife is the time when some well-recognized risk factors for cancer, such as lack of physical activity, poor nutrition, excessive alcohol consumption and even chronic infections, begin to have a direct impact on health. “The prevention or management of chronic conditions and the promotion of general health are promising strategies to prevent or delay cancer incidence at older ages,” says the NIH. “I think that prevention and proper screening in your 50 ...

Merck has been accused of committing fraud in its Gardasil vaccine safety trials putting millions of young girls at risk for ovarian failure or even death.
Post Date: 2019-06-24 20:25:33 by Horse
Gardasil is said to protect against cervical cancer, a disease that in the U.S., has a relatively low mortality rate of 1 in 43,478 (2.3 per 100,000) In “The Plaintiff’s Science Day Presentation on Gardasil,” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. reveals Merck data showing Gardasil increases the overall risk of death by 370%, risk of autoimmune disease by 2.3% and risk of a serious medical condition by 50% Postmarketing and adverse events reported during use of the vaccine post-licensing are listed on the Gardasil vaccine insert and include blood and lymphatic system disorders, pulmonary embolus, pancreatitis, autoimmune diseases, anaphylactic reactions, musculoskeletal and connective ...

Mom welcomes 'miracle' baby after 13 miscarriages in 10 years
Post Date: 2019-06-24 18:57:02 by BTP Holdings
Mom welcomes 'miracle' baby after 13 miscarriages in 10 years Rachel Paula Abrahamson 4 hrs ago The path to parenthood wasn’t an easy one for Laura Worsley. Over the course of 10 years, Worsley suffered 13 miscarriages — including one at 20 weeks. “It never got easier,” the finance assistant from Kenilworth, England, told TODAY Parents. “Each loss was absolutely devastating.” When Worsley, 35, became pregnant for the 14th time, she was afraid to get attached. “I thought to myself, ‘I’ll lose this baby just like I always do, so what’s the point?’” Worsley told TODAY Parents. But the 14th — and final — attempt ...

Is This The End Of Diet Soda?
Post Date: 2019-06-24 11:20:29 by Horse
As concerns about health epidemics plague the nation, demand and sales of diet soda have plunged as consumers try to make better choices. As WeSupportOrganic.com reported recently, Aspartame (the main sweetener for diet soda – check the labels) is regarded by scientists as one of the most dangerous ingredients used in our food supply, who have linked it to seizures and a host of other major health issues including fatal cardiovascular events. In a newly published study [1] (presented in 2014 at the American College of Cardiology, Washington D.C.), 60,000 women were sampled over ten years. It was shown that women who drink two or more diet drinks a day have much higher cardiovascular ...

How Many Murder Cases Did Celeb Forensic Scientist Henry Lee Botch?
Post Date: 2019-06-24 09:18:54 by Ada
Henry Lee testified in some of America’s biggest murder cases, from O.J. Simpson to JonBenet. But he’s been accused of botching evidence in multiple trials. Before he became a true-crime celebrity, forensic scientist Henry Lee took the stand at a wildly bloody murder trial in Connecticut. It was spring of 1989 and the then-50-year-old Chinese-American hadn’t yet worked on his splashiest cases, from O.J. Simpson and JonBenet Ramsey to Scott Peterson. In the Connecticut trial, Lee faced a difficult task. As the star witness paid by the state, he was asked to back up the prosecution’s story that two homeless teenagers had butchered 65-year-old father Everett ...

Glucosamine Slows Down Aging By Supporting Connective Tissue
Post Date: 2019-06-23 19:57:29 by Tatarewicz
chn... Connective tissue (CT) is one of the 4 types of tissues that form the human body. (The others are the nervous, muscle and covering or “epithelial” tissue.) The connective tissue supports all the other tissues by binding them together. The connective tissue also nourishes, oxygenates, electrifies and detoxifies all the cells of the body. The connective tissue includes bones and the internal material within which the various organs of the body are embedded. The skin gets its resilience from supportive connective tissue, that is located in the dermis. The heart sits on a framework of connective tissue. The strength and elasticity of the arteries, veins, capillaries and ...

Does tinnitus lead to hearing loss?
Post Date: 2019-06-23 19:04:25 by Tatarewicz
Patient... You can't see tinnitus - but you can certainly hear it. Tinnitus - sounds you can hear that come from inside your head - affect 1 in 10 adults. For most, it doesn't have a major impact, but when it's severe it can rule your life. Your outer and middle ear send messages from sound waves to your inner ear. Here, they are turned into signals that are passed on to the brain. Tinnitus is thought to be related to how your hearing system recognises sound and how your brain interprets it. Tinnitus often coincides with age-related hearing loss - your brain may be trying to compensate for sounds it cannot hear any longer from your inner ear. Say that again About 2 in 3 ...

Dog the Bounty Hunter's Wife Beth Placed in Medically Induced Coma
Post Date: 2019-06-23 18:15:39 by BTP Holdings
Dog the Bounty Hunter's Wife Beth Placed in Medically Induced Coma Jessica Vacco-Bolanos 8 hrs ago Insanely easy skillet dinners to make you forget about takeout Texas mom charged after running over son in game of 'chicken' © Ilya S. Savenok/Getty Images Duane “Dog the Bounty Hunter” Chapman’s wife, Beth Chapman, has been placed in a medically induced coma amid her ongoing cancer battle. In an article shared on Dog’s official Twitter and Facebook pages, the family spoke out in a statement to Hawaii News Now on Saturday, June 22, and “humbly” asked “everyone to please pray for Beth.” The Chapmans also said they sincerely thank ...

Biology of leptin, the hunger hormone, revealed
Post Date: 2019-06-23 15:52:30 by BTP Holdings
Biology of leptin, the hunger hormone, revealed Date: June 18, 2019 Source: Yale University Summary: New research offers insight into leptin, a hormone that plays a key role in appetite, overeating, and obesity. The findings advance knowledge about leptin and weight gain, and also suggest a potential strategy for developing future weight-loss treatments, they said. Leptin model (stock image). Credit: © Kateryna_Kon / Adobe Stock In a new study, Yale researchers offer insight into leptin, a hormone that plays a key role in appetite, overeating, and obesity. Their findings advance knowledge about leptin and weight gain, and also suggest a potential strategy for developing future ...

What your nails say about your health
Post Date: 2019-06-23 03:53:08 by Tatarewicz
Patient... Most of us take them for granted - after all, they aren't alive, and you can break one without it hurting. I'm talking, of course, about your nails. But you'd be surprised at how many messages they send out about your general health. Fungal nail infections Thrush - whether it's athlete's foot, vaginal thrush or that sore, itchy rash in your groin or under your breasts - very commonly affects your skin. Thrush is caused by a fungal infection, from yeasts which normally live harmlessly on all our skins. But if a fungus gets into your nails, it can be difficult to get rid of. The main symptoms are thickened, flaky, discoloured nails - often your toenails. If ...

What you eat changes how you feel. These foods are the best for your brain.
Post Date: 2019-06-21 23:26:14 by Tatarewicz
Outside... Active people tend to overthink what food is doing for their body—Is keto good for endurance? What’s the perfect post-training macro spread? Butter or no butter in my coffee?—but underthink what it’s doing for their mind. Yet you’ve probably noticed that what you eat impacts what’s going on upstairs. We’ve all devoured a cheat meal and afterward felt off, not just physically but also mentally and emotionally. And new research suggests that the connection between diet and mental well-being is a little more nuanced than scientists once thought. Earlier studies suggest what you might expect: eating junk isn’t great for your brain. People who ...

TINU & The Triangle of Disease Model
Post Date: 2019-06-21 21:57:47 by Tatarewicz
chn... By far the leading cause of death worldwide are a class of illnesses doctors call “non- communicable diseases” or “NCDs”. These are chronic long term illnesses that are not spread from person to person as are infectious illnesses and that do not resolve themselves. According to the World Health Organization there are thousands of different types of non-communicable diseases also called chronic diseases that fall into four major classes: cardiovascular, respiratory, cancer and diabetes. However, while there are numerous NCD diagnoses, from a healing perspective, the actual names, which are really nothing more than Latin descriptions, really don’t matter. ...

Dr. Joel Wallach on Coast to Coast - June 19th (Audio Replay)
Post Date: 2019-06-21 01:35:34 by Tatarewicz
Dr. Joel Wallach addressed alternative health approaches and the benefits of remedies and supplements that aid in the body's recovery from many diseases and ailments. Concerning glaucoma, osteoporosis in the skull may be a factor, and Vitamin D3 and MSM can be helpful, he said. A deficiency in lithium can cause people to become mentally imbalanced, he suggested, and hair analysis shows if a person has adequate levels of these minerals in their system. Consuming gluten products can reduce absorption efficiency, he reported, and is associated with stomach problems and diarrhea. To quit smoking, Wallach recommended carrying a bottle of minerals (such as Strawberry-Kiwi Mins ...

Top 15 Anti-Inflammatory Foods and How to Follow This Diet
Post Date: 2019-06-19 18:47:13 by Horse
When we look at the diseases that plague our society — arthritis, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) — we see that long-term lifestyle changes are needed. What might not be as obvious is the common denominator tied to all of them and more: inflammation is at the root of most diseases. By addressing the inflammation with anti-inflammatory foods, not only can the symptoms of these diseases be alleviated, but we could even see them disappear. Let’s dive into the top foods that will combat inflammation. What Are Anti-Inflammatory Foods? And How Can They Transform Your Health? Inflammation as a bodily function is not necessarily ...

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