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Broccoli Sprout Compound for Schizophrenia
Post Date: 2019-05-13 04:22:56 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- In a series of recently published studies using animals and people, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers say they have further characterized a set of chemical imbalances in the brains of people with schizophrenia related to the chemical glutamate. And they figured out how to tweak the level using a compound derived from broccoli sprouts. They say the results advance the hope that supplementing with broccoli sprout extract, which contains high levels of the chemical sulforaphane, may someday provide a way to lower the doses of traditional antipsychotic medicines needed to manage schizophrenia symptoms, thus reducing unwanted side effects of the medicines. "It's ...

11 Best Sugar Substitutes (the Healthiest Natural Sweeteners)
Post Date: 2019-05-12 10:29:53 by BTP Holdings
11 Best Sugar Substitutes (the Healthiest Natural Sweeteners) By Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DMN, CNS May 9, 2019 An alarming fact: The average American is consuming 19.5 teaspoons of sugar every day and around 66 pounds of added sugar each year! (1) And while the consumption of refined sugar is on the rise, so are artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners like aspartame, sucralose, ACE K and saccharin have been debated for years in regard to their damaging side effects. While all of these sweeteners are technically “safe,” according to the FDA, they are coming under increased scrutiny because of their side effects. Side effects from artificial sweeteners range from headaches and ...

CDC: Hepatitis A Infections Soaring
Post Date: 2019-05-11 23:05:41 by BTP Holdings
CDC: Hepatitis A Infections Soaring In this Feb. 12 photo Worcester police officer Angel Rivera, right, asks Brian Pickering, left, if he has been tested for for Hepatitis A at the entrance to a tent where Pickering spent the night in a wooded area, in Worcester, Mass. (Steven Senne/AP) Thursday, 09 May 2019 05:48 PM The number of Americans infected with hepatitis A has grown nearly 300% in just three years, health officials reported Thursday. The staggering increase has come despite an effective vaccine and is seen mostly among drug abusers and the homeless, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Hepatitis A virus can linger in feces and be ...

Pharmacist Ben Fuchs: Meditation Is The Best Medication
Post Date: 2019-05-11 17:55:07 by Tatarewicz
"Critical Health News"... "Mediation is the most powerful health tool you could ever employ, way more powerful than drugs, way more powerful than anything the medical model can give you, even more powerful than nutrition. To me, meditation is the single most important thing you can do to stay healthy or revert yourself to health if you're sick." Revert Yourself to Health The "Default Mode Network", also known as the "Bio-graphical Self", is the voice in your head that narrates your life. It keeps you awake at night, it makes remarks about your experiences, it goes over and over arguments or discussions. It is a part of you, but it does not need ...

"Of Bowels, Bacteria, & Brains" (Gut/ Brain Summit #1)
Post Date: 2019-05-11 01:56:51 by Horse
Poster Comment:Should be part of a fundamental approach to health.

Why do we yawn?This is what we know so far..
Post Date: 2019-05-10 04:12:40 by Tatarewicz
ecns... You know the feeling. It’s impossible to resist. You just need to yawn. 你知道这种感觉。那种冲动很难抗拒,你就是想打个哈欠。 A yawn consists of an extended gaping of the mouth followed by a more rapid closure. 打哈欠时,人们张大嘴巴,之后以更快的速度闭上嘴。 In mammals and birds, a long intake of breath and shorter exhale follows the gaping of the mouth, but in other species such ...

Antibiotics are no match for drug-resistant TB … unless you add vitamin D
Post Date: 2019-05-09 21:06:27 by Horse
Vitamin D is essential for bone health, but it also plays many other important roles. The “sunshine vitamin” is critical for optimum immune system function — so much so, that scientists have been exploring its potential to cure drug-resistant illnesses. Recent research from Queen Mary University of London finds that vitamin D is so effective at boosting immunity, it can help treat drug-resistant tuberculosis when antibiotics just aren’t enough.

Turmeric is a better and safer way to treat spinal cord injury than conventional drugs
Post Date: 2019-05-09 21:04:49 by Horse
Patients afflicted with spinal cord injuries (SCI) can finally have an alternative means of relieving their chronic pain without resorting to surgery or pharmaceutical drugs. Instead of undergoing an expensive operation or taking toxic corticosteroids, they can get effective pain relief from curcumin, the primary bioactive compound of the popular Indian spice turmeric.

Antibiotics for 2 Months Increase Stroke and Heart Attack Risk
Post Date: 2019-05-09 20:47:17 by Horse
Using antibiotics for an extended period of time during middle-age or later may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease in women. The finding comes from a study published in the European Heart Journal, which revealed women aged 60 and over who used antibiotics for two months or longer had significantly increased risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack and stroke, compared to women who did not.1 According to a press release2 by the researchers, the results held true even after adjusting for other related factors, like obesity, other chronic diseases and diet and lifestyle. Antibiotic exposure leads to long-lasting alterations in gut microbiota, which may influence risk ...

Dr. Joel Wallach on Coast to Coast - May 7th (Audio Replay)
Post Date: 2019-05-08 22:31:04 by Tatarewicz
"Critical Health News" Dr. Joel Wallach Coast to Coast Appearance on May 7th (Audio Replay) "app.getresponse.com/click...W&u=BNrSW&y=q&z=EhCWF2x&" In the first half, Dr. Joel Wallach addressed alternative health approaches and the benefits of remedies and supplements that aid in the body's recovery from many diseases and ailments. Citing the results of a multi-state study, he's concluded that a deficiency in lithium can cause people to become mentally imbalanced, as in the case of school shooters, and violent behavior. He suggested that a hair analysis test be conducted on people wishing to purchase a gun, as well as for police officers, and ...

Diabetes drugs linked to ‘flesh-eating’ genital infection
Post Date: 2019-05-08 19:51:03 by Horse
Say you have type 2 diabetes and you are taking a newer class of medications to treat your disease—but one day you notice pain, redness and a foul odor in your genital area. If this happens, new research suggests you need to see your doctor immediately, because you may be suffering from Fournier gangrene. Also known as a “flesh-eating” disease, this infection attacks your genital or anal region and can quickly kill tissue as it spreads rapidly. Unfortunately, it has become a rare but still possible safety concern for people taking diabetes medications known as SGLT2 inhibitors, according to U.S. Food and Drug Administration scientists. SGLT2 inhibitors are a newer class of ...

14 Diseases You Can Prevent Just by Washing Your Hands
Post Date: 2019-05-08 18:44:49 by BTP Holdings
14 Diseases You Can Prevent Just by Washing Your Hands Dawn Yanek 5/1/2019 © LightField Studios/Shutterstock wash hands sink Why is handwashing so important? Put simply, your hands are dirty. As they come into contact with various people, animals, foods, and surfaces, they pick up thousands of germs, bacteria, viruses and other assorted nastiness that can make you sick if they enter your body. "We touch our eyes, noses, and mouths with our hands more than we think, and this can allow direct inoculation of germs into our mucous membranes," explains Janet Haas, PhD, RN, Director of Epidemiology at Lenox Hill Hospital. "We also use our hands to prepare and eat foods, so ...

Chemicals in Sunscreen Seep Into Your Bloodstream After Just One Day
Post Date: 2019-05-08 13:17:34 by Horse
If you’re like most people, you usually don’t step out into the blazing-hot sun unless you’ve slapped on a good amount of spray or lotion to ward off the cancer-causing UV rays that bombard us when we go outside. And for many among us, this isn’t simply a case of slathering on sunscreen when we head to the beach or to an outdoor all-day picnic—no, we need the stuff daily for our day at work, school, or simple outdoor recreation. But according to new research from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the chemicals in our sunscreen don’t merely sit on top of our skin until we rinse it off. Instead, many of the active ingredients enter our bloodstream at ...

Ayurvedic Medicine, Amla & Skin
Post Date: 2019-05-07 22:02:29 by Tatarewicz
CHN... Ayurvedic medicine, a form of traditional Indian healing, first popularized by Deepak Chopra in the 1980’s in the book Quantum Healing, has become (nearly) mainstream, but there was a time, in our part of the world, when the 7000-year old science was unknown. I first learned of it in pharmacy school from an Ayurveda trained dermatologist named Amrit Singh, who regularly used it in his practice, endlessly extolling its virtues for skin health and the healing of many internal ailments that Western Doctors considered untreatable. Plant medicine plays a major role in Ayurveda. One of Dr. Singh’s favorite healing botanicals was the Indian Gooseberry known as Amla, the fruit of ...

Iran Unveils 4 New Drugs for Treating Cancer, Diabetes
Post Date: 2019-05-07 21:37:03 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Vice President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari attended a ceremony on Tuesday to unveil 4 home-produced drugs for cancer and diabetes treatment. Four Iranian-produced drugs for cancer and diabetes treatment, including Regorafenib and Sorafenib, were unveiled during a ceremony this morning at Eshtehard Industrial Town in Alborz Province. The anti-cancer drugs included the highly important and expensive Regorafenib and Sorafenib, while Empagliflozin and Dapagliflozin were unveiled for the treatment of diabetic patients. Regorafenib, under the trade name chemotherapy drug Stivarga, was first developed by Germany in 2012 for treatment of colorectal cancer, ...

Pray and Weep
Post Date: 2019-05-07 09:46:14 by Ada
There is great evil being perpetrated by Washington D.C. here and around the world. A persistent terrible hate for life, liberty and humanity arrived on little cat feet and has taken over our country. This did not begin with Trump, but sadly it also is not going to end with him either. Trump promised to drain the swamp, implying change, transparency and accountability. Instead he brought in neoconservative king-makers and warmongers, and allowed their influence to grow disproportionately, while his co-dependents in the other party facilitate the agenda of death. The criminal pursuit and indictment of Wikileak founder, Julian Assange is the proof in the pudding. The 40 page criminal ...

Japan Leads the Way in Child Health: No Compulsory Vaccines. Banned Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) Vaccine
Post Date: 2019-05-07 07:24:22 by Tatarewicz
PMF...cryptogon.com As the ghastly Washington Post runs an opinion piece recommending arrests, fines and isolation for people who don’t vaccinate their children… cryptogon.com In the United States, many legislators and public health officials are busy trying to make vaccines de facto compulsory—either by removing parental/personal choice given by existing vaccine exemptions or by imposing undue quarantines and fines on those who do not comply with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) vaccine edicts. Officials in California are seeking to override medical opinion about fitness for vaccination, while those in New Yorkare mandating the ...

Gut Bacteria to Treat Psychiatric Disorders?
Post Date: 2019-05-07 05:28:21 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Scientists have shown that transplanting gut bacteria, from an animal that is vulnerable to social stress to a non-stressed animal, can cause vulnerable behavior in the recipient. The research reveals details of biological interactions between the brain and gut that may someday lead to probiotic treatments for human psychiatric disorders such as depression. "In rats that show depressive-type behavior in a laboratory test, we found that stress changes their gut microbiome -- the population of bacteria in the gut," said study leader Seema Bhatnagar, PhD, a neuroscientist in Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia ...

Azodicarbonamide Gone From Subway, What Else is in Your Bread?
Post Date: 2019-05-06 22:55:03 by Tatarewicz
CHN... Subway announced that they would no longer add azodicarbonamide to their dough. Apparently the multi- syllabic, difficult-to-pronounce, food conditioning chemical, (which is used in shoe leather and synthetic belts as well as fake food), while considered safe by the FDA , breaks down to form a well-known carcinogen called urethane. In addition to being found in all manner of synthetic and rubberized non-comestible products, azodicarbonamide is used as a dough softener, which means it makes bread mushy and squishy allowing to be swallowed more quickly, presumably so we’ll eat more of the stuff. Food processors know that the faster a food slides down a customer’s gullet, ...

Routine Kidney Function Blood Test
Post Date: 2019-05-06 05:19:09 by Tatarewicz
Patient... The usual blood test which checks that the kidneys are working properly measures the level of urea, creatinine and certain dissolved salts. Urea Urea is a waste product formed from the breakdown of proteins. Urea is usually passed out in the urine. A high blood level of urea ('uraemia') indicates that the kidneys may not be working properly, or that you have a low body water content (are dehydrated). Creatinine Creatinine is a waste product made by the muscles. Creatinine passes into the bloodstream and is usually passed out in urine. A high blood level of creatinine indicates that the kidneys may not be working properly. Creatinine is usually a more accurate marker ...

Fatty Nutrient Absorption
Post Date: 2019-05-06 04:44:18 by Tatarewicz
CHN...Fatty nutrients are tricky. On the one hand, essential fats such as EFAs, Vitamin D, E, A and K, in addition to plant nutrients, are super-important. They’re particularly significant for long-term kinds of biological process such as building muscle and bone, for fertility, baby building and even stress management. On the other hand, they’re complex and sticky molecules that are difficult for the digestive system to process and require a lot of energy to be extracted from foods. In order for the bonds that tether fatty nutrients to foods to be loosened, the stomach must be adequately producing acid and enzymes. The intestine, gall bladder, liver, and pancreas must be ...

A Cancer Cure Has Gotten Out Of Control And Has Spread Beyond The Confines Of Modern Medicine
Post Date: 2019-05-04 08:51:02 by Ada
While Wall Street awaits the entry of over 1,813 new cancer drugs into human clinical trials representing billions of dollars of investment capital, the announcement of a bona fide cure for cancer comes from an outsider – patient Joe Tippens. An astounding report of Mr. Tippens’ cancer cure is circulating the internet now. First diagnosed with small cell lung cancer in 2016 and with tumors popping up on scans in virtually every organ in his body, in desperation Joe Tippens began using a dog de-worming agent at the suggestion of a veterinarian. He was told this cancer cure “was batting 1,000 in killing different cancers.” He heard one of the scientists involved in the ...

Six ways to reduce your risk of bowel cancer
Post Date: 2019-05-04 05:37:50 by Tatarewicz
Patient... It's the second bigger cancer killer across the continent, but there are plenty of things you can do to reduce your risk of bowel cancer. Gastroenterologist Dr Monique van Leerdam shares her advice. Bowel cancer, or colorectal cancer, is currently one of the most prevalent and deadly cancers in Europe. Despite its status as the second biggest cancer killer across the continent, there is still a noticeable lack of public knowledge surrounding the disease. Our increasingly sedentary lifestyles, coupled with a sharp rise in the quantity and availability of processed foods, mean that actively adopting a healthy lifestyle is more important than ever in the fight against bowel ...

How To Unlock The Cancer Fighting Skin Healing Power Of Vegetables
Post Date: 2019-05-04 01:15:55 by Tatarewicz
Vegetables are nutritional powerhouses. They're a great source of vitamins and minerals, with electrolytes like potassium, calcium and magnesium. They contain unique plant nutrients unavailable in other foods. They’re low in sugar, fat and calories. They're filling and tasty too. Recently it’s been discovered that they can regulate the growth of blood vessels, stimulating their production when necessary for the health of the lungs, muscles and reproductive organs. They can also shut blood vessels down to fight cancer. As it turns out, malignant cells, which start out as harmless microscopic clumps, can only develop and divide when they stimulate the production blood ...

How Alzheimer's Affects Brain
Post Date: 2019-05-03 04:38:35 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- MIT researchers have performed the first comprehensive analysis of the genes that are expressed in individual brain cells of patients with Alzheimer's disease. The results allowed the team to identify distinctive cellular pathways that are affected in neurons and other types of brain cells. This analysis could offer many potential new drug targets for Alzheimer's, which afflicts more than 5 million people in the United States. "This study provides, in my view, the very first map for going after all of the molecular processes that are altered in Alzheimer's disease in every single cell type that we can now reliably characterize," says Manolis Kellis, a ...

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