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Know Your Solar Rays: UvA, UvB and UvC
Post Date: 2019-05-03 01:34:41 by Tatarewicz
CHN...Our world is illuminated and energized from the light released by the sun streaming earthward in the form waves. Those light waves are similar to the movement of water in the ocean, except solar waves, originating 90 million miles away and taking about 8 minutes to get to Earth, take on distinct wavelengths. Three of those wavelengths, known as UvA, UvB and UvC are invisible and have been associated with the damaging, and sometimes deadly effects conventionally attributed to solar radiation. UvC, the shortest of the three wavelengths, is associated with skin cancers and is considered to be the most dangerous, but (theoretically anyway) the earth’s atmosphere offers protection. ...

Why One Corporation Can Dictate Measles Policy in America
Post Date: 2019-05-02 09:53:05 by Ada
Scanning the headlines, one might notice that there is now a multitude of articles on the measles virus in most major media outlets. Outbreaks in places like New York City have led to what the AP calls “extraordinary police powers” to mandate vaccinations or quarantine those suspected of the disease. Proponents of mandatory vaccines defend these measures while contended there is too much resistance to measles vaccination based on a variety of philosophical or religious concerns. They want new state laws eliminating the possibility of opting out of any vaccination for any non-medical reasons. Why So Few Choices in Vaccines? But why are some people resistant to the measles ...

What it could mean if you experience heart palpitations
Post Date: 2019-05-02 05:32:15 by Tatarewicz
Patient... We're all familiar with the metaphor 'my heart skipped a beat' - used to describe a moment of shock or excitement. But what happens when our heart really does seem to miss a beat, flutter or change rate for a moment? Heart palpitations are more common than you might think. We look at the symptoms, causes and when to seek help. Am I having a heart attack? One of the first things we might wonder when experiencing palpitations is whether we're having a heart attack. However, the symptoms of a heart attack are usually quite different. "Someone having a heart attack is more likely to feel a pain or tightening across the chest rather than the feeling of a ...

Despite Health Warnings, Americans Still Sit Too Much
Post Date: 2019-05-02 00:37:09 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Most Americans continue to sit for prolonged periods despite public health messages that such inactivity increases the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers, according to a major new study led by researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. The research team analyzed surveys of 51,000 people from 2001 to 2016 to track sitting trends in front of TVs and computers and the total amount of time spent sitting on a daily basis. Unlike other studies that have looked at sedentary behaviors, the research is the first to document sitting in a nationally representative sample of the U.S. population across multiple age groups -- from ...

Do You Need to Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day? Here's What 5 Experts Say
Post Date: 2019-05-01 23:33:44 by Tatarewicz
veryone knows humans need water and we can’t survive without it. We’ve all heard we should be aiming for eight glasses, or two liters, of water per day. This target seems pretty steep when you think about how much water that actually is, and don’t we also get some water from the food we eat? We asked five medical and sports science experts if we really need to drink eight glasses of water per day. All five experts said no. Here are their detailed responses. Karen Dwyer, Nephrologist You only need to drink to thirst. The best gauge of your hydration level is the color of your urine. You should aim for light yellow in color; if very dark, then you’re dehydrated and ...

You just can’t make this Sh-t up
Post Date: 2019-04-28 14:38:45 by Ada
UK Doctor ‘Tortured Daesh Inmates by Removing Organs in Nazi-Style Ops’ … from Sputnik News, Moscow [ Editor’s Note: While we might think that such atrocities are limited to extremist groups, I can assure you that is not the case. There has been a stream of published articles about the Israelis doing this for a long time as the religious Jews there are against donating organs, but not against others doing so even against the will of their families. We had many reports a decade ago of Palestinian families getting the bodies of family members back who had been killed in protest clashes with the IDF that had had organs removed. Corporate media blacked out the story, no ...

Big Pharma Exec Perp Walked In Handcuffs After Surrendering On Opioid Trafficking Charges
Post Date: 2019-04-26 20:38:11 by hondo68
The former CEO of the nation's sixth-largest pharmaceutical distributor was perp-walked in handcuffs on Tuesday after he was indicted on two counts of criminal conspiracy related to drug trafficking in opioids. 75-year-old Laurence Doud III became the first pharma CEO in the United States to face prosecution linked to the opioid crisis, after he was accused along with another company executive of ignoring red flags while pushing massive hauls of powerful painkillers to pharmacies across the United States, reports ABC News. Doud faces a mandatory minimum of 10 years in prison if convicted. CEO CHARGED: Federal prosecutors charged Rochester Drug Cooperative, one of the nation's ...

The Definitive Superfood Ranking
Post Date: 2019-04-26 04:46:19 by Tatarewicz
Pocket... It seems like everything in the grocery store is labeled "super." We dove into which foods are actually proven, by science, to be good for you and which ones are all hype. Food marketers know that if they call their product a superfood, it’s sure to sell. Take quinoa, for example. In the early aughts, when the ancient grain first became trendy, quinoa prices tripled in the span of five years. (Many Bolivians, who had relied on it as a food staple for centuries, were soon priced out of the market.) The moral here: it’s important to question anything knighted with the superlative. From a health perspective, many dietitians would prefer we do away with the label ...

Why you should keep your orange juice in the freezer
Post Date: 2019-04-26 02:15:41 by Tatarewicz
ECNS... Why you should keep your orange juice in the FREEZER: The body absorbs antioxidants better when fruit has been frozen then thawed Orange juice is healthier for you if it has been frozen and defrosted, according to research. 研究指出,喝先冰冻再解冻的橙汁更健康。 Scientists have discovered the body may absorb more of the orange's antioxidants from defrosted juice than it does from fresh or pasteurised juice. 科学家发现,人体从解冻橙汁中所 ...

Alternatives to the Latest Cholesterol Drugs
Post Date: 2019-04-25 22:12:04 by Tatarewicz
CHN... Praluent There’s a new cholesterol fighting sheriff in town, called “Praluent”. The first of a class of drugs called PCSK9s (Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9) Inhibitors. These are biological type substances, cloned in a laboratory, that act to shut down the cholesterol processing machinery on the outside of cells. They’re derivatives of a type of chemical called an “Anti-Body”, a science fiction like component of the body’s immune (defense) system that can be thought of as a high tech biochemical weapon - Biology’s versions of seek and destroy missiles. Over the past ten years, pharmaceutical companies have figured out how to ...

California Ups the Ante on Forced Vaccinations
Post Date: 2019-04-25 08:39:14 by Ada
The main tenet of democracy is that you are forced to do things against your will by an oppressive government which threatens to crush your very soul if you ever even suggest resisting. An example of this is forcing you to inject mysterious substances into your body. LA Times: A contentious bill to tighten California’s school immunization law passed its first hurdle in the Legislature on Wednesday, after hundreds of parents lined the corridors of the state Capitol, alternatively pleading and demanding that lawmakers reject it. The emotional testimony on the bill comes as a measles outbreak has put public health officials on high alert. More than 100 doctors and medical students ...

How lifestyle affects our genes
Post Date: 2019-04-25 05:18:53 by Tatarewicz
MedXpress... In the past decade, knowledge of how lifestyle affects our genes, a research field called epigenetics, has grown exponentially. Researchers at Lund University have summarised the state of scientific knowledge within epigenetics linked to obesity and type 2 diabetes in a review article published in the scientific journal Cell Metabolism. Epigenetic mechanisms control the activity of different genes. Disruptions in the epigenetic machinery may lead to diseases such as obesity and type 2 diabetes. This review summarises the role of epigenetic changes in different human tissues of relevance for metabolism—for example, in adipose tissue, skeletal muscle, pancreatic islets ...

When to worry about night sweats
Post Date: 2019-04-24 23:35:38 by Tatarewicz
Patient... It's something we've probably all experienced - jolting awake in the early hours of the morning to find the sheets drenched in sweat. Clearly, night sweats are no fun. What can be less obvious is why you're experiencing them and what it might mean from a medical perspective. "Sweating at night is a normal phenomenon and experienced by most people at some point. The term 'night sweats' refers to excessive sweating during the night, where severe hot flushes can consistently leave you waking up with soaking wet clothes and sheets," says Dr Farah Gilani, a GP at Medicspot. In other words, if your bedroom is too warm or your duvet too thick, it'd ...

Nominalization: Is Disease a Noun or a Verb?
Post Date: 2019-04-24 01:50:21 by Tatarewicz
God Nominalization medical diagnosis diseas-ing how diagnosis is made biological dynamics Dr. - Patient In the book “God is a Verb”, Rabbi David Cooper makes the argument that the divine supernatural existence called “God”, is best thought of not as a thing but rather as a process. The rabbi suggests that rather than thinking about what is referred to as God as being some kind of “person” who lives in clouds, it might be more accurate to contemplate it as a movement or action, flowing through everything in the cosmos, from the smallest smallest subatomic quanta to the largest galaxies. This dynamic of naming processes, making nouns out of verbs, in essence ...

Vegan raspberry ripple ice cream
Post Date: 2019-04-23 05:30:32 by Tatarewicz
This recipe is great for many diets as it is gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan! When you find yourself reaching for the ice cream, instead be sure to be well stocked up on this simple and nutritious raspberry ripple version. The same recipe can also be used to make non-frozen yoghurt. Ingredients Metric (Imperial) For the ice cream Bananas, large 3 Desiccated coconut 50g Agave nectar 50g Vanilla extract 4g Almond milk 500ml For the ripple sauce Raspberries 150g Agave nectar 14g Add all the ice cream ingredients to a blender and blitz for 10 minutes. Once smooth, pour the ice cream mixture into a freezable storage container and seal with a lid. Freeze for 1 hour to allow it to set. ...

Gels: Skin Healing Anti-aging Wonders Of Nature
Post Date: 2019-04-22 21:29:30 by Tatarewicz
chn... Plain old gelatin can, taken in capsules or powder, improve digestion, soothe ulcers and improve the symptoms of heartburn and acid reflux . In a world of oddball animals like giraffes with 30 foot necks, color changing chameleons and serpents that see with their tongues, nothing beats the syphoza for sheer strangeness. Known more commonly by its descriptive (if not entirely accurate) common name, the jellyfish, the intelligent (relatively) gelatinous blob is not a fish at all, but a primitive ocean denizen that has floated the seas for over a half a billion years and is considered to be the world’s oldest multi-organed animal. While there are thousands of different species of ...

What causes itchy skin?
Post Date: 2019-04-22 00:06:35 by Tatarewicz
Common causes of itching Itching is a symptom, not a medical condition. It's usually caused by a stimulus in your skin. For instance, with insect bites you're reacting to saliva injected at the site of the bite. With nits, you can develop an allergy to the head lice (the itching isn't due to them biting). If a local cause is to blame, you'll usually have a rash. Sometimes, though, a sensation of itching comes from messages sent by your brain - these tend to cause itching all over your body. For instance, jaundice (caused by liver problems) and chronic kidney disease can both cause itching. However, if you feel otherwise well and don't have any other symptoms like ...

Light physical activity reduces brain aging
Post Date: 2019-04-21 05:06:41 by Tatarewicz
MedExpress... Incremental physical activity, even at light intensity, is associated with larger brain volume and healthy brain aging. Considerable evidence suggests that engaging in regular physical activity may prevent cognitive decline and dementia. Active individuals have lower metabolic and vascular risk factors and these risk factors may explain their propensity for healthy brain aging. However, the specific activity levels optimal for dementia prevention have remained unclear. The new 2018 Physical Activity-Guidelines for Americans suggest that some physical activity is better than none, but achieving greater than 150 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous (MV) physical activity per week ...

My Journey From Constant Pain To Freedom From Pain
Post Date: 2019-04-21 00:45:02 by Tatarewicz
"Critical Health News"... Pain. Sometimes it's obvious, and we know what a pain is caused by, like kicking a toe or overdoing it during a workout. But how about unexplained pain from early childhood? A pain that has been there for so long that you are conditioned to think that pain is normal. That's where I was. At 30, an MRI shed a bright light on why I always hurt. I was diagnosed with degenerative bone and disc disease, bone spurs, arthritis head to toe, and, at the time, two compression fractures. Though this started my journey to find natural alternatives to ease my pain and someday, hopefully, stop the damage, the journey was far from over. A high-risk, ...

If You Are Taking A Statin Drug Read This!
Post Date: 2019-04-20 04:43:31 by Tatarewicz
CHN... One out of every 4 adults over the age of 45 is on a statin drug. And for the rest of their lives. Despite the fact that there are hundreds of studies demonstrating their toxicity and relationship to most serious health issues ranging from muscle pain to brain and memory problems. Statin drugs have even been linked to diabetes and cancer, two of the top three leading causes of death. The FDA has issued numerous warnings to Doctors, but the sale$ continue to rise. All the while they get rich and you just get sicker and sicker. But there is always another drug for the new sick you will develop. These drugs are very dangerous. Cholesterol control is best thought of as sugar control. ...

Pharmacist Ben Fuchs Coast to Coast
Post Date: 2019-04-18 20:49:51 by Tatarewicz
Pharmacist Ben Fuchs Coast to Coast Appearance on April 17th (audio replay) "http://app.getresponse.com/click...W&u=BNrSW&y=J&z=EQArMQf&" Pharmacist, nutritionist and cosmetic chemist, Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts, and offered tips on supplements and healthy changes to one's diet and lifestyle. For stomach problems, he suggested trying an "elimination diet" in which you make a note of removing certain foods from your diet, and see if your condition improves when you do. Antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals can suppress the immune system, so supplements such as Vitamin C are important to counteract this, as well as reducing sugar ...

NYT Shocked to Find That Opioid Dealers with Credentials Operate Like Opioid Dealers Without Credentials
Post Date: 2019-04-18 09:27:03 by Ada
Meanwhile, in America… It’s not surprising to any non-Jew that opioid dealers with credentials operate the same as opioid dealers without credentials. Obviously, the entire purpose of OxyContin was to encourage recreational use and addiction. Otherwise, there would have been no need to invent it, because a significantly less addictive strong opiate already existed in the form of morphine. There was no serious pain issue that couldn’t be dealt with using morphine. And OxyContin was being prescribed for things that had previously been dealt with using even lower forms of opioids such as codeine and Vicodin. The entire thing was a self-evident racket from the point at ...

The Truth About Dentistry
Post Date: 2019-04-17 23:39:02 by Tatarewicz
. Pocket - Atlantic In the early 2000s Terry Mitchell’s dentist retired. For a while, Mitchell, an electrician in his 50s, stopped seeking dental care altogether. But when one of his wisdom teeth began to ache, he started looking for someone new. An acquaintance recommended John Roger Lund, whose practice was a convenient 10-minute walk from Mitchell’s home, in San Jose, California. Lund’s practice was situated in a one-story building with clay roof tiles that housed several dental offices. The interior was a little dated, but not dingy. The waiting room was small and the decor minimal: some plants and photos, no fish. Lund was a good-looking middle-aged guy with arched ...

Republicans’ Love of Healthcare Socialism
Post Date: 2019-04-17 19:05:24 by hondo68
While Republicans continue to profess their opposition to socialism, their love of socialism is being demonstrated in the healthcare arena. Do you remember when they were campaigning for control over Congress and the presidency with full-throated calls to repeal Obamacare? Not anymore. According to an article in the Washington Post, Republicans have come to love and adore President Obama’s signature achievement as president. More important, of course, is their deep-seated, unwavering devotion to Medicare and Medicaid, the two socialist programs enacted during the leftist regime of President Lyndon Johnson.The Post’s article states:Even Republicans who furiously fought the ...

VIDEO: Don't Be Your Diagnosis
Post Date: 2019-04-16 23:03:10 by Tatarewicz
Critical Health News... "What you are diagnosed with is not the problem in terms of reversing your health issue. Medical diagnosis are conveniences that doctors use to explain symptomatology. And we get obsessed with symptomatology and end up marginalizing or being dismissive of causes. In other words, we have a pharmaco-medical model that treats symptoms as if they were the diseases, that treats symptoms as if they are the problem. The symptoms may be problematic, in terms of how you live you life, but, as far as reversing the symptomatology, your diagnosis doesn't matter. The breakdowns in the body are always generic, and whether it shows up as osteoporosis or autoimmune disease ...

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