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Scientists agree: Coffee naps are better than coffee or naps alone
Post Date: 2019-03-12 20:59:49 by Tatarewicz
Vox If you're feeling sleepy and want to wake yourself up — and have 20 minutes or so to spare before you need to be fully alert — there's something you should try. It's more effective than drinking a cup of coffee or taking a quick nap. It's drinking a cup of coffee and then taking a quick nap. This is called a coffee nap. It might sound crazy: conventional wisdom is that caffeine interferes with sleep. But if you caffeinate immediately before napping and sleep for 20 minutes or less, you can exploit a quirk in the way both sleep and caffeine affect your brain to maximize alertness. Here's the science behind the idea. How a coffee nap works To understand ...

Are wireless earbuds dangerous? Experts warn that Apple’s AirPods could send an electromagnetic field through your brain - as 250 scientists sign petition to regulate trendy tech
Post Date: 2019-03-12 18:22:52 by Horse
Tiny wireless Bluetooth headphones fit into the ear canal 250 scientists from over 40 countries have signed a petition to the WHO and UN to warn against radiowave radiation from wireless technologies The close proximity of AirPods to the brain and inner ear may raise cancer risks Little research exists on Bluetooth and its health effects but it also uses radiowave radiation Plus, AirPods talk to one another using a magnetic field that passes through the brain An expert says there is little research on this but 'can't imagine it's all that great for you' Scientists are growing increasingly concerned over the potential health risks of wireless technologies which, they ...

Blood Holds Key to Liver Regeneration
Post Date: 2019-03-12 06:28:51 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- The liver is the only organ in the body that can regenerate. But some patients who undergo a liver resection, a surgery that removes a diseased portion of the organ, end up needing a transplant because the renewal process doesn't work. A new study shows that the blood-clotting protein fibrinogen may hold the key as to why this happens. A new Michigan State University study, published in the journal Blood, shows that the blood-clotting protein fibrinogen may hold the key as to why this happens. "We discovered that fibrinogen accumulates within the remaining liver quickly after surgery and tells platelets to act as first responders, triggering the earliest phase of ...

Pregnenolone: Mother Of Steroid Hormones
Post Date: 2019-03-12 03:42:39 by Tatarewicz
CHN... Pregnenolone, anonymous and unheralded as it may be, is the Mother of all steroid hormones. It is derived from cholesterol. From there it’s converted into testosterone, progesterone, estrogen and cortisol, among other important biochemicals. Even vitamin D, the body’s homemade essential nutrient, is a derivative of the under-appreciated biochemical. Pregnenolone itself, in its raw unconverted form, can be considered the quintessential biochemical of youth. Kids and teenagers make loads of it. While pregnenolone on its own may not have many hormone properties, it is able to improve the activity of and stabilize the effects of other hormones, including cortisol, ...

7 Fulvic Acid Benefits & Uses: Improve Gut, Skin & Brain Health
Post Date: 2019-03-10 19:59:35 by Horse
Considered the ultimate “nutrient booster,” we can benefit from fulvic acid when we take it as a supplement or acquire it naturally from coming into contact with more dirt/soil outdoors. How? As an active chemical compound, fulvic acid works in a way that helps us absorb and use other nutrients better — such as microbiota/probiotics, antioxidants, fatty acids and minerals. Because it’s able to improve how our cells take up things like antioxidants and electrolytes, fulvic acid has become popular for slowing down aging, improving digestive health and protecting brain function. (1) Due to its unique chemical structure, it’s able to fight free radical damage that ...

MMS - Master Mineral Solution
Post Date: 2019-03-10 19:38:38 by Horse
What is MMS? MMS stands for Master Mineral Solution. It's chemical name is Chlorine Dioxide (ClO2). ClO2 is a gas that is produced as a result of combining 2 liquids, Sodium Chlorite (NaClO2) and citric acid. When added to the sodium chlorite, the citric acid brings the combined pH level to under five, causing the sodium chlorite to become unstable and release chorine dioxide. (ClO2) Chlorine dioxide is an oxidizer with a lower oxidation potential (.95 V) than any of the other oxidizers in the human body. Why MMS for Autism? We know that autism is made up of: • Virus • Bacteria • Parasites • Yeast • Heavy Metals • Inflammation • Food allergies ...

What your dreams can reveal about your health
Post Date: 2019-03-10 00:23:22 by Tatarewicz
Patient...Dreaming is crucial to normal brain function, but certain sleep and dream behaviours may be an indicator of underlying health issues. We examine what your dream patterns may reveal about your health and well-being. Most of us will spend around six years of our lives dreaming, yet on average 95% of our dreams are forgotten soon after waking. One theory suggests this is because the brain's frontal lobe is inactive during dream sleep and this part of the brain is where memories are processed and stored. Normally during dream sleep we become temporarily paralysed - the only muscles that remain active are the ones that allow us to breathe and those which control our eyes, hence ...

Pharmacist Ben Fuchs: The Two Ways Glyphosate (RoundUp) Kills
Post Date: 2019-03-09 23:00:51 by Tatarewicz
CHN... Glyphosate is the active ingredient in the popular herbicide RoundUp, which has been controversial in alternative media for decades, but found its way into the main stream news lately after several high profile court cases. Glyphosate is a toxin, but please note that, in order to make a plant Glyphosate tolerant, the plant is genetically modified to produce less nutrients. This means that, not only are you ingesting a toxin, but you are also eating foods robbed of their nutrients. "Does that sound like a good thing? To eat a plant that can tolerate more herbicide? This is craziness to me." Ben Fuchs explains, "Glyphosate kills microbes by effecting how they process ...

A Nap a Day Keeps High Blood Pressure at Bay
Post Date: 2019-03-09 22:47:03 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- It seems that napping may do more than just reboot our energy level and improve our mood. New research has found that people who took advantage of a midday snooze were more likely to have a noticeable drop in blood pressure compared with those who didn't nap. It seems that napping may do more than just reboot our energy level and improve our mood. New research being presented at the American College of Cardiology's 68th Annual Scientific Session found that people who took advantage of a midday snooze were more likely to have a noticeable drop in blood pressure compared with those who didn't nap. "Midday sleep appears to lower blood pressure levels at the ...

What to Eat to Live to 100
Post Date: 2019-03-08 05:51:05 by Tatarewicz
Pocket... I aspire to live an incredibly long, happy, and healthy life. That is why I recently read the The Blue Zones Solution, in which New York Times best-selling author Dan Buettner reveals the eating and living habits of the world’s longest-lived people. For over a decade, Buettner (along with the National Geographic Society and a team of researchers) studied the 5 locations around the globe that have the highest concentrations of 100-year-olds, as well as exceptionally low rates of diseases such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, and heart problems. In the book, Buettner lays out the specifics for each of these “Blue Zones” locations, analyzes the trends, and then ...

Pharmacist Ben Fuchs on Coast to Coast - March 6th (Audio Replay)
Post Date: 2019-03-08 02:05:27 by Tatarewicz
CHN... Pharmacist Ben Fuchs Coast to Coast Appearance on March 6th (audio replay) "app.getresponse.com/click...W&u=BNrSW&y=q&z=EE6ZMJR&" Pharmacist, nutritionist and cosmetic chemist, Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts, and offered tips on supplements and healthy changes to one's diet and lifestyle. For stomach problems, he suggested trying an "elimination diet" in which you make a note of removing certain foods from your diet, and see if your condition improves when you do. Antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals can suppress the immune system, so supplements such as Vitamin C are important to counteract this, as well as reducing sugar ...

The American Catastrophe: Drug, Alcohol, And Suicide Deaths Hit RECORD LEVELS
Post Date: 2019-03-07 16:03:05 by Ada
Since the United States government began tracking the cause of death in 1999, suicides, alcohol, and drug-related deaths have skyrocketed to record levels. The new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show that Americans are dying younger as life expectancy continues to drop. Feelings of hopelessness and despair are overwhelming many in the U.S. So much so, that people are turning to alcohol, drugs, and suicide to numb the pain of their lives. Government enslavement and the stranglehold on the economy are making life even more difficult on those already struggling to get by. And this is seen in new death numbers released. The national rate for deaths from alcohol, ...

Unvaccinated Children Pose No Risk To Anyone, Says Harvard Immunologist
Post Date: 2019-03-07 14:05:35 by Horse
One of the strengths–and weaknesses–of a Western medical education is its predisposition to break things down and compartmentalize them. While much data is gleaned in the minutiae, very little attention is given to the interrelationship between disciplines. While a medical student may become a true specialist in their field, they too become compartmentalized, and are often ignorant of very important information that would be essential for a broader, more holistic overview. And this appears to be by design.

How to have great sex in later life
Post Date: 2019-03-07 09:44:04 by Tatarewicz
Research shows that a growing number of people are enjoying an active sex life as they age. Many more would like to maintain sexual intimacy, but struggle to access practical advice and health services to support their sexual well-being. We look at how to make the most of sex in later life. Although it's natural for libido and sexual function to change as we grow older, we have the right to enjoy sexual intimacy at any age regardless of societal taboos that may suggest otherwise. A 2017 study by Manchester University and partners highlighted the importance of sex to quality of life in older people, and showed that clinicians' handling of sexual health in the 'over-50s' ...

Heart patients taking statins face a higher risk of type 2 DIABETES as study adds further fuel to scientific row over the cholesterol-busting pills
Post Date: 2019-03-07 07:59:15 by Horse
Scientists at the Erasmus Medical Centre in the Netherlands analysed data from 9,535 patients over the age of 45 prescribed statins. Professor Bruno Stricker and colleagues tracked each of the participants for up to 15 years, to assess if the drugs are linked to a higher risk of type 2 diabetes. Patients on statins had higher blood glucose levels of insulin and showed more signs of insulin resistance - a key cause of diabetes and heart disease. And the researchers found patients who had ever used statins had around a 38 per cent higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes. They said the risk was even higher in patients who were overweight or obese, which is a known driver of the ...

Beta Blockers
Post Date: 2019-03-07 06:34:35 by Tatarewicz
CHN... There are a lot of bad drugs out there. Calcium channel blockers can prevent cells from using calcium, an important nerve conducting mineral. Not good! Steroid drugs, like prednisone, suppress the immune system, making the body more susceptible to infections. They also suppress growth, repair and can accelerate the development of degenerative disease. Antibiotics impair gut health, diuretics induce the loss of precious minerals, like zinc, selenium and magnesium. Anti-osteoporosis drugs like Fosamax and Boniva can cause a horrible jaw affliction called osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ), which is basically a rapid decay and death of the jawbone. According to lawyers for ONJ victims, the ...

Western U.S. Cities Rampant With Squalor
Post Date: 2019-03-06 09:42:13 by Ada
The next time moviemakers in Hollywood need to film some scenes of societal breakdown, anarchy, and apocalyptic images, they can save a lot of money on their special-effects budget. All they need to do is load up their cameras and head down Hwy 101, get off at downtown and start filming the Skid Row district in Los Angeles. They can point their cameras anywhere and be rewarded with stark, unsettling images of a major American city falling apart. A permanent stench of urine permeates the air, and trash is strewn everywhere. Makeshift encampments made with blankets and tarps exist among the urban concrete landscape. Lucky inhabitants of the area can sleep in abandoned vehicles or tents. ...

What Happens When You Eat Broccoli Daily
Post Date: 2019-03-06 04:21:33 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Broccoli: yummy or yucky? Most people have an opinion about this cruciferous vegetable, children especially. Broccoli is a commonly used example in the “You can’t leave the table until you eat your…” argument. But picky kiddos aside, broccoli has gained significantly in popularity over the years. From 1980 to 2017, per person consumption of the veggie has gone from 1.4 pounds to 7.1 pounds. Folks are clearly realizing that there’s good reason to make broccoli a daily habit, and you should, too. Don’t worry about getting bored – there are hundreds of ways to prepare it. Here’s what will happen if you make broccoli your vegetable du ...

Meta-analysis of observational studies suggest tea consumption can improve bone mineral density
Post Date: 2019-03-05 14:01:44 by Horse
Drinking tea can provide the body with many health benefits, one of which is a lower risk of osteoporosis. In a meta-analysis published in the journal Nutrition Research, researchers from China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences found that drinking tea can help increase bone mineral density, which may contribute to the prevention of osteoporosis. Earlier studies have evaluated the link between tea consumption and the risk of osteoporosis, but the results are inconsistent. Therefore, researchers from China reviewed existing observational studies to evaluate the association between tea consumption and the risk of osteoporosis. For the current review, the Chinese researchers included 16 ...

Striking scans show how 'lung cancer patient's tumours SHRUNK within three months of him taking daily drops of cannabis-derived oil
Post Date: 2019-03-05 13:55:18 by Horse
A cancer patient who accepted the disease would kill him saw his tumours shrink – by taking drops of cannabidiol (CBD) oil each day. The 81-year-old, who hasn't been identified, repeatedly refused chemotherapy and other treatments to prolong his life. Instead, the ex-smoker, believed to be from the Stoke-on-Trent area, opted to take CBD oil for three months to tackle his lung cancer. Doctors have now published stunning scans, showing how doing so halved the size of his tumours and reversed the progression of his disease. The tale has been published in a medical journal, where doctors claimed 'CBD may have had a role in the striking response'.

Flax: The Superfood
Post Date: 2019-03-05 03:32:46 by Tatarewicz
CHN... If you’re looking for a vegan protein powder, you might want to think about ground up flaxseeds. They contain up to 30 proteins, which works out to around 10 grams per 1 ounce scoop. Although they don’t have all the essential amino acids – they're missing lysine which is important for connective tissue – they have a good amount of both arginine and glutamine, which are youth promoting and build amino acids. At $2.00 or so a pound (and that’s for the organic type), the price is certainly right. Flaxseeds are chock full of other nutrients, including Omega 3 fatty acids, thiamine, manganese, magnesium and potassium. They’re also good sources of ...

How to Stay Sharp in Old Age
Post Date: 2019-03-04 23:56:16 by Tatarewicz
vitals.lifehacker...Of all the common consequences of aging, none is more frightening than memory loss. Even if you’ve never helplessly watched a loved one succumb to Alzheimer’s—which I promise is worse than it sounds—it’s natural to wonder if something similar could happen to you. Our collective fear of aging has long been exploited for profit; cognitive decline is no exception. Most people are terrified of losing their mental faculties as they age, and corporations know it—brain power-boosting games and apps are a big business these days. Their claims are bold: Lumosity promises to help users “improve memory, increase focus, and find calm.” 2013 ...

Coincidence? When Glyphosate was first introduced, we saw a spike in peanut allergies. Peanuts absorb Glyphosate from the soil.
Post Date: 2019-03-04 12:22:52 by Horse
What if Glyphosate sprayed on cotton which is then absorbed by peanuts (when the crop is rotated) causes peanut allergies? There was a spike in peanut allergies when they were first introduced. In our latest blog post, we discuss some of the leading theories surrounding the rise in food allergies and intolerances. In the past two decades, food allergies have skyrocketed. Today, 1 in 13 kids has a food allergy, leaving many dumbfounded and searching for answers. One of the prevailing theories is the rise of chemicals in our food system. In addition to being the recent subject of a class action lawsuit based on evidence linking this common weed killer to Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, it has ...

Water: The Single Most Important Element for Your Health (Structured Water)
Post Date: 2019-03-03 14:59:12 by Horse
Dr. Gerald Pollack is one of the few expert researchers in the area of water and what it means to your health. He's a professor of bioengineering at the University of Washington, whose theory of water is nothing short of ground-breaking. Dr. Mercola's Comments: Water is clearly one of the most important factors in terms of what you put into your body, simply because without it you will die within a few short days. You may know that two-thirds of your body is water, but did you know that in terms of the number of molecules, your body actually consists of over 99 percent water molecules! Astounding, isn't it? For years, Dr. Pollack had been doing research on muscles and how ...

Kills more than just pain: Study proves Tylenol has damaging effects on children’s brains
Post Date: 2019-03-03 14:11:00 by Horse
Acetaminophen, the main ingredient in Tylenol, is one of the most commonly used over-the-counter painkillers today. Many people take it without giving it a second thought, popping one every time they feel a headache coming on and giving it to their kids at the slightest sign of fever. Don’t let the fact that you don’t need a prescription for it fool you in to a false sense of comfort, however. This drug can be very damaging – and children are at particular risk. There have been several studies looking at the long-term effects that acetaminophen use during pregnancy and childhood have on children, and all of them link it to long-term neurological function problems. Although ...

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