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Rosacea: More Than Skin Deep
Post Date: 2019-03-03 05:27:09 by Tatarewicz
CHN...There is one simple reason why cannabinoid based treatments have gone from being "taboo" to highly sought after in a few short years. "It Works" You may not know that cannabinoids are found naturally in many foods including black pepper, flax, hops, dark chocolate and oregano. The human body naturally produces cannabinoids as a way of reducing inflammation and provoking relaxation. Cannabinoids are present in breast milk and may be critical to infants survival. Whether suffering from stress, anxiety, insomnia, digestive problems, inflammation, blood sugar disorders, physical pain, slow healing, etc. etc. you may, in fact, be suffering from a cannabinoid deficiency. ...

A Serious Question: When Will The First “Vaccine Enforcers” Be Shot By Parents Defending Their Children Against The Felony Assault Of Forced Immunizations?
Post Date: 2019-03-02 09:01:54 by Ada
Vaccine industry about to recruit gun-toting police to enforce mandatory medical interventions The political Left in America today now openly advocates the murder of living human babies, even after they’re born. This is part of the new abortion legislation that has been passed and signed into law in both New York and Vermont… and the entire idea of killing human babies in the name of “women’s rights” is spreading to more states, much to the applause of Democrats who cheer the new “right” to kill babies with your bare hands. One abortionist recently told a former patient they would, “break the baby’s neck” if it survived an abortion ...

The Brain That Remade Itself
Post Date: 2019-03-02 05:10:53 by Tatarewicz
put my hand on a bishop and slide it several squares before moving it back. “Should I move a different piece instead?” I wonder to myself. “You have to move that piece if you’ve touched it,” my opponent says, flashing a wry grin. Fine. I move the bishop. It’s becoming increasingly obvious to me now — I’m going to lose a game of chess to a 12-year-old. My opponent is Tanner Collins, a seventh-grade student growing up in a Pittsburgh suburb. Besides playing chess, Collins likes building with Legos. One such set, a replica of Hogwarts Castle from the Harry Potter books, is displayed on a hutch in the dining room of his parents’ ...

MSM - What A Drug Wishes It Could Be
Post Date: 2019-03-02 01:21:01 by Tatarewicz
Ben explains that the popular nutritional supplement Methylsulfonylmethane, commonly known as MSM, is the "Holy Grail" of medicine, because it is supremely beneficial and supremely non-toxic. "For me MSM is an absolutely incredible way to improve health in a non-toxic fashion. Even WebMD recommends its use for inflammation, for arthritis, even for hangovers. What is clear is that MSM is an incredibly valuable anti-inflammatory and collagen builder." "MSM is a component of many other important bio-molecules." "MSM is sulfur. MSM is a way of giving the body sulfur in a very usable form. Sulfur is one of the major components of the human body. About a quarter ...

Study suggests spices outperform chemo and radiation for treating cancer
Post Date: 2019-03-01 14:10:42 by Horse
Turmeric is an ancient spice commonly used in Indian cuisine. Aside from giving curries extra flavor and color, this humble yellow-orange root is rapidly becoming a new health wonder. It has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine, but in the past few decades word of its powerful medicinal benefits has reached the Western world as well. In fact, turmeric now tops the list as one of the most frequently researched medicinal herbs. Its therapeutic use has been proven to be safe and effective in the treatment of various conditions and with no adverse side effects. Curcumin, turmeric’s active compound, gives the spice its bright yellow color and is responsible ...

The U.S. is funding dangerous experiments it doesn’t want you to know about
Post Date: 2019-03-01 09:19:45 by Ada
Marc Lipsitch is a professor of epidemiology and director of the Center for Communicable Disease Dynamics at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Tom Inglesby is director of the Center for Health Security and an environmental health and engineering professor at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. In 2014, U.S. officials imposed a moratorium on experiments to enhance some of the world’s most lethal viruses by making them transmissible by air, responding to widespread concerns that a lab accident could spark a global pandemic. Most infectious-disease studies pose modest safety risks, but given that these proposed experiments intended to create a highly ...

Pharmacological Poisoning
Post Date: 2019-03-01 04:41:31 by Tatarewicz
CHN... Mrs. Adams looked grumpy, but who could blame her? She had just gotten out of the hospital. Her first stop after being discharged was my pharmacy and her first order of business was having a stack of prescriptions filled. Aside from the fact that Mrs. Adams was going to be parting with a significant chunk of change (she had a twenty dollar co-pay which meant her 12 prescriptions were going to costing her 240 bucks), she was also about to bombard her biology with enough chemical poisons to make her body eligible as a toxic waste dump. To compound her problems, unbeknownst to Mrs. Adams and probably her doctor too, not only were her pharmacological protocols going to be poisoning her ...

Being Surrounded by Green Space in Childhood May Improve Mental Health of Adults
Post Date: 2019-03-01 00:53:33 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Children who grow up with greener surroundings have up to 55 percent less risk of developing various mental disorders later in life. This is shown by a new study emphasizing the need for designing green and healthy cities for the future. Children who grow up with greener surroundings have up to 55% less risk of developing various mental disorders later in life. This is shown by a new study from Aarhus University, Denmark, emphasizing the need for designing green and healthy cities for the future. A larger and larger share of the world's population now lives in cities and WHO estimates that more than 450 millions of the global human population suffer from a mental ...

This is What Happens to Your Body if You Drink at Least 1 Coffee A Day
Post Date: 2019-03-01 00:42:19 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Coffee is that one thing that millions of Americans start their day with. It’s warm, inviting, and full of caffeine that offers a much-needed pick-me-up to get the day started. But, what’s really happening inside of your body when you drink that cup of joe? Are you drinking something that is beneficial to you long-term, or are you fueling your body with a harmful substance? With varying opinions on the topic, here’s what science has to say about it — the good and the not-so-good. First, the benefits 1. Protection against different types of cancers Several studies have been conducted to see if the carcinogenic properties in coffee are linked to the ...

100 million Americans have chronic pain. Very few use one of the best tools to treat it.
Post Date: 2019-02-28 06:17:50 by Tatarewicz
VOX... When pain settled into Blair Golson’s hands, it didn’t let go. What started off as light throbbing in one wrist 10 years ago quickly engulfed the other. The discomfort then spread, producing a pain much “like slapping your hands against a concrete wall,” he says. He was constantly stretching them, constantly shaking them, while looking for hot or cold surfaces to lay them on for relief. But worse was the deep sense of catastrophe that accompanied the pain. Working in tech-related startups, he depended on his hands to type. “Every time the pain got bad, I would think some variation of, ‘Oh no, I’m never going to be able to use computers again; ...

Bengali red split lentil dal - recipe
Post Date: 2019-02-28 04:46:05 by Tatarewicz
Ingredients For the dal Red split lentils 200g Rapeseed oil 1tbsp Turmeric powder ½tsp Panch phoron (Bengali five spice) 1tsp Cherry tomatoes, halved 6 Salt 1tsp Boiling water 650ml Green chilli, halved 1 Toppings (optional) Lemon Fresh coriander Place the red split lentils in a large pan. Wash with cold water and drain a couple of times to clean them. Next place boiling water over the lentils and simmer in a pan for 10 minutes. A little scum will form on the top of the lentils; simply use a spoon to remove it. You may also find that you need to add a little more water for a more soupy consistency. In the end, the lentils should change colour from orange to yellow and become ...

Brain Peptides
Post Date: 2019-02-27 02:20:10 by Tatarewicz
CHN... Human beings love to be stoned. Despite police and prison and pecuniary penalties, the human intoxication impulse is apparently insatiable. And, as it turns out, there’s a biochemical basis to our brain’s desires for deliriousness. In many ways human neurology is literally hardwired to be high. For example, our brains make chemicals called peptides that activate the same cells that marijuana does. Essentially, we make our own pot. We’re all literally pot heads. And that’s not all. Our brains make peptides that activate the same cells as amphetamine and cocaine too. In other words, in addition to making our own marijuana we make our coke and speed. We make our ...

Are Essential Oils a Cure for Monster Bacteria like MRSA?
Post Date: 2019-02-26 22:35:51 by BTP Holdings
Are Essential Oils a Cure for Monster Bacteria like MRSA? by David Stewart, PhD MRSA (pronounced “murr – sa”) is an acronym for “Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus.” While Staphylococcus aureus is a common and relatively harmless inhabitant in the nasal passages of 25-30% of people, the MRSA form of staphylococcus is not so benign and once entrenched it does not go away. MRSA is a monster bacteria created by the medical use of man-made antibiotics and antibacterial agents employed principally in hospitals. It was first detected in the 1960s, only a few years after a new semi-synthetic form of penicillin (Methicillin) was introduced. Hospitals are where ...

Tobacco Bans and Marijuana Bans
Post Date: 2019-02-26 10:36:06 by Ada
Hawaii state representative Richard Creagan is on a mission. Actually, he is on a crusade. He wants to effectively ban the smoking of cigarettes. Hawaii is already one of six states (California, Maine, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Oregon being the others) where the minimum age to purchase cigarettes has already been raised to 21. But age 21 is not high enough for the Hawaii lawmaker. Creagan has introduced a bill (HB1509) to raise the minimum age at which Hawaiians can buy cigarettes to age 100. The bill has got to be read to be believed. Here are some excerpts: The legislature finds that the cigarette is considered the deadliest artifact in human history. The cigarette is an ...

These Are the World's Healthiest Nations
Post Date: 2019-02-26 03:10:29 by Tatarewicz
Spain and Italy tops. Iceland, Japan, Switzerland round out top five; U.S. is 35th Health index looks at life expectancy, environmental factors Maybe it’s something in the gazpacho or paella, as Spain just surpassed Italy to become the world’s healthiest country. That’s according to the 2019 edition of the Bloomberg Healthiest Country Index, which ranks 169 economies according to factors that contribute to overall health. Spain placed sixth in the previous gauge, published in 2017. Four additional European nations were among the top 10 in 2019: Iceland (third place), Switzerland (fifth), Sweden (sixth) and Norway (ninth). Japan was the healthiest Asian nation, jumping ...

Statins DOUBLE your risk of developing diabetes
Post Date: 2019-02-25 17:00:26 by Horse
It’s believed that statins have this effect because they activate a certain immune response that inhibits insulin’s ability to function properly. They also deactivate the stem cells that are in charge of cellular repair throughout your body. In other words, they make regular users age faster and experience greater mental and physical decline. Sadly, when people experience these side effects, they are often prescribed additional medications to address them rather than getting to the heart of the problem. Meanwhile, a study in the American Journal of Physiology found that statins cause adverse effects like the weakening of skeletal muscles and neurological side effects in addition ...

The best way to keep fit changes as you age
Post Date: 2019-02-25 03:54:57 by Tatarewicz
The effect of exercise on health is profound. It can protect you from a range of conditions, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers. But the type and amount of exercise you should do changes as you age. To ensure that you are doing the right type of exercise for your age, follow this simple guide. Childhood and adolescence In childhood, exercise helps control body weight, builds healthy bones, and promotes self-confidence and healthy sleep patterns. The US government recommends that children should get at least one hour of exercise a day. As a tip: Children should try a variety of sports and develop skills, such as swimming and the ability to hit and kick a ball. Lots ...

The most effective form of exercise isn’t “exercise” at all
Post Date: 2019-02-25 03:09:06 by Tatarewicz
Have you recently carried heavy shopping bags up a few flights of stairs? Or run the last 100 meters to the station to catch your train? If you have, you may have unknowingly been doing a style of exercise called high-intensity incidental physical activity. Our paper, published today in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, shows this type of regular, incidental activity that gets you huffing and puffing is likely to produce health benefits, even if you do it in 30-second bursts, spread over the day. In fact, incorporating more high-intensity activity into our daily routines—whether that’s by vacuuming the carpet with vigor or walking uphill to buy your lunch—could be the ...

Nutritional Support for Alzheimer's & Dementia
Post Date: 2019-02-25 00:48:00 by Tatarewicz
It’s been called the 36-hour day and for good reason. Although the mothers, fathers, sons and daughters that care for the victims of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) don’t really have an extra 12 hours a day of work, for many, it understandably seems that way. Addressing the daily needs of dementia patients can be a challenging and frustrating experience for even the most intrepid of caretakers. Short term memory lapses require lots of repetition, not to mention the patience of “Job”. Normal bathing, dressing and bathroom activities that most of us take for granted can be particularly tumultuous and communication challenges can make everything more difficult. Sometimes ...

Cholesterol, Eat Up!
Post Date: 2019-02-24 04:32:31 by Tatarewicz
Yum cholesterol, eat up! Despite the fact that for decades doctors have demonized cholesterol as a molecular monster, these days the conventional understanding has changed. Earlier this year the United Sates Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee reversed its longstanding words of wisdom about avoiding egg yolks, shrimp, lobster and other cholesterol containing foods, proclaiming that the much-maligned substance is “…no longer a nutrient of concern”. No longer a nutrient of concern? Great, it’s about time! But what’s missing from the lifting of the medical and social stigma associated with eating cholesterol-containing foods is some actual love for what the ...

Beta Glucan for Wounds, Dry Skin, Cancer & More
Post Date: 2019-02-23 02:46:31 by Tatarewicz
CHN... For the most part, dietary fiber is pretty bland stuff. It’s indigestible, not very reactive and, when dissolved in water, it's known and prized for its ability to thicken gels without interfering with the chemistry of foods, medication or skin care products. An exception to its ordinarily inert nature is my all-time favorite source of fiber, a fascinating biochemical called Beta Glucan (BG). Beta Glucan is produced in copious amounts by all plants, bacteria, yeast and fungi. Unlike other forms of fiber, Beta Glucan (a type of cellulose and one of the most common substances in the natural world) reacts quite readily with biological cells. In particular, Beta Glucan reacts ...

Researchers are stunned at the tremendous anticancer potential of turmeric
Post Date: 2019-02-22 14:32:16 by Horse
Turmeric has proven itself to be an outstanding candidate for the treatment of cancer. In a study by researchers from Guangdong Medical University and the University of Macau in China, this superfood showed potent anticancer properties against chemo-resistant cancer cells. Chemotherapy is one of the most commonly used conventional treatments for cancer. This drug-based approach aims to prevent cancer cells from dividing and growing by killing them. Unfortunately, chemotherapy has very low efficacy and many cancer cells are able to survive it. To make things worse, the cancer cells that survive can develop resistance to the treatment used, which makes it even more difficult to get rid of ...

Harvard Immunologist to Legislators: Unvaccinated Children Pose ZERO Risk to Anyone
Post Date: 2019-02-20 07:15:05 by Horse
It is often stated that those who choose not to vaccinate their children for reasons of conscience endanger the rest of the public, and this is the rationale behind most of the legislation to end vaccine exemptions currently being considered by federal and state legislators country-wide. You should be aware that the nature of protection afforded by many modern vaccines – and that includes most of the vaccines recommended by the CDC for children – is not consistent with such a statement. I have outlined below the recommended vaccines that cannot prevent transmission of disease either because they are not designed to prevent the transmission of infection (rather, they are ...

Foods for Healthy Bones
Post Date: 2019-02-19 22:28:00 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- A healthy skeletal structure is crucial to helping us to do … well, everything. From our teeth, ribs, toes, spine, legs and arms, to the bones that make up our skull, we need them all in strong working condition to perform daily tasks. This means that we need to do all we can to keep them healthy. And while many vitamins and minerals that can help in the overall health of your bones, there are two that stand out above the rest: calcium and vitamin D. We need calcium to support our bones and teeth, whereas vitamin D is needed to help absorb the calcium to promote healthy bone growth. So, what are good sources of calcium and vitamin D that will help keep your bones ...

‘Jaw-dropping moment’: Scientists discover mysterious new communication mechanism in the brain
Post Date: 2019-02-19 14:58:00 by Horse
Researchers studying the brain have stumbled upon a mysterious, previously unknown form of neural communication that has stunned the scientific community. Despite major scientific breakthroughs, the brain largely remains a mystery, and the team from Case Western Reserve University have added to it with their latest paper on a self-propagating ‘wireless’ communication they encountered that can jump across different sections of the brain. While we’re asleep, the cortex and hippocampus in the brain send out mysterious neural ‘waves’. Scientists have previously observed a low-level, slow periodic activity in the brains of decapitated mice by studying slices of their ...

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