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Only a Glass of This Juice will Remove Clogged Arteries And Control Blood Pressure
Post Date: 2019-01-31 07:50:13 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Clogged or blocked arteries can be caused by a blood clot or by plaque that forms and builds up as a result of high levels of cholesterol in the blood. This blockage causes an immense amount of pressure in the blood because it can’t move freely throughout the body like it needs to, causing high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Once arteries are blocked, it becomes very difficult to clear them out, and sadly high blood pressure affects an estimated 100 million Americans according to recent research published by the American Heart Association. Experts believe that high cholesterol begins with damage to and/or plaque blocking the inner layer of the artery. ...

5 Foods to Boost Your Eye Health
Post Date: 2019-01-29 23:05:35 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- You’ve likely been told at one time or another that if you want healthy eyes, you need to eat carrots. And while the old adage has some truth to it because the beta carotene in carrots is converted to vitamin A – a vitamin that is needed for optimum eye health. there are other, and perhaps even better foods to eat. Here are some of those foods: 1. Spinach Spinach as well as other dark, leafy greens like kale contain two antioxidants stored in the macula which is that part of the retina that shields the eyes from damaging light. These antioxidants are lutein and zeaxanthin. Lutein is a deep yellow pigment found in the leaves of plants, and zeaxanthin a carotenoid ...

8 Reasons Dermatologists Want You to Rub Aloe Veaa Gel on Your Face
Post Date: 2019-01-29 16:00:08 by Horse
When you skimp on the sunscreen (unintentionally, of course) and end up with a monster sunburn, chances are you turn to aloe vera gel to soothe your scorched skin. Because it brings so much relief during the healing process—almost like a gooey superhero—you’ve probably wondered what else aloe vera gel is capable of. “Aloe vera is a cactus-like plant known for its healing and medicinal properties,” says Joel Schlessinger, MD, Omaha-based board-certified dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon. “Its stems store water, creating a clear, gel-like substance in the leaves, which contains vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and amino acids.” The gel from aloe has been ...

How Lectins Protect their Seeds
Post Date: 2019-01-29 02:45:53 by Tatarewicz
CHN... One of the biggest problems associated with vegetarian-based diets is the impact on the body of substances called lectins. While you may not have heard specifically of lectins, you’re likely aware of them and their effects; if you’ve ever heard of gluten intolerance and celiac disease then you know about lectin disorders. You can think of lectins as defensive, protective molecules found in seeds and vegetables that are specifically designed by nature to create trouble in any biological organism that is silly enough to try to eat them. Beans and legumes contain especially problematic lectins, which account for the notorious allergies and digestive problems associated with ...

Post Date: 2019-01-28 01:43:19 by Tatarewicz
CHN... If you watch the cartoonish commercials on TV about depression and anti-depressants, you would think that that the molecule known as serotonin is a biochemical of bliss and if you’re feeling crappy, you can just take a medicine that bumps up its effects and voilà, you’ll be happy! On the other hand, if you go to websites like “SSRI stories.com,” which is filled with nightmarish tales about violent behavior, assaults, suicides, suicidal thoughts, murders, and school shootings all associated with SSRIs; or if you read the papers and listen to conspiracy theorists, it’s almost impossible not to be impressed by the link between all of this unpleasantness ...

Cellular Process Can Ward Off Cancer
Post Date: 2019-01-27 17:37:34 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Scientists studying the relationship of telomeres to cancer made a surprising discovery: a cellular recycling process called autophagy -- generally thought of as a survival mechanism -- actually promotes the death of cells, thereby preventing cancer initiation. Just as plastic tips protect the ends of shoelaces and keep them from fraying when we tie them, molecular tips called telomeres protect the ends of chromosomes and keep them from fusing when cells continually divide and duplicate their DNA. But while losing the plastic tips may lead to messy laces, telomere loss may lead to cancer. Salk Institute scientists studying the relationship of telomeres to cancer made a ...

Early Death: Fried Chicken and Fried Fish
Post Date: 2019-01-26 22:11:14 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Regularly eating fried food is linked with a heightened risk of death from any cause and heart-related death, among postmenopausal women, finds a US study in The BMJ today. Regularly eating fried food is linked with a heightened risk of death from any cause and heart-related death, among postmenopausal women, finds a US study in The BMJ today. Foods such as fried chicken and fried fish/shellfish were associated with a higher risk of heart-related death, particularly among younger women in the study (aged 50-65 years old). The researchers suggest that reducing consumption of fried foods, especially fried chicken and fried fish/shellfish, could have a positive public health ...

C2C Health tips summary
Post Date: 2019-01-25 22:13:47 by Tatarewicz
Pharmacist and nutritionist Benjamin Fuchs shared updates on diet, supplementation, and alternative health ideas. Magnesium, he said, is one of the most essential minerals and is involved in many important chemical reactions in the body. Magnesium has a relaxing effect, and helps to balance out excess calcium which can cause tightness in the muscles, he added. He characterized "leaky gut" syndrome as a kind of arthritis of the stomach, and recommended strengthening connective tissue such as by consuming bone broth, as well as such supplements as glutamine, vitamin C, probiotics, and apple cider vinegar. The lymph system has to circulate for poisons to be eliminated out of the ...

State of emergency declared in US measles outbreak
Post Date: 2019-01-25 21:21:19 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... A state of emergency was declared on Friday in the western US state of Washington following a measles outbreak that has affected more than two dozen people, the majority of them children. The disease was declared eliminated in the US in 2000 but has since made a comeback that is tied to imported cases and the rise of the anti-vaccine movement. "Measles is a highly contagious infectious disease that can be fatal in small children," Washington Governor Jay Inslee said in a statement. "The existence of more than 26 confirmed cases in the state of Washington creates an extreme public health risk that may quickly spread to other counties." The outbreak began ...

7 Adaptogenic Herbs or Adaptogens that Help Reduce Stress
Post Date: 2019-01-25 07:18:43 by BTP Holdings
7 Adaptogenic Herbs or Adaptogens that Help Reduce Stress By Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DMN, CNS January 20, 2018 Natural medicine has long appreciated the benefits of herbs and food as medicine. One such example of this is adaptogenic herbs, or “adaptogens.” There is a good bit of science behind the benefits of adaptogen herbs that I’ll share with you, all of which deal with their impact on the stress response. As you probably know, your body is built to release the hormone cortisol to respond to stress, but elevated cortisol levels over long periods of time and chronic stress can affect every physiological system in your body, including your thyroid and adrenal glands. ...

Post Date: 2019-01-25 04:48:28 by Tatarewicz
CHN... Pictures this: a Chinese peasant is having a baby. She’s screaming and writhing with the pain all mothers have known since the beginning of time. A medical man comes into her room, sticks a couple of needles in a few strategic spots in her body and just like that her previously unbearable agony begins to lighten up. Within a few minutes her misery is but a memory. Or how about this: my brother, addicted to his Camel Lights, tries without success, to quit smoking. Over the course of 15 years and countless attempts to kick the habit, he’s still hooked. Yet an alternative health care professional sticks a few needles in his ear and just like the addiction monkey is off his ...

Merck’s Recombivax Vaccine Shortage Causes Reduced Deaths In Babies
Post Date: 2019-01-24 15:32:01 by Horse
Following the cyber-attack in June 2017, for the first time in a very long time, researchers have the ability to view in plain sight, a natural experiment whereby one vaccine was abruptly swapped out for another – replacing the very adjuvant many critics are concerned about, AAHS – with an aluminum hydroxide adjuvant contained in Engerix-B. Neither has a published independent safety profile but AAHS is suspected to be more problematic due to its immunogenicity profile. We now have more than a year’s worth of data to examine since the attack in 2017 when Engerix-B was introduced. On average there were 29 deaths reported annually for fifteen years prior to the attack (2003 to ...

Hair is Dead!
Post Date: 2019-01-23 22:17:05 by Tatarewicz
CHM... Hair is dead! By the time the skin appendage has left its hidden home and birthplace in the follicle, and becomes a visible strand of substance, it is nothing more than a hard shell. Because this shell is largely composed only of dead cells filled with protein, the same stuff that makes up human fingernails as well a horse hoofs and rhino horns, trying to enhance hair’s appearance and texture with topical products is like putting lipstick on a corpse. But that doesn’t mean we can’t try! Throughout history luxurious locks have been honored as a sign of fertility, virility, overall vigor and well-being. Men and women around the world have used a wide range of materials ...

Blood Protein: Early Prediction of Alzheimer's Progression
Post Date: 2019-01-23 04:00:11 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Scientists have shown that a protein found in the blood can be used to precisely monitor disease progression of Alzheimer's long before first clinical signs appear. This blood marker offers new possibilities for testing therapies. Years before symptoms of Alzheimer's disease manifest, the brain starts changing and neurons are slowly degraded. Scientists at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), the Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research (HIH) and the University Hospital Tuebingen now show that a protein found in the blood can be used to precisely monitor disease progression long before first clinical signs appear. This blood marker offers new ...

Pot website offers free medical marijuana to government workers amid shutdown (Pain Relief)
Post Date: 2019-01-22 14:00:33 by hondo68
© Getty Images Another business is joining those aiming to ease the pain of the partial government shutdown for federal workers — a marijuana marketplace says it’s giving away free weed.BudTrader.com, which describes itself as the “largest online cannabis marketplace” and has been dubbed the "Craigslist of weed," will offer free medical marijuana to government workers who can’t pay because of the shutdown. The shutdown — which affects an estimated 800,000 federal workers and has stretched on for more than a month — stems from disagreements between President Trump and congressional Democrats over his request for more than $5 billion in ...

Maximizing Your Mitochondria with Magnesium (And Exercise)
Post Date: 2019-01-20 11:09:34 by Horse

The mature stoner: why are so many seniors smoking weed?
Post Date: 2019-01-19 23:24:00 by Tatarewicz
Guardian... Older people are the fastest-growing group of cannabis users, as stigma fades and some seek an alternative to prescription drugs ‘The generation that camped out at Woodstock is now in its seventies.’ As attitudes towards cannabis shift, the fastest-growing group of users is over 50 – and marijuana’s popularity among seniors is beginning to change the American experience of old age. 'You're not going to die': how to survive an edible marijuana overdose Read more Why are more seniors getting high? It might make more sense to ask: “Why not?” As adults reach retirement, they age out of drug tests and have far more time on their hands. ...

Tags Insights Tips Share on Twitter Share on Facebook Share on LinkedIn How Does Hearing Loss Affect the Brain?
Post Date: 2019-01-19 08:02:53 by Tatarewicz
The brain is the center of operations for our entire body, but it can be affected by both physical and intangible ailments. While hearing loss affects our ability to hear, it can also lead to changes in the brain. Hearing loss can occur in anyone, no matter their age or race. Because hearing loss affects so many aspects of people’s lives, there have been many studies to explore how it changes the brain. The results are interesting and show how much the brain can alter to make up for lost senses. Neuroplasticity refers to the rewiring of the brain to handle new functions and situations. In people with hearing loss, the brain is rewired in a number of ways, right down to its higher ...

Ditch the aspirin! Ginger works just as well … with NONE of the side effects
Post Date: 2019-01-18 16:07:12 by Horse
A daily dose of one aspirin a day is often prescribed for the prevention of heart disease to those who are at risk. However, just like with other over-the-counter (OTC) drugs, the use of aspirin comes with health risks and unwanted side effects. Some of these risks may include excessive bleeding, kidney and liver failure, ulcers, tinnitus, and hemorrhagic stroke. The good news is that ginger can be used as a suitable alternative to aspirin without the potential adverse effects. Ginger is already one of the healthiest spices on the planet. It is a nutritional powerhouse of various nutrients and bioactive compounds, which include calcium, copper, dietary fiber, folate, iron, magnesium, ...

FDA Allows aspartame, a seizure triggering drugto be added to anti-seizure medication!
Post Date: 2019-01-18 16:02:46 by Horse
I don't know how much you know about all the fraud involving aspartame, the reason FDA asked for an indictment against G. D. Searle, but I'm giving you some information of the goings on from Mission Possible Holland: http://www.aspartaam.nl/ artikelen_eng/histfaq.php You will note it says the list of pivotal studies were protected. Later it was released. Barbara Alexander Mullarkey, a columnist for the Wednesday Journal of Oak Park, Illinois, and author of Bittersweet Aspartame: A Diet Delusion , wrote the FDA for a list of the pivotal studies that approved aspartame. A letter from Dr. Rudolph Harris of the FDA [10] included SC 18862, a 52 Week Oral Toxicity Study in the Infant ...

Court Ruling Confirms Merck’s Gardasil HPV Vaccine Kills People – Did Anyone Even Notice?
Post Date: 2019-01-15 08:28:06 by Horse
The infamous human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine by Gardasil is in use around the world for both girls and boys, even though an American court has ruled beyond the shadow of a doubt that the vaccine can kill people. The Tarsell family lost their 21-year-old daughter when she died shortly after getting this vaccine, and because of their determination to hold the vaccine maker accountable, they have proven that this vaccine is dangerous and needs to be removed from the schedule of vaccines. No family should ever have to go through such an ordeal, but for the sake of justice for Christina Tarsell, the Tarsell family won an incredibly important judgement. Her story is told in brief, here: ...

How to Reverse a Fatty Liver
Post Date: 2019-01-15 00:30:17 by Horse
Poster Comment:Liver can be healed but it takes a while. Liver weighs 3 1/2 pounds and has 500 functions. Tylenol and Lipitoir kill the liver. Kale, spinach , coconut oil are good for the liver. Butter is OK. Apple Cider vinegar good for the liver. Vitamin B complex. Try Kambucha tea to replace alcohol.

Vaccines *DO* Cause Autism According to Pro-Vaccine Expert: The sworn affidavit states that he told government officials about the vaccine/autism link long ago, but they kept it secret and promptly fired him.
Post Date: 2019-01-14 15:07:20 by Horse

Longevity Research / The Cygnus Key
Post Date: 2019-01-14 05:54:16 by Tatarewicz
C2C... Could humans one day live forever? According to Bill Faloon, founder of the Church of Perpetual Life, if you're under 40 years of age, you have a decent chance of staying young and healthy to 100 and beyond. He joined guest host Richard Syrett to discuss the latest research into slowing and, possibly, reversing biological aging. "We're on the verge of a biomedical Renaissance, where older people are going to be made somewhat younger or very younger depending on how fast we can accelerate our research," he explained, noting scientists (published in the journal Nature) have suggested there is no upper limit to human lifespan. If the genetic profile of ...

Antihypertensives - An Alternative Approach to Blood Pressure
Post Date: 2019-01-14 04:10:51 by Tatarewicz
Anti- hypertensive drugs are one of craziest of all medical pharmacological health strategies. Here’s why: If your blood pressure is high enough that you need a drug then that means either: 1) a lot of blood-clogging, sludgy gook is impeding flow, resulting in a build-up of pressure OR 2) blood vessels have narrowed restricting flow and resulting in pressure elevation. The blood vessels narrow from damage (that’s called “stenosis”) or as a manifestation of the stress response; it’s the body’s way of making sure the muscles and nerves have enough oxygen and nutrients to get us out of them jam (it thinks) we’re in. The body is a pressurized system. ...

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