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Veteran MD Drops Bombshell At 5G Hearing
Post Date: 2018-12-18 00:58:08 by Horse
Poster Comment:Causes diabetes, mental health, kidney problems amongst others.

The Wonders of Cinnamon
Post Date: 2018-12-18 00:48:32 by Tatarewicz
I love easy to use remedies for common health issues. Vitamin C powder is super effective for colds, drinking lots of water can ease hunger pangs while encouraging weight loss and deep breathing can lower blood pressure almost immediately. One of my favorite simple strategies for improving health involves using spices. Not only can they have medicinal value, but spicing strategically will make foods taste better and you’ll find that if you’re eating generously spiced foods you’ll feel fuller faster. One of the most helpful of spices is cinnamon. It’s tasty and can help enhance the sweetening powers of sugar and honey. And, as it turns out, cinnamon can also help lower ...

Cannabinoids/ Mushrooms
Post Date: 2018-12-17 04:44:21 by Tatarewicz
CHN...There is one simple reason why cannabinoid based treatments have gone from being "taboo" to highly sought after in a few short years. "It Works" You may not know that cannabinoids are found naturally in many foods including black pepper, flax, hops, dark chocolate and oregano. The human body naturally produces cannabinoids as a way of reducing inflammation and provoking relaxation. Cannabinoids are present in breast milk and may be critical to infants survival. Whether suffering from stress, anxiety, insomnia, digestive problems, inflammation, blood sugar disorders, physical pain, slow healing, etc. etc. you may, in fact, be suffering from a cannabinoid ...

This is Why Sodium Benzoate is So Scary
Post Date: 2018-12-16 11:10:40 by BTP Holdings
This is Why Sodium Benzoate is So Scary Sodium benzoate is a synthetic chemical produced when benzoic acid, which is found naturally in some fruits and spices, is combined with sodium hydroxide. Since sodium benzoate contains a natural ingredient, it is probably safe, right? After all, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Canadian Health Protection Branch have pronounced this chemical preservative to be acceptable when consumed in low amounts. In fact, the FDA has granted sodium benzoate GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) status, and the so-called safe limit in food is 0.1 percent by weight. In water, the acceptable limit, set by the Environmental Protection Agency, is 5 ...

Obamacare Thrown Out by Judge, Raising Insurance Uncertainty
Post Date: 2018-12-15 15:05:46 by BTP Holdings
Obamacare Thrown Out by Judge, Raising Insurance Uncertainty (AP) Friday, 14 December 2018 09:39 PM Obamacare was struck down by a Texas federal judge in a ruling that casts uncertainty on insurance coverage for millions of U.S. residents. The decision Friday finding the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional comes just before the end of a six-week open enrollment period for the program in 2019 and underscores a divide between Republicans who have long sought to invalidate the law and Democrats who fought to keep it in place. U.S. District Judge Reed O’Connor in Fort Worth agreed with a coalition of Republican states led by Texas that he had to eviscerate the Affordable Care ...

Butina Broken by Torture, 'Admits' Guilt on Absurd Charges
Post Date: 2018-12-14 10:33:17 by Ada
Butina campaigns for gun rights which Putin opposes and is closer to the oppositionist Navalyn so the charges she is an agent of the Russian government -- which she just "confessed" to -- are patently absurd The US is now a country which tortures people into false confessions -- if they are Russian Just days ago her family was saying Butina would not break despite what she was being put through: "She isn't making deals with anybody, whether there will be such a deal or not, she's not slandering anybody nor pleading guilty for a crime she didn't commit". This is a recent comment from Maria Butina's father, who is following the news that the American ...

Novel Technique May Significantly Reduce Breast Biopsies
Post Date: 2018-12-13 21:31:41 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- A novel technique that uses mammography to determine the biological tissue composition of a tumor could help reduce unnecessary breast biopsies, according to a new study. A novel technique that uses mammography to determine the biological tissue composition of a tumor could help reduce unnecessary breast biopsies, according to a new study appearing in the journal Radiology. Mammography has been effective at reducing deaths from breast cancer by detecting cancers in their earliest, most treatable stages. However, many women are called back for additional diagnostic imaging and, in many cases, biopsies, for abnormal findings that are ultimately proven benign. Research ...

Part 4: The dangers of low-quality essential oils
Post Date: 2018-12-10 19:40:01 by BTP Holdings
Part 4: The dangers of low-quality essential oils In the United States, there are virtually no enforced standards when it comes to claims about the quality of essential oil products. As a result of these lax standards, U.S. oil manufacturers or distributors can label their products as “100% Pure” or “therapeutic grade” without any regard to the quality or type of essential oil used. This has allowed manufacturers to sell lower quality and less expensive essential oils in a wide variety of unregulated combinations. This presents a great deal of risk to people seeking quality essential oils to benefit their health and wellness. Terms often found on essential oil labels ...

Seattle woman dies from brain-eating amoebas after using nonsterile water in neti pot
Post Date: 2018-12-07 23:56:13 by Dakmar
Doctors are warning people about the dangers of using nonsterile water in neti pots after it was determined that a 69-year-old Seattle woman died from brain-eating amoebas. Earlier this year, an unnamed woman was admitted to the Swedish Medical Center after suffering a seizure. But what doctors initially thought was a brain tumor turned out to be rare amoebas that were attacking her brain. The woman died a month later, the Seattle Times reports. “When I operated on this lady, a section of her brain about the size of a golf ball was bloody mush,” neurosurgeon Charles Cobbs told the Seattle Times. “There were these amoeba all over the place just eating brain cells. We ...

DC Council Bills Taxpayers Half A Million To Avoid Enrolling Themselves In Obamacare
Post Date: 2018-12-07 20:15:39 by BTP Holdings
DC Council Bills Taxpayers Half A Million To Avoid Enrolling Themselves In Obamacare December 7, 2018 By Christopher Jacobs On the first of the month, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser held an event at Freedom Plaza to celebrate the start of Obamacare’s annual open enrollment period. She appeared with Mila Kofman, head of the District’s health insurance exchange, D.C. Health Link. In conjunction with the event, the mayor issued a proclamation declaring the open enrollment period “Get Covered, Stay Covered” months, and noting that “residents should visit [D.C. Health Link’s website] to shop for and compare health insurance.” But in encouraging others to “get ...

Gut Microbiome Differs Among Ethnicities
Post Date: 2018-12-06 22:16:29 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Changing the gut microbiome to beat illness really does hold great potential, said a biologist, but first scientists must answer what constitutes a healthy gut microbiome and in whom. Research increasingly links the gut microbiome to a range of human maladies, including inflammatory bowel disease, diabetes and even cancer. Attempts to manipulate the gut with food rich in healthy bacteria, such as yogurt or kombucha, are in vogue, along with buying commercial probiotics that promise to improve users' chances against illness. Changing the gut microbiome to beat illness really does hold great potential, said Vanderbilt University biologist Seth Bordenstein, but first ...

6,700 Tons of Radioactive Debris Shipped From Kuwait to Idaho
Post Date: 2018-12-06 07:04:33 by BTP Holdings
6,700 Tons of Radioactive Debris Shipped From Kuwait to Idaho July 11, 2008 Doug Rokke Black Listed News July 11, 2008 (Note: Dr. Doug Rokke is the former Director of the U.S. Army’s Depleted Uranium Project. It was his task to clean up the radioactive battlefields of the Gulf War. Today, this leading opponent of nuclear warfare is vitally concerned that sand contaminated by radioactive munitions exploded in the Middle East has been shipped to Idaho for burial. And more, much more. He asked me to call his warning to public attention.) During the summer of 1991, the United States military had collected artillery, tanks, Bradley fighting vehicles, conventional and unconventional ...

US Marines Drink Snake Blood, Eat Geckos in Survival Training
Post Date: 2018-12-06 06:40:05 by BTP Holdings
US Marines Drink Snake Blood, Eat Geckos in Survival Training U.S. Marines queue up to taste the blood of a cobra during during a jungle survival training at the 2009 Cobra Gold military exercise in Chonburi province, southeastern Thailand. (Apichart Weerawong/AP) By Solange Reyner | Monday, 19 February 2018 10:24 PM U.S. Marines drank snake blood and ate raw geckos Monday in jungle survival training as part of the Cobra Gold 2018 joint military exercise in Thailand. Seven countries participated in the annual military exercise, including Japan, Malaysia, South Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand and 6,800 U.S. personnel. The training, which lasts for 10 days, is led by Thai marines. ...

Glutamine: The Amazing Healing Amino
Post Date: 2018-12-05 01:08:29 by Tatarewicz
CHN...In the world of sports performance you’re not going to find a more popular and important anabolic strength-boosting supplement than glutamine, an extremely well-researched therapeutic nutrient that does a lot more than build muscle. Glutamine is said to be a “conditionally essential amino acid”. The “amino acid” part refers to the fact that among other things the body uses it to create proteins, while “conditionally essential” means you may not absolutely need to. It’s probably a good idea to dose with it daily via foods or supplementation. All of this is to say, glutamine is important stuff! While there are over twenty different amino acids in ...

Marijuana Did Not Kill Your Son
Post Date: 2018-12-04 11:09:10 by Ada
I occasionally get some unusual responses when I write about the evils of the government’s war on drugs. On election day, Tuesday, November 6, I had an article published on this website titled “Voting Right.” The article was about the marijuana ballot initiatives that were being voted on that day. I maintained in the article that voting right meant voting in favor of ballot initiatives to legalize the medical or recreational use of marijuana. I took this position because, as a libertarian, I believe that there should be no laws at any level of government for any reason regarding the buying, selling, growing, processing, transporting, manufacturing, advertising, using, or ...

Self Diagnosis With Modular Nutrition
Post Date: 2018-12-02 17:49:01 by Tatarewicz
Infomercial..."Critical Health News" Jonty here (from CHN's News Team), just want to say a few things about the genius of Dr. Wallach's nutritional system. So, let's say you've done your research, you've given it some thought and you've come to believe that optimum health and healing happen when you give your body the nutrients it needs. Great! Now What? Dr. Wallach devised a simple system to take the guesswork out of nutritional supplementation based on the "Healthy Body Start Pak™". The Healthy Body Start Pak "http://app.getresponse.com/click...Jy&s=xatLnW&u=BNrSW&y=4&" ™ is formulated to provide a balanced ...

First-Ever Genetically Altered Babies Allegedly Born in China
Post Date: 2018-12-02 03:37:41 by Tatarewicz
C2C...China In a bombshell story out of China, a scientist claims to have led a research team which successfully produced the world's first genetically-altered babies. He Jiankui revealed the stunning development to the Associated Press, explaining that his group used the controversial gene-editing tool CRISPR on a set of twin girls so that they were born possessing a 'natural' resistance to HIV. As of now, his work has yet to be verified or published in any scientific papers. Advertisement Nonetheless, scientists around the world were largely aghast upon hearing the news and swiftly decried Jiankui's research, which would be illegal in the United States. One expert ...

A Mental Disease by Any Other Name
Post Date: 2018-12-01 20:08:13 by Tatarewicz
Nautilus For Frank Russell, reinterpreting his schizophrenia as shamanism helped his symptoms. It starts without warning—or rather, the warnings are there, but your ability to detect them exists only in hindsight. First you’re sitting in the car with your son, then he tells you: “I cannot find my old self again.” You think, well, teenagers say dramatic stuff like this all the time. Then he’s refusing to do his homework, he’s writing suicidal messages on the wall in black magic marker, he’s trying to cut himself with a razor blade. You sit down with him; you two have a long talk. A week later, he runs home from a nighttime gathering at his friend’s ...

Daily Supplements with Dr Mike
Post Date: 2018-12-01 18:19:39 by Horse
Poster Comment:BEST ARGUMENTS AGAINST VACCINES. Great anti-cancer advice. Dr. Mike Vanderschelden https://www.youtube.com/drmichaelvandc I subscribed to his channel here. Never take Tylenol!!!!

New Blood Pressure Guidelines
Post Date: 2018-11-29 23:02:31 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- In 2017, the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association released new blood pressure guidelines, lowering hypertension threshold to 130/80 mm Hg from the previous 140/90 mm Hg. A new study predicts that achieving and maintaining the 2017 guideline blood pressure goals could prevent more than 3 million cardiovascular disease events over 10 years. "Treating high blood pressure is a major public health opportunity to protect health and quality of life for tens of millions of Americans," said the study's lead author Adam Bress, Pharm.D., M.S., assistant professor in Population Health Sciences at University of Utah Health. "Achieving ...

U.S. Life Expectancy Falls Further
Post Date: 2018-11-29 11:54:09 by Ada
‘We are losing too many Americans, too early and too often, to conditions that are preventable,’ CDC head says Life expectancy for Americans fell again last year, despite growing recognition of the problems driving the decline and federal and local funds invested in stemming them. Data the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released on Thursday show life expectancy fell by one-tenth of a year, to 78.6 years, pushed down by the sharpest annual increase in suicides in nearly a decade and a continued rise in deaths from powerful opioid drugs like fentanyl. Influenza, pneumonia and diabetes also factored into last year’s increase. Economists and public-health experts ...

The acne drug that can steal young men’s virility: Tens of thousands are prescribed Roaccutane for their skin. But now there’s disturbing evidence of an embarrassing side-effect for men like Ed that can last for years — and leave them suicidal
Post Date: 2018-11-27 12:42:54 by Horse
Dermatologists say isotretinoin has transformed the lives of countless thousands of teenagers — its success is borne out by a dramatic rise in prescriptions, with numbers for Roaccutane alone, made by Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche, rising from 6,522 a year in 2006 to 48,997 in 2016. While many have clearly benefited from the drug, it has also been increasingly associated with reports of serious psychiatric side-effects, ranging from anxiety and panic attacks to depression and suicide. These potential risks have been well publicised, but now evidence is emerging that isotretinoin may also be responsible for a hidden epidemic of permanent sexual dysfunction, that continues long ...

What Blood Pressure Is And How To Control It Yourself
Post Date: 2018-11-26 20:53:24 by Tatarewicz
Critical Health News...The body is always talking to us. We may not listen, but it’s always reporting back about what’s going on with it, how it’s responding to our actions and what we’re doing wrong and right. If you have a problem dairy, your intestine will signal its distress with cramping, bloating and other digestive symptoms. These symptoms can be correlated to eating things like cheese, gluten, strawberries eggs and any other foods that initiate intolerance or allergies. Drink too much alcohol, the next day’s hangover can be a communication so clear and impactful you may never imbibe again. On the other hand, sometimes a burst of happiness or a hit of energy ...

Father Dies on Thanksgiving Day After Getting Shot 8 Times While Checking on Elderly Neighbor
Post Date: 2018-11-25 09:17:50 by BTP Holdings
Father Dies on Thanksgiving Day After Getting Shot 8 Times While Checking on Elderly Neighbor Alexia Fernandez 1 day ago © GoFundMe Patrick Smith was shot eight times and succumbed to his wounds on Thanksgiving Day A California man is dead after getting shot while checking on an elderly neighbor after a burglary. Patrick Smith died on Thanksgiving Day after he was shot eight times on Nov. 14 in Barstow, California. The 41-year-old janitor was shot in the backyard of his neighbor’s house after he offered to check it for her following a burglary, according to his wife Elizabeth’s GoFundMe. The Barstow Police Department arrested four teenagers, ranging in age from 15 to ...

Anxiety and panic attacks are lactic acidosis
Post Date: 2018-11-24 22:54:58 by Horse

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