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Air Pollution and Noise Up Risk for Heart Attacks
Post Date: 2018-11-02 21:34:46 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Air pollution and transportation noise are both associated with an increased risk of heart attacks. Studies on air pollution, which do not take into account traffic noise, tend to overestimate the long-term effect of air pollution on heart attacks. Where air pollution is high, the level of transportation noise is usually also elevated. Not only air pollution negatively impacts on health, but also car, train and aircraft noise increases the risk for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, as previous research has demonstrated. Studies investigating the effect of air pollution without sufficiently taking into account the impact that noise exhibits on health, might overestimate ...

Proof vaccines are not properly tested for safety before approval — WATCH NOW
Post Date: 2018-11-01 13:36:24 by Horse
The US Vaccine Advisory Panel, called the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), is the group that approves vaccines for public use in the United States. Most members have connections to the pharmaceutical (aka vaccine) industry. This 4-minute video was taken from a recent ACIP meeting discussing the approval of a new Hepatitis B vaccine for ADULTS. The vaccine uses a new ingredient that has NEVER been used before…and never tested for safety by anyone other than the vaccine maker. Pre-approval studies signaled an increase in heart attacks and possibly autoimmune issues…but under pressure from vaccine makers, the committee unanimously APPROVES the vaccine. ...

China warns its citizens against marijuana after Canada legalises it
Post Date: 2018-10-30 04:54:45 by Tatarewicz
SCMP... Diplomats in Toronto warn students that drug could prove harmful to physical and mental health after law changes to allow recreational use Warning does not go as far as South Korea, which threatened to prosecute people who consume the drug in Canada when they return home PUBLISHED : Monday, 29 October, 2018, 1:54pm UPDATED : Monday, 29 October, 2018, 9:57pm Comments: 57 57 PrintEmail Related topics Chinese overseas China Society Canada Drugs Related Articles People hold up a Canadian flag with a marijuana logo on it outside a government cannabis store in Montreal. Photo: AP Asia After pot legalisation, Asian-Canadians tread a cultural divide over getting high 27 Oct 2018 Eric ...

Jerry Tennant: Healing is Voltage -- The Physics of Emotions
Post Date: 2018-10-29 06:44:17 by Horse

Probiotics are not always 'good bacteria'
Post Date: 2018-10-28 06:30:30 by Tatarewicz
Medical Xpress... The first study investigating the mechanism of how a disease develops using human organ-on-a-chip technology has been successfully completed by engineers at The University of Texas at Austin. Researchers from the Cockrell School of Engineering were able to shed light on a part of the human body—the digestive system—where many questions remain unanswered. Using their "gut inflammation-on-a-chip" microphysiological system, the research team confirmed that intestinal barrier disruption is the onset initiator of gut inflammation. The study also includes evidence that casts doubt on the conventional wisdom of taking probiotics—live bacteria that are ...

The Household Spice That Destroys Cancer Cells, Stops Heart Attacks And Rebuilds The Gut
Post Date: 2018-10-28 00:07:26 by Horse
Poster Comment:Cayenne. I have taken 2 capsules a day for the past year and a ha;f. That and the other herbs I take have greatly improved my score on my echocardiogram. First one I passed in 8 years.

The 16 Fake, Sneaky Names Food Companies Use For MSG
Post Date: 2018-10-27 20:53:07 by Horse
At first, I thought the headaches and dizziness I was getting were related to stress. I had recently graduated from college, moved to a new city and started a new job. After a while, though, I began to notice a pattern. I typically got the symptoms after eating from a salad buffet or after having certain Chinese foods. I did some research and discovered I was reacting to monosodium glutamate (MSG). Since that time, I have paid close attention to ingredient labels and restaurant menu descriptions that contain MSG. However, keeping MSG out of my diet – and now my family’s diet – is much trickier than I initially thought. It still is in many of the foods found on our ...

All Found Murdered! Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes in Vaccines
Post Date: 2018-10-27 20:44:04 by Horse
A number of holistic doctors in Florida, over 60 of them within one year, who have been found, killed or dead all have one common denominator. They had all found out that an enzyme protein was cancer causing and the protein with the name of Nagalese had been added to vaccines that had been given to humans and this is something that has been happening on a global scale. Doctors Were Said To Be Getting Ready To Reveal Findings Nagalese is said to be an enzyme that stops vitamin D from being produced in the body and so stops the natural ability of the body to kill off any cancer cells. It is also a protein that is created by cancer cells and can be found in high concentrations in children ...

When Pink Turns Red
Post Date: 2018-10-27 11:06:29 by Ada
Whew! We’ve survived another October with its onslaught of pink ribbons. Imagine October before the medical-industrial complex turned it into a spool of Pepto-Bismol bows. What a magnificent month of refreshingly brisk days and particolored leaves, cider and woodsmoke! Yet our degenerate age desecrates these glorious weeks with an orgy of national vulgarity and endless emphasis on the most obvious portion of the female anatomy. As always when civilization marches into the sewer, Leviathan led it there. Not only does the “Executive Office of the President” threaten to steal our money “because cancer” (though perhaps the puerile among us welcome the change from ...

‘False advertising’: Lawsuit against Chinese toothpaste sparks debate over traditional medicine
Post Date: 2018-10-27 08:22:22 by Tatarewicz
SCMP Pharmaceutical maker is facing legal action amid questions about the efficacy of its secret formula Yunnan Baiyao Group traces its roots back to a fabled traditional healer who developed the remedy at the turn of the last cent A toothpaste maker that claimed to channel the healing power of one of China’s most celebrated traditional remedies is being sued for false advertising following claims that the secret to its success lies in its use of modern medication. Get updates direct to your inbox E-mail * By registering you agree to our T&Cs & Privacy Policy The toothpaste is made by a state-owned corporation that takes its name from Yunnan baiyao – a product ...

Breathing Through the Nose Aids Memory Storage
Post Date: 2018-10-26 23:12:35 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- The way we breathe may affect how well our memories are consolidated (i.e. reinforced and stabilized). If we breathe through the nose rather than the mouth after trying to learn a set of smells, we remember them better. The way we breathe may affect how well our memories are consolidated (i.e. reinforced and stabilised). If we breathe through the nose rather than the mouth after trying to learn a set of smells, we remember them better, researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden report in The Journal of Neuroscience. Research into how breathing affects the brain has become an ever-more popular field in recent years and new methodologies have enabled more studies, many of ...

His Body Was Behind the Wheel for a Week Before It Was Discovered. This Was His Life.
Post Date: 2018-10-26 21:57:56 by BTP Holdings
His Body Was Behind the Wheel for a Week Before It Was Discovered. This Was His Life. A software designer ended his life in his parked car in the East Village. His family asked the police for help finding him, but met resistance. Geoffrey Corbis, who changed his surname from Weglarz, was found in his car on a busy street in the East Village on Aug. 31, a week after he committed suicide and his family reported him missing to the local police station. By Michael Wilson Oct. 23, 2018 A neighbor walking his dog in the East Village saw the man one night, sitting motionless behind the wheel inside a parked car. Two days later, he was still there. The windows were up, the engine off — ...

Finally, the drug that keeps you young
Post Date: 2018-10-25 07:29:57 by Tatarewicz
MIT... Anti-aging pioneer Judith Campisi explains how a recent breakthrough could ward off age-related disease. Judith Campisi has been a leading figure in the biology of aging since the early 1990s, when her research on the basic mechanisms of cancer revealed an unexpected finding—that cells enter a phase known as senescence that prevents them from becoming cancerous. More than 25 years later, the insight has led to a new kind of drug that may slow or modestly reverse human aging. Campisi’s research is on the role of cellular senescence in cancer and other age-related diseases. Senescent cells undergo a transition into a twilight state where they are still active but no longer ...

You are 550% more likely to get a respiratory infection if you receive the flu vaccine
Post Date: 2018-10-24 13:09:55 by Horse
Let’s assume for a moment that the flu vaccine provided a 100 percent guarantee against contracting influenza (which it doesn’t, but just pretend it does). Would it make sense to vaccinate your family against the flu if doing so meant you increased their risk of contracting other upper respiratory illnesses by more than five times? Of course not! Reducing the risk of contracting one illness only to heighten the risk of multiple others is simply illogical. And yet that is exactly what the flu vaccine – which is only between 33 and 70 percent effective, anyway – does. A study published in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases actually found that not only did the ...

Exercises may improve memory through a bone hormone
Post Date: 2018-10-24 06:56:00 by Tatarewicz
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23 (Xinhua) -- American researchers revealed how a bone hormone reversed memory loss in the aging brain in mice, lending new insights into how exercise could positively affect the brain. The study published on Tuesday in the journal Cell Reports showed that the naturally occurring hormone called osteocalcin worked with a protein to keep the memory. It stands to spur further investigations into the molecular machinery that underlies memory and how that machinery can be manipulated to improve it. "We are not only building a detailed understanding of how age-related memory loss originates in the brain, we've shown how osteocalcin interacts with key proteins in ...

Chinese to live longer than Americans by 2040, Spanish to live longest: study
Post Date: 2018-10-23 03:57:19 by Tatarewicz
SCMP... Life expectancy in 2040 is set to rise at least a little in all nations but the rankings will change dramatically, with Spain taking the top spot while China and the United States trade places, researchers say. With a projected average lifespan of nearly 85.8 years, Spain – formerly in 4th place – will dethrone Japan, which sits atop the rankings today with a lifespan of 83.7 years, and will drop to 2nd place in 2040. Singapore will stay in third place, with life expectancy rising from 83.3 to 85.4 years. Hong Kong, which has the world’s highest average life expectancy, according to Japan’s welfare ministry, was not ranked in the study. Eight of the ...

Science BOMBSHELL: Fluoridated water linked to ADHD brain damage
Post Date: 2018-10-21 19:35:18 by Horse
There are many reasons to oppose fluoridated water. Not only is it a form of government-dictated mass medication, research has consistently shown that fluoride consumption has a host of ill effects on human health. Recent research has once again confirmed that fluoride is a neurotoxin — with developing fetuses and young children being the most susceptible to its deleterious effects. Scientists from the University of Toronto recently confirmed that exposure to high levels of fluoride in the womb increases ADHD-like symptoms in school-aged children. Dr. Morteza Bashash, the study’s lead author and researcher at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, commented on the findings and ...

US Doctors Baffled As Rare Spinal Disease Spreads Across 22 States
Post Date: 2018-10-21 19:21:09 by Horse

93 More Women Have Accused Former USC Gynecologist George Tyndall of Sexual Abuse
Post Date: 2018-10-20 22:31:26 by Dakmar
The University of Southern California continues to reckon with sexual assault allegations leveled against its former campus gynecologist George Tyndall. On Thursday, two new lawsuits were filed on behalf of 93 additional women who claim the university purposefully concealed the abuse—which brings the total number of Tyndall's accusers to about 500. The new claims come after 51 women came forward back in July. They joined six women who had alleged in a lawsuit filed in May that USC had failed to protect them from Tyndall's abuse and mishandled complaints about his behavior, as well as dozens of others, bringing the total number of accusers at that point to more than 200. ...

Eating leafy greens could help prevent macular degeneration
Post Date: 2018-10-20 06:15:10 by Tatarewicz
Medical Express... A new study has shown that eating vegetable nitrates, found mainly in green leafy vegetables and beetroot, could help reduce your risk of developing early-stage age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Researchers at the Westmead Institute for Medical Research interviewed more than 2,000 Australian adults aged over 49 and followed them over a 15-year period. The research showed that people who ate between 100 to 142 mgs of vegetable nitrates each day had a 35% lower risk of developing early AMD than people who ate less than 69mgs of vegetable nitrates each day. Lead Researcher Associate Professor Bamini Gopinath from the Westmead Institute and the University of Sydney ...

Possible New Therapy for Hearing Loss
Post Date: 2018-10-19 23:15:17 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA) Researchers have taken an important step toward what may become a new approach to restore the hearing loss. In a new study, out today in the European Journal of Neuroscience, scientists have been able to regrow the sensory hair cells found in the cochlea -- a part of the inner ear -- that converts sound vibrations into electrical signals and can be permanently lost due to age or noise damage. Hearing impairment has long been accepted as a fact of life for the aging population -- an estimated 30 million Americans suffer from some degree of hearing loss. However, scientists have long observed that other animals -- namely birds, frogs, and fish -- have been shown to have the ...

What happened when I ate fish at every meal for a year
Post Date: 2018-10-16 19:49:24 by BTP Holdings
What happened when I ate fish at every meal for a year A. Pawlowski 8 hrs ago © Getty Images Salmon Paul Greenberg makes a mean plate of spaghetti and fish balls. The journalist spent a year eating seafood at every single meal, enjoying it grilled, broiled, fried, smoked and packed in olive oil, with the recipes becoming more "inventive" as he went along. His daily fish feast injected his diet with an abundance of fish oil — a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. How would all that goodness affect Greenberg's body? He was a one-man experiment in a world crazy about omega-3s, a type of healthy fat humans must get from food. Greenberg explored the obsession and ...

Cells in 'Little Brain' Have Own Metabolic Needs
Post Date: 2018-10-16 06:49:27 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- 'Knocking out' an enzyme that regulates the flow of fuel into mitochondria specifically blocks the development of the mouse cerebellum more than the rest of the brain. Cells' metabolic needs are not uniform across the brain, researchers have learned. "Knocking out" an enzyme that regulates mitochondria, cells' miniature power plants, specifically blocks the development of the mouse cerebellum more than the rest of the brain. The results are scheduled for publication in Science Advances. "This finding will be tremendously helpful in understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying developmental disorders, degenerative diseases, and even ...

What are the most healthful vegetables you can eat?
Post Date: 2018-10-15 23:31:11 by Tatarewicz
Eating plenty of vegetables is one of the easiest ways for people to improve their health and well-being. All vegetables contain healthful vitamins, minerals, and fiber. However, some stand out for their exceptional health benefits. Some individuals benefit more from certain vegetables than others, depending on their diet, overall health, and nutritional needs. In this article, we list 15 of the most healthful vegetables, along with some tips to help people enjoy them as part of a balanced diet. 1. Spinach Spinach as one of 15 healthiest vegetables Spinach is rich in iron. Spinach is a leafy green vegetable. It is also a great source of calcium, vitamins, iron, and antioxidants. Due ...

Managing yourself The Most Powerful Lesson My Cancer Taught Me About Life and Work
Post Date: 2018-10-14 23:05:44 by Tatarewicz
HBR.org I was 34 when I heard my doctor say “stage-four Hodgkin’s lymphoma.” The news hit me like a punch to the face. I was stunned. Then every two weeks for six months, I had to go the Lineberger Cancer Center to receive chemo. I had a hard time getting out of bed on those days. I loathed the nurses injecting poison into me. Once I was there, and the chemo slid into the port, making my chest cold and my mouth taste like metal, I fought back panic. At the time, I was working on my first book, Change to Strange, and writing a book was a real bucket-list event for me. I could have devoted time to it, but I wasn’t able to — especially in that emotional state. I felt ...

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