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From Vegeterianism to Gluten-phobia
Post Date: 2018-08-27 10:19:50 by Ada
In France, a country of meat eaters, there has recently been a spate of attacks on butcher shops by militant vegans. They have smashed the windows of butcher shops or sprayed them with blood-colored paint. In the areas in which these attacks have taken place, butchers are said to live in a low-grade state of fear. There has been at least one assassination. In an article in the French newspaper Le Figaro, a scholar of the relations between man and animals, Jean-Pierre Digard, suggested that there is a comprehensible and meaningful relation between veganism and violence. At first sight this might seem rather surprising, even contradictory, since vegans are obviously against killing sentient ...

Is this the secret of happiness, health and a long life? Oxford professor of evolutionary psychology argues alcohol has been key to mankind's survival and success
Post Date: 2018-08-27 10:13:35 by Ada
Friendships protect us against outside threats and internal stresses For humans this is where shared bottle of red wine plays powerful role Alcohol causes us to lose social inhibitions and become over-friendly It triggers brain mechanism intimately involved in building friendships Why do humans drink? To the person waiting at the bar on a hot summer evening, the answer seems simple: drinking is a pleasure and a relief. To the public health official reading the latest reports of alcohol’s societal ruin, the answer might seem frustrating. Why would anyone drink, if it’s so bad for you? Alcohol causes us to lose our social inhibitions and become over-friendly with our ...

Fluoridation is mass medication, NZ Supreme Court rules
Post Date: 2018-08-27 03:17:08 by Tatarewicz
Fluoridation is mass medication, NZ Supreme Court rules | 28 June 2018 | Water fluoridation is compulsory mass medication, in breach of human rights, the Supreme Court has ruled by a majority vote. It confirmed that fluoridation is a medical treatment as claimed by opponents for over 60 years. It is not a supplement "just topping up natural levels", as claimed by the Ministry of Health. The impracticality of avoiding fluoridated water makes it compulsory in practice, the majority also ruled. Three judges held that there was conflicting scientific evidence, confirming that the science is NOT settled. Chief Justice Sian Elias then held that fluoridation was not prescribed by law ...

People enraged over delayed Gwinnett MARTA vote
Post Date: 2018-08-26 19:58:03 by Dakmar
GWINNETT COUNTY, GA (CBS46) - One historic vote, about 30 years in the making, will give voters the option to bring MARTA Transit to Gwinnett County. One by one people protested the commissioner's decision to push back the opportunity to vote to March of next year. "Just as the people spoke when they elected you. Let them speak in November. Let's not procrastinate," said one citizen. Another person echoed, "We're playing politics with it. It's an election year." CBS46 reporter Giovanna Drpic asked Chairwoman Charlotte Nash what she thought about the concerns of her constituents. "I think the same opportunity exists for every single voter in the ...

Why Your Fingers and Toes Tingle
Post Date: 2018-08-25 06:21:36 by Tatarewicz
Why Your Fingers and Toes Tingle Nerves work like telephone cables : They transport messages from one area of your body to another. The problem is... as you get older, your nerves transport messages less effectively. They slow down for various reasons, including diet, lack of exercise, and environmental toxins like second hand smoke. Peripheral nerves slow down the worst. These nerves - located in your fingers, toes, hands and feet - have a thinner cable. So any damage slows them down dramatically. So what can you do about it? Well, doctors have long known that high doses of vitamin B1 - called "Thiamine" - help healthy nerve signals travel from your brain to your toes. And ...

The ReMix system from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory could herald a new era in cancer treatment.
Post Date: 2018-08-24 04:06:04 by Tatarewicz
A GPS-like system developed by scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology could help doctors locate medication or track tumours inside the human body, ushering in a new era of cancer treatment. The system, ReMix, consists of an ingestible sensor, an external source of radio waves, and a special algorithm designed by researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory that captures the right signal and eliminates noises. It can be used to obtain high resolution images and even deliver medication to precise locations inside the body, since the system can track the sensors with centimetre-level accuracy, researchers said at the SIGCOMM 2018 ...

Immigrant charged with murder in death of missing Iowa woman
Post Date: 2018-08-21 18:48:28 by BTP Holdings
Immigrant charged with murder in death of missing Iowa woman 20 mins ago © The Associated Press FILE - This undated file photo released by the Iowa Department of Criminal Investigation shows Mollie Tibbetts, a University of Iowa student who was reported missing from her hometown in the eastern Iowa city of Brooklyn on July 18, 2018. Greg Willey, the vice president of Crime Stoppers of Central Iowa, said a body found Tuesday, Aug. 21, 2018, is believed to be Tibbetts. No information has been released about where the body was found. (Iowa Department of Criminal Investigation via AP, File) MONTEZUMA, Iowa (AP) — A man from Mexico living in the U.S. illegally has confessed to ...

The Great Whey Protein Hoax
Post Date: 2018-08-21 03:46:13 by Tatarewicz
Why protein powders are virtually useless for building lean body mass … and what you should take instead to stay fit, trim, and healthy If you take whey protein powder to increase your muscle (lean body) mass, I have some news that may surprise you. Research shows that when it comes to lean body mass, most of the protein in whey powder does not build muscle and may actually be making you fat! Here's the story: Whenever you consume any kind of protein, some of that protein is used by your body to build muscle, and some is turned into glucose to burn for energy. How much of it is used for muscle and how much is turned into glucose? Well, that depends on what kind of protein ...

Genitalia as Social Constructs
Post Date: 2018-08-20 08:37:39 by Ada
During a recent gay pride parade in Philly, a transgender woman was arrested for attempting to burn a Blue Lives Matter flag. The charges against ReeAnna Segin were arson, causing/risking a catastrophe and other misdemeanors. After Segin was released, however, her case smoldered on, for he/she claimed that his/her human rights and dignity were violated since he/she was locked up for four hours with male inmates, that is, with other humans cursed or gifted with a penis. Having a dick, though, no longer means that one is male in the Disunited States of Whatever. Segin’s beef was amplified by all the Philly news outlets. In front of television crews, Segin demanded that cops be banned ...

Why Sitting May Be Bad for Your Brain
Post Date: 2018-08-20 06:21:05 by Tatarewicz
NYT... Sitting for hours without moving can slow the flow of blood to our brains, according to a cautionary new study of office workers, a finding that could have implications for long-term brain health. But getting up and strolling for just two minutes every half-hour seems to stave off this decline in brain blood flow and may even increase it. Delivering blood to our brains is one of those automatic internal processes that most of us seldom consider, although it is essential for life and cognition. Brain cells need the oxygen and nutrients that blood contains, and several large arteries constantly shuttle blood up to our skulls. Because this flow is so necessary, the brain tightly ...

Dental Health, Tongue Microbiome and Pneumonia
Post Date: 2018-08-20 06:17:42 by Tatarewicz
TEHRAN (FNA)- Elderly individuals with fewer teeth, poor dental hygiene, and more cavities constantly ingest more dysbiotic microbiota, which could be harmful to their respiratory health, according to new research. The findings come from a large, population-based study that identified variations in the tongue microbiota among community-dwelling elderly adults in Japan. Elderly individuals with fewer teeth, poor dental hygiene, and more cavities constantly ingest more dysbiotic microbiota, which could be harmful to their respiratory health, according to new research published in the journal mSphere. The findings come from a large, population-based study that identified variations in the ...

Why Improving Yourself Isn't Always Easy
Post Date: 2018-08-19 07:51:32 by Tatarewicz
Why we have difficulty improving ourselves with self-improvement apps. A few years ago, I sat on stiff hotel sheets at a conference. During a much-needed break, I flipped back the lid of my laptop to check my social media. The first post was a picture of a high school acquaintance of mine. “R.I.P.,” someone had written: He had overdosed. I was aware that this social media app has a tool that lets you message friends and send them mental health resources if you see a post that seems worrisome. Now, as I reflected on the death of this acquaintance of mine, and the many posts he’d made that should have been warning signs, I wondered: Did this actually work? I would later ask ...

Both low and high carbohydrates in diet could lead to early death: study
Post Date: 2018-08-19 03:04:19 by Tatarewicz
WASHINGTON, Aug. 17 (Xinhua) -- Both low-carb diet and high-carb diet could raise the risk of an early death, a recent study revealed. Published in the Lancet Public Health on Thursday, the study followed eating habits of 15,400 people from the United States for 25 years, indicating that those who got 50-55% of their energy from carbohydrates had a slightly lower risk of death compared with other groups. According to the research, 50-year-olds with a moderate carb diet are expected to live for another 33 years, which is 2.3 years more than low-carb group (got 30-40% of energy from carbs) and 1.1 years more than high-carb group (65% or more). Scientists also compared low-carb diets in ...

17 Fish You Should Never Eat + Safer Seafood Options
Post Date: 2018-08-18 09:05:21 by BTP Holdings
17 Fish You Should Never Eat + Safer Seafood Options Dr. Josh Axe Fish can serve as a power food … or an absolute inflammatory, toxic nightmare for your body. It all depends on what fish you choose. That why it’s so important to pay attention to (and avoid) the fish you should never eat. It's vitally important to get ample omega-3 fatty acids, and certain fish may serve as potent sources. But due to things like fossil fuel emissions, heavy metals like mercury are winding up in the water and building up in our fish. Unfortunately, low-level mercury poisoning from contaminated seafood is a real threat and can lead to devastating effects, especially in the developing fetus. ...

5 Nutrients to prevent hip fractures
Post Date: 2018-08-18 04:14:10 by Tatarewicz
As your bones weaken with age, one of the worst things that can happen is that you lose your balance or trip over something, fall down and break a hip. Now, you may think you’re too young to even consider such an event. But what you may not realize is that your bones reach maximum strength and density around the age of 30. After that, bone mass gradually starts breaking down. And while most folks believe that hip fractures are restricted to the elderly, that’s not true. In fact, there is not much difference in hip fracture patterns between patients who are younger than 64 and those who are over 85. How’s that for a wake-up call? One thing is for sure. It doesn’t ...

"FDA Approval" is a Monopolist's Scheme to Limit Competition
Post Date: 2018-08-16 18:54:19 by Ada
Charging the price of an expensive car for a garden-variety amino acid, one we eat every day. A year ago, the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA) approved a “drug” called Endari to treat sickle cell disease, which afflicts about 100,000 Americans of African descent and around 25 million more outside the US. Price tag: $28,000 a year. So what is Endari? Anything approved by the FDA legally becomes a “drug.” But some have noted this “drug” is just a higher dose of L-glutamine, a common amino acid that is in our food and that our bodies also make. Indeed, The agency itself describes this “drug” as “L-glutamine oral powder,” a common amino ...

Eat this fruit to reduce vision loss
Post Date: 2018-08-16 01:02:38 by Tatarewicz
I’m a great lover of citrus fruits. Nothing tastes better on a hot summer day than the tangy sweet taste of antioxidant-rich oranges, grapefruits and tangerines. But despite popular belief, it’s not just a hefty dose of vitamin C that makes these fruits so good for you. They also contain a powerhouse of antioxidant flavonoids that have antiviral, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory activities. If that’s not reason enough to eat more citrus, there’s another benefit that will certainly capture your attention. It turns out that the flavonoid hesperidin, which is particularly high in oranges, may very well help protect against macular degeneration. Now age-related ...

The Recruitment Problem the Military Doesn’t Want to Talk About
Post Date: 2018-08-15 07:54:02 by Ada
The services are facing a dwindling pool of largely obese, uneducated delinquents. Why? GREAT LAKES, Ilinois: A recruit division commander marches with his division at Recruit Training Command, the Navy’s only boot camp. By U.S. Navy/Lt. Liza Swart/Flickr It’s not a secret: a surefire way for a presidential contender to get votes is to promise to increase the defense budget. It has worked for nearly every president since John Kennedy—and it worked for Donald Trump. Back in September 2016, candidate Trump promised he would not only increase the Pentagon’s budget, he would add more soldiers, sailors, and airmen (and women) to the military’s ranks. In April, Trump ...

This sparkling water may be worse for you than diet soda
Post Date: 2018-08-14 06:00:35 by BTP Holdings
This sparkling water may be worse for you than diet soda Emily Laurence 1 day ago © Photo: Thinkstock/Amy_Lv seltzer First the news drops that sipping seltzer destroys your teeth and now this? The Wall Street Journal reported that despite Sparking Ice branding itself as a good-for-you soda alternative, it isn't actually healthy at all. The problem? Sucralose is one of the primary ingredients. Just like Splenda—which health experts like Frank Lipman, MD, says is worse for you than sugar—sucralose has been linked to increasing appetite by interfering with hormones in the brain that tell you you're full. It also can kill the good bacteria in your gut. What's ...

Woman Wore Contact Lenses in the Shower, Now She’s Blind in 1 Eye
Post Date: 2018-08-13 21:25:01 by BTP Holdings
Woman Wore Contact Lenses in the Shower, Now She’s Blind in 1 Eye By Liz Angarola August 12, 2018 at 8:34am A woman in Ireland is now blind in one eye because she wore her contacts in the shower. Mother-of-two Suzanne Dunne began noticing pain in her eye on July 20. Barely four hours after she’d taken a shower, it had become a severe infection. Dunne soon went to bed, not knowing she’d be blind in that eye when she woke up just a few hours later. “At 7:30 p.m. I said I was going to bed and then at 1 a.m. I woke up and I was blind,” she told the Irish Mirror. “I didn’t know what was happening because everything was black. There’s so many power ...

Probiotic use is a link between brain fogginess, severe bloating
Post Date: 2018-08-12 10:16:55 by Ada
Probiotic use can result in a significant accumulation of bacteria in the small intestine that can result in disorienting brain fogginess as well as rapid, significant belly bloating, investigators report. Probiotic use can result in a significant accumulation of bacteria in the small intestine that can result in disorienting brain fogginess as well as rapid, significant belly bloating, investigators report. In a published study of 30 patients, the 22 who reported problems like confusion and difficulty concentrating, in addition to their gas and bloating, were all taking probiotics, some several varieties. When investigators looked further, they found large colonies of bacteria breeding ...

Last Philly Glimpses
Post Date: 2018-08-12 05:49:20 by Ada
Céline half joked, “If you stay anywhere long enough, everyone and everything will stink up, just for your special benefit.” Without this pungency, however, there is no real understanding of anything, and Céline knew this as well as anyone. With tremendous physical and mental courage, the man endured. He survived being wounded in WWI, a year in Africa, a month in America, being a slum doctor for decades, WWII and the consequences of being an anti-Semite, everything but his first marriage. I first encountered Céline as a 22-year-old, living in a crappy shell-of-a-house in grim Grays Ferry, and paying all of $25 a month for rent. Filled with illusions and ...

Grisly find follows SWAT raid on New Mexico compound where 16 lived in buried RV, truck
Post Date: 2018-08-11 09:35:44 by BTP Holdings
Grisly find follows SWAT raid on New Mexico compound where 16 lived in buried RV, truck Trevor Hughes 14 hrs ago Grandfather: Body at NM Compound is Missing Boy Video by the Associated Press AMALIA, N.M. – Tiny pairs of pants, broken-down bikes with training wheels and discarded children’s shoes haphazardly scattered among the homemade-brick walls and a half-buried RV hint at the tragedy and mystery unfolding in this remote community. Here, down a dirt road scratched through the sagebrush, investigators are trying to piece together why a group of heavily armed Muslims took up residence on property they didn’t own and built a compound from wooden pallets, clear ...

C2C Health/Shows upcoming
Post Date: 2018-08-11 05:03:23 by Tatarewicz
Monday - August 13, 2018 Host George Noory First Half: Peter Ward Ph.D. has published more than 140 scientific papers dealing with paleontological, zoological, and astronomical topics. He'll discuss how the history of humans—from deep time to the outbreak of the Black Plague and into the present--has left its mark on our physiology, behavior, and intelligence. Today there are more epigenetic change-causing agents in the environment than ever before, such as toxins, elevated temperatures, and environmental pollutants. Advertisement Second Half: Investigative historian Peter Vronsky is widely considered an expert in serial killers and their motivations. He'll talk about these ...

Five Myths about High Blood Pressure
Post Date: 2018-08-11 04:07:09 by Tatarewicz
The "Silent Killer" Can Be Stopped Dear Fellow Health Seeker, There are many misconceptions about high blood pressure. This is a case where ignorance is definitely not bliss. In fact, it can kill... So here are five deadly myths about high blood pressure you cannot live without. The good news: you can get control of your high blood pressure. Perhaps even prevent it altogether... (CLICK HERE to watch a short video about this.) Five Myths about High Blood Pressure Myth Number One: It's No Big Deal. The problem with high blood pressure initially is there are no symptoms. You don't feel bad, so how could anything be wrong? The truth is, when your blood flow begins to ...

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