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Christian Woman Promptly Removed from National Cathedral When She Speaks Out Against Muslim Service
Post Date: 2014-12-01 17:06:01 by BTP Holdings
Christian Woman Promptly Removed from National Cathedral When She Speaks Out Against Muslim Service The National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., an Episcopal church that is frequently the site of state funerals and other official occasions, has hosted Muslim attendees at interfaith events in the past. Recently, however, it held the first actual Muslim prayer service. An incensed Christian woman spoke out loudly in protest, and was ushered out of the building. The incident has given rise to increased discussion about the role of the Islamic faith in American life. 2014-11-25_17-45-42The purpose of the service was to foster an improved relationship between Muslims and Christians while ...

Post Date: 2014-11-29 06:59:12 by Ada
The churches in America are frighteningly infected with unthinking nationalism A hallway filled with American flags. Posters of the troops. Even a scheduled evening celebration that consisted of a 5-minute trailer with theatrical music meant to drive up your emotional state and give you goose bumps. Charged words flashed across the screen: Honor, Country, Freedom. No, I wasn’t at a military recruitment event. It wasn’t even a government building or a movie theater, which often serve as fertile environments for statist propaganda. Nope, all of this happened at church last Sunday. A place where, according to the cornerstone of the entire religion, we are to treat others how we ...

Conservative Pastors Vow Not To Perform Civil Marriages At All -- Gay Or Straight
Post Date: 2014-11-26 09:32:52 by Ada
(RNS) What’s the surest way conservative pastors can avoid any government mandate to perform same-sex marriages? According to one prominent religious journal and a growing number of ministers, the answer is not to perform any civil marriages at all. First Things, a conservative religious publication, has launched a movement encouraging pastors to refuse to perform marriages as representatives of the state. A signing statement called “The Marriage Pledge” has been posted to the journal’s website, where ministers can affix their names electronically. The pledge was drafted by Ephraim Radner, an ordained Anglican and professor of historical theology at Toronto School of ...

The JFK assassination, Cuba policy and Operation Mongoose
Post Date: 2014-11-22 08:40:20 by Ada
Every aspect of the assassination of John F Kennedy on 22 November 1963 has been pored over, scrutinized, dissected and analysed. There is a sizeable literature on the subject, ranging from the erudite to the certifiably insane. That six short seconds should have generated so much speculation is unprecedented. In this Whodunit saga, pretty much everyone has been implicated: the Mafia, the CIA, the FBI, the military-industrial complex, Lyndon B Johnson, Fidel Castro, the KGB… An objective purchase on the event, lost in the mists of time, appears to be unrecoverable. Instead, we are left with a matrix of subjectivity and perspective. The JFK assassination has become the ultimate ...

The Changing Countries of Christianity
Post Date: 2014-11-07 06:10:48 by Ada
Three things for your consideration: 1. Christianity boom in China forcing religion rethink, says the Economist: It is hard even to guess at the number of Christians in China. Official surveys seek to play down the figures, ignoring the large number who worship in house churches. By contrast, overseas Christian groups often inflate them. There were perhaps 3m Catholics and 1m Protestants when the party came to power in 1949. Officials now say there are between 23m and 40m, all told. In 2010 the Pew Research Centre, an American polling organisation, estimated there were 58m Protestants and 9m Catholics. Many experts, foreign and Chinese, now accept that there are probably more Christians ...

Cuba builds first new church in 55 years
Post Date: 2014-10-28 06:28:17 by Ada
HAVANA (AP) — Cuba has allowed construction of the country's first new Catholic church in 55 years, the church said Monday. Experts said it's a sign of improving relations between the Vatican and Cuba's communist government. The church, funded by donations from Catholics in Tampa, Florida, will be built in Sandino, a citrus and coffee-growing town in the far-western province of Pinar del Rio. The church publication "Christian Life" said it will have space for 200 people. "The construction of a church is a clear demonstration of a new phase, of an improvement, in relations between the church and the state," said Enrique Lopez Oliva, a professor the ...

On Resisting Pope Francis to his Face
Post Date: 2014-10-27 07:22:48 by Ada
Here’s a powerful column by Ross Douthat, in which he says Pope Francis is pushing the Catholic Church to a precipice. Here’s the gist of his piece: But going beyond such a welcome to a kind of celebration of the virtues of nonmarital relationships generally, as the synod document seemed to do, might open a divide between formal teaching and real-world practice that’s too wide to be sustained. And on communion for the remarried, the stakes are not debatable at all. The Catholic Church was willing to lose the kingdom of England, and by extension the entire English-speaking world, over the principle that when a first marriage is valid a second is adulterous, a position ...

Newly-Found Document Holds Eyewitness Account of Jesus Performing Miracle
Post Date: 2014-10-20 11:48:37 by Ada
Rome| An Italian expert studying a first century document written by the Roman historian Marcus Velleius Paterculus that was recently discovered in the archives of the Vatican, found what is presumed to be the first eyewitness account ever recorded of a miracle of Jesus Christ. The author describes a scene that he allegedly witnessed, in which a prophet and teacher that he names Isous de Nazarenus, resuscitated a stillborn boy and handed him back to his mother. Historian and archivist Ignazio Perrucci, was hired by the Vatican authorities in 2012, to sort, analyze and classify some 6,000 ancient documents that had been uncovered in the gigantic archive vaults. He was already very ...

Houston subpoenas pastorsÂ’ sermons in gay rights ordinance case
Post Date: 2014-10-19 15:52:24 by BTP Holdings
Houston subpoenas pastors’ sermons in gay rights ordinance case Sarah Pulliam Bailey | October 14, 2014 | 155 Comments Houston Mayor Annise Parker. Photo courtesy of Zblume (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons (RNS) Evangelical leaders are angry after city officials in Houston subpoenaed sermons given by local pastors who oppose an equal rights ordinance that provides protections to the LGBT community. Houston Mayor Annise Parker, who drew headlines for becoming the first openly lesbian mayor of a major American city, led support for the ordinance. The measure bans anti-gay discrimination among businesses that serve the public, private employers, in housing and in city ...

Goodbye, Columbus Day
Post Date: 2014-10-14 08:24:53 by Ada
In 1492, “Columbus sailed the ocean blue” and discovered the New World. And Oct. 12 was once a celebrated holiday in America. School children in the earliest grades knew the date and the names of the ships on which Columbus and his crew had sailed: the Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria. They knew his voyage had been financed by Queen Isabella of Spain, after the Genoese Admiral of the Ocean Sea had been turned down by other monarchs of Europe. Oct. 12, 1492, was considered a momentous and wonderful day in world history: the discovery of America—by men from Europe. This year, Columbus Day passed almost without notice. And that Columbus Day has become an embarrassment to ...

"Crush the Seed of Ishmael": A "Final Solution" to the "Muslim Problem"
Post Date: 2014-10-11 08:19:01 by Ada
Decapitation by drone strike: A routine act of state terrorism by the US government. We have reached a point in our nation's descent into psychotic tribalist fear where people of stature and apparent sobriety unabashedly use the expression “final solution” when discussing the existence of Muslims. For ISIS “and those similarly motivated,” insists retired Marine Lt. Col. James G. Zumwalt in an essay published by Family Security Matters, “a rational world should recognize but one `final solution' exists – their extinction.” For Zumwalt. “those similarly motivated” is an expansive category, which includes not only “al-Qaeda, ...

Jewish Animal Sacrifice in America’s Streets Protected by Government
Post Date: 2014-10-06 16:35:07 by BTP Holdings
Jewish Animal Sacrifice in America’s Streets Protected by Government October 02, 2014 Exclusive From AFP 9 Comments Kapparot • A ‘fowl’ holocaust highlights Jewish power. By Dave Gahary — While AMERICAN FREE PRESS reported in December, 2011 on how Orthodox Jewish child sex predators are protected by various American law enforcement authorities, we can now add hundreds of thousands of chickens to the list of victims the government will turn a blind eye to, as long as they’re being abused by Jews, as a Jewish ritual practiced on the eve of a major Jewish holiday is shining a bright light on how political influence can trump even the vilest of religious ...

The Vatican is preparing for the ARRIVAL of an ALIEN GOD
Post Date: 2014-09-21 02:09:10 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
The Vatican is preparing for the ARRIVAL of an ALIEN GOD Published on Jul 5, 2013 Thomas Horn is an internationally recognized lecturer, radio host and bestselling author of several books including his newest books, Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here. He returns to Red Ice to discuss the recent abdication of Pope Benedict the 16th and the prophecy of the final pope, "Peter the Roman," whose reign would end in the destruction of Rome. The pope of lists from St. Malachy's heralds the beginning of "great apostasy" followed by "great tribulation" sets the stage for the imminent unfolding of apocalyptic events. According to this prophecy, the next pope ...

Commissary to the Gentiles
Post Date: 2014-09-20 11:07:59 by Southern Style
Commissary to the Gentiles Posted 12 June, 2008 - 21:22 by LatinAmericanview The Century Magazine February 1928 By Marcus Eli Ravage (biographer of the Rothschild Family) You Christians worry and complain about the Jew’s influence in your civilization. We are, you say, an international people, a compact minority in your midst, with traditions, interests, aspirations and objectives distinct from your own. And you declare that this state of affairs is a menace to your orderly development; it confuses your impulses; it defeats your purposes; it muddles up your destiny. I do not altogether see the danger. Your world has always been ruled by minorities; and it seems to me a ...

Loyalty Oath to America, Or to Bureaucrats’ Religious Authority?
Post Date: 2014-09-11 08:53:10 by Ada
Law professor Jonathan Turley has this post on a U.S. Air Force airman who is being denied reenlistment unless he includes in his sworn oath, “so help me God.” The unnamed airman is an atheist and doesn’t want to do that. Of course, the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects his right to practice any religion he wants, as well as not practice any religion at all. And that includes the right to not be compelled by the government to proclaim any belief in God, which obviously is a religious belief. Now, if he were applying for a job at a privately owned business, then the business owner has a right to require the applicant or new employee to recite whatever words ...

Putin is under Satan's influence: leader of Kiev Orthodox Church
Post Date: 2014-09-07 08:26:47 by Tatarewicz
Yahoo... KIEV (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin has fallen under the spell of Satan and faces eternal damnation unless he repents, a top Ukrainian clergyman said on Saturday in an unusually blunt statement that squarely blamed the Russian leader for the war in Ukraine. Patriarch Filaret heads the Kiev Patriarchate, a branch of the Orthodox Church that broke away from Moscow in 1992 after the fall of the Soviet Union and the declaration of an independent Ukraine. His church, a rival of the Moscow Patriarchate which is closely linked to Putin, strongly supports Ukrainian nationhood and the Kiev government's struggle to defeat pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine. "With ...

Faith-Based Fascism: Turning Churches into the State's Bagmen
Post Date: 2014-09-05 08:37:04 by Ada
The economic heart of fascism in the 1930's was the "government-private industry alliance." It still is. In this alliance, the state provides limited funds and promotion of favored businesses. The businesses provide profits that are taxed. The state's bureaucrats increase their influence over the economy by way of favored business enterprises. The state is now heralding faith-based welfare. State money is used to favor some ministries, which conform to state requirements. In this way, the churches get "matching funds" from the state, and the state gets another avenue into the lives of the public. There will be more welfare clients, and there will be ...

The Garden of Eden - Dinosaurs and the Bible
Post Date: 2014-09-01 11:50:21 by terry
Get the popcorn, you can watch them all here or 10 mins at a time below. This guy was a science teacher for 15 years. Proves with science the following This Creation Seminar is only one of the seven listed below: Creation Seminar 1 - The Age of the Earth Creation Seminar 2 - The Garden of Eden Creation Seminar 3 - Dinosaurs and the Bible Creation Seminar 4 - Lies in the Textbooks Creation Seminar 5 - The Dangers of Evolution Creation Seminar 6 - The Hovind Theory Creation Seminar 7 - Questions and Answers Below are direct links to each part of Seminar 2, which is 13 parts long. Part 1 Part 2 ...

Which Bible Should I Use / How to Read The Bible
Post Date: 2014-08-31 15:23:12 by terry
Is every bible the word of God, no Is the "new" king james the same as the 1611, no And How to Read The Bible Same guy in both, can just listen to audio but should watch the video's Basic stuff mostly. 66 books, not just 1. Broken down into chapters- verses On this one he shows and reads from a bible over 300 years old (kjv) not called that because there was no "versions". Compares on screen todays kjv and the one just called Holy Bible, no difference except spelling on some words. It does matter what bible you read

The Original, Official 1611 King James Bible
Post Date: 2014-08-31 09:21:36 by Itistoolate
This is the original 1611 King James Bible which had its 400th Anniversary in 2011. Introduction To the most high and mighty Prince, James by the grace of God King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, Defender of the Faith, &c. The translators of The Bible, wish Grace, Mercie, and Peace, through Jesus Christ our Lord. (Read the entire 1611 King James Bible DAMMING EVIDENCE - Type the word "Jew" in the search box on the top left side of the page ------Search keywords in the 1611 Bible:--------

Tyr - Hail to the Hammer (Þórr)
Post Date: 2014-08-27 10:47:28 by Deasy

Wardruna ~ Helvegen (How to Meet Odin)
Post Date: 2014-08-21 08:28:04 by Deasy
Poster Comment:See also (for the same concept plus great music) Vikings Theme song - If I had a Heart by Fever Ray

The Judeo-Christian Oxymoron
Post Date: 2014-08-13 21:23:34 by Itistoolate
The Judeo-Christian OxymoronCopyright © 1997, 2003-2004, 2007, 2009 by David E. Ross Whenever I hear someone make a public appeal to Judeo-Christian values in support or opposition to an issue, I cringe. The great diversity of beliefs and values within Christianity appears relatively small when compared with the differences between Judaism and Christianity. Differences in beliefs and values between Jews and Christians are found in the following areas: Religious IssueJewish Philosophy The nature of GodGod is indivisible, neither a duality nor a trinity. While often addressed or described anthropomorphically, God does not materialize in a human or any other comprehendible form. God ...

Western Sufism and Traditionalism
Post Date: 2014-08-12 11:58:37 by Deasy
Western Sufism and Traditionalism   This article was published in Danish translation as "Vestlig sufisme og traditionalisme" in Den gamle nyreligiøsitet, Vestens glemte kulturarv [Old New Religiousness: The West's forgotten cultural heritage],  ed. Mette Buchardt and Pia Böwadt (Copenhagen: Anis, 2003), pp. 139-51, and is reproduced here with the kind permission of the publishers. Islam is today very present in the West and in Western awareness as a result of immigration, politics, and conflict. Mainstream Islam in the contemporary Islamic world is somewhat political in its preoccupations, and much Islam in the West is even more political and radical ...

Nuclear Christians [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2014-08-11 08:44:39 by Ada
In a recent article of mine about Christians apologists for the state, its military, and its wars, I mentioned, for the first time I believe, the term “nuclear Christian.” I would like to elaborate on the meaning of this neologism. Another anniversary of the dropping by the United States of the atomic bombs “Little Boy” and “Fat Man” on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima (August 6, 1945) and Nagasaki (August 9, 1945)—and the incineration of 200,000 civilians—has come and gone. Even as more information comes to light and, thanks to the Internet, becomes more readily available about how unnecessary and evil that action was, it seems as though ...

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