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"Conservatives" once again fall for the meaningless rhetoric of the GOP
Post Date: 2013-05-19 18:06:00 by F.A. Hayek Fan
If you follow the faux conservative political boards (LP, FR, etc) you will see the orgasms of the rubes as the Republicans "get tough" with the IRS in the hearings. LOL! How stupid can these people get? Are they really all that stupid? Are they really all Charlie Browns (think Charlie Brown, Lucy and the football). These guys are cheering and having orgasms over nothing more than a bunch of useless words by a party that has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that they are cheats, liars, and thieves. Mike Lee talks a good game but what has he done other than talk? He he created legislation that would put people in prison if this happens again? Has he demanded criminal charges be ...

Gas Prices in Missouri
Post Date: 2013-05-19 17:55:50 by F.A. Hayek Fan
On Friday night in SW MO gas was $3.59 a gallon. The next morning it was $3.97 a gallon. I took a trip to visit family in the SE MO bootheel of MO yesterday and gas was only $3.25 a gallon. I make this trip at least once a month and there is usually on a penny or two difference in gas prices. WTF is up with that? A 0.72 a gallon difference? That's crazy. I'd love to hear the rationale but I'm sure I never will. Nothing in the local news as to why the difference.

Confusing Question of the Day - Obama, IRS, and Benghazi
Post Date: 2013-05-19 15:02:17 by farmfriend

White families wear yokes, chains while apologizing for slavery
Post Date: 2013-05-19 11:05:00 by Jethro Tull
White families wear yokes, chains while apologizing for slavery Category: Hatred Of White People, Slavery If you’ve ever felt the need to apologize for slavery, today is your lucky day! A group called The Lifeline Expedition will put you in chains and let you be humiliated by blacks, all in the name of healing.NEWPORT – The sight of a 13-year-old boy with a yoke over his head and his hands tied in chains was perhaps the most controversial image in Thursday’s “slavery reconciliation march” through the streets of Newport. Jacob Lienau of Camano Island in Washington said he decided on his own to wear the yoke and chains after seeing a painting of African slave ...

More men quit job to care for parents in Japan
Post Date: 2013-05-19 04:16:49 by Tatarewicz
Japan Times: Middle-aged men are quitting paid work in Japan to care for elderly parents in increasing numbers, a new study shows. According to the study by the Institute for Research on Household Economics, 13.4 percent of men aged between 40 and 64 living with parents requiring nursing care had quit their jobs at some stage to tend to the relatives, compared with 27.6 percent of women facing the same situation. “Turnover among men to provide care (to their parents) is rising,” said Keiko Tanaka, a researcher at the institute. The increase apparently reflects more men remaining unmarried and not having reliable siblings around them. Women are meanwhile more likely to be ...

How humans will evolve over a million years
Post Date: 2013-05-19 03:50:58 by Tatarewicz
The average mammalian species lifespan is a million years. But Homo sapiens only evolved about 100 thousand years ago. So we've got a long road ahead of us. The chart below explores where we've been, and where we might be headed. Though some futurists say the future is accelerating, there is plenty of evidence that the future might be a lot slower than we think. Just because microchip technology improves rapidly does not mean that other forms of scientific innovation will. Science fiction writers have been predicting that genetically engineered humans are right around the corner for almost a hundred years. But we're still struggling to understand how our genomes work, not to ...

Two Country Legends - enjoy
Post Date: 2013-05-18 22:02:00 by Lod

Fort Worth police chief fires his former chief of staff (Chief gets PO'd)
Post Date: 2013-05-16 23:12:43 by X-15
FORT WORTH — Paul Henderson, former chief of staff for Fort Worth Police Chief Jeff Halstead, was fired Thursday following an internal affairs investigation into his December arrest on suspicion of driving while intoxicated, his attorney has confirmed to the Star-Telegram. “I’ll be filing Paul’s indefinite suspension appeal tomorrow,” said Craig Driskell, his attorney with the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas. Henderson, who had already been demoted from major to captain and stripped of his chief of staff position shortly after his Dec. 1 arrest, was informed of the chief’s decision during a meeting Thursday afternoon. “As chief, I will ...

Blythe Masters Tells How The World Really Works
Post Date: 2013-05-15 14:51:59 by Horse
Blythe: Hello, I am Blythe Masters, Vice-President of Global Commodities here at J P Morgan. As you know, I am the creator of Credit Default Swaps, a 700 trillion dollar plus market. I want to welcome the two of you as J P Morgan’s newest board members. I am going to give you a tour and brief introduction into how Morgan and the world really works. I am sure you know you were selected for the board because we are expanding into areas that require your corporate expertise, in Internet surveillance and mercenaries. Julia: I decided to become a Morgan board member over Goldman Sachs because you are the Treasury Department of the United States just as we at Google and Microsoft are the ...

Georgia man claims to have found copy of Coca-Cola recipe
Post Date: 2013-05-14 02:00:09 by Tatarewicz
Is this the secret recipe for Coca-Cola? (Cliff Kluge/eBay)Atlanta’s Cliff Kluge claims to have stumbled upon a 70-year-old copy of the official recipe for Coca-Cola, and he’s selling it on eBay for $5 million. "You don't stumble on things like this very often," Kluge told WXIA. "It's a letter, and a formula, and the processes to make it. I think it's a little deeper than having fun; I think it's the recipe for Coca-Cola." For its part, Coca-Cola maintains that the secret recipe for the world’s best-selling soft drink is still safely ensconced at the World of Coca-Cola in downtown Atlanta. "Through the years, many have tried to ...

The Mystery of John Titor: Hoax or Time Traveler?
Post Date: 2013-05-13 04:44:44 by Tatarewicz
A person named “John Titor” started posting on the Internet one day, claiming to be from the future and predicting the end of the world. Then he suddenly disappeared, never to be heard from again. This is our planet’s bleak future: a second Civil War splinters America into five factions, leaving the new capital based in Omaha. World War III breaks out in 2015, starting with Russia and the U.S. trading nukes and ending with three billion dead. Then, to top it all off, a computer bug delivers where Y2K sputtered, destroying our world as we know it. That is, unless an audacious time traveler successfully traverses the space-time continuum to change the course of future ...

Flying car crashes outside elementary school
Post Date: 2013-05-13 01:33:21 by Tatarewicz
An image of the Maverick during one of its successful test flights (Maverick)The flying car has long tantalized the imaginations of people everywhere. And a recent successful test flight by a Massachusetts company came with the promise that their prototype could go on sale to the public beginning sometime in 2014. But another company’s airborne vehicle had a much different experience on Friday, when their flying car crashed into a tree just outside a Canadian elementary school. The Globe and Mail reports that the flying car, dubbed the Maverick, is produced by a company in Florida. Police spokesman Gord Molendyk told the paper that the two passengers inside the flying car were ...

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's on Freedom4um
Post Date: 2013-05-12 13:10:07 by X-15
Happy Mother's Day to all Mom's!!

Power of Belief: - C2C recap
Post Date: 2013-05-11 01:56:44 by Tatarewicz
On Tuesday's C2C show, doctor of psychology, and metaphysics, Eldon Taylor, discussed his work researching the mind-body connection, and how science is repeatedly demonstrating the power of belief. What you hold to be true can and does have a huge impact on the quality of your life, and can either sabotage or serve you, he argued. "The more research I did, the more I realized that there is no such thing as an inconsequential belief," he remarked, noting that even though we may segment our beliefs into different categories, such as politics, or people, they form into a large web. "You tweak one belief in one place, it causes the entire web to vibrate," he said. He ...

Man uses spoon to break out of Russian maximum-security prison
Post Date: 2013-05-09 05:08:53 by Tatarewicz
Russian officials say Oleg Topalov used only a spoon to escape from a maximum security prison (Federal Prison Supervision … One man, using only a spoon, has escaped from one of Russia’s most infamous prisons. Sky News reports that 33-year-old Oleg Topalov escaped from Matrosskaya Tishina, apparently by using a single spoon to dig a hole through his cell’s ceiling. He is only the fourth person in 20 years to escape from the prison. Russian investigators have blamed Topalov’s escape on the prison staff, who they say engaged in a, "dishonest or careless attitude to their work that was made use of by the prisoner Topalov." Topalov, who was sentenced for ...

Natures Cinema ~ Ain't She Pretty?
Post Date: 2013-05-07 15:40:50 by Mind_Virus

Post Date: 2013-05-07 01:05:03 by Mind_Virus

United States of Insanity: Government gunmen burst into school and spray blanks at teachers in 'mock massacre'
Post Date: 2013-05-06 09:29:26 by wudidiz
Two masked men wearing hoodies and wielding handguns burst into the Pine Eagle Charter School in this tiny rural community on Friday. Students were at home for an in-service day, so the gunmen headed into a meeting room full of teachers and opened fire. Someone figured out in a few seconds that the bullets were not drawing blood because they were blanks and the exercise was a drill, designed to test Pine Eagle's preparation for an assault by "active shooters" who were, in reality, members of the school staff. But those few seconds left everybody plenty scared. Principal Cammie DeCastro said it became clear very quickly just how many of the school's 15 teachers would have ...

Positive compilation of Russian dash cams (Great lessons in humanity)
Post Date: 2013-05-03 16:16:24 by Ferret
Many Russian cars are outfitted with dashboard cameras to protect drivers against insurance fraud. These cameras have caught all sorts of crazy happenings -- car accidents, low-flying jets, insurance scam attempts, meteors, and plane crashes -- leading many to believe that Russia is a place where crazy shit pretty much happens constantly. But Russia's dash cams have also captured many more tender moments -- people hopping out of their cars to help old ladies across the street, looking after little kids who wandered into the street, pushing cars out of snowbanks, etc.

Feds: Felon used sister to buy guns in Missouri
Post Date: 2013-05-02 16:45:43 by BTP Holdings
Feds: Felon used sister to buy guns in Missouri Maps Crest Hill, IL, USA O'Fallon, MO, USA Staff report 1:06 p.m. CDT, May 2, 2013 A 28-year-old convicted felon from Crest Hill used his 24-year-old sister as a "straw purchaser" to buy guns in her home state of Missouri and resold them in the Chicago area, federal officials said today. In March, following an undercover investigation by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, a federal indictment charged Richard "R.J." Carrino with being a felon in possession of firearms, according to a release issued today from the U.S. Attorney's office. He was arrested April 3, pleaded not guilty and was ...

C2C recap
Post Date: 2013-05-02 03:11:14 by Tatarewicz
CoastZone Newsletter May 1, 2013 Harnessing Your Dreams: On Tuesday's show, hypnotherapist, speaker, and founder of Dream-Life Coach Training, Kelly Sullivan Walden, discussed various approaches to dreamwork, and how they can be utilized for benefits in one's waking life. The limbic system in the brain wakes up during dreaming, and tries to work out unresolved matters and events that happened during the day, she explained. There are several misconceptions about dreams-- some people don't dream (it's clinically proven that everyone dreams 3 to 9 dreams every night), that there are bad dreams (even the scariest dreams come in the service of health and healing, she believes), ...

Stop Junk Faxes
Post Date: 2013-05-01 13:24:32 by Lod
Easy sign-up at URL.

Boston Bombing – DHS Contracted Security out to Israelis
Post Date: 2013-05-01 07:16:06 by Esso
"The pattern of so-called terror attacks happening when terror drills are being held at the same location has happened way too often to be a coincidence. This leads me to recommend that whenever a terror drill is suggested for the next major public event that all of the security organizers be arrested on the spot and water boarded to get all the details from them." Click for Full Text!

Canada can't account for $3.1B in anti-terror funding, AG finds
Post Date: 2013-04-30 13:38:19 by wudidiz
The Canadian government isn't monitoring whether billions spent on anti-terrorism measures since 2001 are meeting the desired objectives and can't account for $3.1 billion, Auditor General Michael Ferguson found in his spring report released today. The lack of information on spending and results identified in the auditor general's chapter on the Public Security and Anti-Terrorism Initiative is a common theme throughout his report, which includes 11 chapters in total. Ferguson said he's not concerned the money was used in a way it shouldn't have been, but that it's still important to understand how the money was spent. "It's a matter of missing that last link ...

(NYC) City Council to forbid cops from describing suspects
Post Date: 2013-04-29 08:32:13 by Jethro Tull
T he upside of boss rule in the City Council is that the speaker can keep really bad bills from ever coming to a vote — as Christine Quinn has proven time and again over the past seven-plus years. Now, running for mayor, she has uncharacteristically given the go-ahead to a real stinker called the Community Safety Act. She says she will vote against the measure (good for her) while it likely passes (terrible for the city). The misbegotten legislation would bar cops from relying “to any degree” on a vertigo-inducing array of descriptors as the “determinative factor” in stopping, questioning or arresting people suspected of criminality. The forbidden descriptors ...

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