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Counterfeit bills in ATMs lead to man’s capture
Post Date: 2012-10-17 04:58:13 by Tatarewicz
A man has been accused of embezzlement after authorities say he replaced real cash with counterfeit bills in several Chase ATMs in New York City. According to NBC New York, Gene Carlo Pena worked at a company that serviced ATMs in Manhattan. In hopes to avoid detection, authorities believe Pena put fake bills in the ATMs after helping himself to a substantial amount of real cash. However, the counterfeit currency was easily detected by the cash machines and customers (perhaps due to the fact that they were blank on one side). Word of the heist first hit earlier this month when customers at two Manhattan banks began complaining that they were receiving fake bills. In most cases, the ATMs ...

India tests railway anti-collision technology with success
Post Date: 2012-10-16 23:28:50 by Tatarewicz
NEW DELHI, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) -- India Tuesday tested with success a new technology to avoid train collisions which could help decrease accidents that kill hundreds each year in the country, reported local daily The Hindu. The technology was tested successfully between Navandgi and Mantatti stations in Ranga Reddy district in the southern state of Andhara Pradesh Tuesday morning, said the report. The technology was based on a combination of GPS and Radio Frequency-enabled technology and applied brakes without intervention of the train pilots once it detected another locomotive on the move or stationary on the same track avoiding collisions. A host of railway officials including Railway ...

Bill Holter from Miles Franklin
Post Date: 2012-10-15 23:44:03 by christine
...It is only a matter of time before reality "shines through". If I had to guess how it will be done, we were "warned" last night by Leon Panetta that a "cyber Pearl Harbor" type of event is a very real risk. Think for a moment, if you knew that you were going to "lose control," wouldn't you look for something, ANYTHING to blame it on? Do not be surprised one bit if you wake up one morning to find that we were attacked. This "attack" knocked down computers far and wide, the banking system and Wall Street got closed and account balances in many cases wiped clean. The system is in a position where a "re set" MUST happen but ...

Bus Driver's Lesson to Chimpette
Post Date: 2012-10-14 10:30:31 by Lod

Curried Mango Chicken
Post Date: 2012-10-13 18:18:42 by F.A. Hayek Fan
makes 6 servings 1 coconut oil (or butter) 1 onion, chopped 3 cloves garlic, minced 2 pounds skinless, boneless chicken breast meat - cut into bite-size pieces 3 tablespoons curry paste 1/2 cup mango chutney 1 (28 ounce) can diced tomatoes, drained Melt the coconut oil in a skillet over medium-high heat; cook the onion and garlic in the butter until the onions are translucent, 2 to 3 minutes; add the chicken and cook about 30 seconds while stirring. Stir in the curry paste until the chicken is evenly coated. Pour the chutney and tomatoes into the pan; continue to cook until the chicken breasts is no longer pink in the center and the juices run clear, about 10 minutes.

How Stupid Are Americans?
Post Date: 2012-10-12 20:33:36 by Esso
Cocktail napkin charts that ask, "Just how stupid are Americans?" Voting in the USA is like standing in front of a vending machine with two buttons. Push the blue "Democrat" button and out drops a blue can of diarrhea. Push the red "Republican" button and a red can of diarrhea is delivered. If you know somebody who believes that it makes the slightest difference whether the next "elected" Puppet of Wall Street / Leader of the Free World / Teleprompter Reader / Packaged Diarrhea comes with a red or blue label, please send that person a link to this page. If you don't enjoy being served a colorful can of diarrhea, stop playing along ...

Topic:How did Mo Yan win China's first Nobel Prize in Literature?
Post Date: 2012-10-12 02:13:11 by Tatarewicz
Less than half an hour after the announcement from Stockholm, Mo's works turned to "sold-out" status at China's major online book sellers. One lucky buyer wrote in an online comment: "Rushed to purchase, but to my shame, I have not read any of his novels." Although Mo was entitled one of the top domestic literature awards before the Nobel Prize, he is not the most popular novelist in China, in either the book market or in reputation. Chinese media seemed to be stunned as some journalists were reported to be on their way overnight to Gaomi City of east China's Shandong Province, Mo's birthplace where he stayed with his family. Born in 1955 into a ...

Eat more chocolate, win more Nobels?
Post Date: 2012-10-11 03:13:23 by Tatarewicz
Take this with a grain of salt, or perhaps some almonds or hazelnuts: A study ties chocolate consumption to the number of Nobel Prize winners a country has and suggests it's a sign that the sweet treat can boost brain power. No, this does not appear in the satirical Onion newspaper. It's in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, which published it online Wednesday as a "note" rather than a rigorous, peer-reviewed study. The author — Dr. Franz Messerli, of St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital and Columbia University in New York — writes that there is evidence that flavanols in green tea, red wine and chocolate can help "in slowing down or even ...

Elongated Skulls Shock American Physician...
Post Date: 2012-10-10 00:43:19 by farmfriend

Addicted to Love
Post Date: 2012-10-09 21:48:24 by CadetD
Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:

RDIF chips: Check your credit/debit cards
Post Date: 2012-10-07 16:57:47 by Jethro Tull
youtube.googleapis.com/v/lLAFhTjsQHw%26sns=emPoster Comment:Click it

Building a bushfire resistant home
Post Date: 2012-10-06 02:36:45 by Tatarewicz
With bushfire season fast approaching, construction of the first bushfire resistant straw bale house tested by CSIRO has begun in rural Victoria. Conceived by sustainable designer Joost Bakker, the house is based on design principles that minimise environmental impact and it is set to withstand temperatures equal to that of a worst case bushfire scenario. Made with straw bale insulation and set into a recycled steel frame with magnesium oxide cladding by ModakBoard, the house challenges traditional construction methods and materials. The design of the house was tested by CSIRO using a bushfire simulator in Mogo, NSW, earlier this year. The tests proved that the design could resist ...

Akron City Hall Evacuated After Man Named ‘Kaboom’ Leaves Walking Stick
Post Date: 2012-10-06 00:52:27 by Tatarewicz
A bomb evacuation at Akron City Hall turned out to be a mistake accidentally caused by an Akron resident named, "Natural Hunka Kaboom." CLEVELAND (CBS CLEVELAND) – An aluminum rod left in Akron City Hall caused an evacuation because someone had scrawled the word, “Kaboom” on it. But after Akron Police, Fire, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, and the Summit County Bomb Squad cleared the scene – it turned out the rod was really a man’s walking stick, and the man’s legal name really was “Kaboom.” The stick’s discovery at about 8:30 a.m., coupled with Kaboom’s explosive name, caused a brief panic as dozens of workers were ...

China has over 80,000 rehabilitation centers
Post Date: 2012-10-05 05:20:56 by Tatarewicz
BEIJING, Oct. 5 (Xinhua) -- More than 80,000 physical rehabilitation institutions for handicapped people have been built in the country, as of the end of 2011. Large-scale rehabilitation centers have been set up in 29 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities on the Chinese mainland, said Li Jianjun, director of the China Center on the Study of Rehabilitation, at the Seventh Beijing International Forum on Rehabilitation. The country is now in urgent need of well-trained specialists in this field, Li said. As many as 500,000 members of staff are needed with the number of professional workers only about one tenth of the figure required. In addition, the country is lacking a unified ...

China Through D.D.'s Lens : Hangzhou
Post Date: 2012-10-04 22:18:28 by Paul Stanner
D.D. and Spaced Teacher tour China together. Come see China like you've never seen her before. Click for Full Text!

Complete Solution for Oil-Spill Cleanup
Post Date: 2012-10-04 01:06:34 by Tatarewicz
ScienceDaily (Oct. 3, 2012) — Scientists are describing what may be a "complete solution" to cleaning up oil spills -- a superabsorbent material that sops up 40 times its own weight in oil and then can be shipped to an oil refinery and processed to recover the oil. Their article on the material appears in ACS' journal Energy & Fuels. T. C. Mike Chung and Xuepei Yuan point out that current methods for coping with oil spills like the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster are low-tech, decades-old and have many disadvantages. Corncobs, straw and other absorbents, for instance, can hold only about 5 times their own weight and pick up water, as well as oil. Those materials ...

Mental decline in older physicians
Post Date: 2012-10-04 00:15:41 by Tatarewicz
concern for patients? If so, what should be done about it?" Turning the Tables of Time "Do you feel that doctors over the age of 65 should be screened for cognitive decline?" began a general practitioner. Many, particularly those who identified as older doctors, chafed at any suggestion of testing for aging physicians. "I am appalled at the notion of cognitive testing. I do not plan to retire until I sense I am losing my touch," said one 70-year-old internist. More than a few physicians flipped the script, pointing out the shortcomings of younger colleagues. "I'll take a thoughtful history, skilled physical exam, and decades of experience over some ...

Payback Is Gonna Be A BITCH Wing Fu : Vampires , Mummies and The Holy Ghost CH 1 A
Post Date: 2012-10-03 06:34:34 by Paul Stanner
Brought to you from The People's Republic Of China by your good friends at Laughing Commie Productions. Click the link Cracker !!! Click for Full Text!

China Through D.D. Lumix's lens -- Shenyang : Who Says We Live In A Graceless Age ?
Post Date: 2012-10-03 06:25:14 by Paul Stanner
D.D. Lumix and Spaced Teacher tour China together. Click the link Cracker !! Click for Full Text! Click for Full Text!

China Through D.D. Lumix's lens -- Shenyang : China Has Hope
Post Date: 2012-10-03 06:17:34 by Paul Stanner
D.D. Lumix and Spaced Teacher tour China together. Click the link Cracker!! Click for Full Text!

China Through D.D. Lumix's lens -- Shenyang : The Botanical Gardens
Post Date: 2012-10-03 06:14:20 by Paul Stanner
D.D. and Spaced Teacher tour China together. Click the link Cracker for a look at China like you've never seen her before. Click for Full Text!

China Through D.D. Lumix's lens -- Shenyang : Bei Ling Park
Post Date: 2012-10-03 06:09:33 by Paul Stanner
D.D. Lumiz and Spaced Teacher tour China together. Click the link Cracker to see China like you've never seen her before. Click for Full Text! Click for Full Text!

CN testing natural gas trains on Fort McMurray line
Post Date: 2012-10-03 04:54:38 by Tatarewicz
CN is testing locomotives in northern Alberta fueled primarily by natural gas instead of diesel. CN says it's exploring the use of natural gas as an alternative to diesel to lower fuel costs and reduce carbon dioxide emissions. "Natural gas has a lower carbon content compared with diesel fuel, so that locomotives using natural gas - if the railway technology employing this form of energy ultimately proves viable - would produce significantly fewer carbon dioxide emissions," said Keith Creel, executive vice-president and chief operating officer, in a press release Thursday. The company retrofitted diesel engines in two 3,000-horsepower locomotives to hybrid engines burning ...

Thousands of Bombs Dumped in Gulf of Mexico Pose Huge Threat to Oil Rigs
Post Date: 2012-10-03 01:34:05 by Tatarewicz
After World War II the US government dumped millions of kilograms of unexploded bombs into the Gulf of Mexico. This is no secret; many governments dumped their unexploded ordnance into oceans and lakes from 1946 up until the 1970s when it was made illegal under international treaty. Now that technology has advanced enough for oil companies to drill deep sea wells in the Gulf of Mexico, those forgotten payloads have become a real hazard. The US designated certain areas around its coast for the safe dumping of explosives, nerve gas, and mustard gas. The problem is that the records of where these munitions were dumped are incomplete, and many experts believe that a lot of cargo was dumped ...

Brothers In Arms
Post Date: 2012-10-02 08:03:26 by Esso

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