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Note to Waitresses: Wearing Red Can Be Profitable
Post Date: 2012-08-03 05:46:49 by Tatarewicz
ScienceDaily (Aug. 2, 2012) — In many restaurants throughout the world, wait staff's income depends largely on the tips received from customers. According to a new study, male restaurant customers give higher tips to waitresses wearing red. This study was published in a recent issue of Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research (published by SAGE, on behalf of the International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education). In their study of 272 restaurant customers, researchers Nicolas Guéguen and Céline Jacob found not only that male patrons gave higher tips than female patrons in general, but that men gave between 14.6% and 26.1% more to waitresses ...

Ask about Illuminati
Post Date: 2012-08-03 05:40:37 by wudidiz

D of C Act of 1871
Post Date: 2012-08-02 17:41:51 by Itistoolate

Calif. prof.'s email reveals shooting plot
Post Date: 2012-08-02 05:56:41 by Tatarewicz
… This image provided by the Orange County District Attorney's Office shows a booking photo of Rainer Reinscheid, 48, a professor at the University of California, Irvine, who was arrested July 24, 2012 and charged with numerous felony arson charges. Bail has been denied for a college professor charged with arson for allegedly setting a series of fires at an Orange County high school his son once attended before committing suicide. District attorney's spokeswoman Farrah Emami says a judge ordered Reinscheid held without bail at a hearing Tuesday, and postponed his arraignment until Aug. 8. (AP Photo/Orange County District Attorney's Office) SANTA ANA, Calif. (AP) — ...

The Boondocks - Uncle Ruckus in Foot Locker
Post Date: 2012-08-01 12:26:51 by James Deffenbach
Poster Comment:"Excuse me! Darkie in the zebra shirt." LOL!

Guy Lives With A Fox
Post Date: 2012-08-01 09:53:26 by CadetD
Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:

Crop circles appear in E. Washington wheat field
Post Date: 2012-08-01 04:26:14 by Tatarewicz
… In this July 30, 2012 photo provided by The Wilbur Register, crop circles are shown in a wheat field owned by Greg and Cindy Geib near Wilbur, Wash. The circles were first noticed on July 24, 2012. Crop circles have been a worldwide phenomenon for decades, and this is not the first one in Lincoln County. (AP SEATTLE (AP) — Mysterious crop circles have appeared in an eastern Washington wheat field — not far from the nation's largest hydropower producer — but area farmers preparing for the summer's harvest find the distraction more amusing than alarming. "You can't do anything other than laugh about it," said Cindy Geib, who owns the field along ...

When We Forget to Remember: Failures in Prospective Memory Range from Annoying to Lethal
Post Date: 2012-08-01 03:47:56 by Tatarewicz
ScienceDaily (July 31, 2012) — A surgical team closes an abdominal incision, successfully completing a difficult operation. Weeks later, the patient comes into the ER complaining of abdominal pain and an X-ray reveals that one of the forceps used in the operation was left inside the patient. Why would highly skilled professionals forget to perform a simple task they have executed without difficulty thousands of times before? These kinds of oversights occur in professions as diverse as aviation and computer programming, but research from psychological science reveals that these lapses may not reflect carelessness or lack of skill but failures of prospective memory. In an article in ...

Our Uncivil Society and Internet Abuse
Post Date: 2012-08-01 01:12:02 by Tatarewicz
I first read Saul Bellow's masterpiece, Mr. Sammler's Planet, back in my college days in the 1970s, but I recently began thumbing through my dog-eared copy again. I can only guess at what unconscious motive was working in me, but once I began reading, I became convinced that Mr. Sammler's description of our planet, circa 1969, was remarkably prescient: All this confused sex-excrement-militancy, explosiveness, abusiveness, tooth-showing, Barbary ape howling. Or like the spider monkeys in the trees, as Sammler once had read, defecating into their hands, and shrieking, pelting the explorers below... I'm referring to the appalling incivility that seems endemic in our culture ...

Over 100 commercial pilots marching in formation against chemtrails! So do you want to tell me they are crazy too, that they don't exist? What are we being forced to breathe and why ?
Post Date: 2012-07-31 23:57:23 by christine

SOM1-01 Extraterrestrial Entities and Technology, Recovery and Disposal
Post Date: 2012-07-31 20:13:00 by PSUSA2
Rick Doty’s uncle Ed Doty said to Bob Wood and Robert Collins a few years back that he attended a UFO Crash Retrieval course at Los Alamos in 1954. We believe the SOM1-01 was their Tech Order for Crash Retrievals. If you look at the front cover there is a Tech Order number TO 12D1-3-11-1, it’s dated April 1954. ... This 32-page manual shows the crafts as being disk-shaped, cigar-shaped, triangular or ice cream cone shaped. Entities are of two types — EBEs, both described in some detail. They’re not known to terrestrial science. It says that security is of massive importance. One of the principal objectives is to keep the public in the dark, a primary focus. It gives ...

Alaska Pyramid - C2C recap
Post Date: 2012-07-30 04:28:26 by Tatarewicz
In a two-part report, Linda M. Howe interviewed retired U. S. Army counterintelligence Warrant Officer Douglas Mutschler who'd been puzzled by a USGS map in his intell work that had a large whited out area between Mt. McKinley and Nome, Alaska. Then, on an evening in November 1992 on Channel 13 in Anchorage, Alaska, he and 39 others in his unit were in a Ft. Richardson cafeteria when they all watched a news program about the discovery of a very large pyramidal structure underground between Mt. McKinley and Nome, Alaska, that was discovered when geologists studied crust images during the May 22, 1992, large underground nuclear detonation in China. After the newscast, Mutschler went to ...

Sorcha Faal on Aurora mind control
Post Date: 2012-07-30 01:22:56 by Tatarewicz
Mysterious Radio “Blast” Before Colorado Massacre Puzzles Scientists A new report prepared by Russian Space Forces (VKO) scientists, who are charged with monitoring radio and other electrical type transmitted emissions from the United States under provisions outlined in the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START), states that at the “exact time” of the 20 July 2012 Colorado massacre known as the 2012 Aurora Shooting a “mysterious blast” of 10.80 Hz was broadcast from a GWEN tower in Pueblo, Colorado 178 kilometers (111 miles) away from Aurora. The GWEN tower network (Ground Wave Emergency Network) was a command and control communications system intended ...

A woman's poem and a man's poem
Post Date: 2012-07-29 19:37:09 by James Deffenbach

Daily Reconers write
Post Date: 2012-07-29 07:19:27 by Tatarewicz
Reckoner Barry M. observes... re the Marx quote; I don’t know if you have read much of Marx and his acolytes, but Marx, Engels and Lenin’s rantings are not just chilling but banal in the extreme and a very good example of the gullibility of people to be led by a few demagogues telling them they are victims, oppressed by a privileged minority and the only way to change the situation is by violence. The sad reality is that Marxism Leninism would not have succeeded except for the fact that there were a lot of people suffering serious privation and hardship under the Czars, and many were ready to grasp at the opportunity to redress grievances whether real or imaginary. A vital ...

The Recent ADL Attacks on Free Speech
Post Date: 2012-07-28 14:55:13 by Itistoolate

Colorado Massacre Linked To Historic Bank Fraud
Post Date: 2012-07-28 02:58:04 by Tatarewicz
A highly disturbing Ministry of Finance report on the largest bank fraud in history that is circulating in the Kremlin today warns that it is “within the realm of possibility” that the shocking movie massacre in Colorado this past week is but another “integral part” in the deliberate plan put in place by Western banking elites and their allies to collapse the global economy. The massacre cited in this report is being referred to as the “2012 Aurora Shooting” wherein suspect James Holmes [photo 2nd left] is purported to have opened fire during the playing of a movie killing 12 and injuring 58 in one of the worst mass shootings in recent US history. ...

America, the Society of Deception, Hard Evidence of Mass Mind Control
Post Date: 2012-07-27 20:37:03 by Bill D Berger
[Editors Note: Warning....If any of you are suffering from depression or taking strong medication to control such, read this article on the buddy system, with someone in the room with you.  The following material we expect to be found extremely unpleasant to just about every sane person. But part of why we are doing this is the Iran attack WWIII moves are proceeding along quite smoothly with no real push back from what could be described as a free people. So I will end with that hint...and Gordon will do the rest, as he does so well...Jim Dean]I will be featuring several videos.  I know that sitting through a video isn’t always considered worthwhile when more worthwhile ...

Wtf? (my title)
Post Date: 2012-07-26 04:53:18 by wudidiz

Man refuses to leave jail; cited for trespassing and sent back to prison
Post Date: 2012-07-26 03:18:42 by Tatarewicz
Rodney Dwayne Valentine had just been granted his freedom from the Rockingham County jail in northern North Carolina on Saturday morning. But when Valentine refused to leave the prison, police arrested him for trespassing and sent him back to his cell. The News & Record of Greensboro reports that Valentine, 37, reportedly refused to leave the jail site, after authorities declined his request for a ride to a local motel. He had been in prison since May 22 on a charge of damage to personal property. Officers reportedly suggested that Valentine simply take a cab to the hotel, but he allegedly refused. When he still hadn't left the premises that afternoon, Deputies charged Valentine ...

Five women rape man to death
Post Date: 2012-07-25 19:00:42 by Armadillo
In an extraordinary case of jealousy, a Nigerian man - husband of six - was allegedly raped to death by his five spouses as he was paying too much attention to his sixth wife in east-central Benue state. Uroko Onoja, a wealthy businessman, was having sex with his youngest wife when the other five women attacked him with knives and sticks, demanding that he have sex with all of them at once. Onoja, who resisted their attack, was overpowered by the women who ordered that the sex march begin with the youngest wife and to continue in that order to the top, Nigeria's Daily reported. Onoja stopped breathing when the fifth woman was making her way to the bed. According Onoja's youngest ...

Another security screening gizmo
Post Date: 2012-07-25 07:39:34 by Tatarewicz
This stock promotion article describes another gadget we can expect to see among security screening points as government half-wits cope with symptoms in an increasingly paranoid society (rather than deal with causes such as supporting the Israeli criminal regime) As the broader equity markets experienced a major sell-off, IDOI has closed well in the green, trading over 4 million shares which is the highest volume it has seen in the past 3 years. We think IDOI is a bargain and could be pushing to $1.25 very soon and moving higher after that. In fact we think... As global security continues to tighten IDOI Could Pop 1000% IDO Security Inc (OTCBB: IDOI) continues to rack up solid gain ...

James Holmes?
Post Date: 2012-07-24 22:08:20 by christine

Masterpiece Arms 460 Rowland Full Demo Video
Post Date: 2012-07-24 09:55:10 by christine

Top 10 Stolen Cars
Post Date: 2012-07-24 08:14:40 by Tatarewicz
Car thefts have fallen as auto manufacturers up the security built into cars. Of course, plenty of people still have their cars stolen or broken into every year. In 2010, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported an average of 1.17 thefts for every 1,000 cars produced. Some of this might be personal carelessness. Windows accidentally left down, easily accessible keys, or enticing items like power cords left in view, indicating the likely presence of more expensive gadgets, can all draw a car thief in. But sometimes it's something even more simple—the make of the car. These cars were listed as the top 10 stolen models by Bankrate.com. 1) Dodge Charger In 2010 ...

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