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Velikovsky - c2c recap
Post Date: 2012-06-24 02:08:17 by Tatarewicz
June 22, 2012 Coast Insider Audio Velikovsky & the Dogon: Making his C2C debut on Thursday's show, author/researcher Laird Scranton discussed the controversial assertions of Velikovsky, as well as the cosmology and scientific knowledge of the Dogon tribe in West Africa. According to Velikovsky, a large body smacked into Jupiter and as a result of that impact, Venus was ejected as a brilliant comet; it then impacted Mars directly, and proceeded on to have close passes with Earth, before it moved into its current orbit. This suggests that because Earth is similar to Venus, it may have been formed the same way, Scranton said. In ancient times, Venus was reportedly so bright it could ...

'No US hint of extraditing' Assange
Post Date: 2012-06-24 01:35:53 by Tatarewicz
THE US government has given no indication it wants to extradite WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange over the release of secret diplomatic cables,Australian Foreign Minister Bob Carr said. Senator Carr said he has received no hint from two discussions with American officials that they have a plan to extradite him to the US. "There is not the remotest evidence that is the case," he told ABC Television today. Mr Assange has been at Ecuador's embassy in London for nearly a week as the South American nation considers his political asylum application. The asylum bid is a last-ditch effort to avoid extradition to Sweden to face sex-crime allegations he says are baseless. The ...

Stonehenge was actually built to mark unification of Britain
Post Date: 2012-06-24 01:17:32 by Tatarewicz
Stonehenge was actually built to mark unification of Britain Washington: After 10 years of archaeological investigations, a team of researchers from different universities has concluded that Stonehenge was built as a monument to unify the peoples of Britain, after a long period of conflict and regional difference between eastern and western Britain. Its stones are thought to have symbolized the ancestors of different groups of earliest farming communities in Britain, with some stones coming from southern England and others from west Wales. The teams, from the universities of Sheffield, Manchester, Southampton, Bournemouth and University College London, all working on the Stonehenge ...

Donations flood in to bullied grandmother Karen Klein as her teen abusers face death threats
Post Date: 2012-06-23 04:58:55 by Tatarewicz
A video of schoolchildren bullying and tormenting a 68-year-old school bus monitor has caused outrage in the US. The footage, which went viral on the internet, prompted an outpouring of sympathy and fund-raising for the victim, with almost half a million dollars being raised. The ten-minute video of Karen Klein being verbally abused by children aged 13 as she accompanied them to school was posted on the internet on Monday. The children can be heard taunting the pensioner about her weight and her income and at one point discuss stabbing her. The clip, which was filmed in the town of Greece, in upstate New York, prompted widespread revulsion. Related Articles Fiona Geraghty: Internet ...

Suicide among young #2 cause of death in India
Post Date: 2012-06-23 03:27:16 by Tatarewicz
NEW DELHI - Suicide has become the second leading cause of death among the young in India, a British research has revealed. The research on suicide mortality in India, published in Britain's prestigious "The Lancet" journal on Friday, has pointed out that more than half the total suicide deaths in women and 40 percent of suicide deaths in men in this country occur between the ages of 15 and 29. "Suicide kills nearly as many Indian men aged 15-29 as transportation accidents and nearly as many young women as complications from pregnancy and childbirth," lead author Vikram Patel of London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine said. He added "Suicide is the ...

Double Fantasy Magic. Grand Prize Winner Act.
Post Date: 2012-06-22 23:22:16 by James Deffenbach

Verbally Abusive Middle School Kids Make A 68 Year Old Bus Monitor Cry [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2012-06-21 22:30:37 by Esso
A video of a bunch of verbally abusive middle school bullies making a 68 year old bus monitor cry has gone viral all over the Internet. This video is a perfect example of the social decay that is destroying this nation. We are raising a generation of young people that do not have respect for anyone or anything. In the video, 68 year old Karen Klein is repeatedly called poor, fat, ugly and a whole bunch of other things that I cannot repeat in this space. The bullies refer to "her sweat" and "her flab" over and over throughout the ten minute video. They call her a troll and an elephant and make numerous sexual comments about her. This video is beyond horrifying, but the ...

Inflation Blues
Post Date: 2012-06-21 12:44:00 by F.A. Hayek Fan
Hey Mr. President All your congressmen, too You got me frustrated And I don't know what to do I'm trying to make a living I can't save a cent It takes all of my money Just to eat and pay my rent I got the blues Got those inflation blues You know, I'm not one Of those high brows I'm average Joe to you I came up eating cornbread Candied yams and chicken stew Now you take that paper dollar It's only that in name The way that buck has shrunk It's a lowdown dirty shame That's why I got the blues Got those inflation blues Mr. President Please cut the price of sugar I wanna make my coffee sweet I wanna smear some butter on my bread And I just got to have my meat ...

Knowledge of Fractions and Long Division Predicts Long-Term Math Success
Post Date: 2012-06-21 03:58:23 by Tatarewicz
ScienceDaily (June 15, 2012) — From factory workers to Wall Street bankers, a reasonable proficiency in math is a crucial requirement for most well-paying jobs in a modern economy. Yet, over the past 30 years, mathematics achievement of U.S. high school students has remained stagnant -- and significantly behind many other countries, including China, Japan, Finland, the Netherlands and Canada. A research team led by Carnegie Mellon University's Robert Siegler has identified a major source of the gap -- U. S. students' inadequate knowledge of fractions and division. Although fractions and division are taught in elementary school, even many college students have poor knowledge of ...

Home ownership belief debunked
Post Date: 2012-06-21 02:44:30 by Tatarewicz
An Australian study led by the University of Adelaide has debunked the belief that owning a home is a recipe for happiness. In a study involving more than 10,000 people over a six-year period, researchers found that while home owners are happier, wealthier and better educated than renters, home ownership in itself does not lead to improved mental health. Lead researcher Dr Emma Baker from the Centre for Housing, Urban and Regional Planning (CHURP) at the University of Adelaide says this simple finding is important. "Many studies have established major differences between home owners and renters but our findings suggest that happier and healthier people are able to afford a ...

Uruguay plan to let gov't sell marijuana
Post Date: 2012-06-21 01:46:15 by Tatarewicz
MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay (AP) — Uruguay's national government said Wednesday it hopes to fight a growing crime problem by selling marijuana to citizens registered to buy it, and will send a bill to Congress that would make it the first country in the world to do so. Under the plan, only the government would be allowed to sell marijuana and only to adults who register on a government database, letting officials keep track of their purchases over time. Minister of Defense Eleuterio Fernandez Huidobro told reporters in Montevideo that the measure aims to weaken crime in the country by removing profits from drug dealers and diverting users from harder drugs. He said the bill would be ...

2 women in 1 box
Post Date: 2012-06-20 16:23:12 by Itistoolate

Google report on government internet censorship
Post Date: 2012-06-20 05:03:29 by Tatarewicz
Many of us like to think of the Internet as a hub of free speech and unlimited content—an anything-goes sort of space where you can find almost any information. But plenty of us trying to look up a YouTube video of our favorite song or a sleepy cat have encountered that error message that the video has been removed or the link is no longer active. Sometimes the reason will be copyright infringement. But other times no reason is given at all. Ever wonder why? Google has the answers... In 2009, Internet giant Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) released its first biannual Transparency Report, offering information about government censorship requests and the company's rate of compliance. The ...

Samurai Turtle
Post Date: 2012-06-18 14:32:40 by Turtle
"There is a way of bringing up the child of a samurai. From the time of infancy one should encourage bravery and avoid trivially frightening or teasing the child. If a person is affected by cowardice as a child, it remains a lifetime scar. It is a mistake for parents to thoughtlessly make their children dread lightening, or to have them not go into dark places, or to tell them frightening things in order to stop them from crying.Furthermore, a child will become timid if he is scolded severely. " Poster Comment:Turtle's advice on raising kids.

Preparing for America's worst case scenario
Post Date: 2012-06-18 06:00:16 by Tatarewicz
I want to jump right back into my Items to Consider, so without further ado... 7. Know how to protect yourself. This almost certainly means owning a firearm and knowing how to use it to protect yourself or others. Many TV survival documentaries show people who feel they can defend themselves with knives or clubs, but in reality, they are going to lose 98% of the time against someone else with a firearm. Someone that has been specifically trained on how to use firearms in a defensive manner will almost always win the day in a gun battle. You can’t just own a gun; you have to know how to use it at a very high level. You also need to know how to clean your weapons and take care of ...

The Most Interesting Man In The World...
Post Date: 2012-06-17 17:36:27 by farmfriend
...Is Jewish!

Happy Father's Day
Post Date: 2012-06-17 11:44:15 by James Deffenbach
This song is in honor of good dad's everywhere. I had 50 good years with mine and I miss him. If yours is still around maybe today would be a good day to give him a call or take him out for lunch or dinner if he lives nearby. You don't want to be sorry you didn't make that call.

Overcome Stress By Visualizing It As A Greedy, Hook-Nosed Race Of Creatures
Post Date: 2012-06-17 11:34:21 by CadetD
Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:

Corporate takeover of education
Post Date: 2012-06-17 06:20:38 by Tatarewicz
In an example of "follow the money," a new report by Food and Water Watchi has found that a quarter of research funding at land grant universities comes from corporations, compared to less than 15 percent from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), giving big companies like Monsanto a stronger foothold than ever in higher education. According to the featured article by Jill Richardsonii, a whopping $7.4 billion flowed from big corporations to agricultural research in 2006―an astounding amount that's compounded by the fact that, in 2005, a third of agricultural scientists also reported consulting for private industry. In the most egregious cases, corporate boards and ...

Earth Just Decades From Doomsday – Scientists
Post Date: 2012-06-17 03:38:17 by Tatarewicz
The Earth is threatened with an abrupt change in the global ecosystem that may cause "a state shift," in as soon as a few decades, a report published on Thursday in the scientific Nature magazine says. The research by a group of 22 international scientists, including biologists, geologists, paleontologists, ecologists and theoreticians claimed the global ecosystem could soon reach a tipping point as the human population and consumption rates continue to grow. A global “state shift” occurs when from 50 to 90 percent of ecosystems are disrupted, the study says. "Humans now dominate Earth, changing it in ways that threaten its ability to sustain us and other ...

Taliban fighters studying in Turkey, sources say
Post Date: 2012-06-17 02:46:39 by Tatarewicz
Afghan sources in Turkey say about one hundred members of the Taliban terrorist group are studying at Turkish universities, Press TV reports. With privileges provided by the Turkish government, members of the Afghan terrorist group are studying, mainly in the western city of Izmir, the sources said on Saturday. Pointing to the expansion of relations between the Taliban and the Turkish government, the Afghan sources added that a group of terrorists who have recently been released from the Pul-e-Charkhi prison east of Kabul have been sent to Turkey for training. They have been sighted in public wearing their unique outfits and sporting their distinctive look, witnesses said. JMA/AS/HGL ...

Arrested Drunk Guy Sings Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody !! !!Best Thing You Have Ever Seen Drunk!!
Post Date: 2012-06-16 21:25:02 by wudidiz

Dowsing - CoastToCoast recap
Post Date: 2012-06-16 06:51:26 by Tatarewicz
Dowsing: In the latter half, alternative healers Dave & Erina Cowan talked about how they use dowsing, and the mechanics behind it. Classic dowsing is a way of accessing information through subtle changes in your physiology about the environment around you, such as when a farmer needs to locate a well or a stream, said Dave. Using a simple tool like a pendulum, they tune into the electromagnetic field of the Earth, as well as the energy of moving water, and their own "superconscious" (unconscious) mind gives feedback about changes in the energy, as they move across the land, he continued. A second type of dowsing "is when we spin the pendulum ourselves-- we actually ...

Preparing for the apocalypse
Post Date: 2012-06-15 07:47:52 by Tatarewicz
I personally witnessed what can happen within a very short period of time when food is no longer available to the public. I was in my early twenties, living in Paris, France. Because of an extended truckers' strike, the food stores were cleared out within 24 hours of the announcement. Within five days, normally law-abiding citizens took to the streets and began threatening anyone who had food... Those with no food quickly crossed the line of sanity and started desperately looking to take food from those who had it by any means necessary. These events were never properly covered by the news media (what a surprise!), but I saw firsthand how uncivilized a so-called "modern ...

China's first female astronaut to improve Shenzhou-9 crew's efficiency: spokesperson
Post Date: 2012-06-15 05:40:10 by Tatarewicz
JIUQUAN, June 15 (Xinhua) -- China's first female astronaut, Liu Yang, is expected to improve the Shenzhou-9 mission crew's working efficiency, a spokeswoman of China's manned space program said Friday. "Generally speaking, female astronauts have better durability, psychological stability and ability to deal with loneliness," Wu Ping said at a press conference at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. She added that a manned space program without the participation of women would be incomplete. More than 50 female astronauts from seven countries have to date served in space missions. The longest space flight by a female astronaut lasted 188 days. "The fact fully ...

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