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Find any address in the world
Post Date: 2012-05-13 16:45:07 by Jethro Tull
showmystreet.com/Poster Comment:Type in the address you want - slowly - letter by letter, and watch each time where it takes you. I found my home after seven key strokes.

Happy Mother's Day
Post Date: 2012-05-13 13:19:33 by abraxas
Happy Mother's Day! Nobody loves you like mom...... If your mom has crossed over, take time today to remember her today. If you are blessed to have your mom in your life, let her know how much she means to you. Remember her comforting words through the years that soothed life's pains. Recall those special momisms, her wisdom in her own way that shaped the you that you are today. Close your eyes and remember her soft touch, her hugs and her kisses too. Sometimes these say more than words and go straight to the core. Remember mom's favorite dish, how it smelled and tasted and all the love that went into the making of it. Remember her ways of discipline and honor the roots ...

An Interesting Thing Happened While sitting at the Car Dealership
Post Date: 2012-05-12 16:40:40 by F.A. Hayek Fan
I was sitting in the waiting room at the car dealership today because I was getting some scheduled maintenance done on one of my vehicles and they had Fox News on the TV. The asshole they had on was some Israeli blood dancer named Dan Gillerman. After Googling his name it appears he is the Israel ambassador to the UN. The bullshit this guy was spewing was disgusting. According to him, it is a fact that Iran will have nuclear weapons in a matter of months. The guy was going on and on. Ok, he's a member of Net-and-yahoo's government so you can expect those type of hyperbolic lies. What disgusted me was the fact that the bubble-headed bleach blonde doing the interview didn't ...

Home gardening, the easy way
Post Date: 2012-05-12 13:04:48 by PSUSA2
The price of food being what it is, I decided to put in a home garden. But, digging up sod just plain sucks. I did some, and I am putting that to use in a compost pile for next year. But I knew there had to be an easier way. So, here is what I did. I had some contractor-grade trashbags and split them on the sides so they open up into one sheet. These I placed on the sod and put weight on the edges and corners to hold them in place, in order to kill the grass and leave bare soil. Obviously, a tarp or other plastic sheeting would work too, but I didn't have a tarp. I guess I only had to wait 2-3 weeks for that to take effect. Probably closer to 3 weeks. In the meantime, I had already ...

Try this at home when you are bored
Post Date: 2012-05-12 12:59:54 by F.A. Hayek Fan
Sit in a chair. Lift up your right leg and make clockwise circles with it. Now, while doing that, use your right hand and make the number 6 in the air. What happens? Were you able to do it without it interfering with your leg circles? Most people cannot do this without it interfering with the leg circles. A small minority can.

Power of Crystals:
Post Date: 2012-05-12 08:17:37 by Tatarewicz
Biophysicist with an interest in the ancient worlds, Dr. John DeSalvo, discussed his research into the power of crystals as well as their mystical counterpart, crystal skulls, and talked about the unusual properties associated with them. He theorized that crystal skulls evoke fascination because they are a combination of the beauty of crystal and the symbolism of death. "You put them together and they're hard to resist," he mused. Beyond that, he said that skulls have been carved using quartz crystal since antiquity and surmised that "whoever carved these structures realized there was something special about quartz." DeSalvo detailed how his study of crystal skulls ...

Strange Anomalies in the Famous Situation Room Photo
Post Date: 2012-05-11 10:37:17 by christine
Recently, the MSM were shocked by the news that a girlfriend in Obama's Dreams book was a composite. For many, such news comes as no surprise. The concept of a composite presidency certainly comes as no shock as someone who participated as a contributor and authored evidence presented at Sheriff Joe Arpaio's press conference on Obama's long-form birth certificate report. On the heels of these events -- and taking advantage of an anniversary of the bin Laden raid -- are recent campaign tactics to politicize the killing of Osama bin Laden. With the re-emergence of another round of gutsy call faux heroism regarding Obama's decision, it may also be a good time to revisit the ...

"We Are Star Dust" - Symphony of Science
Post Date: 2012-05-10 11:05:12 by abraxas
"We Are Star Dust" - Symphony of Science We are part of this universe, we are in the universe and the universe is in us! Have a splendid day my stardust 4um friends!

German Government to Oppose nat gas Fracking
Post Date: 2012-05-10 04:54:19 by Tatarewicz
Berlin is opposed to plans to use the controversial fracking process to extract natural gas in Germany, SPIEGEL has learned. Government ministers are "very skeptical" about the technology, which environmentalists claim can pollute groundwater. Germany has put the brakes on plans to use hydraulic fracturing, commonly known as fracking, to extract natural gas in places where it is difficult to access, such as shale or coal beds. Environment Minister Norbert Röttgen and Economy Minister Philipp Rösler have agreed to oppose the controversial process for the time being, SPIEGEL has learned. Sources in the German government said that the ministers were "very ...

understaning yourself is history
Post Date: 2012-05-09 21:59:28 by lead.and.lag
the visegrips went missing in the chaos, but chaos is the basis of progress. they made a pilot out of me... i enjoyed flying, was good at it,it was art, but it was seasonal, and i had better things to do in the off season than sweep out the hanger... writing and recording music, inventing stuff that should have been commercial but wasnt, writing nasty letters to the newspaper which resulted in a certain amount of local infamy, painting... the worst thing i've done in my life, so far, according to me, is hauling a few years worth of paintings to the dump when i had to move. . now, because of my disregard for ... whatever, i'm in this old folks' home, subsidized, inspections ...

Sleep-walking version of sex
Post Date: 2012-05-09 04:35:32 by Tatarewicz
Introduction Sexsomnia, also known as sleep sex or somnambulistic sexual behavior, refers to unintentional sexual behaviors or activities during sleep. Sexsomnia is a relatively new diagnosis. The term was coined by Shapiro and colleagues in 2003,[1] but cases of this condition have been reported in the literature for the past 3 decades.[2,3] Sexual behavior during sleep automatism can range from explicit vocalizations to touching or sexual intercourse, and in some cases even sexual assault or rape. It is non-rapid eye movement (NREM) parasomnia characterized by abnormal transitions between sleep and wake states. The second edition of the International Classification of Sleep Disorders ...

Austin Storm Last Night
Post Date: 2012-05-08 10:42:58 by christine
Taken by KXAN News

Rare Mental Condition Gives Actress Henner Super-Human Memory
Post Date: 2012-05-08 03:29:34 by Tatarewicz
Explains To CBS 2 How You, Too, Can Drastically Improve What You Remember NEW YORK(CBSNewYork) — Most people are able to recall big moments in their lives, but a select few are able to recall minute details of almost every day. Marilu Henner recently explained to CBS 2′s Katie McGee how her Highly Superior Auto-Biographical Memory, or H-SAM, has allowed her to hold onto even the most minor of moments. “You say April 3, 1992 and all of a sudden the whole week starts presenting itself to me. That was a Friday and I was in New York, actually. Early that week I had won $1,760 at a winner-take-all Academy Awards pool. It was a clean sweep of the Oscars, ‘Silence Of The ...

5 Mind-Bending Facts About Dreams
Post Date: 2012-05-08 03:03:04 by Tatarewicz
When your head hits the pillow, for many it's lights out for the conscious part of you. But the cells firing in your brain are very much awake, sparking enough energy to produce the sometimes vivid and sometimes downright haunted dreams that take place during the rapid-eye-movement stage of your sleep. Why do some people have nightmares while others really spend their nights in bliss? Like sleep, dreams are mysterious phenomena. But as scientists are able to probe deeper into our minds, they are finding some of those answers. Here's some of what we know about what goes on in dreamland. 1. Violent dreams can be a warning sign Exercise Your Brain www.lumosity.com Games You ...

Kelly Thomas video: Homeless man beaten as he cried for help
Post Date: 2012-05-07 23:34:18 by wudidiz
Kelly Thomas video: Homeless man beaten as he cried for help May 7, 2012 |  6:56 pm 25 4 On the ground and screaming that he’s “sorry,” Kelly Thomas is hit again and again with fists, a baton and finally the butt of a stun gun by Fullerton police officers in a dramatic video that was shown for the first time Monday in an Orange County courtroom where two patrolman are charged with murder and manslaughter. The grainy black-and-white video, which includes audio from a recording device one of the officers wore on his belt, shows Thomas repeatedly being struck outside the Fullerton bus depot July 5. Thomas died several ...

How to peel hard-boiled eggs without peeling
Post Date: 2012-05-07 20:45:29 by Esso

Is this the end of '1 Europe'? - The ascendancy of 'tribalism, radicalism and socialism'
Post Date: 2012-05-07 20:11:37 by Jethro Tull
How Europe’s crisis resolves itself as yet remains unknown. But with Sunday’s returns from France and Greece, the mega-trends on the Old Continent are unmistakable. And for the European Union, they are ominous. Ads by GoogleThe End-Time is Here 2008 was God's last warning. 2012 is economic collapse & WW III www.the-end.comWill You Boldly Proclaim "I am a Christian"? Sign the pledge now! billygraham.org/I-am-a-ChristianNationalism – be it economic nationalism or ethnic nationalism – is ascendant. Transnationalism and multiculturalism are in headlong if not irreversible retreat. The European project is itself imperiled. To be sure, no one should ...

An Amish Girl's Diary
Post Date: 2012-05-06 11:08:36 by christine

Internet added to "Alltopics"
Post Date: 2012-05-06 08:23:08 by Tatarewicz
Today Alltopics.com has launched a new information source on the topic of Internet. Alltopics.com is a news information site that instantly compiles the top news articles of the day or week on a given topic. The information is always interesting, since the news is rated by popularity based on Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Alltopics.com/internet has now included the top Internet issues on the menu of information. (PRWEB) May 06, 2012 Internet section is now available on Alltopics. Alltopics.com/internet is a vital source for anybody out there being tech freak, or wanting to know more about the latest deals, issues and news on the world wide web. Whether the reader is an Internet buff, or ...

How a Top Nazi's Brother Saved Lives
Post Date: 2012-05-04 07:33:55 by Tatarewicz
Hermann Göring was one of the Nazi party's most powerful figures and an adamant anti-Semite. But his younger brother Albert worked to save the lives of dozens of Jews. Despite his efforts to do good, Albert's family name would ultimately prove to be a curse. In downtown Vienna under the Nazis, two members of the SA had decided to humiliate an old woman. A crowd gathered and jeered as the stormtroopers hung a sign bearing the words "I'm a dirty Jew" around the woman's neck. Suddenly, a tall man with a high forehead and thick mustache pushed his way angrily through the mob and freed the woman. "There was a scuffle with two stormtroopers, I hit them and ...

Rice University students design shale gas utilization framework for China
Post Date: 2012-05-03 08:23:51 by Tatarewicz
ScienceDaily (Apr. 30, 2012) — A team of Rice University students accepted a challenge to turn shale gas produced in China into a range of useful, profitable and environmentally friendly products and did so in a cost-effective manner. The CHBE Pandas (CHBE stands for chemical and biomolecular engineering) designed a process by which shale gas extracted in the rich Sichuan Basin could be turned into methanol, hydrogen and carbon disulfide, all valuable products in the booming Chinese economy. The Rice team was one of seven groups of students presented similar challenges for locations outside of the United States as their capstone design projects, required of most graduates of ...

German Police Identify Burglar by His Earprints
Post Date: 2012-05-01 06:08:37 by Tatarewicz
Prints left by ears are as unique as fingerprints, say police. Criminals beware -- don't leave earprints. They are as useful to the police as finger prints. A burglar in Germany made the mistake of pressing his ear to front doors to check if anyone was home. The unique prints have allowed the police to pin 96 burglaries on him. Info Police in Germany said on Sunday they had solved a series of 96 burglaries by identifying the culprit using the earprints he had left at the scenes while listening at doors. The 33-year old man from Macedonia was arrested and temporarily held in custody last December after committing a burglary in Kiel, police in Hamburg said in a statement. He has now ...

Monday’s medical myth: men think about sex every seven seconds
Post Date: 2012-05-01 03:59:50 by Tatarewicz
There is no consensus among researchers about the frequency of men's sexual thoughts, but every seven seconds seems a little much. Each time you turn on the television after 10pm, eavesdrop on a group of men at your local pub, or drive past a billboard, you’re likely to encounter some stereotypes about masculinity and men’s sexuality. We’re told that men’s minds are so immersed in thoughts of sex that it can become a full-time preoccupation. Think of James Bond’s sexual exploits, Cola Cola’s “bigger is better” campaign, and the folklore that men think about sex every seven seconds (which would amount to more than 8,000 thoughts about sex a day). ...

Dentist pulls out all of her ex-boyfriend’s teeth after split
Post Date: 2012-05-01 00:16:11 by Tatarewicz
If you're planning a trip to the dentist, it might not be the wisest decision to make your appointment with the person you just broke up with. A Polish woman is facing three years in prison after she removed all of her ex-boyfriend's teeth during dental surgery just days after their breakup. "I tried to be professional and detach myself from my emotions," Anna Mackowiak, 34, told the Austrian Times. "But when I saw him lying there I just thought, 'What a bastard' and decided to take all his teeth out." Marek Olszewski, 45, reportedly showed up at Mackowiak's dental office complaining of toothache just days after he broke up with her. She then ...

(The Sweet Science - a MUST see) Tony Pietrantonio takes a punch he’ll remember for a long time
Post Date: 2012-04-30 16:37:38 by Jethro Tull
Tony Pietrantonio takes a punch he’ll remember for a long timeBy Kevin Iole | Boxing – 1 hour 48 minutes agoLavarn Harvell (R) connects on Tony Pietrantonio (Tim Shaffer/Reuters)If you've ever wondered what it was like to get punched in the head — really hard — fortunately, you don't have to climb into the ring and find out yourself. Photographer Tim Shaffer gives you a pretty good idea of what it is like with his photo of Lavarn Harvell's knockout of Tony Pietrantonio in Atlantic City, N.J., on Saturday. Fighting on the undercard of the HBO-televised Bernard Hopkins-Chad Dawson light heavyweight title fight, Harvell knocked out Pietrantonio in a ...

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