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Opinions Vary
Post Date: 2012-04-13 11:05:27 by christine

German incest couple lose European Court case
Post Date: 2012-04-12 11:25:33 by Eric Stratton
German incest couple lose European Court case A brother and sister from Germany who had an incestuous relationship, arguing they had the right to a family life, have lost their European court case. Patrick Stuebing and Susan Karolewski did not know each other as children Patrick Stuebing and Susan Karolewski had four children together, two of whom are described as disabled. The European Court of Human Rights said Germany was entitled to ban incest. Stuebing, who was convicted of incest and spent three years in prison, did not meet his natural sister until he tracked down his family as an adult. He had been adopted as a child and only made contact with his natural relatives in his 20s. ...

Simpsons creator Matt Groening spills Springfield secret
Post Date: 2012-04-12 07:11:34 by Tatarewicz
Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons, stands between Bart and Homer Simpson in a file picture 14 February 2012 Matt Groening says he wanted his viewers to think of Springfield as a town they knew The creator of the iconic cartoon sitcom The Simpsons has finally revealed the inspiration behind the show's fictional town of Springfield. Matt Groening told Smithsonian magazine he based the town on Springfield, Oregon, but since it is such a common US place name he knew many would think it was their own Springfield. The Springfield question is one of the best-kept secrets in TV history. The Simpsons is the longest-running animation on US TV, on air since 1989. Characters in the show ...

Anti-Authoritarianism Starts Within
Post Date: 2012-04-11 21:00:26 by Eric Stratton
Anti-Authoritarianism Starts Within By Eric Peters Apr 11th, 2012 Mainstream “conservatism” gets no traction because it’s often so obviously hypocritical. It provides the shells necessary for the authoritarian opposition (they like to call themselves “liberals,” which is sort of accurate in that they are very liberal with other people’s money) to shellac the conservatives at will and make them look ridiculous – and mean spirited – which they often are. For instance: Attend a Tea Party event and you’ll almost certainly hear hearty critiques of “wasteful government spending” – including spending on “welfare” for the ...

The Scent of Rosemary May Boost Cognitive Performance
Post Date: 2012-04-09 01:14:41 by Tatarewicz
Did you know that the aroma of rosemary may actually boost your brain function? According to scientists from the United Kingdom, simply smelling some fresh rosemary caused research participants to improve their arithmetic skills, whereas, other tantalizing aromas (such as bacon and jujubes) had no documented benefit on long division. The researchers believe that the improved mental processing as well as emotional state of the volunteers was secondary to exposure to 1,8-cineole, which is one of the main chemical components of rosemary essential oil. Thus, the scent of Rosemary may boost cognitive performance…unless your wife finds out and hits you over the head with a frying pa

Blind Dog Living in a Trash Pile Gets the Most Beautiful Rescue
Post Date: 2012-04-08 11:38:13 by christine
Poster Comment:this brought tears to my eyes....

My Last Post
Post Date: 2012-04-08 09:55:07 by James Deffenbach
My Last Post Posted on Friday, April 06, 2012 2:04:25 PM by Glenn I've been here a year or two. The demands of the fundraisers have gone up and up. While I have no dispute of Jim's numbers as up front, they have gone governmental. Look closely at the budget. Decide for yourself. Poster Comment:Obviously Glenn doesn't understand how very expensive it is to run a chat board for cat ladies.

10-year-old is one of the world’s youngest moms
Post Date: 2012-04-07 23:30:44 by Tatarewicz
ABC News reported on Friday that a 10-year-old Colombian girl gave birth to a baby daughter, making the girl one of the youngest mothers ever. Despite the high-risk pregnancy, the baby was healthy, reports say. The girl is reportedly from the northern Colombian town of Manaure, and delivered a 5-pound daughter by Cesarean section. The girl is unidentified. (She) arrived at the hospital in tears and “enormous pain” from the contractions, according to Univision’s Primer Impacto. The child is a member of the Wayuu people, an indigenous tribe, the report says. “Giving birth at a young age is said to be typical of Wayuu customs,” the U.K. Telegraph reports. The ...

News is just noise - Tune it out
Post Date: 2012-04-07 07:01:42 by Tatarewicz
There is such a thing as information overload. And in this high-speed digital age, I think we're all affected by it in some way. On more than a few occasions lately, I've heard this sentiment echoed in various ways... The first came from an essay simply titled “Avoid News” by Rolf Dobelli, a Swiss novelist and entrepreneur who also has a show on Bloomberg in Germany. His take is that “news is to the mind what sugar is to the body.” By trying to consume so many fleeting headlines we get distracted, stifle critical thinking, and fill ourselves with anxiety and despair. Oakland shooting. Treyvon Martin. Tornadoes. Syria. Iran. Obamacare. Primaries. Debates. ...

CoastToCoastAM - The Seth Material:
Post Date: 2012-04-07 06:33:52 by Tatarewicz
The Seth Material: On Thursday night, author, educator, and OBE expert, Rick Stack, discussed the Seth material, as channeled by Jane Roberts into numerous books. He personally attended over 100 Seth sessions given in Jane Roberts' classes in Elmira, NY in the 1970s. Seth, a non-physical entity, who spoke through Jane, is credited by many to have kicked off the New Age movement, with his central thesis that you create your own reality (which is similar to more recent 'Law of Attraction'). Seth said that our own thoughts, emotions, and beliefs construct our reality, and there is now scientific evidence that the power of thought can affect matter, Stack pointed out. Seth also ...

Wyoming town - population 1 - sells for $900,000 to Vietnamese buyer
Post Date: 2012-04-07 05:12:06 by Tatarewicz
FILE - This Jan. 1, 2011 file photo shows Buford resident Don Sammons standing in front of the population sign in Buford, Wyo. The town advertised as the smallest in the United States has sold at auction for $900,000. SALMON, Idaho (Reuters) - The town of Buford, Wyoming - population 1 - was sold for $900,000 to an unidentified buyer from Vietnam on Thursday after an 11-minute Internet auction that attracted worldwide interest. The tiny Western town garnered online viewers and bidders from 46 countries for the sale of 10-plus acres with a convenience store, gas station and modular home located in southeastern Wyoming between Cheyenne and Laramie. The buyer, who wished to remain ...

Spinach Is a Dish Best Served Cooked
Post Date: 2012-04-07 00:39:37 by Tatarewicz
If spinach has the reputation of being the homework of vegetables, it was not helped by its ’70s “revival” in the form of raw spinach salads. Spinach has many charms — truly singular flavor, the ability to be transformed by cooking in myriad ways, its famous health benefits — but salad is probably the least convincing. Here, spinach undergoes four completely distinct treatments: superfast wilting in a pan; not-much- slower steaming in a pot; braised and almost a full meal; and superslow, a technique I really love, and one that results in astonishingly fine creamed spinach and the like. (These are generally so high-fat that they effectively neutralize ...

Faith to be Strong
Post Date: 2012-04-06 16:43:56 by James Deffenbach

Another "chimpout"
Post Date: 2012-04-06 08:29:03 by Rube Goldberg

11-Year Old Solves Euro Crisis
Post Date: 2012-04-06 01:38:42 by Tatarewicz
The Wolfson Economics Prize finalists were just announced, and amongst the financial experts and analysts, an honorable mention was awarded to someone with only an elementary education. Here's the recipient's impressive story: Jurre Hermans, a 10-year-old boy from the Netherlands (11-years-old now), had written a letter expressing his concern over the Euro crisis. Moreover, that letter also included his version of a viable solution that would allow the Greek government to pay off its debt. In a brilliantly written letter the young boy maps out his clever – and petty tyrannical! – loan repayment system to follow suit once Greece leaves the Euro. Even more impressive, ...

Support for Hemp in KY
Post Date: 2012-04-05 12:27:42 by Lod
ino.com blurb - DEA insanity Poster Comment:GROWING ACCEPTANCE: A mix of people at a recent seminar in Lexington, Ky., voiced support for growing the versatile hemp plant. FEDS OBJECT: Federal drug laws don't differentiate between marijuana and hemp, according to a DEA spokeswoman. As a result, "we would not approve applications to grow hemp because it is marijuana," she said.

French "terrorist" killings a Sarkozy election false flag?
Post Date: 2012-04-05 04:40:31 by Tatarewicz
Is the assassinated 'Islamic terrorist' a French pre-election operation by ruling president? Suspicions appeared in the media that the story about the "Islamic terrorist" Mohamed Merah was actually a pre-election special operation by the ruling French president Sarkozy, in which 8 innocent people were killed by French secret services on the order of Sarkozy. Mohamed Merah was actually framed, then killed to shift the blame on him for killing three soldiers and four Zionists in France, launch a campaign on "fighting Islamic terrorism" and, against this background, to win the upcoming presidential elections in France. The lawyer of the father of Mohamed Merah ...

'O.J. Is Innocent And I Can Prove It': In New Book, P.I. William Dear Claims O.J. Simpson's Son Was The Killer
Post Date: 2012-04-04 11:07:59 by christine
Ojsimpson In his new book, private investigator William Dear claims to have circumstantial evidence that suggests O.J. Simpson did not kill Nicole Brown or Ron Goldman. It's often said that the only certainties in life are death and taxes. But you can add "rehashing of the O.J. Simpson case" to that list -- at least for the last 18 years. So it should come as no surprise that a new book has been published about the 1994 murders of Simpson's ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ron Goldman. In 1995, a California jury acquitted O.J. Simpson of the killings. A civil lawsuit, later filed by the victims' families, resulted in a 1997 judgment finding Simpson ...

Breaking: Terrorists Have Kidnapped Congress!!
Post Date: 2012-04-04 06:40:33 by wudidiz
So I’m stuck in traffic and nothing is moving. Suddenly, a man knocks on my window. I roll down the window and ask, “What’s going on?” he says “Terrorists have kidnapped Congress, and are asking for a $10 million dollar ransom. Otherwise, they are going to douse them all in gasoline and set them on fire. We are going from car to car, taking up a collection.” “How much is everyone giving, on average?” I ask. The man replies, “About a gallon.”

Online Wills?
Post Date: 2012-04-03 19:45:57 by Lod
Poster Comment:Does anyone have any experience/advice with any of these services? Thanks much.

Amusing stuff I found on Facebook
Post Date: 2012-04-03 14:37:22 by James Deffenbach

out damned spot unwittingly explains the problem with LibertyPost.com
Post Date: 2012-04-03 08:22:18 by F.A. Hayek Fan
5 Reasons Liberals Are Such Unpleasant People To Be Around

NDE activates psychic powers
Post Date: 2012-04-02 06:27:24 by Tatarewicz
Healing & Cells: On Tuesday's show, biophysicist Dr. Joyce Hawkes discussed her process and journey as a healer. She revealed how an NDE changed her from being rooted solely in science to being open to the teachings of shamans and healers. During the near-death experience which happened to her in the 1970s, "everything was so beautiful visually and comfortable emotionally in every way that the absorption in that moment was all there was," before her consciousness was abruptly returned to her body, she said. After the NDE, she began to discover she had the ability to remotely perceive things like the physical and cellular condition of other people, and a gift for ...

Cop spots two black men armed with a camera (no hoodies) and becomes unglued
Post Date: 2012-04-02 06:13:54 by wudidiz
Cop spots two black men armed with a camera (no hoodies) and becomes unglued ShareThis is disturbing.  In Houston, Texas a policeman spots two scary black men (no hoodies) armed with a camera then becomes unhinged. The two men were taping a Walmart store outside in the parking lot when the cop approached them, then smacked one of them. The two men remained polite the entire time, but the same can’t be said of the cop in question.Watch:The two men were handcuffed ready to be arrested until another cop rescued them from the mental case cop.Under the video it states:Hostile Houston Cop comes after two innocent guys video taping at a Wal-Mart in SouthWest Houston for NO REASON, ...

Man sentenced after accidentally shooting woman's mohawk he mistook for bird
Post Date: 2012-04-01 09:50:57 by Buzzard
A Colorado man was sentenced to five years' probation after accidentally shooting a woman whose red mohawk he mistook for a fowl that had been harassing his cats. Derrill Rockwell, 49, told police that he grabbed his .22-caliber rifle and set out from his home Oct. 5 to fire at the bird after spotting it at the top of a hill about 90 feet away, the Daily Sentinel reported Friday. "His intent was to spook it away," Deputy District Attorney Jason Conley told District Judge Richard Gurley on Friday, according to the newspaper. But after shooting at the bird, the man said he noticed it didn't fly away and he reported hearing a woman moaning in pain. Rockwell soon ...

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