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Your Water Bill is About to Triple
Post Date: 2012-03-01 22:59:53 by Tatarewicz
You thought paying between $4 and $6 for gas was rough. Now, this... According to a recent report, Americans could pay up to $900 more per year for water as the nation's water system suffers. America is about to revamp and expand the underground drinking systems in our nation. Cost? About $1 trillion throughout the next 25 years. Therefore, utility rates are going up to compensate for some of those costly endeavors. There is some good news: after the expensive infrastructure processes are completed, water will be less expensive in thefuture. Unfortunately, delays will cost more than a pretty penny... According the the American Water Works Association, fixing the system now would ...

freerepublic.com is down
Post Date: 2012-02-28 15:15:28 by bluegrass
www.freerepublic.com What a shame. ; )

Red card discipline in Swedish school
Post Date: 2012-02-27 22:38:51 by Tatarewicz
As schools in Sweden look for new ways to tackle the problem of unruly students, one school has found success using methods normally employed on the football pitch, The Local's Geoff Mortimore discovers. Headlines about bullying, school violence, and concerns about a lack of respect for educators on the part of students, while perhaps exaggerating the problem, have nevertheless focused attention on the issue of discipline in Swedish schools. Across the country, schools are trying out various initiatives, including a few rather unorthodox methods for keeping disruptive students in check. While the rough and tumble world of the football pitch may strike many as an odd place to look for ...

Tunguska-Sized Asteroid Homing on Earth
Post Date: 2012-02-27 20:26:08 by Tatarewicz
An asteroid of the same class as one that allegedly detonated over Tunguska River in 1908 will pass by Earth next year, flying closer than some man-made satellites, according to NASA. The asteroid, 2012 DA14, will miss the planet by 26,900 kilometers on February 15, 2013, which is closer than satellites in the geostationary orbit of 35,700 kilometers, according to data on NASA’s website published Sunday. The asteroid, first detected by the Spanish Observatorio Astronomico de La Sagra, is between 40 and 95 meters in diameter and belongs to Apollo group of near-Earth asteroids, many of which are potential collision hazards. Astronomer groups around the world are continuing ...

Guide to Brainwashing Little Kids
Post Date: 2012-02-27 16:34:49 by bluegrass
It is rare that people are truly interested in ugly side of history, politics, or human nature. In search for such people I have decided to share some of my experiences with one ugly side of communism -- brainwashing and control of “intellectual” elite. In recent years, there appears to be (finally) some growing unease among the Americans over what it is that the public schools really “teach.” Many people cannot understand why would somebody ever come up with “sex-ed,” or “death-ed,” or fanatical environmental “science,” or “political correctness,” and push it on kids who barely know how to read. Many of those who do the pushing do ...

Can Gauck be Germany's president 'while living in sin?'
Post Date: 2012-02-27 08:24:51 by Tatarewicz
Germans generally agree that Joachim Gauck is a good choice for president. But can the ex-pastor be the nation's moral authority while staying married to one woman yet living with another set to become First Lady? Have your say. In Germany the president’s role is mainly a ceremonial one, but from time to time he’s expected to step in and provide the country with some direction. Former President Christian Wulff used his soapbox to promote integration of Germany's Muslims. Others have expounded on various aspects of German society. But some conservative politicians – particularly in the Bavarian Christian Social Union (CSU) – have said Gauck’s personal ...

Extend your German vocabulary with Vocalex
Post Date: 2012-02-27 07:58:18 by Tatarewicz
Innovative Swedish software can help you expand your German vocabulary rapidly, using words and images. It is generally accepted that the best way to learn any foreign language is by living in the country in question. However, it is not always that simple, especially these days, where many Germans not only speak English fluently, but all too often want to use you as an audience for their linguistic talents. So even if you are thinking moving to Germany, or are already here, simply immersing yourself in the daily life of the country will not be enough. Luckily, help is at hand, in the shape of Vocalex, a new form of teaching software from Lingusoft. Quite simply, learning a new language ...

Data hacking by China likely led to demise of Canada IT giant Nortel
Post Date: 2012-02-27 02:03:36 by Tatarewicz
An electronic stealth operation allegedly based in China hacks into Nortel Networks Inc., Canada’s high-flying telecom superstar, loots its secrets for a decade and, says one cyber-security expert, contributes to the company’s fatal implosion. Queen’s University professor David Skillicorn points out that after the hackers penetrated Nortel around 2000, they began stealing technical papers, research and development reports, and strategic business plans. After that, Nortel couldn’t compete for contracts “because the hackers had their technical knowledge, their financials, their bids, before they submitted them,” Skillicorn told Postmedia News. “How can you ...

We Want $2.50 Per Gallon Gas—We Want Newt Gingrich!
Post Date: 2012-02-26 22:57:07 by wudidiz
.Poster Comment:help

Apostrophe Abuse
Post Date: 2012-02-25 10:32:13 by christine
"your so kewl lets get 2gether sumtim" Sometimes a person can wonder if anyone knows how to spell anymore. Sometimes a person has to wonder if teachers have just given up on grammar and punctuation altogether. Sometimes a person wonders what all the fuss is about if other people can figure out what's being said. Are you well-versed in homophones, possessive pronouns, and punctuation? Do you know why apostrophes are being overworked and underpaid? Do you spend so much time text messaging on your phone that you no longer know how to spell without numbers? Do you wonder why the non-word "gooder" is in the title? Go on, take the quiz and see what the teacher would give ...

'It's not the life I want to live', says Chinese worker
Post Date: 2012-02-25 02:50:12 by Tatarewicz
BEIJING - With no idea about her future, Liu Ye walked along the country road that took her home in Central China's Hunan province in July. The 25-year-old migrant worker was returning from neighboring Guangdong province because her parents expected her to date a local man, marry and settle in her hometown to support them in their old age. Liu took her first job in a shoe factory in Shenzhen eight years ago after graduating from a junior middle school. "I wanted to relieve my family's financial burden. It was costing my parents more than 20,000 yuan ($3,174) a year to have four children in school," Liu said. In 2003, as a new assembly line worker in the factory, she ...

New York Man 'Grows' Six Inches Through Surgery
Post Date: 2012-02-25 00:38:04 by Tatarewicz
At five foot, six inches, Apotheosis was shorter than the average American male and very unhappy about it. So he did something other men who feel short might consider unthinkable: he opted for costly, painful surgeries to make himself "grow" a total of six inches. "I realized that the world looked at me a certain way that I didn't look at myself in that certain way," said the 37-year-old New Yorker, who goes by the pseudonym "Apotheosis" in online forums and asked that "20/20" not use his real name. "I wanted the way I felt about myself and the way the world felt about me to be similar." Apotheosis is one of a "growing" ...

... just adjust your attitude & Thank God you have a job
Post Date: 2012-02-24 12:14:29 by uselesseater
... just adjust your attitude & Thank God you have a job ".... It's sobering to realize that this has been and is happening everywhere in this country to people with far less stamina or intent to control their own life. ... " That line is brought up front to keep focus on my intent, what I am trying to communicate while some shill prepares their posts for reply ... what the hell chance does a person have of breaking out of this if they are completely oblivious to it all and blaming themselves for failing, blaming themselves for not being strong enough, blaming themselves for letting the stress get to them, etc., etc.? ********************* I tried explaining to boss ...

Public concern about effects on youth of TV dramas
Post Date: 2012-02-24 08:06:01 by Tatarewicz
BEIJING - More than 80 percent of respondents to a survey reported concerns that unwholesome TV dramas could negatively affect and mislead teenagers, according to results released Thursday. The online survey, conducted among 1,210 people by the China Youth Daily Social Investigation Center, showed that 60 percent of the participants believed that TV dramas have had negative effects on teens, with only four percent of respondents saying the dramas have had positive effects. Song Jun, a senior middle school student in east China's Jiangsu province, said that she has many classmates who are addicted to such TV dramas. "Some of my female classmates dream every day of marrying a ...

Australian woman turns tables on Nigerian scammers
Post Date: 2012-02-24 07:43:30 by Tatarewicz
Nigerian email scams have become nearly as commonplace as the Internet itself. But one Australian woman wound up in jail after turning the tables--to the tune of $30,000--on a group of con artists. The Courier-Mail reports that Sarah Jane Cochrane-Ramsey, 23, was employed as an "agent" in March 2010 by the Nigerians, but didn't know they were scam artists. Her "job" was to provide access to an Australian bank account opened in her name where the Nigerians could then transfer money they had received from a phony car sales website. Cochrane-Ramsey was told she could keep eight percent of the transfers. But, then she decided to steal from the thieves themselves. ...

Romney Paul Ticket? Would you hold your nose or do it gladly? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2012-02-23 03:43:54 by titorite
On the very off chance of a Romney Paul Ticket.... Would you do it? As I think about it...That would be I victory of sorts...... Although I wouldn't want to be Romney on that ticket...... I vote for it. Gladly... But thats me... Would you hold you nose or vote for paul in a vp position with pride?

Plenty of Learning Options for New Wave of NY Urban Beekeepers
Post Date: 2012-02-23 02:21:54 by Tatarewicz
NEW YORK—As new beekeepers pop up around the five boroughs two years after a city law was amended, taking introductory classes can help newcomers avoid mistakes and learn what beekeeping entails. “Once urban beekeeping became legal [in New York City] … a lot of people just got the bees and they were very, very excited about it,” said Andrew Coté, founder of two groups dealing with bees, including the New York City Beekeepers Association. “And two weeks later they forgot that they had bees on the roof.” During a talk at the Horticultural Society of New York, Coté described the classes the association offers. “[You] learn about how to be ...

Tell me now...
Post Date: 2012-02-22 20:01:58 by Eric Stratton
Anyone want anything from the Fox News store at the Minneapolis airport while I'm waiting for my connecting flight? LOL The koolaid cooler in there was empty, ... sorry. I can see if they have mugs w/ a pair of large spheres and a long trunk to suck your favorite hogwash from. And yes Virginia, there really is a Schlock Ooze store here. ... amazing what shrilled in this kountry are preoccupied with.

Police technique for avoiding drunk driving charge
Post Date: 2012-02-21 05:02:44 by Tatarewicz
VANCOUVER — According to an addiction expert, Benjamin "Monty" Robinson suffered from severe alcohol dependence at the time of a fatal crash 3 1/2 years ago. It was "quite obvious" Robinson was also depressed, Dr. Paul Sobey told a B.C. Supreme Court judge in New Westminster Monday. Robinson, a 41-year-old RCMP corporal, is charged with obstruction of justice in connection with the incident that killed motorcyclist Orion Hutchinson, 21, in Delta, B.C. Robinson is best known as the officer in charge of three other Mounties at Vancouver International Airport who Tasered distraught and disoriented Polish immigrant Robert Dziekanski in October of 2007, shortly before ...

Never Forget Your Keys, Phone or Lipstick Ever Again
Post Date: 2012-02-20 23:48:04 by Tatarewicz
ScienceDaily (Feb. 20, 2012) — RFID tags are becoming ubiquitous, shops, warehouses, libraries and others use them for stock and inventory control and to reduce the risk of theft. Now, a team in Dubai has developed the concept of an IPURSE, a mobile platform that keeps track of tiny RFID tags you stick to or insert into your personal possessions, mobile phone, camera, laptop, keys other gadgets and even mundane objects such as notebooks and cosmetics. Writing in the International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications, Mohamed Watfa of the University of Wollongong in Dubai and his research team in the faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, Manprabhjot ...

Scroogle.org down?
Post Date: 2012-02-20 15:16:37 by Eric Stratton
Scroogle.org seems to be permanently down. It's been down for days. I know that they've had trouble with Google for a few weeks. Anyone know anymore? Big Brutha?

Prayers for Lod [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2012-02-19 22:32:03 by christine
I just received news that Jim was taken to the hospital several days ago for a bleeding ulcer and is not doing well. They have him on a respirator and he's not lucid. That's all I know tonight.

NASCAR demonstrates bias against Southerners
Post Date: 2012-02-19 18:28:05 by X-15
NASCAR officials are refusing to allow professional golfer Bubba Watson to drive the ‘General Lee’ car at Phoenix as originally planned over ‘concerns about a negative reaction to an image of the Confederate flag on its roof.’ This is another example of cultural discrimination against the Southern people. NASCAR would bend over backwards to appease any other cultural or national group but the people from whose culture NASCAR actually arose are spit on once again. Officials said they want to be more ‘inclusive,’ which in the politically-correct language we now have come to expect from NASCAR actually means to discriminate against Southerners. Watson, apparently ...

Mysticism Claims More Victims
Post Date: 2012-02-19 18:22:09 by Jethro Tull
CNN reports two recent atrocities: In central Nepal, a “40-year-old mother of two was burned alive . . . after she was accused of being a witch.” The woman “was attacked and set on fire by family members and others after a shaman allegedly accused her of casting a spell to make one of her relatives sick.” Meanwhile, Iran’s Supreme Court threatens a Canadian citizen with execution because the man “wrote a program to upload photos to the Internet.” That became a legal issue when a different party used the program “to upload pornography,” which, the court found, resulted in “insulting and desecrating Islam.” What enables such atrocities ...

Did anyone's gas prces rise 5 cents overnight?
Post Date: 2012-02-19 11:52:21 by F.A. Hayek Fan
We jumped from 3.19 to 3.24 overnight. If it's this high this early in the year, summer's going to be a bitch.

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