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Studious Chinese cat recovering from surgery
Post Date: 2011-08-26 04:03:32 by Tatarewicz
BEIJING - A stray cat famous for listening to lectures at Peking University is receiving treatment at a pet hospital after it suffered leg injuries. Studious cat recovering from surgery The injured cat receives treatment at a pet hospital in Beijing's Dongcheng district on Tuesday. [Photo/ China Daily] Students at the university became concerned about the fluffy yellow feline, which netizens nicknamed "Academic Cat" because of its studious habits, after they noticed the animal was struggling to walk. Liu Yi, a university student, said she often fed the cat tidbits when it visited her college laboratory but had rarely seen it this summer until last week, when her friend ...

Lead levels among Swiss drop sharply
Post Date: 2011-08-25 05:05:38 by Tatarewicz
Concentrations of lead in the blood of the Swiss population have fallen five-fold since the phasing out of leaded petrol in the 1980s. In a Federal Health Office study adults were found to have 20.6 micrograms of lead on average per litre of blood (µg/l), while children had a level of 14.7 µg/l. These results are well below the World Health Organization safety threshold of 100 µg/l, set in 1995, although some scientists claim that exposure to lead at lower levels can also be harmful. The dramatic fall in lead levels in recent decades can mainly be attributed to the introduction of unleaded petrol in 1985, the study says. The average concentration level for children ...

School's milk crates fall foul of health and safety police
Post Date: 2011-08-24 00:43:22 by Tatarewicz
For 15 years, a set of disused milk crates had been providing children at an Oxfordshire school with old-fashioned fun. But that was before the health and safety zealots caught sight of them. School's milk crates fall foul of health and safety police Milk crates have been used for years as props for countless games involving ships, cars, dens and castles Now the 25 crates, which have been used as props for countless games involving ships, cars, dens and castles, have been taken away over fears that pupils could be injured on them. "In all the time we have had the crates, we have not had a single child hurt themselves," said Anne Bardsley, a teacher at Wychwood Primary ...

My house just shook (6.0 earthquake in VA)
Post Date: 2011-08-23 14:10:40 by Jethro Tull
Pretty incredible. My entire house shook hard x 2. I thought it got hit by a truck. Well, there's a first for everything :)

Mayan secrets about 2012 to be released by Mexican government
Post Date: 2011-08-23 04:11:46 by Tatarewicz
August 21, 2011 – MEXICO – The Mexican government is releasing state-held secrets about the end of the Mayan calendar to the makers of a documentary, “Revelations of the Mayans 2012 and Beyond,” TheWrap has learned. The information — protected for 80 years — is expected to reveal Mayan beliefs in future catastrophes and wisdom characterized as “shocking,” producer Raul Julia-Levy, son of actor Raul Julia, told TheWrap. The end of the Mayan calendar in December 2012 has long given rise to theories and speculation about the end of the world. The agreement will allow Julia-Levy to film in never-before-seen locations. “The Mayans used to construct ...

Elusive lager yeast found in Patagonian forest
Post Date: 2011-08-23 02:20:06 by Tatarewicz
WASHINGTON — Deep in the forests of South America's Patagonia region, scientists have tracked down the wild ancestor of the yeast that makes cold-brewing ale possible, according to a US study published Monday. The finding provides the missing piece in a centuries-long tale of beer-drinking, today a $250 billion a year industry, that began with the first batches of European lager brewed in the cool, dank caves of Bavaria. "People have been hunting for this thing for decades," said Chris Todd Hittinger, a University of Wisconsin-Madison genetics professor and a co-author of the study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. "And now we've found ...

Future of fish farming - study
Post Date: 2011-08-23 00:49:54 by Tatarewicz
Fish-farm critics got a high-profile assist on the first day of the Cohen commission’s hearings on disease in fish populations, when former Vancouver Canucks defenceman Willie Mitchell showed up to advocate for closed-containment pens. Mr. Mitchell, who grew up in the coastal fishing community of Port McNeill, B.C., had already sent the inquiry a written submission. In it, he called on the public inquiry to recommend fish farms move to closed containment to eliminate mortality stemming from sea lice. Fish-farm opponents have argued that sea lice from the facilities are to blame for the collapse in Fraser River sockeye in 2009 – a collapse the commission was set up to ...

Planned outage this evening, 11 PM ET
Post Date: 2011-08-21 21:21:51 by Pinguinite
I'm going to take the web site down late this evening and see what kind of maintenance I can do on the DB as it may be time for a tune up. It'll probably take a few hours to do all the work as the DB is quite big. I'll kick it off maybe around 11 PM eastern time.

Weapons of Mass Infection (sarc)
Post Date: 2011-08-21 05:13:00 by noone222
Poster Comment:Time Out for a little appreciation for what truly "rules" the world !!!

Chinese police probe missing purchased Vietnamese wives
Post Date: 2011-08-21 04:23:15 by Tatarewicz
CHANGSHA - Police in central China's Hunan Province said Saturday they have launched an investigation into missing Vietnamese women -- who were bought as wives -- in its remote villages. The probe comes after media reports said some husbands of the missing women received phone calls telling them to pay ransoms, or otherwise, the women would be sold again. About 100 purchased Vietnamese wives are missing from Hunan's mountainous regions. Hu Qiulai and Hu Jianhe are from the same remote mountainous village in Shuangfeng County of Hunan; they lost their wives on the same day. Then two months later, they received phone calls from their wives. "She sobbed and told me that she ...

Lifeguard Sues State-Fired After Refusing to Wear Speedo
Post Date: 2011-08-20 20:23:13 by HOUNDDAWG
The dreaded Speedo swimsuit that many men find objectionable is actually causing some major problems for one 61-year old lifeguard in Long Island’s Jones Beach, who is suing the state after being fired for refusing to wear the curve-hugging swimwear. After some four decades as a lifeguard, Roy Lester was fired from the job in 2007 after he refused to squeeze into the skimpy bathing attire for the annual swim test. The 61-year-old obviously thought the look undignified for men of a certain age, and preferred wearing a pair of biking shorts. For this, Lester lost his job. But now, citing age discrimination, Lester has sued the state. He is arguing that the Speedo is intended for men ...

Hey...where is Cynicom? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2011-08-20 13:18:28 by abraxas
Hey...where is Cynicom? I hope that he is doing well and knows that he is missed around here. I saw this image and it reminded me of Cyni....

'NY towers downed by termite demolition'
Post Date: 2011-08-20 06:50:58 by Tatarewicz
Interview with Mark Dankof, former US Senate Candidate The US has successfully tested a new type of powerful High-Density Reactive Materials (HDRM) that doesn't throw steel shrapnel and ignites a chemical explosion with a lot more energy than anything seen before. Missiles containing the HDRM can explode with five times the energy of the most powerful existing armament. The new material is a mixture of metals and polymers and is said to be as dense as steel. US Navy scientists claim that projectiles containing the new compound are less likely to kill bystanders. In a Press TV interview, Mark Dankof, former US Senate Candidate, shed more light into this development. The following is ...

West Memphis Three Could Go Free As Early As Today [Update]
Post Date: 2011-08-19 20:00:13 by James Deffenbach
Update, 1:13 PM: A judge has accepted an Alford plea and all three men have been freed. The case of the “West Memphis Three”- wherein three young men have spent nearly two decades in a prison for a horrific crime many believe they did not commit- could finally be drawing to an end. It has long been believe that the trio- Damien Echols, now 36, Jesse Misskelley, also 36 and Jason Baldwin, 34- were railroaded based on their appearance and some typical teenage angst. Fears of satanic influence coupled with the boys’ interests and behavior led to a death sentence for Echols, and life in prison for the other two- all teens at the time of the shocking 1993 murders of three local ...

Neurosurgeons Face Highest Malpractice Risk
Post Date: 2011-08-19 06:34:32 by Tatarewicz
August 18, 2011 — A new study evaluating malpractice risk by specialty has bad news for neurosurgeons — they are getting sued more often than other physicians. In the New England Journal of Medicine study, published August 18, investigators show the proportion of neurosurgeons dealing with a claim each year is 19%, compared with 5% in family medicine. Why are neurosurgeons topping such a nefarious list? Senior investigator Amitabh Chandra, PhD, from Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, told Medscape Medical News the reasons aren't what the malpractice lawyers might argue. "Some will say the numbers are high because neurosurgeons are at the helm of the ...

Post Date: 2011-08-19 02:17:26 by HOUNDDAWG
This pic was snapped by my 25 year old puppy with his digital camera. In the past he's returned with inexplicable orbs from this dark bridge. (You've seen one you've seen 'em all) There are no street lights on this rural road so he avails of either moonlight and/or camera flash. The bridge is about 30 yards long and 18 feet wide and the object in the background is a street sign. There are no other signs or objects in the foreground or middle of the bridge. The bridge has dark colored guard rails. This bridge was a fave destination because of the noises and orbs, but this pic gave us all a genuine case of the willies and "Snakeyboy" and his squeeze, ...

China Seniors to have State pensions
Post Date: 2011-08-18 04:21:25 by Tatarewicz
BEIJING - Urban and rural senior citizens will be receiving State pensions by 2015, according to a statement issued on Wednesday following an executive meeting of the State Council, China's Cabinet. The meeting, which was presided over by Premier Wen Jiabao, discussed and endorsed the nation's 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015) on senior citizens. During those five years, the number of mainland Chinese who are 60 or older will go from 178 million to 221 million and from making up 13.3 percent of the entire population to 16 percent, the statement noted. The government will work toward ensuring that all senior citizens in both rural and urban places receive state pensions by the end ...

My journey of discovery: Corruption - Disinfo - Fear Mongering of 2012. What 2012 is NOT and what the REAL meanings of Apocalypse and Revelations are. We should all aim to be "Illuminati"!
Post Date: 2011-08-17 22:04:05 by christine
I am still writing about Truth in this article as I try and write about Truth in all I post about. I feel the time has come for me to write this under my "Questioning All" blog, though it is a personal account of my growing in understanding of Universal Laws. I am not claiming to know all the answers, I am still on a journey, but I am writing about my journey and understanding up until this point. I am someone for some reason (maybe it is because I am a Libra - Justice and scales) that I absolutely want truth and try to uncover it in anyway possible. Let me start this by saying when I first became what I term "awake and aware" in 2008, I freaked out. I began finding ...

President Bill Bonner - a fantasy
Post Date: 2011-08-17 08:25:29 by Tatarewicz
As you know, we have renounced all political involvement here at The Daily Reckoning. We are smirking observers...not earnest world- improvers, nor even willing participants in the political process. And if, by some accident, we were suddenly elected president we would immediately demand a recount! But what a great thing it would be to be president of the USA today! Such a great opportunity... ..we would go on TV...nationwide...Prime Time...and, with gravity in our voice and mischief in our heart...announce: My fellow citizens. We are faced with a choice. Either we continue with our program of trying to police the entire world. Or we give it up. If we continue, we will go broke. And our ...

Tourist trains set off from Moscow to Beijing for 15-day trip
Post Date: 2011-08-17 06:35:00 by Tatarewicz
MOSCOW, Aug. 15 (Xinhua) -- The first two tourist trains from Russia's capital city of Moscow to the Chinese capital city of Beijing officially set off on Monday, bringing some 400 passengers aboard to tour cities in Russia, Mongolia and China. According to the Russian Railways (RZD), tourists from 20 countries and regions are going to spend two weeks on their way to Beijing through major Russian cities along the Trans-Siberian route and Mongolian capital of Ulan Bator. The passengers are served in seven languages before they arrive in Beijing on Aug. 29. Italian tourist Franco Orsoni told Xinhua that he had spent 5, 000 euros (about 7222.5 U.S. dollars) for the trip. "I ...

Post Date: 2011-08-17 01:55:08 by wudidiz
There's a priest and a rabbi standing outside the church. A five year old boy runs by and into the church. The priest says to the rabbi, "Let's go in there and fuck him." The rabbi says, "Out of what?"

Swiss airport transit fines are “embarrassing”
Post Date: 2011-08-16 06:54:03 by Tatarewicz
Switzerland Tourism said it went against their efforts to present a good first impression of the country Related Stories Saving money by crossing the Swiss border by Jessica Dacey, swissinfo.ch Fines slapped on thousands of travellers transiting through Switzerland without the correct paperwork have been described as bad PR for Swiss tourism. According to the Tages-Anzeiger newspaper, in 2009-2010 over 6,700 people received fines of SFr200-650 ($255-830) for legally spending over three months in another Schengen zone country but making the mistake of travelling back home via Switzerland. Under Swiss law, the limit for staying in the region without a visa is three months. Several ...

Alien "implants" C2CAM
Post Date: 2011-08-16 05:13:46 by Tatarewicz
Anyone visit CoastToCoastAM website to view Roger Leir's implants taken from patients? I suspect from the data given these are agglomerations of surplus elements/metals that the body is sequestering same way that bladder and other stones crystallize in certain people.

Check this out ... Way Cool!
Post Date: 2011-08-15 21:34:23 by Eric Stratton
Click for Full Text!

(My title) 2nd major AmeriKan city to enter racial lock down
Post Date: 2011-08-15 15:35:24 by Jethro Tull
Plaza mayhem prompts call for change Posted:  08/15/2011 12:25 PM    More Top Stories >> Next >> By MIKE HENDRICKS and ERIC ADLERThe Kansas City StarKansas City Mayor Sly James vowed Sunday that he’d take steps to end large, nighttime gatherings of unsupervised teenagers and preteens on the Country Club Plaza by holding parents to account. How, he didn’t know.But whatever plan is developed, it will be a joint effort of the mayor and the City Council, James said after consultation with school officials, police and the juvenile court, among others. And James promised that the plan will be in place before next ...

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